Originally Posted by Anarion Silverhand
/Not Signed. The Do Not Disturb Function works for me... Also, it seems kind of odd to log on and having your status set to auto-offline to me.
Originally Posted by Lexxor
/not signed
I don't really like this, just use DND.
Okay I understand the confusion here.
The main thing about this function isn't about the DnD function that offline mode also has, its about being hidden from others, because if you log in, you have to
manually set yourself to offline , but this blows your "cover" because someone might spot you on his/her list, or see in the Guild Members page that you recently logged in.
The issue here is privacy (and convenience to some extent).
Example: You tell someone you are going away for a couple of hours (when you just want to stay in offline status and wish to avoid talking to that person for a while).
You then want to play another character (or grab some item on some characters inventory), but that person would see that you logged in on that other character, because whenever you log in, the automatic status is *Online*.
Some quotes from a couple of posters here that i think are good examples of how this function could be useful:
Originally Posted by Perkunas
I like the idea. Sometimes log on to move items from 1 character to another. That pesky guldmate that thinks they have to be your shadow from log on till log off. Would be nice to be able to remain 'hidden' until ready to play. /signed
Originally Posted by Razorblade Monkey
I love the guildies see me log on, say hello, i set to offline, then they say "he's gone already! what's his problem"
woulda been better if I never appeared at all sometimes =o) And before anet thinks their community is going all anti-human interaction on them, think about it. You telling us that you never wanted a little time alone? For most, it's a human need =o)
Originally Posted by tenshi_strife
yea i would love this cause being a guild leaser everyone always attacks me with questions and ask me to help them and sometimes i can only hop on for a minute to do something really quick but if i try to respond i run out of time and if i dont respond im an asshole -.- so yea /signed
I hope thats less confusing.