Hardest Mission
Having just finished all campaigns, I was wondering what you guys thought was the hardest mission among each campaign and overall, my list goes a little something like this:
Prophecies: THK
Factions: Arborstone
Nightfall: Gate of Madness
Prophecies: THK
Factions: Arborstone
Nightfall: Gate of Madness
Zedd Kun
Propechies: THK
Factions: Naphui/Arborstone
Nightfall: GoM
Factions: Naphui/Arborstone
Nightfall: GoM
If going for bonus, too:
Prophecies: Abaddon's mouth (the bonus)
Factions: tie: Eternal grove, Raisu palace and Tahnakai Temple (I hate timed missions)
Nightfall: Dzagonur bastion (the bonus, again)
Prophecies: Abaddon's mouth (the bonus)
Factions: tie: Eternal grove, Raisu palace and Tahnakai Temple (I hate timed missions)
Nightfall: Dzagonur bastion (the bonus, again)
Propechies: (all were easy)
Factions: (again, all were easy)
Nightfall: (Grand Court - pain in the ass to get masters in @ LB LVL 4 or less with heroes and henchies).
BTW, I do have protector titles on all 3 lands.
Factions: (again, all were easy)
Nightfall: (Grand Court - pain in the ass to get masters in @ LB LVL 4 or less with heroes and henchies).
BTW, I do have protector titles on all 3 lands.
Proph: THK I guess
Factions: None really
Nightfall: GoM
Factions: None really
Nightfall: GoM
Proph: Ring of Fire
Factions: Raisu Palace
Nighfall: None really (Gate of madness is a walk in the park when you know it)
Factions: Raisu Palace
Nighfall: None really (Gate of madness is a walk in the park when you know it)
How can you say Arborstone is the hardest in Factions? I thought it was one of the easiest.
Factions: Eternal Grove (especially masters)
Factions: Eternal Grove (especially masters)
Prophecies: The Great Northern Wall. LOL, just kidding!
Hmm, I think Divinity Coast was the toughest for me to get the bonus on. (Sorry guys, I thought Thunderhead and the Fire Ring Island missions were easy)
Factions: The Eternal Grove!!! Hands down this this the toughest to get masters on. It's also the only one I need for the Protector title.
Nightfall: I haven't played thru NF yet, so I can't really vote on toughest yet. The farthest I've been is the Jennur's Horde mission. I completed Nundu Bay but haven't done the primary quest to take me into the desolation yet. So far, I've struggled with Moddock Crevice (dang runners!), Dzagonur Bastion
(dang generals!!), and I think Tihark Orchard (dang mime!!!) is one of the toughest for masters unless you're using a help guide like wiki to look up the emotes. None of the other missions I've encountered have given me much trouble.
Hmm, I think Divinity Coast was the toughest for me to get the bonus on. (Sorry guys, I thought Thunderhead and the Fire Ring Island missions were easy)
Factions: The Eternal Grove!!! Hands down this this the toughest to get masters on. It's also the only one I need for the Protector title.
Nightfall: I haven't played thru NF yet, so I can't really vote on toughest yet. The farthest I've been is the Jennur's Horde mission. I completed Nundu Bay but haven't done the primary quest to take me into the desolation yet. So far, I've struggled with Moddock Crevice (dang runners!), Dzagonur Bastion
(dang generals!!), and I think Tihark Orchard (dang mime!!!) is one of the toughest for masters unless you're using a help guide like wiki to look up the emotes. None of the other missions I've encountered have given me much trouble.
Hardest Prophecies mission... well, none of them are "hard" but the "trickiest" I guess would be Riverside Province
Hardest in Factions: Eternal Grove
Hardest in Elona: Jennur's Horde.
Factions and Prophecies are just routine now though, I don't find any particularly hard...just some are trickier than others.
Hardest in Factions: Eternal Grove
Hardest in Elona: Jennur's Horde.
Factions and Prophecies are just routine now though, I don't find any particularly hard...just some are trickier than others.
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Darkfoxx
How can you say Arborstone is the hardest in Factions? I thought it was one of the easiest.
