HM drying up?
Has anyone else noticed that valuable drops in HM are drying up? When HM first came out, I used to get some gold drops and a lot of purples. Lately its all whites with the occasional blue. The thing is, this is not the first time that I have noticed this. The same thing happened when Nightfall was first released. I played the whole game in a threesome with my wife and brother and heroes. We got a lot of nice drops when the game was new, but lately nothing. The first couple of nights in DOA, the chests dropped me 2 gloom shields, several shadow weapons, igneous weapons, etc... after a few days all I got were those wing wands. So... I suppose that some fanboy types, or anet plants will come on and say it is luck, but I have seen too many examples otherwise. Do they sweeten the drops early on to get us into something then lower the rate? anet giveth and anet taketh away?
I have also noticed I can figure is they have a system of diminishing returns set up. I have also heard the same thing happening to the chests scattered around NF. My first couple hard runs in the desolation I was dropping at the minimum 3-4 golds per I am extremely fortunate to get a purple. I wouldn't rule out the possibility of this being a new form of anti-farm would certainly discourage repeated zone clearing by way of worse and worse drops every time. Would be interested to see if others have had a similar outcome.
I haven't had similar outcome. I still get about 2 golds per mish and several purples.
Bruce Leeroy
Ive been getting nothing but whites/blues from killing mobs while I was looking for cupcakes. This is solo farming hard mode. Loot scaling seems to have turned Hard mode drops into normal mode drops.
Vanquishing an area at the start of HM yielded about 3-5 golds per area, now I'm down to 0-1...So it seems like the drops are getting worse over time
I hate to say it because I know they keep denying it, but this behavior is in keeping with the idea that the more people in an area the worse the drops get.
it does seem they may have "tweaked" the drops a little bit since the release of HM.
Take your pick:
Either they lied to us about removing "antifarm" code, or they suddenly said "Holy crap, we're being looser than a vegas street walker", and turned the tap off.
Either way, they are messing around with us.
Take your pick:
Either they lied to us about removing "antifarm" code, or they suddenly said "Holy crap, we're being looser than a vegas street walker", and turned the tap off.
Either way, they are messing around with us.
Nothing unexpected here.
Then again, getting one gold every 2 minutes was a bit much.
Hard mode is way too easy to solo farm, not to mention bottable, and now the only thing they can do, is adjust the loot tables.
Then again, getting one gold every 2 minutes was a bit much.
Hard mode is way too easy to solo farm, not to mention bottable, and now the only thing they can do, is adjust the loot tables.
Bryant Again
Yeup yeup. The only golds I've been getting are from chests.
Didn't they say that they fixed this...?
Didn't they say that they fixed this...?
yes, I have noticed the drops getting worse as I redo an first I was getting golds, tomes and lots of loot.....last night I got 10 items...none purple, 1 light blue and no golds....and almost no gold coins either (my first 20 kills netted me NOTHING......)
(I am using the same group of people I do each the only thing that has changed is the time I have spent redoing the areas.---I also went and did some missions, capped a few skills, finished some quests in hopes that that would 'reset' any farming codes still in place.)
yes, I believe that they might have said they changed it, but the code may not have been changed (correctly, completely---whatever)....either way I think the code is still working for anti-farming.
(I am using the same group of people I do each the only thing that has changed is the time I have spent redoing the areas.---I also went and did some missions, capped a few skills, finished some quests in hopes that that would 'reset' any farming codes still in place.)
yes, I believe that they might have said they changed it, but the code may not have been changed (correctly, completely---whatever)....either way I think the code is still working for anti-farming.
I used to be lucky to get a gold at all previously. Now I get several per area, sometimes a green, great runes. All in all 100% more than I used to. But then again, my account used to be cursed before hard mode. I am convinced.
I agree, 55ing the minos outside of Ice Tooth with an SS used to yield pretty good results 4+golds, a few tomes, 2 chests or so plus 2-3k. Now its 2k max...1 chest, maybe a gold drop...So Im sure there is still some kind of anti farming for HM
It's absolutely tapering off, no doubt in my mind.
The first weekend, I vanquished several areas in Elona, and my head was spinning because of the sheer amount of rares dropping all over the place. One area, Vehjin Mines, I vanquished with just heroes/henchies, and ended up with ELEVEN rares. (Five of them we're chest drops, but still!) I added almost a hundred to my Wisdom track that weekend.
Last weekend, I did a few Vabbi areas with a four people/four hero team, and we were happy to end up with a single rare each per area. Plenty of cupcakes though.
