Reward Points - A Travesty
If the mods were limited to the class they originated in, then...
Auron of Neon
Slight revival, but /signed too. It takes a great effort to amass reward points, at least make the effort worthwhile.
Per character unlock is such a bad idea I didn't think ANet would possibly implement it that way. I underestimated their ability to make reward points suck, evidently.
Per character unlock is such a bad idea I didn't think ANet would possibly implement it that way. I underestimated their ability to make reward points suck, evidently.
It isn't meant for you to unlock every skin in the game right off the bat... here's what you do:
1. Make 1 permanent PvP slot. For any profession you love.
2. Use tournament rewards on him.
3. When you get enough for him, make a new one.
The old excuse, PvP slots are supposed to be flexible, is no longer valid. The characters can now change armor, weapons, secondaries, EVERYTHING, with the touch of a button. They are not meant to be insta-delete slots anymore, nor do they have to be.
If you are using a PvP slot as a "delete-and-remake" every day slot, you shouldn't be so concerned about the professions you use on that one... why unlock a cool set of daggers if every day you delete your sin? See, it is intended for you to pick a favorite pvp profession or too, get "phat lewt" on that toon, and use ANOTHER slot for deletion at will.
Why do you think that even hardcore PvP players with no PvE characters still have 8 or so character slots?
This lets them use them with purpose.
The system is good how it is... stop Q.Qing that when you earn an item, you don't get it on any character you ever make for the rest of eternity... you earned ONE set of daggers, not a billion. Either set aside some perma-pvp char slots, which you SHOULD have, seeing how there is no reason NOT TO anymore, or just Q.Q that it isn't fair that your rewards aren't good enough for you.
It isn't meant for you to unlock every skin in the game right off the bat... here's what you do:
1. Make 1 permanent PvP slot. For any profession you love.
2. Use tournament rewards on him.
3. When you get enough for him, make a new one.
The old excuse, PvP slots are supposed to be flexible, is no longer valid. The characters can now change armor, weapons, secondaries, EVERYTHING, with the touch of a button. They are not meant to be insta-delete slots anymore, nor do they have to be.
If you are using a PvP slot as a "delete-and-remake" every day slot, you shouldn't be so concerned about the professions you use on that one... why unlock a cool set of daggers if every day you delete your sin? See, it is intended for you to pick a favorite pvp profession or too, get "phat lewt" on that toon, and use ANOTHER slot for deletion at will.
Why do you think that even hardcore PvP players with no PvE characters still have 8 or so character slots?
This lets them use them with purpose.
The system is good how it is... stop Q.Qing that when you earn an item, you don't get it on any character you ever make for the rest of eternity... you earned ONE set of daggers, not a billion. Either set aside some perma-pvp char slots, which you SHOULD have, seeing how there is no reason NOT TO anymore, or just Q.Q that it isn't fair that your rewards aren't good enough for you.
While I play 95% pvp, I also have some pve toons that I wont delete,so my slots are pretty limited, besides what I liked about pvp chars its that you can change their appareance at will.
Im very dissapointed with this system.
Im very dissapointed with this system.
It's almost 3 months and nothing changed, the system is as crappy as it was.
I have amassed lots of those reward points and I can't spend them. I don't want any permanent pvp chars and I have no slots for them. Greedy Anet makes horribly flawed system to make people buy slots, what a shame.
Would that hurt anyone if a weapon or an armor piece got unlocked instead of what we got now? Nope, it would be exactly the same but the system would be useful for anyone, not only those who are able to keep perma-pvp chars.
/signed obviously
I have amassed lots of those reward points and I can't spend them. I don't want any permanent pvp chars and I have no slots for them. Greedy Anet makes horribly flawed system to make people buy slots, what a shame.
Would that hurt anyone if a weapon or an armor piece got unlocked instead of what we got now? Nope, it would be exactly the same but the system would be useful for anyone, not only those who are able to keep perma-pvp chars.
/signed obviously
Originally Posted by Series
" Yeah, I am disappointed that there isn't a button that creates 15^50 20/20 +30 health req 9 max crystaline swords at will. Oh wait, there IS one, you access it by spending reward points, the only problem is you can only get one at a time. Aww
![]() |
Look at it this way, its so much of a grind to get 15k armor using reward points, that I know no one who has gotten a single piece yet. Its significantly EASIER to get a rare item in PvE then through reward points.