Prophecies: Not THK. Nailed it with henchmen after 9 tries with PUGs (the mission doesn't suck - just the people)
Factions: Arborstoooone. It was tough because 1. couldn't be henched (there was only one monk henchman there, for Christ's sake) and 2. Factions was just released, so people were still trying it out.
Nightfall: Gate of Pain, because it was the first time for the whole campaign that I actually had to flag back the heroes and change my heroes' builds a little bit.
Factions: Arborstoooone. It was tough because 1. couldn't be henched (there was only one monk henchman there, for Christ's sake) and 2. Factions was just released, so people were still trying it out. |
Shanaeri Rynale
In Hardmode..
Proph: Probably Sanctum cay(unless you bring a bonder)
Factions: Eternal Grove
Nightfall:Bastion can be a pain, but none spring to mind as being that hard.
What i've found in general is that the high end missions are pretty much the same difficulty, whereas the ones meant for parties of 4 are harder. Esp with a certain prince involved.
In Hardmode..
Proph: Probably Sanctum cay(unless you bring a bonder)
Factions: Eternal Grove
Nightfall:Bastion can be a pain, but none spring to mind as being that hard.
What i've found in general is that the high end missions are pretty much the same difficulty, whereas the ones meant for parties of 4 are harder. Esp with a certain prince involved.
Moa Bird Cultist
Hardest mission, eh?
Hardest in Prophecies: . . .
Hardest In Factions: Gyala Hatchery. Masters. Without Cheating. Not Arborstone.
Hardest In Nightfall: Shiro + PuGs. That is All.
Easiest 'Serious' (8 man) missions:
Prophecies: Ice Caves of Sorrow. lvl20 White Mantle for most of the mission = fail.
Factions: Boreas Seabed. Kraken is ftl.
Nightfall: Rilohn Refuge. Drought + Broad Head Arrow = No Sandstorm.
Hardest in Prophecies: . . .
Hardest In Factions: Gyala Hatchery. Masters. Without Cheating. Not Arborstone.
Hardest In Nightfall: Shiro + PuGs. That is All.
Easiest 'Serious' (8 man) missions:
Prophecies: Ice Caves of Sorrow. lvl20 White Mantle for most of the mission = fail.
Factions: Boreas Seabed. Kraken is ftl.
Nightfall: Rilohn Refuge. Drought + Broad Head Arrow = No Sandstorm.
Honestly... which mission is the hardest depends heavily on the class you're using, as well as the other people / herohench involved. For instance... my Water Elementalist was absolutely useless against Shiro in Factions (and I haven't got him the skills to be any other type since the Water Elementalist build totally thrashed through the rest of Factions).... but my Necromancer and Assassin can kneecap Shiro and urinate on his face... metaphorically speaking.
It also counts if you're going for the bonus in Prophecies and Nightfall... and to some extent if you're going for Masters in Factions.
Without bonus:
Prophecies: Ring of Fire
Factions: None.... maybe Zen Daijun...
Elona: Gate of Pain
With bonus:
Prophecies: Dragon's Lair
Factions: Eternal Grove
Elona: Gate of Pain
For the record.... things of note:
#1. Thunderhead Keep is laughably easy. The bonus is tricky to get right from the start if you don't have speed boosts... but that aside the mission is easy... Just... lengthy... In fact... see below.
#2. Ring of Fire I find moderately difficult irrespective of whether I'm going for the bonus or not.... and mostly because of that damned Willa the Unpleasant.
#3. Dragon's Lair becomes a whole different ball-game if I'm set to beat Glint... as the builds required on my heroes and my choice of henchies have to be changed accordingly, making the rest of the mission much more awkward. I don't appreciate it much.
#4. If it weren't for the back-route... I swear Gyala Hatchery would be the toughest mission in all of factions by far... I ALWAYS back-route it.
#5. There are some missions in Nightfall I haven't done yet.... i.e. the ones involving Master of Whispers and Melonni's path when Nightfall first hits (I went with Koss to the garden).... so I can't really judge them yet.
