Mass error 7 :D



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006



Originally Posted by Thunder79
Now while the problem isn't something that is caused by Anet's is a problem that Anet needs to address...rollbacks and err7's due to connection issues that cause you to lose progress. Obviously there's a big enough issue to cause a lot of people to be affected by it. It seems to affect people the most when there are large concentrations of people in districts, such as for the boardwalk games.

Obviously you didnt read any of the other posts & just jumped in.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2006

Chaos Rising

Originally Posted by Lycan X
Obviously you didnt read any of the other posts & just jumped in.
yes I did read some (not all) of the other posts in this thread.

What do I see?

I see people accusing Anet of intentionally rolling back their accounts to set back their progress on titles. I'm not disputing the fact that Anet has the ability to change individual accounts. I have no doubt that they can, they just chose not to. I am saying Why would they do that? Why would they selectively rollback accounts? You say because you were afking...well so was why didn't I get rolled back? They can very easily stop people from AFKing on the rings if they really wanted to, it would piss people off but not nearly as much as rolling back titles and progress as people are suggesting.

Why would they intentionally do something to piss off players who just want afk-play the games on the boardwalk, which, under the current system, is allowed? There is a very reasonable your connection sucks or the Anet servers aren't handling the large numbers of players well...but you refuse to accept that Anet does not have malicious intent in regards to your account (why would are their customer!). Instead you wear your tinfoil hat thinking that Anet is out to get you along with the CIA and their mind probes called "hands-free devices".

Take off the tinfoil hat it's attracting microwaves and frying your brain people.

(note when I referred to "you" in this post it is referring to the people accusing anet of selective rollbacks, it's not directed to the person I quoted above)



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005


Originally Posted by lucifer_uk
When you say wrote down... do you mean screenies by any chance because what your saying is that you logged in again before doing anything else checking and it was set at 25,372. It then had a negative of 39 to reach 25,333 when you next logged in again.
i didn't get screenies, i just wrote what i had down on some paper so i could figure out how many points i got while i was sleaping, i wasn't expecting the servers to go batty . and yes i lost around 20k in tickets, and 39 luky points between 5 and 9 a.m. central. unluky is only around 2k , so i'm pretty sure that's not where it went.

like i said before i accept that there was a bug, or something iniintentional that caused this - as there's no logical reason i can see for them to be punishing people for doing what they intended the mini-game for. 20k isn't all that hard to make up if i need it.

Bryant Again

Bryant Again

Hall Hero

Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by WildmouseX
...and yes i lost around 20k in tickets, and 39 luky points between 5 and 9 a.m. central...
Oh snap, you didn't even get your tickets back? That really sucks...



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Feb 2006

North Kryta Province

Angel Sharks [As]

Originally Posted by Thunder79
Take off the tinfoil hat it's attracting microwaves and frying your brain people.
When people say "selective rollbacks", they don't mean to suggest that Anet is playing big brother and choosing just their accounts to rollback. They mean to suggest that Anet is trying out some coding that, whether it's working or not, is rolling back accounts that AFK for a period of time. I hardly see that as "far-fetched" and a "grand conspiracy", not that I agree with them.

Geesh, talk about over-exaggerating...



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005

Originally Posted by Thunder79
afker here...but not by choice.

I got busy with other things around the house and forgot I had left my game to go upstairs to get something. When I did that, I got busy...and I didn't come back for about 11 hours (worked for about 7 hours, then sat down on the couch upstairs to watch some TV on the HDTV for about 4 hours). When I came back down stairs I fully expected to see my game sitting at the login screen...or very little progress made on my titles while working on Rings of Fortune (working on Unlucky title).

I came back to my character still standing on the rings...with 5 stacks less of tickets and my progress towards Unlucky went from about 6,000 games of chance lost to about 9300. I would say the problems with err7 and rollbacks are connection problems that people are having to the servers, and nothing that Anet is doing. Your character is simply rubber banding or losing it's connection without the client realizing it. Then when the client actually does realize it lost it's gets updated server data or err's out. When the person logs back in they see the data from when they lost a connection. Which could be several hours worth.

In summary...quit blaming your connection problems on something Anet is doing intentionally. They are obviously not out to try to ruin the fun of people playing the game...however they play it. If they wanted to make sure people didn't afk the rings they would insert code to kick you out after a couple hours or a few minutes of being afk which they haven't done since people can obviously stay on much longer than a couple hours.

Now while the problem isn't something that is caused by Anet's is a problem that Anet needs to address...rollbacks and err7's due to connection issues that cause you to lose progress. Obviously there's a big enough issue to cause a lot of people to be affected by it. It seems to affect people the most when there are large concentrations of people in districts, such as for the boardwalk games.
I'd say that you have an extremely limited grasp of technology, and should stop mouthing off and criticising others when you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

Err=007s are by no means exclusively reserved for problems with the connection between your home and the ANet servers. One very frequent causes of Err=007 is when your connection drops due to an error in Guild Wars, either in the client or in the server software.

Many of us who were 007'd had been standing around talking in guild chats. You could argue the likelihood of chat servers being seperate from game servers, but the ring games are controlled server-side. Just like everything else that deals with anything that could be exploited for profit. That means that for as long as you're getting knocked down and gaining points in the Nine Rings, it's coming through to the server.

This is not a connection problem. If you absolutely must hazard a guess without knowing much about a subject, start with a suggestion instead of a conclusion, and definitely do not criticise others when you are in fact very likely to be wrong, as you are here.

Kuldebar Valiturus

Kuldebar Valiturus

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2006

Garden City, Idaho

The Order of Relumination (TOoR)


Yes, Error 7's do occur and with all the recent updates during the last few weeks it's not really too shocking to consider that there might be some glitches along the way.

Unfortunately, this topic is a little bit too open ended in regards to the scope of the Technician's Corner and it is equally unlikely to ever reach a satisfying I shall grant this thread the coup de grâce.