I agree that items should be implemented account wide. I play multiple characters in the PvP aspect of the game and only being able to have 1 character with unlocks is pointless. And another think kenshin mentioned is that a PvP character can only hold "X" amount of unlocks on it....Whats next? delete that character that way you can get farther on your unlocks?
The way reward point unlocks work is as follow:
Basic Armors/Weapons
Fancy Armors/Weapons(must unlock 50 basic armors/weapons)
Exotic Armors/Weapons(must unlock 50 fancy armors/weapons)
As you see its not as easy as it looks to unlock those "rare" weapons/armors you guys talk about.
Math was wrong. Supposidly it is more reward points for fancy weapons than basic weapons.. So as an estimation: Exotic Weapons= 1,000+ reward points Exotic Armor= 2,000+ reward points
The way reward point unlocks work is as follow:
Basic Armors/Weapons
Fancy Armors/Weapons(must unlock 50 basic armors/weapons)
Exotic Armors/Weapons(must unlock 50 fancy armors/weapons)
As you see its not as easy as it looks to unlock those "rare" weapons/armors you guys talk about.
Math was wrong. Supposidly it is more reward points for fancy weapons than basic weapons.. So as an estimation: Exotic Weapons= 1,000+ reward points Exotic Armor= 2,000+ reward points
Anymore slander and this thread will be closed. Argue, sure; Just don't let it get too hot. It's just a game suggestion. Got me? You guys play nice.
Originally Posted by Undivine
Anymore slander and this thread will be closed. Argue, sure; Just don't let it get too hot. It's just a game suggestion. Got me? You guys play nice.
just want to add that no one has been able to unlock a pvp crystalline sword and the tournaments have been going for like 2 months, yep super easy to get rare skins.
if you dont even know how the system works, stay out of this topic.
if you dont even know how the system works, stay out of this topic.
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
It's a complete joke to expect people who use PvP characters that they often reroll (which is really the only way to do super high end PvP and earn these points) to not delete characters. |
/signed though, it find it highly annoying to have to unlock a shield skin for every single shield for all my characters...thatll cost me a small fortune of reward points.
dancing gnome
Be glad they gave rare skins to pvp chars at all. With the creation of this system there is no advantage to pve chars at all. We work hard on our PvEs and get rewarded justly, now its far easier to get rare skins on PvP chars than it will ever be on a PvE. While I have to accept i will never have a perfect tribal axe pvp simply buys a basic rewards point axe with the same high end skin. How is that fair? Lets not forget I lose ALL my customised armour and weapons on a PvE char if I delete them. Be glad a net lets you create PVP chars in the first place with no effort at all, let alone giving you access to rare skins you don't deserve.
To add to the frustration this feature is only available through high end pvp gameplay, not like skill unlocks with balth faction which is easily accessable to the rest of the community. Next thing we know A-Net will be allowing pvp chars to access the elite missions in the PVE world and probably even the rest of the game.
To add to the frustration this feature is only available through high end pvp gameplay, not like skill unlocks with balth faction which is easily accessable to the rest of the community. Next thing we know A-Net will be allowing pvp chars to access the elite missions in the PVE world and probably even the rest of the game.
The reward point system is there so you can create a PvP character with PvE armor. The mere fact that you already possess all skills available to you without having to spend a single gold coin, lets you make a choice.
-Either you create a PvE char and go through all the effort to grab all skills and farm your armor and gear.
-Or you create a PvP char and go through all the effort in PvP to farm armor. The downside is the inability to go to PvE areas, but you already have all skills, and you can create heaps of different weapons by a few simple clicks.
This is how I see the system, and imo, it's fine. Look at it as another PvE character, just with certain privileges and sacrifices.
Stop acting as if you know the game better than the "scrubby PvE'ers", Guild Wars is a game, and there's 2 sides in it. Let each have their voice and opinion.
GWOnline will of course have more /notsigned's indeed, but that doesn't make them have less say in the discussion.
The reward point system is there so you can create a PvP character with PvE armor. The mere fact that you already possess all skills available to you without having to spend a single gold coin, lets you make a choice.
