HM drying up?
My results are similar to last few posters. I did 3 areas last night, 5 runs each
Approx. kill count per run: 20-24
Area 1
1. 2 golds 1 blue 2 whites 95 gp
2. 1 gold 2 grapes 1 white
3. 1 gold 1 grape 2 whites 103 gp
4. 2 grapes 2 whites
5. 4 whites 114 gp
Area 2
1. 1 Gold, 1 grape, 2 whites, 98, 95 gp
2. 1 gold, 1 grape
3. 1 grape, 1 blue, 2 whites
4. 1 blue, 1 white
5. 1 white, 97 gp
Area 3
1. 2 grapes, 2 blues, 1 white, 111gp
2. 1 gold, 2 whites
3. 1 grape, 1 blue
4. 1 white
5. 1 gold, 89gp
All golds were merch fodder (saved 1 mod - 20% enchant)
With the exception of the very last run the drops did get progressivly worse the more I farmed each area. I will try this again tonight but I will do the complete cycle twice.
Approx. kill count per run: 20-24
Area 1
1. 2 golds 1 blue 2 whites 95 gp
2. 1 gold 2 grapes 1 white
3. 1 gold 1 grape 2 whites 103 gp
4. 2 grapes 2 whites
5. 4 whites 114 gp
Area 2
1. 1 Gold, 1 grape, 2 whites, 98, 95 gp
2. 1 gold, 1 grape
3. 1 grape, 1 blue, 2 whites
4. 1 blue, 1 white
5. 1 white, 97 gp
Area 3
1. 2 grapes, 2 blues, 1 white, 111gp
2. 1 gold, 2 whites
3. 1 grape, 1 blue
4. 1 white
5. 1 gold, 89gp
All golds were merch fodder (saved 1 mod - 20% enchant)
With the exception of the very last run the drops did get progressivly worse the more I farmed each area. I will try this again tonight but I will do the complete cycle twice.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
We removed the anti-faming code in normal mode. The code was never implemented in Hard Mode. So no, there is no anti-farming code in Hard Mode.
In addition, based on player feedback and our own review of data from the early hours of the introduction of Hard Mode, we excluded several items from loot scaling, as explained here. I hope this is helpful information. |
Gaile's response a step in the right direction, for sure.
We do need more detailed information however. If there's no antifarm code active in the game anymore, there's a real problem occuring atm.
Gaile's response a step in the right direction, for sure.
We do need more detailed information however. If there's no antifarm code active in the game anymore, there's a real problem occuring atm.
I just cleared the whole area outside of Hotsprings twice solo and got one gold, one purp, a couple of blues, and tons of whites and innumerable amounts of orr emblems. That is a lot of undead to kill in HM to get one gold that went to merc. HM was hailed as a hard but rewarding way to play. Now its just hard it seems.
It would seem in nearly every test people do loot does decline in quality quickly over a few runs. This coincides with most people's experience, that accounts and areas are still experiencing strange "flagging" effects that seem to have a close to all or nothing effect on your drops. I guess all we can do is keep generating data... but the intent of no more anti farming code isn't matching up to the raw data.
Sir Skullcrasher
If Gaile was correct than in normal mode we should be getting more drops compared to Hard Mode?
Originally Posted by Sir Skullcrasher
If Gaile was correct than in normal mode we should be getting more drops compared to Hard Mode?
Golds and greens are excluded, and my interpretation is that higher level monsters are more likely to drop golds (and elite tomes and the like), so no, normal mode will not yield more drops than hard.
Whether the increased quality of the HM drops (whether farmed or not, and over a decent length of playing time - say a handful of farm runs or anything over a couple of hours of 'exploring') is enough to keep players interested in that particular game mode is the big question here.
My experience, like that of many others, is that there are AT LEAST 2 things negatively impacting on quality and quantity of drops, and I'm reporting them here cause I'm not sure that the second has been mentioned:
1. repeating an area over and over (or this could be just linked to time spent online, I know that even chest farming gets worse over time [!!!!])
2. the number of mobs that you kill in the same moment!! Nuking a large number of monsters, for example with a PBAoE, results in way fewer drops than what you'd get by killing them individually.