#6. Don't talk to me about Gate of Pain. Don't ever talk to me about the Gate of Pain... *curls up and trembles*
#7. Gate of Madness wasn't that bad. I pugged it for the sheer hell of it as much as anything, but had to try twice because the Lich whittled us down as we were trying to get the bonus the first time. The second time we managed just fine. Shiro... the big uberthreat as noted in GuildWiki ... got a ritual sprinkling of urine from my Assassin both times (i.e. Wild Blow, Wild Strike and Moebius Criticals tanking while Olias unleashed SV) and died VERY quickly like the incredible wimp he is.
Easiest "serious" missions, as Moa put it:
Prophecies: Thunderhead Keep (I'm not joking either.)
Factions: Vizunah Square (I can just fall asleep for extended periods and let my herohench do the work)
Elona: Gate of Desolation (This mission was a joke, right? The only possible threat is my getting too complacent and letting my herohench run out onto the Sulphur. The first time I did that I carried on regardless and finished the mission and bonus with a team of 4)
It also counts if you're going for the bonus in Prophecies and Nightfall... and to some extent if you're going for Masters in Factions.
Without bonus:
Prophecies: Ring of Fire
Factions: None.... maybe Zen Daijun...
Elona: Gate of Pain
With bonus:
Prophecies: Dragon's Lair
Factions: Eternal Grove
Elona: Gate of Pain
For the record.... things of note:
#1. Thunderhead Keep is laughably easy. The bonus is tricky to get right from the start if you don't have speed boosts... but that aside the mission is easy... Just... lengthy... In fact... see below.
#2. Ring of Fire I find moderately difficult irrespective of whether I'm going for the bonus or not.... and mostly because of that damned Willa the Unpleasant.
#3. Dragon's Lair becomes a whole different ball-game if I'm set to beat Glint... as the builds required on my heroes and my choice of henchies have to be changed accordingly, making the rest of the mission much more awkward. I don't appreciate it much.
#4. If it weren't for the back-route... I swear Gyala Hatchery would be the toughest mission in all of factions by far... I ALWAYS back-route it.
#5. There are some missions in Nightfall I haven't done yet.... i.e. the ones involving Master of Whispers and Melonni's path when Nightfall first hits (I went with Koss to the garden).... so I can't really judge them yet.
#6. Don't talk to me about Gate of Pain. Don't ever talk to me about the Gate of Pain... *curls up and trembles*
#7. Gate of Madness wasn't that bad. I pugged it for the sheer hell of it as much as anything, but had to try twice because the Lich whittled us down as we were trying to get the bonus the first time. The second time we managed just fine. Shiro... the big uberthreat as noted in GuildWiki ... got a ritual sprinkling of urine from my Assassin both times (i.e. Wild Blow, Wild Strike and Moebius Criticals tanking while Olias unleashed SV) and died VERY quickly like the incredible wimp he is.
Easiest "serious" missions, as Moa put it:
Prophecies: Thunderhead Keep (I'm not joking either.)
Factions: Vizunah Square (I can just fall asleep for extended periods and let my herohench do the work)
Elona: Gate of Desolation (This mission was a joke, right? The only possible threat is my getting too complacent and letting my herohench run out onto the Sulphur. The first time I did that I carried on regardless and finished the mission and bonus with a team of 4)
Macktar Wang
Prophecies: Aurora Glade, just cause I hate that bonus
Factions: Any mission that is timed...
Nightfall: Gate of Pain - Liquid Flame + Lightning Strike is fierce
All missions are routine for me at this point, but these are the ones I just don't like anymore.
Factions: Any mission that is timed...
Nightfall: Gate of Pain - Liquid Flame + Lightning Strike is fierce
All missions are routine for me at this point, but these are the ones I just don't like anymore.
Ok this's base on my 1st time on those missions.
Prophecies: Ring of fire (THK was close)
Factions: Raisu Palace
Nightfall:........That stupid dancing, mime duel mission, Tihark Orchard. I didn't know most of the emotes, so i had a few problem there.
(I did GoM on my 3nd try, so it wasn't that hard for me)
Prophecies: Ring of fire (THK was close)
Factions: Raisu Palace
Nightfall:........That stupid dancing, mime duel mission, Tihark Orchard. I didn't know most of the emotes, so i had a few problem there.
