Farming the Un-Farmable
Ok and now i think we talked enough about magams thingies . Helps and guieds appericated.
And now can we get back to other rare items? ^^
And now can we get back to other rare items? ^^
cant wait must farm..
Originally Posted by Firebaall
So really,
How are you guys dealing with the massive Maelstrom spells getting cast against you? I'm having every other odd run being shut down due to the water titan's spamming of this spell.
Found a good way around it. I was using monk primary. So, jacking up curses to 12 lets Spoil Victor do it's magic.
Dude, even the AI know to move out of AOE spells
How are you guys dealing with the massive Maelstrom spells getting cast against you? I'm having every other odd run being shut down due to the water titan's spamming of this spell.
Found a good way around it. I was using monk primary. So, jacking up curses to 12 lets Spoil Victor do it's magic.

Originally Posted by blue.rellik
Dude, even the AI know to move out of AOE spells
Tanking the Maelstrom is where it's at (for my tastes, anyway). Get one or two of them in a spot, and you have quite the power supply. All you have to do is watch the Damage Monitor to know when it's safe to cast 1/4s spells.
I've been doing this run for quite some time. Got a req. 9 ages ago, sold it off cheap, and never had any more luck until this morning (or was it last night? I can't really recall), when I got three (though to be fair, one was a drop from a Titan I killed).
Now the trick is, selling them off before the prices plummet too much further.
I've been doing this run for quite some time. Got a req. 9 ages ago, sold it off cheap, and never had any more luck until this morning (or was it last night? I can't really recall), when I got three (though to be fair, one was a drop from a Titan I killed).

Now the trick is, selling them off before the prices plummet too much further.
When you see the water titan use glyph of energy, you know that maelstorm is next, I usually cast ps and hb so I can just stand in the maelstorm and recharge all my energy back up before the next cast. If not, just simply move you of the way.
As for rotting titan, before aggro, make sure you ps is recharge, and as soon as you aggro him by putting SV on him, look for him to cast lingering curse, so you can immediately cast ps, then just recast all your enc and you survive.
On the side note, not worth the time farming, you can earn more in other farming.
As for rotting titan, before aggro, make sure you ps is recharge, and as soon as you aggro him by putting SV on him, look for him to cast lingering curse, so you can immediately cast ps, then just recast all your enc and you survive.
On the side note, not worth the time farming, you can earn more in other farming.
Master Lorkhan
Can someone post a monk build that can do this, pls?
did they nerf it again??? i used to get some chests to spawn but after the chest double gold drop weekend, i've never seen the titan chest spawn anymore.... i farm a lot too... wuts goin on??
Originally Posted by blue.rellik
Dude, even the AI know to move out of AOE spells
The AI doesn't use the AoE damage like I do. Like the others mentioned, the energy gain from standing in the AoE radius is great. My problem was not having enough points in Curses.
Can the attitude.
The AI doesn't use the AoE damage like I do. Like the others mentioned, the energy gain from standing in the AoE radius is great. My problem was not having enough points in Curses.
Can the attitude.
if u want energy, just stand by the torment claws, they are awsome
cant attack fast enuf in cimbination with the titans to kill u, and give u LOADS of energy

hi, just bumping this thread xD , because I am still want to get a magma shield, but all the runs I made , the chest is not spawning , is this nerfed ?
those *rare items* will drop price fast cus of zaishen chest
so wont be worth much soon
so wont be worth much soon
Drake Eleric
Originally Posted by Firebaall
So really,
How are you guys dealing with the massive Maelstrom spells getting cast against you? I'm having every other odd run being shut down due to the water titan's spamming of this spell.
Found a good way around it. I was using monk primary. So, jacking up curses to 12 lets Spoil Victor do it's magic.
SV is Blood Magic...
How are you guys dealing with the massive Maelstrom spells getting cast against you? I'm having every other odd run being shut down due to the water titan's spamming of this spell.
Found a good way around it. I was using monk primary. So, jacking up curses to 12 lets Spoil Victor do it's magic.

Originally Posted by auch
those *rare items* will drop price fast cus of zaishen chest
so wont be worth much soon Oh ok , so there is a chance to get magmas shields also on zaishen chest , I didn't know that
so wont be worth much soon Oh ok , so there is a chance to get magmas shields also on zaishen chest , I didn't know that

Shadow II
I spend my 200k for zaichen key(3keach) and dont have any rares... A lot of cream,alcochol,and crap gold...
Solus Spartan
Originally Posted by malevolence
hi, just bumping this thread xD , because I am still want to get a magma shield, but all the runs I made , the chest is not spawning , is this nerfed ?
Ofcourse it's not nerfed, there is no reason to bump this.
Ofcourse it's not nerfed, there is no reason to bump this.
I farmed the titan chest for 3 months and didn't get any thing worth keeping, but this game hates me lol
P.s. yes in HM
P.s. yes in HM
Originally Posted by malevolence
Oh ok , so there is a chance to get magmas shields also on zaishen chest , I didn't know that
I haven't heard any news on magmas shields dropping from the chest.

ouw , well I just want to see if someone can confirm if the chest keep spawing, because I am still doing runs and still I don't see one O_o
Solus Spartan
The chest still spawns, I don't think it drops Magma's anymore though.
i got 1 magmas shield on my first day trying the run req 13 and after that, no chest spawns at all!!!
Yes chest still spanws, and yes you can get magmas shield from it. I got one req 9 ins few days ago.
Vardek Le Survivant
I did 2hours farm this morning, and I never saw the chest. I've only drop a req9 blue shield with only one bonus.
dude this thread was like 6 month's old from the last post, why would you chuck it back up?
The Mountain
People like the shield and constantly ask about viable farming options...tis my guess as to why it was rezzed.