Final word: either the no-anti-farm isn't working as Anet intended, OR there's more hidden anti-farm codes of which Gaile isn't aware.
1. repeating an area over and over (or this could be just linked to time spent online, I know that even chest farming gets worse over time [!!!!])
2. the number of mobs that you kill in the same moment!! Nuking a large number of monsters, for example with a PBAoE, results in way fewer drops than what you'd get by killing them individually.
Final word: either the no-anti-farm isn't working as Anet intended, OR there's more hidden anti-farm codes of which Gaile isn't aware.
I don't find that fair at all to players who haven't had the chance to start hard mode yet. I've been beating the campaigns in regular mode and getting my heroes ready to do hard mode, and now it's just gonna be a waste of time? I'm broke and I was hoping Hm would be a fun alternative way to make some cash while still playing the game.
after a night of *attempted* farming, it's just totally dead now. It's gotta be heavy anti-farm that's been kicked in, because from about 10 dead sword runs I got 2 rares -- smite staff and prot icon. Then went on to the corsairs, and a few purples.
This reminds me of how anti-farm worked in normal before the, ahem, glorious improvements.
It's pretty crappy that you would have to clear out anti-farm to farm in HM. I thought it would be different there. Guess not.
edit: after reading Gaile's quote, it's pretty apparent from my personal experience and that of many others posted here that she's plain wrong. Over the last few months we've seen several instances of her being on a different page than the devs, of her not being kept informed by them, and her misinforming and being misinformed. I'm pretty sure she's gonna have to backtrack on that.
edit #2: what's not fair kobe? If you haven't had the chance to do HM because you are doing normal.......isn't that like saying you are just choosing to do one thing over the other? Like anything, choose your priorities wisely. If it matters to you.
This reminds me of how anti-farm worked in normal before the, ahem, glorious improvements.
It's pretty crappy that you would have to clear out anti-farm to farm in HM. I thought it would be different there. Guess not.
edit: after reading Gaile's quote, it's pretty apparent from my personal experience and that of many others posted here that she's plain wrong. Over the last few months we've seen several instances of her being on a different page than the devs, of her not being kept informed by them, and her misinforming and being misinformed. I'm pretty sure she's gonna have to backtrack on that.
edit #2: what's not fair kobe? If you haven't had the chance to do HM because you are doing normal.......isn't that like saying you are just choosing to do one thing over the other? Like anything, choose your priorities wisely. If it matters to you.
It's nice to see that the community is on the same page on this issue (even some steadfast community members that originally took a biased stance). I'm sorry. But a day without word from the "PR" on an important issue like this is disappointing.
I'm feeling this isn't a "work with us" senario. It's feeling like a "work against us" situation. I'm not happy about this.
What do we have to do to get some acknowledgement? Is this worth posting about? Does this need massive outcry before something is done (like the first loot scaling farce?)?
1) What do we do about this?
2) Do you care enough about this situation to demand change (by the post views, I think you do)
3) Are you satisfied with vague responses from Anet?
Lets face it, we are the heart and soul of what keeps this game going. We deserve a forthcoming response. Even if it's a "piss off" response. At least we would have the dignity to know where we stand. I know I'm not the only one that feels this way. The question is, do you care enough to say something? Does Guru care enough to let it be heard?
I think you do. I think Guru does. Although it could be the rum talking. :P
....I need some sleep.....
Hah! still sober enough to fix a spelling error or two.
I'm feeling this isn't a "work with us" senario. It's feeling like a "work against us" situation. I'm not happy about this.
What do we have to do to get some acknowledgement? Is this worth posting about? Does this need massive outcry before something is done (like the first loot scaling farce?)?
1) What do we do about this?
2) Do you care enough about this situation to demand change (by the post views, I think you do)
3) Are you satisfied with vague responses from Anet?
Lets face it, we are the heart and soul of what keeps this game going. We deserve a forthcoming response. Even if it's a "piss off" response. At least we would have the dignity to know where we stand. I know I'm not the only one that feels this way. The question is, do you care enough to say something? Does Guru care enough to let it be heard?
I think you do. I think Guru does. Although it could be the rum talking. :P
....I need some sleep.....