-Either you create a PvE char and go through all the effort to grab all skills and farm your armor and gear.
-Or you create a PvP char and go through all the effort in PvP to farm armor. The downside is the inability to go to PvE areas, but you already have all skills, and you can create heaps of different weapons by a few simple clicks.
This is how I see the system, and imo, it's fine. Look at it as another PvE character, just with certain privileges and sacrifices.
Originally Posted by fenix
You know, the only /notsigned's or "no bad" posts are from PvErs, who have almost no say, as this doesn't affect them. More PvPer posts please ![]() |
GWOnline will of course have more /notsigned's indeed, but that doesn't make them have less say in the discussion.
its not about who knows and doesnt knows the game better, this is a matter that doesnt affect pve people at all, yet you're against it??? why?
there are chances that you will never see those characters since you people barely pvp, so why does it bothers you so much?
there are chances that you will never see those characters since you people barely pvp, so why does it bothers you so much?
Exactly as pigdestroyer said. I'm mostly a PvEer and I /signed this, and I think I'm the only one.
Its RIDICULOUSLY HARD to get stuff unlocked with reward points with the current system already. You might as well be rewarded with an account wide unlock so you can actually use the stuff. Its not even in the same league as PvE acquisition. You'd have to win (first place) every tournament (3 a day) for like 2 months to get a single piece of 15k armor. Don't tell me it takes you that long to get the money for 15k armor in PvE.
Its RIDICULOUSLY HARD to get stuff unlocked with reward points with the current system already. You might as well be rewarded with an account wide unlock so you can actually use the stuff. Its not even in the same league as PvE acquisition. You'd have to win (first place) every tournament (3 a day) for like 2 months to get a single piece of 15k armor. Don't tell me it takes you that long to get the money for 15k armor in PvE.
Legendary Battousai
Here is a list of well reason arguments which well counter any reason (that I can conceive of) why the reward point system should be changed.
First off, If anyone can give me any reason why there shouldn't be unlocks for the accounts that I do not cover, please bring it up, and I will gladly respond to it.
The following is a list of possible reasons I thought of not to have this feature and my responses, the "you, yours" etc. are ambiguous to those people who may disagree, in an uninsulting way. The technique is merely rhetorical so I may ask rhetorical questions to an inexistent entity if that makes any sense
Because it makes your hard work mean nothing? Well in response to that, the game is supposed to be skill, not time played grinding to have fun, and a system of unlocks further improves the idea of having fun, not grinding to play philosophy. Even though discarded it a long long time ago, it still remains. And also it is true, skin does not really help or hurt anything, it only makes it a fun. But it still doesn't make sense that we can no longer delete our characters because the system is retarded. Were you also against PvP only characters in general too being able have runes unlocked at the start of the game like Superior Vigor even though the merchant sold it for 100k back in the day and being able to have a billion of those? Everyones hard work is insignificant, but as a whole, as players of guild wars, we can all have the joy of having cool looking weapons when we PvP, requiring some good hard work anyways :]
Or because you think we all need to buy more character slots? No sane PvPer wants to give more money than he or she needs to, so buying character slots so we can spend our reward points is redundant. Thats like having to pay money to play missions in PvE even though we earned the ability to by questing though the entire game to get there. Truly redundant and retarded. Why don't we just add in a monthly fee while we're at it, except lets just call it "Unlock a character slot every month because you want to spend your reward points fee".
Or because you think we should only have great skins on one character or the character we have the most fun with? What if we buy our character the best armor and weapons, and then continue to get reward points? What happens when all of our professions get to the point where we have reward point items on them, should we never recreate our characters name, face and sex and height to our pleasing [pun of irony unintended]? Seems pretty retarded to me. Eventually we won't be able to reroll because all of our characters have reward point items on them.
Or is it because having a billion weapons/armors on our character is too much? All items spawned from reward points are customized, and if you put them on your hero and switch character, can be transfered to another PvP character, except for armor - you can't put your armor on your heroes. Still, what use is say an unlocked dagger I transfered using the hero bug on my Paragon or Necro?. Also, not many people know this but THERE IS A LIMIT TO HOW MANY PVP ITEMS ONE PVP CHARACTER CAN HOLD. After owning 4 full sets of reward point armor on one of my characters, the UI tells me I have reached the limit of PvP items I can have on it. Thats just about as retarded as this can get - I'm forced to use customized green PvE weapons on it. Not only am I not allowed to keep my items if I wish to reroll, theres a limit to how much I can have? Eventually I will have unlocked everything with reward points and I just can't spend them because I have too many items?
