Originally Posted by FeroxC
When she says dev, i interpret it as she contributed to the game, you dont need to be a programmer to be a developer and its well known female programmers are a myth  .
Lol, I know you are being funny, but I so wanted to come back with some woman programmer I know. Only thing is, I so can't come up with one, all the programmers I know personally are men, and I'm too lazy to research this.
Important lesson being that if I haven't seen it, it must not exsist... like 6 AM. "Early Morning," right, whatever, keep inhaling.
On topic (I think), we do have to cut her some slack because she really is just a person trying to do her job as go between. I'm all against the loot scaling because I think (really quick recap) that it will adversely effect the more casual players when it comes to advancing their characters past end-game, cutting a great game short. I'm a long time player and I now have yet to hop on for more than a minute each day. But having said that, we are people too and have that human tendency to treat the messenger as if they were a faceless entity responsible for all our plights.
So, as a community we need to say sorry to Gaile for anyone that has taken things too far. I haven't seen anything because the Mods have been good about removing bad posts, but I trust their judgement here. I think we all know tasteless when we see it.
However, we the community are people too, and even though all the legal asspects are taken care of on the company's part, I will still always expect that the company communicate with me/us the consumer. One doesn't exist without the other, and I will be checking in periodically, hoping to at least see someone acknowledge that a large part of the community feels that some fun is lost. I for one have left, and I know of so many more. We are organizing for other games, but it doesn't have to be this way. I don't beleive the scaling will ever be reversed, but I'd love to see someone say that something is being looked at in regards to skill acquisition at the very least. I don't feel we've been heard here.
EDIT: LMAO, I just realized that this thread I am posting in is a thread Gaile said she is leaving behind her and not reading. I guess she'll never get this message, but oh well, it can't be an original thought. I thought I was posting in a smaller thread I also subscribe to. Well, someone tell her sorry for bad behavior... but also that we want to be heard on this.