Hah! still sober enough to fix a spelling error or two.
ok I have a wild theory here, but it sorta makes sense. As you know HM was created to give regular players a bit more challenge and to make it easier for those "once in awhile" farmers to get cash. Well maybe in that idea is the problem. Maybe when you go into HM, if you farmed a lot in NM, your drop tables are lowered, making it easier for the players who didn't farm.
me for example. I only farmed when I wanted a skin and I usally got them pretty quickly, but I only farmed 10 or so times (cause I make money from making PVP builds). But once I did HM I noticed I was getting 2-3 greens from one boss, at the first time, I was getting Golds from every monster I killed and so on. But I noticed my farming-oriented Guildie complained a heck of a lot in guild chat about his crappy HM drops.
My Guess: They shoot the rates up at the start, dropp'em down and fit them to each person based on thier farming history.
me for example. I only farmed when I wanted a skin and I usally got them pretty quickly, but I only farmed 10 or so times (cause I make money from making PVP builds). But once I did HM I noticed I was getting 2-3 greens from one boss, at the first time, I was getting Golds from every monster I killed and so on. But I noticed my farming-oriented Guildie complained a heck of a lot in guild chat about his crappy HM drops.
My Guess: They shoot the rates up at the start, dropp'em down and fit them to each person based on thier farming history.
I thought you guys were being paranoid with this thread at first, now I am a believer. When HM was first introduced, I went to the Sulfurous Wastes to max out my Sunspear title and farm some LB. I would clear the area each time except for the Undead Necro boss and his mob. Each run I averaged around 1-2 Golds from dops, maybe 2-4 four more from chests. This past week I took a break from it, and went to complete my Protector titles in Tyria and Cantha.
I went back to remains last night, to finish leveling up my Meloni, after 3 runs, I saw no golds, not even from chests. In fact, there were only around 2-3 chests out there when there used to be 4 in alternating locations. I did manage to get a Dervish skill tome (non elite) from a chest, it broke my lockpick too that crap. So i am definitely sure something is up.
I went back to remains last night, to finish leveling up my Meloni, after 3 runs, I saw no golds, not even from chests. In fact, there were only around 2-3 chests out there when there used to be 4 in alternating locations. I did manage to get a Dervish skill tome (non elite) from a chest, it broke my lockpick too that crap. So i am definitely sure something is up.
Angelic Upstart
Ok my experience in hard mode based on the fact that i started it four days ago, is limited to one area Zehlon Reach, the first day of farming this area yeilded me numerous gold amongst them a req9 Colossal Scimitar, the second day was not too bad but golds were not as numerous as in day one, day three yielded mainly purples and day four was basically as waste of time with just whites dropping.
Given that i started hard mode with an intention to prolong my GW experience rather than call it a day after the nerf of drops in normal i am quite surprised by the degradation of loot quality, which reminds me of the anti farm code of days gone by, i will now log my data from several different runs in different areas and see if there is a pattern to this.
Gaile has posted that there have been no changes to drop rate in HM so can this drop degradation be down to a hidden mechanism or a flaw within the code that cannot differentiate between normal and hard mode when numerous runs in an area are made by one specific character, i am suspicious as this has affected my 55 which from previous experience shows that Anet do not approve of this character maybe i am paranoid lol, but i will collect my data and post it here for analysis.
Given that i started hard mode with an intention to prolong my GW experience rather than call it a day after the nerf of drops in normal i am quite surprised by the degradation of loot quality, which reminds me of the anti farm code of days gone by, i will now log my data from several different runs in different areas and see if there is a pattern to this.
Gaile has posted that there have been no changes to drop rate in HM so can this drop degradation be down to a hidden mechanism or a flaw within the code that cannot differentiate between normal and hard mode when numerous runs in an area are made by one specific character, i am suspicious as this has affected my 55 which from previous experience shows that Anet do not approve of this character maybe i am paranoid lol, but i will collect my data and post it here for analysis.
There definitely is an anti-farm code, but I'm not sure how it works.
I've been noticing it in CS farm.
I've been noticing it in CS farm.
Ok. I rarely, if ever farm. I'm usually doing quests or missions. I am a casual gamer. I maybe play two or three hours a week if I'm lucky.