For those of you who haven't seen this post before, it was posted under a different context but deleted, but hopefully the essence of the logic is contained in this, which may help people understand where I am coming from ^^
I see you point but I think that this feature only concerns one side of the game, not both. PvErs who have never PvP'd before will not have reward points under any circumstance, nor will they ever see any PvP'er who has unlocks using reward points, therefore I think it is safe to say either it only effects one "half" of guild wars, or, you are a person in between PvE and PvP, which I guess people coined as PvX now a days. Otherwise, it would be like a necro teaching a monk how to heal.
But more aligned with your argument, I can see what you are saying but why must we have to feel like we have sacrificed something in order to feel content with the way things are? Should we really need to feel sorry for someone on the other side of the world who must PvE for their weapons and skills so that they can access both PvE and PvP in order to make the system how it is "fine"? I think that whoever that PvEr and whoever I am are completely unconnected entities who will NEVER meet in the game ever. He may have his character with the same weapons and armor that I have and farm DoA, where I instead GvG, but is it really that bad if I can acquire the items "easiler" (which is debatable) than he can? I don't think so, therefore I really don't see the harm in allowing unlocks - it affects nobody negatively and only makes PvP characters more flexible, regardless of how they were meant to be.
First off, If anyone can give me any reason why there shouldn't be unlocks for the accounts that I do not cover, please bring it up, and I will gladly respond to it.
The following is a list of possible reasons I thought of not to have this feature and my responses, the "you, yours" etc. are ambiguous to those people who may disagree, in an uninsulting way. The technique is merely rhetorical so I may ask rhetorical questions to an inexistent entity if that makes any sense

Because it makes your hard work mean nothing? Well in response to that, the game is supposed to be skill, not time played grinding to have fun, and a system of unlocks further improves the idea of having fun, not grinding to play philosophy. Even though discarded it a long long time ago, it still remains. And also it is true, skin does not really help or hurt anything, it only makes it a fun. But it still doesn't make sense that we can no longer delete our characters because the system is retarded. Were you also against PvP only characters in general too being able have runes unlocked at the start of the game like Superior Vigor even though the merchant sold it for 100k back in the day and being able to have a billion of those? Everyones hard work is insignificant, but as a whole, as players of guild wars, we can all have the joy of having cool looking weapons when we PvP, requiring some good hard work anyways :]
Or because you think we all need to buy more character slots? No sane PvPer wants to give more money than he or she needs to, so buying character slots so we can spend our reward points is redundant. Thats like having to pay money to play missions in PvE even though we earned the ability to by questing though the entire game to get there. Truly redundant and retarded. Why don't we just add in a monthly fee while we're at it, except lets just call it "Unlock a character slot every month because you want to spend your reward points fee".
Or because you think we should only have great skins on one character or the character we have the most fun with? What if we buy our character the best armor and weapons, and then continue to get reward points? What happens when all of our professions get to the point where we have reward point items on them, should we never recreate our characters name, face and sex and height to our pleasing [pun of irony unintended]? Seems pretty retarded to me. Eventually we won't be able to reroll because all of our characters have reward point items on them.
Or is it because having a billion weapons/armors on our character is too much? All items spawned from reward points are customized, and if you put them on your hero and switch character, can be transfered to another PvP character, except for armor - you can't put your armor on your heroes. Still, what use is say an unlocked dagger I transfered using the hero bug on my Paragon or Necro?. Also, not many people know this but THERE IS A LIMIT TO HOW MANY PVP ITEMS ONE PVP CHARACTER CAN HOLD. After owning 4 full sets of reward point armor on one of my characters, the UI tells me I have reached the limit of PvP items I can have on it. Thats just about as retarded as this can get - I'm forced to use customized green PvE weapons on it. Not only am I not allowed to keep my items if I wish to reroll, theres a limit to how much I can have? Eventually I will have unlocked everything with reward points and I just can't spend them because I have too many items?
