What's your favorite Guild Wars sound?
Tahlia Tane
I love the sound of Sun and Moon Slash (Warrior skill, Factions). Soooooo awesome. Sometimes I just take the skill to hear the sound... but it's a pretty good skill, too, IMO.
Also, I love the sound of a dying male monk. Yeah, I know I sound crazy. But it goes something like 'UUHHHHH UWAHHHUHHH'. It gets me everything. Hilarious!
Also, I love the sound of a dying male monk. Yeah, I know I sound crazy. But it goes something like 'UUHHHHH UWAHHHUHHH'. It gets me everything. Hilarious!
Rain Beetles.
Diddy bow
I like the sound anthem of flame makes, it makes two sounds i think but its only one of them i like the one thats like "HUAaAaA!" or somthing
when a stone summit beast dies
The triple 'sschhing' of getting masters.

I like the sound of animating skills also monsters deaths it sounds funny like how the corsairs die "Aiiieee!"
Bryant Again
Mmmmm...I love the footsteps when you're a warrior in your heavy armor. It's perfect.
Captain Arne Is PRO
I used to love the sound of the nature in random explorable areas, too bad I can't listen to any music OR sound while Guild Wars and/or WC3 are open anymore.
Gold Dean
The sounds you hear around Melandru's Hope. They're... Really creepy.
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Gold Dean
The sounds you hear around Melandru's Hope. They're... Really creepy.
Sorry for off-topicness, just seeing if anyone else will know what I"m talking about...
Arrows piercing through air.
Nuclear Eclipse
Junundu roars
Pwny Ride
The scream that female paragons give off when you kill them in PvP. Satisfying, really lets you know you're doing your job.
Jecht Scye
Empathy's Sound Effect
Midnight Harmony
For me it's the noises beetles make, and the moaning sound when you kill a Sapphire Djinn.
amish lifeguard
The music in Pre-Searing, and the sound of a Trade, and the ping of a Whisper.
imps......they make funny noises =D
somethin like eeEEeeEegghhhhhh.....eeghh
somethin like eeEEeeEegghhhhhh.....eeghh
Neo Nugget
1: pre music
2: Anthem of Flame
2: Anthem of Flame
Sound of Shiroken Warriors ?Assasin too?
Whenever i'm carrying Shield of Defelction on my monk, i'll just spam it to hear the sound :p
My favorite most basic sound is the sound of an arrow, sped by favorable winds, piercing through heavy armor.
There are a few skills, most of which I don't really use, that have bizarre sound effects.
There are a few skills, most of which I don't really use, that have bizarre sound effects.
October Jade
The sound a vial of dye makes when hitting the ground...usually I drop them repeatedly just for the soothing effect.
ll Minx ll
Holy Wrath...
the sound of all monk prot prayer skills
Mesmer in Need
Bip makes a cool sound
The yell a character (maybe only male necros) makes when they are hit hard. its a loud YEARG!!
The yell a character (maybe only male necros) makes when they are hit hard. its a loud YEARG!!
I love the sound of Power Block interrupting Reverse of Fortune. So leet and self pleaser.
I just love the interrupting sound at all hehehehe... and of course I love Sun and Moon Slash as well.
I just love the interrupting sound at all hehehehe... and of course I love Sun and Moon Slash as well.
The sound of the arrow being fired and then hitting the target, sounds so satisfying for some reason.
I like the sound of Margonites. Especially about 20 of them in the same place, getting hit by my splinter barrage... something like HRRRRGHK HRRRRGHK HRRRGHK WHRRRK
Sun&Moon Slash is nice too... eh... I like the male ele and dervish sound effects... but it's mostly those big snuggly glowy Margonites ( ::: C
Sun&Moon Slash is nice too... eh... I like the male ele and dervish sound effects... but it's mostly those big snuggly glowy Margonites ( ::: C
Ultimate Sacrifice
The schwing sound Mending makes.
Seef II
Spirit Bond.
by far, the best noise IN THE GAME...
by far, the best noise IN THE GAME...
That sound that ONI make when the last one dies... sorta goes like... oooo.. ahoooooo! So Kewl!
That sound that ONI make when the last one dies... sorta goes like... oooo.. ahoooooo! So Kewl!
Elementalist skills...
Especially fire skills but also the sound of interruption that follows a casting of maelstorm
But on top... Flame Djinn's Haste RULEZ!!
Especially fire skills but also the sound of interruption that follows a casting of maelstorm
But on top... Flame Djinn's Haste RULEZ!!
IllusiveMind, my main is a meser, so I'm going to go with the sound of interrupting too. 
In fact I think I'll make a remix of it.
Squeaky-squeaky Mwa ha haaaaaa..... Squeaky-Squeaky
In fact I think I'll make a remix of it.
Squeaky-squeaky Mwa ha haaaaaa..... Squeaky-Squeaky
I'll second the sound of a male necro taking a critical hit. Whoever recorded that was a genius. Like he's gettin' pzzwnned but he almost enjoys it or something.
But the most awesome sound is when the Stone Guardians in Arborstone and Morostav Trail spawn from the statues. That's unlike any other sound in the game.
But the most awesome sound is when the Stone Guardians in Arborstone and Morostav Trail spawn from the statues. That's unlike any other sound in the game.
mazey vorstagg
I love the sound of ice imps
xDusT II
Anthem of Flame ending
The noise that tormented spears make when they aren't aggroed (Kinda sounds like an eagle)
Tundra Giants (Rhuhh Rhuhhh Rhuuuh)
The noise that tormented spears make when they aren't aggroed (Kinda sounds like an eagle)
Tundra Giants (Rhuhh Rhuhhh Rhuuuh)
Extinguish sound.
Tahlia Tane
Originally Posted by bam23
The sound of the arrow being fired and then hitting the target, sounds so satisfying for some reason.
Abaddon breaking his "chains" to start the battle. It made me jump the first time.