I decided to clear out an area last night in hard mode in prophecies and headed out of Port Sledge to kill off the Grawl figuring that it was a smallish area and I'd have time to clear it.
I'd never once been in this are in hard mode. I cleared it all out in about an hour and a half and didn't get one gold drop at all. I got 4 blue and 3 purple and the rest was white. The only gold drop I got all night was one I had bought a lockpick for to get inot a chest on the Fire Islands (which broke first try) and got a gold that had not one good mod on and no player would want that I had to merch for 118 gold. Not even close to the 1500 I paid for the lockpick.
I'm not seeing how this is helping the casual player at all as I took 4k out of my storage and only put 3.25k back into it. If it is indeed drying up, I'm going to stick to normal mode where I actually MAKE gold running around killing monsters.
I decided to clear out an area last night in hard mode in prophecies and headed out of Port Sledge to kill off the Grawl figuring that it was a smallish area and I'd have time to clear it.
I'd never once been in this are in hard mode. I cleared it all out in about an hour and a half and didn't get one gold drop at all. I got 4 blue and 3 purple and the rest was white. The only gold drop I got all night was one I had bought a lockpick for to get inot a chest on the Fire Islands (which broke first try) and got a gold that had not one good mod on and no player would want that I had to merch for 118 gold. Not even close to the 1500 I paid for the lockpick.
I'm not seeing how this is helping the casual player at all as I took 4k out of my storage and only put 3.25k back into it. If it is indeed drying up, I'm going to stick to normal mode where I actually MAKE gold running around killing monsters.
Am I alone if feeling there should be more activity in this thread from Anet and their PR staff? If support's solution is to post game concerns on public forum as a means of reporting issues, then I expect some proper attention by it's employees.
If I don't hear anything by the weekend, I'll submit a report to PlayNC asking them what the official response is. If they give the cookie-cutter response of "post your concerns on one of the many fan site forums", I'll give them a link to this topic thread. 4,457 views now. I think that indicates that this is a problem....
If I don't hear anything by the weekend, I'll submit a report to PlayNC asking them what the official response is. If they give the cookie-cutter response of "post your concerns on one of the many fan site forums", I'll give them a link to this topic thread. 4,457 views now. I think that indicates that this is a problem....
Man, how drops work is still a big MYSTERY! 
(I agree, I see less golds drops now)

(I agree, I see less golds drops now)
Interesting. I do 3-4 runs a day for farming in HM same spot. I get 2-5 golds every run plus 3-6k after selling. I dont have a problem with anti-farming.
My bf and I just have done all of Elona in hard mode and I have only gotten 3 golds I think that weren't armor. That's awful compared to when we did Guardian of Tyria title in which we'd get at least 4 golds per mission in Ascalon. So either anet hasn't shut that farm script off in Hard Mode or they really need to review the loot scaling method for hard mode.
Edit: Spelling bleh
Edit: Spelling bleh
Levi Garett
Originally Posted by brian78wa
Interesting. I do 3-4 runs a day for farming in HM same spot. I get 2-5 golds every run plus 3-6k after selling. I dont have a problem with anti-farming.
I'm going to say it again: Farming Route!
I cleared my flags last night (soloed HM Gates of Krtya!). Then the update came and I logged off for ~4 hours. I came back and did 3 runs on one of my farming spots and I got 5-6 rare drops, black dye, Elite Tome from a boss, and a couple non-elite tomes. This was in ~20 minutes (5 mins a run). I then went to Zehlon Reach and killed the Corsairs and got two rares on the first run with a couple purples and a non-elite tome, 2nd run yielded another rare, purples and blues, and coin drops. Then I went to bed...
So the point is I didn't farm the same place over and over and over. As much as I'd like to continue farming a spot that's dropping good you really should move on to your next spot to avoid overfarming. Once your account gets flagged your drops will go into the crapper...
Your results may vary but this method has worked good for me. It's really sad that I have to do this though considering it was reported that there was no anti-farm code present in HM and the "zoning/instancing" was removed...
does clearing flags work on vanquishing areas? I can't seem to get drops doing that to save my life besides the worst stuff.