For those of you who haven't seen this post before, it was posted under a different context but deleted, but hopefully the essence of the logic is contained in this, which may help people understand where I am coming from ^^
Originally Posted by Saphatorael
Stop acting as if you know the game better than the "scrubby PvE'ers", Guild Wars is a game, and there's 2 sides in it. Let each have their voice and opinion.
GWOnline will of course have more /notsigned's indeed, but that doesn't make them have less say in the discussion. |
But more aligned with your argument, I can see what you are saying but why must we have to feel like we have sacrificed something in order to feel content with the way things are? Should we really need to feel sorry for someone on the other side of the world who must PvE for their weapons and skills so that they can access both PvE and PvP in order to make the system how it is "fine"? I think that whoever that PvEr and whoever I am are completely unconnected entities who will NEVER meet in the game ever. He may have his character with the same weapons and armor that I have and farm DoA, where I instead GvG, but is it really that bad if I can acquire the items "easiler" (which is debatable) than he can? I don't think so, therefore I really don't see the harm in allowing unlocks - it affects nobody negatively and only makes PvP characters more flexible, regardless of how they were meant to be.
Legendary battousai have said it all.
EDIT: I do PVE and PVP. It is 10000X easier to build a PVE toon for PvP than to offer a PvP toon with PVE fancy armor.
If you're rich, yo can UAX a PVE toon in a matter of weeks, especially since the tome introduction. That's not possible for a PVP toon currently. Even if you're a hardcore PvP player spending 10h/day winning each of your hero battles.
Legendary battousai have said it all.
EDIT: I do PVE and PVP. It is 10000X easier to build a PVE toon for PvP than to offer a PvP toon with PVE fancy armor.
If you're rich, yo can UAX a PVE toon in a matter of weeks, especially since the tome introduction. That's not possible for a PVP toon currently. Even if you're a hardcore PvP player spending 10h/day winning each of your hero battles.
Legendary Battousai
Taken from Guild Wars Wiki - Izzy's user talk page:
"There is no one in the world that is gonna argue that an unlock system wouldn't be better, but when it comes down to it, there wasn't the time and resources available to make an unlock system work, I spent a lot of time working with our programmers and looking over what we could and could not do, and when it comes down to it we just couldn't do the unlock system. It takes a lot of time and a lot of resources to make a system like that work from a lot of different programmers, while it seems like an easy thing to do in the end it really isn't. So with unlocks out the door this was the next system we came up with, we all agree an unlock system would be better, but when you can't do one thing you do the best with what you have. I think the current system is pretty cool I don't really delete my PvP characters anyway so it works out well for me, I know there are a lot of people out there who do delete their pvp characters and this makes the rewards less interesting for them, I think if we added more things you could spend your points on rather then skin unlocks it would be more appealing for people who delete PvP characters, so it's still a work in progress."- Izzy
So I can understand somewhat why they couldn't do it, but hopefully when they get more time to perfect the game, they will spend the time to convert the system to an unlock system, with an NPC that will recognize all reward point items you show him and unlock it for you for the items that were unlocked before the unlock system would have been created. Now we can just hope :]
"There is no one in the world that is gonna argue that an unlock system wouldn't be better, but when it comes down to it, there wasn't the time and resources available to make an unlock system work, I spent a lot of time working with our programmers and looking over what we could and could not do, and when it comes down to it we just couldn't do the unlock system. It takes a lot of time and a lot of resources to make a system like that work from a lot of different programmers, while it seems like an easy thing to do in the end it really isn't. So with unlocks out the door this was the next system we came up with, we all agree an unlock system would be better, but when you can't do one thing you do the best with what you have. I think the current system is pretty cool I don't really delete my PvP characters anyway so it works out well for me, I know there are a lot of people out there who do delete their pvp characters and this makes the rewards less interesting for them, I think if we added more things you could spend your points on rather then skin unlocks it would be more appealing for people who delete PvP characters, so it's still a work in progress."- Izzy
So I can understand somewhat why they couldn't do it, but hopefully when they get more time to perfect the game, they will spend the time to convert the system to an unlock system, with an NPC that will recognize all reward point items you show him and unlock it for you for the items that were unlocked before the unlock system would have been created. Now we can just hope :]