Sophitia Leafblade
Well to be fair non of them i would consider hard in normal mode and i havnt done them all in Hard mode yet but the most challenging in normal mode missions wise would be:
Prophecies: Dunes of Despair Bonus without the Necro Trick, This one was still pretty easy until they changed the Ai on the Wurms to attack the Ghost non stop now its just silly. I hate to think of this Bonus in Hard mode!
Factions: Gyala Hatcheries Masters without use the "Side" path, its probally the only mission ive never done the correct way. Lol Hard mode here would probally need a team of either 8 Bonders or 8 SF eles
Nightfall: Well none of the missions are hard but theres certainly a few Nasty Quests.
Prophecies: Dunes of Despair Bonus without the Necro Trick, This one was still pretty easy until they changed the Ai on the Wurms to attack the Ghost non stop now its just silly. I hate to think of this Bonus in Hard mode!
Factions: Gyala Hatcheries Masters without use the "Side" path, its probally the only mission ive never done the correct way. Lol Hard mode here would probally need a team of either 8 Bonders or 8 SF eles

Nightfall: Well none of the missions are hard but theres certainly a few Nasty Quests.
Prophecies: THK
Factions: Enternal Grove (masters)
Nightfall: Gate of Madness.
Factions: Enternal Grove (masters)
Nightfall: Gate of Madness.
Prophecies: THK
Factions: Raisu Palace
Nightfall: Gate of Pain
Missions where you can't just take 8 guys and go in and kill stuff left and right are typically classed as hard.
Thunderhead Keep isn't hard, it's widely known henchmen can beat it, it just requires more coordinated thinking than other missions, and is typically classed as much harder. You also need a good team, which typical PUGs cannot offer.
Factions: Raisu Palace
Nightfall: Gate of Pain
Missions where you can't just take 8 guys and go in and kill stuff left and right are typically classed as hard.
Thunderhead Keep isn't hard, it's widely known henchmen can beat it, it just requires more coordinated thinking than other missions, and is typically classed as much harder. You also need a good team, which typical PUGs cannot offer.
Jaythen Tyradel
Prophecies: 1st time through. THK.
Even after multiple times through the game, Hell's Precipice bonus. Well, bonus isnt bad, its just getting to the Seer in time before he gets killed. Many, many frustrations with that one.
I have protector for Tyria.
1st time through: Vizunah Square. Overwhelming Afflicted FTL.
For bonus:Tahnnakai Temple. Again, mission is tolerable, but getting masters (at least for me) is proving to me very frustrating.
Still working on protector.
Gate of Madness. 1st 15 times through.
For bonus:Moddok Crevice. Damn running rangers.
I got protector last night!
Even after multiple times through the game, Hell's Precipice bonus. Well, bonus isnt bad, its just getting to the Seer in time before he gets killed. Many, many frustrations with that one.
I have protector for Tyria.
1st time through: Vizunah Square. Overwhelming Afflicted FTL.
For bonus:Tahnnakai Temple. Again, mission is tolerable, but getting masters (at least for me) is proving to me very frustrating.
Still working on protector.
Gate of Madness. 1st 15 times through.
For bonus:Moddok Crevice. Damn running rangers.
I got protector last night!
Originally Posted by Darkfoxx
How can you say Arborstone is the hardest in Factions? I thought it was one of the easiest.
I just hero/henched factions with my Ritualist and I hate to say it but the hardest missions are the ones where you have to be two teams because the other team always suck, luckily I managed to get them with only henches on the other team.
I also recently finally finished Prophecies with my Warrior and really none of them we're overly hard, had no problems with ThK. My biggest problem was that it took me a while to figure out how to deal with Titans.
Prophecies: Hell's Precipice (hardest with hero/henches)
Factions: Eternal Grove (hardest with hero/henches)
Nightfall: Jennur's Horde (hardest with hero/henches)
Propechies: THK (only one I have had to do more then once on my war)
Factions: Naphui/Arborstone (every time the monks would park under the falling roof spots, I think it took me 8 tries......)
Nightfall: None really, I beat all the gate missions first time, but abbadon took me 2 tries B/c I herohench and didn't know to bring martyr on 2 guys. I just did what everyone told me, and we won most of the time in NF.