The first weekend, I vanquished several areas in Elona, and my head was spinning because of the sheer amount of rares dropping all over the place. One area, Vehjin Mines, I vanquished with just heroes/henchies, and ended up with ELEVEN rares. (Five of them we're chest drops, but still!) I added almost a hundred to my Wisdom track that weekend.
Last weekend, I did a few Vabbi areas with a four people/four hero team, and we were happy to end up with a single rare each per area. Plenty of cupcakes though.
I vanquished 2 zones yesterday with Heroes and hench and didnt get a SINGLE GOLD DROP from the 2 zones (Fahrunur, First city & Cliffs of Dohjok). I opened four locked chests and 3 of them gave me purples
& lost 3 picks in the process. I was very unimpressed with this and I'm sure some one will come out of the woodwork and tell me about my bad luck. Myself, I think Anet botched some things in HM this weekend.

I've noticed drops tend to be best around the Wintersday holiday, and also better when things are first issued or there are celebrations/holidays in-game. With the anniversary weekend and recent HM release it wouldn't surprise me at all if drops have been better the last week or so, and they're now at a lower rate where they'll stay until the next event or release.
Understand that I am by no means a fan of the loot changes made in the recent update, a quick perusal of the threads on that topic will quickly show this. However, there is one point you should consider before making a total decision on this. Was your experience with poor drop rates in HM limited to this last event weekend? If so, remember that event drops (such as cupcakes in this case) can have an impact on other item drops. I'd suggest that now that the event is over, you go and try those areas again. If they still turn up the same poor results, then the complaint is valid and it looks like we have a problem.
The real joke is that right now, drops are better in normal mode.
I just spent 45 mins, killed well over 135 monsters in hard mode. Not one gold drop. I didn't even fill the first 20 slots in my backpack with other drops. "improved loot in hard mode", my ass.....
I just spent 45 mins, killed well over 135 monsters in hard mode. Not one gold drop. I didn't even fill the first 20 slots in my backpack with other drops. "improved loot in hard mode", my ass.....
Originally Posted by berlioz7
Do they sweeten the drops early on to get us into something then lower the rate? anet giveth and anet taketh away?
I noticed that the hard mode chest purple % is way up over the last couple of days. It's not hard to infer that, if my experience is representative, that anet might have great chest drops for a little while to get the community used to the idea of paying 1.5k for a key and then reverting the chance back to normal after a while.
Drops were effected by this weekends cupcakes no question, but the weekend I was working hard on was the initial release of Hard Mode. I was using the HM Desolation to max out my Sunspear title...the drops went from incredible to basically the same as normal mode...maybe a slight increase in chance for a rare. I had tried it this past week (before 2nd b-day) and the scaling was identical no matter where I went. I am of the mind to say I think they looked at what happened during initial release, freaked, and then scaled back the drops. I've yet to run a Vanquish on a zone this week. I'd say its worth a look considering there are no events running in the near future.
Well, what they've done is going to cause as much anger in the community as the first "looting scale", when HM was introduced. Personally, I think they owe us an offical statement on the current situation.
What I think has happend, is Anet has been getting a flood of complaints from the super rich. "OMG, my uber stack of ectos is worth half now because of your stupid HM drop rates!".
What I think has happend, is Anet has been getting a flood of complaints from the super rich. "OMG, my uber stack of ectos is worth half now because of your stupid HM drop rates!".
Something else odd that I encountered yesterday.
I was farming Corsairs (trying for a colossal) and the first 5 runs I got golds (no colossals, got a req 11 gold tattooed tho) and then the next 10 runs I got nothing. So I went and vanquished a zone (because I to do not believe that anet dumped anti farm code) to reset my drop rate, went back and 10 more runs, not a single gold. I understand it's all random and that there is no pattern but it seems odd that I would get 5 in a row and then nothing for 20+ runs. I went to a few other farming spots and got no golds. I then went back to the corsairs and did a few more, still nothing.
I was farming Corsairs (trying for a colossal) and the first 5 runs I got golds (no colossals, got a req 11 gold tattooed tho) and then the next 10 runs I got nothing. So I went and vanquished a zone (because I to do not believe that anet dumped anti farm code) to reset my drop rate, went back and 10 more runs, not a single gold. I understand it's all random and that there is no pattern but it seems odd that I would get 5 in a row and then nothing for 20+ runs. I went to a few other farming spots and got no golds. I then went back to the corsairs and did a few more, still nothing.
