Originally Posted by Lycan X
Obviously you didnt read any of the other posts & just jumped in. 
yes I did read some (not all) of the other posts in this thread.
What do I see?
I see people accusing Anet of intentionally rolling back their accounts to set back their progress on titles. I'm not disputing the fact that Anet has the ability to change individual accounts. I have no doubt that they can, they just chose not to. I am saying Why would they do that? Why would they selectively rollback accounts? You say because you were afking...well so was I...so why didn't I get rolled back? They can very easily stop people from AFKing on the rings if they really wanted to, it would piss people off but not nearly as much as rolling back titles and progress as people are suggesting.
Why would they intentionally do something to piss off players who just want afk-play the games on the boardwalk, which, under the current system, is allowed? There is a very reasonable explanation...ie your connection sucks or the Anet servers aren't handling the large numbers of players well...but you refuse to accept that Anet does not have malicious intent in regards to your account (why would they...you are their customer!). Instead you wear your tinfoil hat thinking that Anet is out to get you along with the CIA and their mind probes called "hands-free devices".
Take off the tinfoil hat it's attracting microwaves and frying your brain people.
(note when I referred to "you" in this post it is referring to the people accusing anet of selective rollbacks, it's not directed to the person I quoted above)