Factions: Naphui/Arborstone (every time the monks would park under the falling roof spots, I think it took me 8 tries......)
Nightfall: None really, I beat all the gate missions first time, but abbadon took me 2 tries B/c I herohench and didn't know to bring martyr on 2 guys. I just did what everyone told me, and we won most of the time in NF.
Based only on the maximum times I had to try with at least 1 character:
Prophecies: THK - hard first time, but easy for later characters
Factions: Arborstone - warrior made it first time through, asn got pwned repeatedly.
Nightfall: Gate of Madness - Easy now, but hard before I knew how to kill Shiro.
Prophecies: THK - hard first time, but easy for later characters
Factions: Arborstone - warrior made it first time through, asn got pwned repeatedly.
Nightfall: Gate of Madness - Easy now, but hard before I knew how to kill Shiro.
Originally Posted by GranDeWun
Nightfall: Gate of Madness - Easy now, but hard before I knew how to kill Shiro.
Mission only:
Prophecies: Hell's Precipice
Factions: Gyala Hatchery
Nightfall: Gate of Madness
Mission + Bonus:
Propheices: Dunes of Despair
Factions: Eternal Grove
Nightfall: Dzagonur Bastion
Prophecies: Hell's Precipice
Factions: Gyala Hatchery
Nightfall: Gate of Madness
Mission + Bonus:
Propheices: Dunes of Despair
Factions: Eternal Grove
Nightfall: Dzagonur Bastion
Originally Posted by majoho
Well Shiro is much easier than he is in Factions.
Originally Posted by majoho
Well Shiro is much easier than he is in Factions.
Bryant Again
Interestingly enough, I was able to defeat Shiro near the end of Nightfall without Wild Blow. I just flagged my henchies and heroes a lot. It was actually pretty fun.
Id have to say:
Proph: THK
Factions: Gyala Hatchery (unless you do it the wrong way and avoid the turtles at the start, it can get pretty hectic)
Nightfall: I cant remember the name, but you bring Goren with you and the elementalist ruby djinn at the end kept wiping my party out with SF over and over... damn him.
I also thought arborstone was v easy, if you take the left path and bring fire magic to blast the dragon-plant things then its fairly quick too.
Proph: THK
Factions: Gyala Hatchery (unless you do it the wrong way and avoid the turtles at the start, it can get pretty hectic)
Nightfall: I cant remember the name, but you bring Goren with you and the elementalist ruby djinn at the end kept wiping my party out with SF over and over... damn him.
I also thought arborstone was v easy, if you take the left path and bring fire magic to blast the dragon-plant things then its fairly quick too.
Blame the Monks
Mission only:
Prophecies: Ring of Fire
Factions: Gyala Hatchery
Nightfall: Gate of Madness
Mission + Bonus:
Propheices: Dunes of Despair
Factions: Eternal Grove
Nightfall: Dzagonur Bastion
Prophecies: Anything with Rurick
Factions: <-- haven't completed yet, so I can't say
Nightfall: The one where you get the wurms (forget the name)
Prophecies: Ring of Fire
Factions: Gyala Hatchery
Nightfall: Gate of Madness
Mission + Bonus:
Propheices: Dunes of Despair
Factions: Eternal Grove
Nightfall: Dzagonur Bastion
Prophecies: Anything with Rurick
Factions: <-- haven't completed yet, so I can't say
Nightfall: The one where you get the wurms (forget the name)
If we're including Bonus..
Proph - Dunes of Despair (getting the bonus on this was by far the most difficult thing I had to do in any of the 3 games)
Factions - Eternal Grove
Nightfall - Tough call. GoM certainly until I knew how to do it.. going through it again, I had a difficult time with the end of Dasha, unless the ele boss was overloaded with interrupts.
Proph - Dunes of Despair (getting the bonus on this was by far the most difficult thing I had to do in any of the 3 games)
Factions - Eternal Grove
Nightfall - Tough call. GoM certainly until I knew how to do it.. going through it again, I had a difficult time with the end of Dasha, unless the ele boss was overloaded with interrupts.
For me it really depends on the character I am playing
For instance for my W/R (not iway) nothing in Proph gave me much issue except Last Days with a 4 man team.