Andisa Kalorn
I don't think it's an anti-farm code, as I've been seeing it happen even though I've been vanquishing completely different areas. At first I saw tons of golds drop. Yesterday I vanquished 7 areas, and got all of 3 gold drops for it.
Lots of purples still though.
How would the cupcakes have affected the drops? They drop in addition to normal loot, they don't replace it.

How would the cupcakes have affected the drops? They drop in addition to normal loot, they don't replace it.
You guys must have been having better luck than me. I got squat in HM when it first started and I still get squat. Not really a big deal for me though. Most of the time, I'm just happy playing the game.
The Great Al
HM isn't going to be more popular/successful until Anet realizes that greater challenge should equal greater rewards. When the drops gets better, and the titles gain some significance, you'll see more people playing.
Sir Skullcrasher
I haven't try farming in HM yet but from my past experiences, the first few runs you'll guarantee gold or decent drops. After a while farming at same spots over and over again, you'll see ok to decent drops but rare one are hard to get.
I don't really know what it is, if it's anything at all other than just bad luck, but I've seen the drops become pitiful now. When HM first came out and I was doing missions, my groups would get at least 10 gold weapons PER mission. Now I'm lucky to see 10 gold weapons a day drop for my groups. Heck, I'm lucky to see half of that drop in a day... and rarely is it ever for me. I'm getting a ton of purple now.
I get a ton of purples as well now and I should have noted that on my farming runs I did receive a ton of purple drops. I dont expect a gold drop every run, but is it unreasonable to expect one every few runs when soloing 40+ monsters? I don't think so...
Mister Overhill
Did Aurora Glade and Riverside Province with a PUG last night in hard mode, and we all got several nice golds and purples.
I think there is character /age discrimination too
I prefer to play my longer if not longest standing characters, they tend to have the most options and the most fun to play for me.
These characters, and my primary in particular hardly ever see a gold or green, even through entire chapters.
Meanwhile newer up and comings ones occasionally fall over golds if not greens. It's odd and where sure I like it on them, what about my fave?
Anyways yeah in general I got turned back on to 'hey maybe there's something behind the drops now' and bosses drop nothing or just cash way too much of the time, like things get stuck or something, and I haven't even begun to dig in/farm -and it isnt just hard mode, solo, with heroes etc -
I headed to undead hordes reg mode with guildies for cupcakes and *nothing* dropped for half the quest, and *then* loot 'kicked on'
I mean I dont get it, there's *way* too much loot massaging going on.
Let us have some reasonable expectations and fun here.
Hard Mode brought me back to GW in the hopes of fun and good loot.
Honestly to date I've gotten *one* great gold and not more than 5 greens across my 9 character slots, 3 chapters, and almost every skill across them.
And that gold dropped when mobs were fighting eachother and actually dropped for another player, but I was showing them the run and they had pity on me
That sale kept me out of the poor house - I hate farming but then GW should make going through the game/zones/missions more rewarding.
I prefer to play my longer if not longest standing characters, they tend to have the most options and the most fun to play for me.
These characters, and my primary in particular hardly ever see a gold or green, even through entire chapters.
Meanwhile newer up and comings ones occasionally fall over golds if not greens. It's odd and where sure I like it on them, what about my fave?

Anyways yeah in general I got turned back on to 'hey maybe there's something behind the drops now' and bosses drop nothing or just cash way too much of the time, like things get stuck or something, and I haven't even begun to dig in/farm -and it isnt just hard mode, solo, with heroes etc -
I headed to undead hordes reg mode with guildies for cupcakes and *nothing* dropped for half the quest, and *then* loot 'kicked on'
I mean I dont get it, there's *way* too much loot massaging going on.
Let us have some reasonable expectations and fun here.
Hard Mode brought me back to GW in the hopes of fun and good loot.
Honestly to date I've gotten *one* great gold and not more than 5 greens across my 9 character slots, 3 chapters, and almost every skill across them.
And that gold dropped when mobs were fighting eachother and actually dropped for another player, but I was showing them the run and they had pity on me

Originally Posted by CKaz
I headed to undead hordes reg mode with guildies for cupcakes and *nothing* dropped for half the quest, and *then* loot 'kicked on'
I noticed the drops decrease 2 days ago or its a nerf to certain areas or the anti farm code back in some new form(anti farm on gold drops), maybe it was the event, so ill test it again, yay for another 2 days of farming the same area over and over, really i think anet made a mistake some where and looked at the data and said omg turn that tap off..quick quick its flooding in here.