Levi Garett
Originally Posted by IlikeGW
does clearing flags work on vanquishing areas? I can't seem to get drops doing that to save my life besides the worst stuff.
Also there's a nice article around here somewhere that goes into great detail on this theory.
Keep in mind, this is a theory, and has still yet to be proven fact. My personal experience is that it seems to be accurate but your milage may vary.
Sir Kilgore
Originally Posted by Levi Garett
Yep your not "over farming" your drops are staying good.
I'm going to say it again: Farming Route! I cleared my flags last night (soloed HM Gates of Krtya!). Then the update came and I logged off for ~4 hours. I came back and did 3 runs on one of my farming spots and I got 5-6 rare drops, black dye, Elite Tome from a boss, and a couple non-elite tomes. This was in ~20 minutes (5 mins a run). I then went to Zehlon Reach and killed the Corsairs and got two rares on the first run with a couple purples and a non-elite tome, 2nd run yielded another rare, purples and blues, and coin drops. Then I went to bed... So the point is I didn't farm the same place over and over and over. As much as I'd like to continue farming a spot that's dropping good you really should move on to your next spot to avoid overfarming. Once your account gets flagged your drops will go into the crapper... Your results may vary but this method has worked good for me. It's really sad that I have to do this though considering it was reported that there was no anti-farm code present in HM and the "zoning/instancing" was removed... |
Well, guess what? We aren't rejoicing because it just plain isn't true. We wouldn't be "rejoicing" anyway with the 1/8 chance for drops even with no degradation, but we're about as far as rejoicing as you can get with the combination of diminishing drops and 1/8 chance of getting them.
This isn't some wild accusation by one or two players. This is a clear trend noted by many players, some of whom have kept records of repeated farm runs as proof. Please ANet, if the intention was to get rid of decreasing value in drops in HM then check this out. Many of us would be happy to help gather the data you may need. If this is what you intended all along, then first of all shame on you for the PR spin that made it sound completely different. Secondly, just tell us that this is what you intended so we don't waste any more time trying to gather data and determine exactly what is wrong.
Well said Kilgore, I'm in total agreement.
I am willing to track runs to see if we can to the bottom of this. Hell I have a ton of data already from the last few days of tracking my farming runs.
Better yet, can't you peeps at aANET fire up a 55 and see for yourselves? We are not making this up...
I am willing to track runs to see if we can to the bottom of this. Hell I have a ton of data already from the last few days of tracking my farming runs.
Better yet, can't you peeps at aANET fire up a 55 and see for yourselves? We are not making this up...
In response to the first post:
I havent really noticed it because I get frustrated enough that I dont play hard mode to much. I maybe vanquish 2 or 3 a night and then get angry and switch to getting some of my char's through elona (Getting so damn tired of this campaign!) and eventually go back to hard mode so the drops stay good for me
I havent really noticed it because I get frustrated enough that I dont play hard mode to much. I maybe vanquish 2 or 3 a night and then get angry and switch to getting some of my char's through elona (Getting so damn tired of this campaign!) and eventually go back to hard mode so the drops stay good for me

Diddy bow
you know when the anti farm kicks in when a level 26 naga drops you 2 cloths
I think hm is drying up personally, or the anti farm is stalking me >.<

I think hm is drying up personally, or the anti farm is stalking me >.<
Neo Nugget
yes. 1 solo boss run at the start i got 8 golds from 13 enemies in 1 run(wow).
now rarely 1 per run.>.<
now rarely 1 per run.>.<
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
We removed the anti-faming code in normal mode. The code was never implemented in Hard Mode. So no, there is no anti-farming code in Hard Mode..
Fallen Hunter
Ive noticed this as well. I got three golds in the first few hours of hard mode, and only 2 since. However, I have been finding a huge number of purples.
So 4 things could have happened, as I see it:
1. Everyone had an incredible luck streak at the same time when HM started and can clearly remember all the good drops they got, which compares very poorly with later results, but only because their incredible luck streak ran out. This is improbable because why would so many people have similar incredible luck at the same time and lose it at the same time.
2. People are distorting facts, ignoring a rare here and there because it's poor stats, or whatever... maybe they got a skewed perception early on from excitement and didn't realize it took way more time then they are recalling to get those initial "great" results. This is plausible to some degree, but doesn't explain data at all of people doing runs that very clearly appear to be "anti farming" hammered.
