Why is ECTO price in the toilet?
Correct Jeans
lol. The funny thing is that something like this happening is like the stock market crashing for half of the guild wars players.
Lucifer PVP
i found the new hotness
Why are ectos in the toilet?
You ever see an ecto?
They're just going home!
Thank you, thank you! I'm here 'til Thursday! Try the veal!
You ever see an ecto?
They're just going home!
Thank you, thank you! I'm here 'til Thursday! Try the veal!
Originally Posted by Lucifer PVP
i found the new hotness
Dang that's alot of sweets!
Lucifer PVP
Originally Posted by ArTy
Did you buy or farm all of those?
Dang that's alot of sweets! |
purchased all of them for 45-55k each hope to resell later on for 122k-250k each but we will see.. got bored and decided to waste some money.
Originally Posted by Andisa Kalorn
Much more than ectos have decreased in price. Shards, rubies, sapphires, monstrous claws/fangs among the rare crafting materials. And it's not even just rare crafting materials. Superior runes and dyes are also cheaper. I doubt it's all a coincidence.
I personally like the drop in price.
Originally Posted by Lucifer PVP
i found the new hotness
BTW, this amount is really amazing, well done
It's a combination of factors:
- Loot scaling and ectos being exempt from this have caused a flood of farming in the Underworld, as people who previously farmed other areas have migrated there
- The removal of the anti-farming code = more ectos dropping
- Passage scrolls
- Panic selling - people who realised that the price of ectos might be affected due to the points mentioned above began to sell their investments, and others followed = downward spiral.