I noticed the drops decrease 2 days ago or its a nerf to certain areas or the anti farm code back in some new form(anti farm on gold drops), maybe it was the event, so ill test it again, yay for another 2 days of farming the same area over and over, really i think anet made a mistake some where and looked at the data and said omg turn that tap off..quick quick its flooding in here.
Soul Echo
I farm at different times of the day, and it has always seemed to me that I get better drops in the morning than during 'peak' hours. A guildie of mine notices better drops late at night when there are fewer people on, too. This includes gold drops from chests in my experience.
| Cleric |
I got 6 gold drops in under 7 minutes farming lvl 30 titans. Although one was from a chest.
I rotate between,
I get an average of 2 gold drops per run with one almost always coming from a chest. However my min is 1 gold per run and my max tends to be 3 per run with the occasional lucky 4 or 5 (normally from running into a second chest).
I really haven't seen a drop in the gold rates but then again I only farm an hour a day to meet my needs.
I rotate between,
I get an average of 2 gold drops per run with one almost always coming from a chest. However my min is 1 gold per run and my max tends to be 3 per run with the occasional lucky 4 or 5 (normally from running into a second chest).
I really haven't seen a drop in the gold rates but then again I only farm an hour a day to meet my needs.
I haven't noticed a single bit of difference with the frequency of gold drops during hard mode, but then again I don't live and die for the 'rinse and repeat' method of obtaining them (aka 'farming' for a particular kind of item). Since its inception, I've averaged 2-3 gold drops per area I've vanquished, and I've done about 24 between 3 campaigns, spread out among 6 of my 9 characters.
What you need to try is this:
Sit back, relax, realize hard mode has been around all of 3 weeks, vanquish an area, move on to the next one, log out for awhile (works everytime, whether for an hour, or a day or two), grab a new character (seriously, try this, it works wonders) and try again. And don't forget to breathe in between.
All this talk of 'they screwed with the code and didn't tell us, so now I'm suffering because I'm not getting my gold drops' is rediculous, at best. It was never guaranteed, by any source, that characters would be showered with gold items simply by switching to hard mode. It was stated that your odds of receiving said gold items would increase. For those observing a lesser amount being found, you should take my advice.
What you need to try is this:
Sit back, relax, realize hard mode has been around all of 3 weeks, vanquish an area, move on to the next one, log out for awhile (works everytime, whether for an hour, or a day or two), grab a new character (seriously, try this, it works wonders) and try again. And don't forget to breathe in between.
All this talk of 'they screwed with the code and didn't tell us, so now I'm suffering because I'm not getting my gold drops' is rediculous, at best. It was never guaranteed, by any source, that characters would be showered with gold items simply by switching to hard mode. It was stated that your odds of receiving said gold items would increase. For those observing a lesser amount being found, you should take my advice.
vanquishing / missioning seem about the same to me, though really I only need to do an area once.
But while farming HM, I totally notice a difference. First few dead sword farms, it was insane. It really to me ressembles normal anti-farm behavior.
But while farming HM, I totally notice a difference. First few dead sword farms, it was insane. It really to me ressembles normal anti-farm behavior.
So, what currently favored areas would one test this data at? I might drag out my 55 gear and give it a go, this weekend.
well finding it almost impossible to make cash in normal mode I've given hard mode a go a few times, in different areas but got zip. No gold drops one purple drop and only about 1 drop per 50-100 creatures killed and they are usually things like mergoyle skulls or skale claws etc. nothing good. I'm fed up with this I can't get cash in either mode. I realise that going out in HM with heroes would reduce the drops a little but one mergoyle skull in 65 kills that's just ridiculous. I've moved around in case it's the area same everywhere I go. I did the first prophecies mission, I tried a couple of places in factions - a different campaign always the same, nothing...I'm not expecting a huge haul going out with heroes but one gold occasionally would be nice. And 1 drop every 50-100 kills is pathetic, I thought it was meant to be 1 in 8
Fed up fed up fed up...
Fed up fed up fed up...
My team always get about 5-8 gold drops in vanquish or mission.
plains of jarin hardmode, soloing all the spiders. first run: about 1200gold, a white dye, and a couple of decent purple items. second run: about 800gold, a silver dye, 2 cupcakes, and a spider web. third run: about 300gold and 2 spider webs. fourth run: a couple white non-max weapons and about 250gold.