3. Anet stealth nerfed the drop rates. This is possible. They have 100% control of the game's structure, we have zero and no way to check what they're doing short of very monotonous and time consuming tests. They don't have to tell us anything, or Gaile or anyone for that matter. Maybe they just decided, whoops, too much, and changed the numbers but refuse to publicize the fact because they know it would be anger people.
4. A bug was introduced, perhaps related to the game's old farming code, and drops are behaving abnormally. Possible. Unfortunately for players, we're on the outside on this one. They're not going to share much info about the drop system with us because of bot programmers, so that leaves the community at a disadvantage when trying to ascertain what's going on here.
1. Everyone had an incredible luck streak at the same time when HM started and can clearly remember all the good drops they got, which compares very poorly with later results, but only because their incredible luck streak ran out. This is improbable because why would so many people have similar incredible luck at the same time and lose it at the same time.
2. People are distorting facts, ignoring a rare here and there because it's poor stats, or whatever... maybe they got a skewed perception early on from excitement and didn't realize it took way more time then they are recalling to get those initial "great" results. This is plausible to some degree, but doesn't explain data at all of people doing runs that very clearly appear to be "anti farming" hammered.
3. Anet stealth nerfed the drop rates. This is possible. They have 100% control of the game's structure, we have zero and no way to check what they're doing short of very monotonous and time consuming tests. They don't have to tell us anything, or Gaile or anyone for that matter. Maybe they just decided, whoops, too much, and changed the numbers but refuse to publicize the fact because they know it would be anger people.
4. A bug was introduced, perhaps related to the game's old farming code, and drops are behaving abnormally. Possible. Unfortunately for players, we're on the outside on this one. They're not going to share much info about the drop system with us because of bot programmers, so that leaves the community at a disadvantage when trying to ascertain what's going on here.
5. There is anti farm code in HM. People started out with *no* anti farm because.....noone had farmed in HM (obviously). Then as we farmed, the code kicked in. And Gaile is clueless even though she thinks she knows.
I do believe HM is drying up... The release of HM was awesome, I got LOADS of golds. Vanquishing the areas in Ascalon yielded even more golds. I was ecstatic. Since then I've been telling my guildies how awesome HM is and that I'll get my wisdom title in no time at all. Alas, all the excitement was for naught. I can't remember what a gold drop looks like, (apart from chests of course). I’m not trying to contradict Gaile or Anet, but all is not well....
I just vanquished Snake Dance (374kills). Not one gold drop
Out of the 4 chests I found I got 3 crappy golds and a mesmer tome (not elite)
This is starting to suck
When I vanquished Old Ascalon a mob of Grawl actually dropped 3 golds.
I just vanquished Snake Dance (374kills). Not one gold drop
Out of the 4 chests I found I got 3 crappy golds and a mesmer tome (not elite)
This is starting to suck

I have proof now.
The question is, does anybody at Anet care? 5000+ views and not a reasonable response from the PR or Developers on this subject.
I am starting to suspect they don't comment, because they don't know how to put a spin on it, so they don't look so underhanded in this situation.
Take it how you will, but silence speaks volumes too.
The question is, does anybody at Anet care? 5000+ views and not a reasonable response from the PR or Developers on this subject.
I am starting to suspect they don't comment, because they don't know how to put a spin on it, so they don't look so underhanded in this situation.
Take it how you will, but silence speaks volumes too.
Tiny Biscuit
I'm playing at least 5 hours/day (vanquisher). First HM day : 7 golds (two elite book). After : 1/3 gold per day (only one elite book since).
Well i`ve asked this countless times
-Cause you got our money
-Guild wars 2 is coming
These imho are the reasons, cause for the life of me i can`t understand why any company would wanna drop such a big bomb and upset so many of its customer base after they have spent there hard earned cash on the guild wars campaigns.
I mean if they changed the loot scaling system say during factions how many of us woulda bought nightfall ( i for one would not have )
Anyway before someone shoots me down dont forget this is my personal opinion which i have a right to express
-Cause you got our money
-Guild wars 2 is coming
These imho are the reasons, cause for the life of me i can`t understand why any company would wanna drop such a big bomb and upset so many of its customer base after they have spent there hard earned cash on the guild wars campaigns.