Factions nothing yet I just got to the Palace mission
Nightfall Dzagonur Bastion it has taken me a bit to understand the mission
For my Monk I only have problems when I am monking for real people.
I don't know why I guess I am not such a good real people monk.
With my Mez I only have issue's with missions that have many badies that attack in groups they mess up my degen spam causing me to break my groove.
With my Ele only timed missions give me a problem cause I need to be a bit more careful and recharge but my ele is defensive so that may have much to do with it.
My other characters are not advanced enough yet.
I should say I don't play much with real people unless I am helping which is what I am doing most of the time so it will take me a few years to get through all the chapters. I expect my other characters will have "to each there own" experience also
Happy Hunting
For instance for my W/R (not iway) nothing in Proph gave me much issue except Last Days with a 4 man team.
Factions nothing yet I just got to the Palace mission
Nightfall Dzagonur Bastion it has taken me a bit to understand the mission
For my Monk I only have problems when I am monking for real people.

With my Mez I only have issue's with missions that have many badies that attack in groups they mess up my degen spam causing me to break my groove.
With my Ele only timed missions give me a problem cause I need to be a bit more careful and recharge but my ele is defensive so that may have much to do with it.
My other characters are not advanced enough yet.
I should say I don't play much with real people unless I am helping which is what I am doing most of the time so it will take me a few years to get through all the chapters. I expect my other characters will have "to each there own" experience also
Happy Hunting
mazey vorstagg
Prophecies: Abaddon's mouth
Factions: Tahnakai Temple
Nightfall: Jennur's Horde, I've never done it, not even with a full guild team
Factions: Tahnakai Temple
Nightfall: Jennur's Horde, I've never done it, not even with a full guild team
Every time i lag
P : THK(bad partys all the time lol)
F : Tahnakai temple
N : Gate of madness
F : Tahnakai temple
N : Gate of madness
Every time i lag
P : THK(bad partys all the time lol)
F : Tahnakai temple
N : Gate of madness
F : Tahnakai temple
N : Gate of madness
Cant grab what people find hard about Raisu Palace, 2 SF eles + good minion blocking is instant win. Gyala is pretty easy the normal way when u stick a bonder on the baby and siege turtles, and use the canisters.
My personal favourites
-Jennurs Horde
-Eternal Grove
-Hells Precipice (spark of the titans blow)
My personal favourites
-Jennurs Horde
-Eternal Grove
-Hells Precipice (spark of the titans blow)
savage vapor 33
Proph - Great northern wall.
Factions - Zen Daijun
NF - Consulate Docks
Factions - Zen Daijun
NF - Consulate Docks
Prophecies - Divinity Coast, took me ages to find out the locations of all the Chosen and a good way of how to save them.=\
Factions - Eternal Grove, well it's hard because enemies come from 2 sides and you have to split the party.
Nightfall - Nundu Bay, had to retry it a lot of times.XD
Factions - Eternal Grove, well it's hard because enemies come from 2 sides and you have to split the party.
Nightfall - Nundu Bay, had to retry it a lot of times.XD
Swift Thief
Prophecies: Abaddon's Mouth
Factions: Arborstone
Nightfall: Jennur's horde
Anyways, how to THK hard? It was so easy. the mobs were very small and at the fort, the monsters only came two by two...
Factions: Arborstone
Nightfall: Jennur's horde
Anyways, how to THK hard? It was so easy. the mobs were very small and at the fort, the monsters only came two by two...
Hmm... for hard mode bonus, since getting the missions themselves done was fairly easy:
Prophecies: Elona Reach, and I don't know why. Henchmen/heroes just seem to get killed by two forgotten arcanist really easily.
Factions: Eternal Grove, because it was so much fun in addion to being tough.
Nightfall: Moddok Crevice. Half recharge natural slide is such a pain as a warrior.
Prophecies: Elona Reach, and I don't know why. Henchmen/heroes just seem to get killed by two forgotten arcanist really easily.
Factions: Eternal Grove, because it was so much fun in addion to being tough.
Nightfall: Moddok Crevice. Half recharge natural slide is such a pain as a warrior.