I mean if they changed the loot scaling system say during factions how many of us woulda bought nightfall ( i for one would not have )
Anyway before someone shoots me down dont forget this is my personal opinion which i have a right to express

Trinin Of Onyx
Well I guess its old iron now, but I've done the same with farming runs.. I usually farm Oni, outside Zos Shivros - I remember the first 5-6 runs yielded at least 1 gold a run, usually 2 (9-12 Oni per run) but now, I'm lucky to see a purple.
Oh could someone clear up this 'flag' thing for me? I don't understand the process of clearing them. Thanks.
Oh could someone clear up this 'flag' thing for me? I don't understand the process of clearing them. Thanks.
Drops in hard mode have never been awesome to me. I've found one gold hammer and one elite mesmer tome from a chest since it came out. That's all.
Marth Reynolds
Rare drops seem to dwindle in HM for me and my guildy wich were vanquishing some parts of cantha mostly. I even remember a run where we were in full hero team (6 heros 2 humans) and in the first minute in a area we got both a rare drop.
Last few days i've seen 1 rare drop a area max, chests not counted.
Haven't seen a change in HM chests they still drop crap.
Last few days i've seen 1 rare drop a area max, chests not counted.
Haven't seen a change in HM chests they still drop crap.
HM dorps have changed for me, but I can't remember how, since I was doing DoA the first days and am clearing Ascalon now.
I know we did a Breach vanquish yesterday and one of my guildmates was the one getting most purples.
That could be odd. I don't farm and my mesmer has no anti-farm code for sure. On the other hand, given drops are randon, it could have been random luck for him.
I'm watching it, but don't really care about it.
scottbigboy: The change on the loot system is understandable for me.
They nerfed the gold drops and white/purples because they are sold to merchant most of the time.
The nerf creates less 'new' gold in the game.
The reason you want less gold in the game is to stop inflation.
Inflation was getting worse in Factions, most notably on the green items.
Prophecies items were, except a few, affordable to the crowd.
Equivalent Factions' items were expensive and stayed that a long way.
A-net did several attempts to cool down the market, with green item weekends and the 'chest' weekend.
You may not have been affected by the inflation, but many ordinary players can't afford the 20K+ asked for most greens.
And you can't just tell them: Go farm that 20K+, some just want to play the storyline.
Don't forget playing the storyline and helping others along the way is just as much 'work' as farming.
To decrease inflation (or slow it down), you have to slow down the new gold flowing in the game.
Gold drops and rare crafting materials were taken out of lootscaling.
That's because are often not sold to merchant, but sold to other players.
That way, there is no new gold in the economy and therefore no increase of inflation.
HM dorps have changed for me, but I can't remember how, since I was doing DoA the first days and am clearing Ascalon now.
I know we did a Breach vanquish yesterday and one of my guildmates was the one getting most purples.
That could be odd. I don't farm and my mesmer has no anti-farm code for sure. On the other hand, given drops are randon, it could have been random luck for him.
I'm watching it, but don't really care about it.
scottbigboy: The change on the loot system is understandable for me.
They nerfed the gold drops and white/purples because they are sold to merchant most of the time.
The nerf creates less 'new' gold in the game.
The reason you want less gold in the game is to stop inflation.
Inflation was getting worse in Factions, most notably on the green items.
Prophecies items were, except a few, affordable to the crowd.
Equivalent Factions' items were expensive and stayed that a long way.
A-net did several attempts to cool down the market, with green item weekends and the 'chest' weekend.
You may not have been affected by the inflation, but many ordinary players can't afford the 20K+ asked for most greens.
And you can't just tell them: Go farm that 20K+, some just want to play the storyline.
Don't forget playing the storyline and helping others along the way is just as much 'work' as farming.
To decrease inflation (or slow it down), you have to slow down the new gold flowing in the game.
Gold drops and rare crafting materials were taken out of lootscaling.
That's because are often not sold to merchant, but sold to other players.
That way, there is no new gold in the economy and therefore no increase of inflation.