Is it worth it to be nice?
Sun Fired Blank
To be frank, my conduct is very practical and independent. I have one role-playing character that I use to max various titles. I use Druid Armor instead of Obsidian Armor. My weapon of choice is the Poisonous Nevermore Flatbow. My hero armor is covered in Runes of Minor Vigor instead of Runes of Superior Vigor. If I desire a specific unique, I crush the monster until it drops. As a result, I often have very sizeable amounts of cash to give away. So I give it away. The simple fact is that I have no practical use for it. I have very minimal concern for aesthetics and it isn't cost-functional to improve my equipment. If my cash and my items can enhance another's quality of play, then why shouldn't I give it away? That said, my generosity is too often squandered for me to care anymore. If my generosity does not benefit anyone (or in several cases, hurts another people), than I simply have no reason to be generous. It's a real shame; I use the Ventari forum because I know that if someone purchases one of my items, they have at least some use for it, and I price my items fairly, but not low enough that a buyer could profit from a resale. I used to give away items until just recently, but very few people use them, and while it isn't overly useful to me, their absolute lack of gratitude is a real obstacle to continued generosity. In summary: Don't bother to help other people. It rarely worthwhile to you or to anyone else, and there's no emotional or practical incentive to do it.
The otherday i was sent a pm and told to go to a GH for a reward for helping out. i went they opened trade and gave me 10k.
. I said "thanks, Whats this for?" and they said wooops wrong person. So i did what anyone would do - map traveled and added them to ignore list
JOKE - i traded straight 10k back to them but i sometimes wonder if it does pay to be nice as i doubt many people would give back and i need money for sig caps
JOKE - i traded straight 10k back to them but i sometimes wonder if it does pay to be nice as i doubt many people would give back and i need money for sig caps

Los Hectorlos
Originally Posted by JeniM
The otherday i was sent a pm and told to go to a GH for a reward for helping out. i went they opened trade and gave me 10k.
Rofl! But sadly 90% of the people on GW would do that. :l
Quite right. Once you freely give something to someone you don’t know, be it a weapon, information, help on a mission, it is theirs to keep and they have no legal obligation to give you anything in return, even a thank you.
But I’m sorry, nobody feels good when they give stuff away to greedy little fake scammy little buggers who pretend to be poor, playing on sympathies of good people.*
*(My favorite example of this was encountering a warrior in Kodash, crying that she sold all her armor, now she didn’t have any to wear, because she wanted Vabbi armor; would anyone help her please? I whispered her all kinds of info about collectors, the 1k armor at the docks—she was a Canthan warrior, I could tell. Later I saw her in another district in Kodash, wearing full 15k Luxon… glad I didn’t fall for her schtick, I hope no one else did…)
It’s being the fairy godmother when someone needs it the most, that feels good. It’s having the right information or the right experience at the right time in the right district to answer a question in local chat, which can change the inquirer’s game play, or even their day, for the better.
Anyway, a "thank you" says, maybe you did help them, and they're not a fake little scammy person who just took you for a ride.
But I’m sorry, nobody feels good when they give stuff away to greedy little fake scammy little buggers who pretend to be poor, playing on sympathies of good people.*
*(My favorite example of this was encountering a warrior in Kodash, crying that she sold all her armor, now she didn’t have any to wear, because she wanted Vabbi armor; would anyone help her please? I whispered her all kinds of info about collectors, the 1k armor at the docks—she was a Canthan warrior, I could tell. Later I saw her in another district in Kodash, wearing full 15k Luxon… glad I didn’t fall for her schtick, I hope no one else did…)
It’s being the fairy godmother when someone needs it the most, that feels good. It’s having the right information or the right experience at the right time in the right district to answer a question in local chat, which can change the inquirer’s game play, or even their day, for the better.
Anyway, a "thank you" says, maybe you did help them, and they're not a fake little scammy person who just took you for a ride.
it's worth it to be nice if it makes you feel good about it. as a reward you might make a new friend
i try to be nice with advice or helping guildies/alliance with pve missions. i don't like to give away stuff though. the best i do is sell something for a lower price to friends.
i used to be more helpful towards strangers but i guess i got fed up with various things to still care.

i used to be more helpful towards strangers but i guess i got fed up with various things to still care.
Hmm, I guess this boils down to your definition of "Nice".
I think I'm nice. I'm usually friendly ingame. I don't cuss out moronic players. (Instead I come here and share my experiences with others who need a laugh) I try to help out newbies. If someone joins my team with a horrible horrible build, I won't kick them, but will make suggestions on their build. If they insist on running a bad build, I will kick them.
However, I'm greedy. I don't give handouts. I can't stand the beggars in town. You know the ones, "can sum one gimme 300g for armor",
"I need 10 steel ingots FREE!!!!!!!!!" I ignore them. It makes no sense to stand around town for 2 hours spamming "Gimme 50g for my storage account" when even a lowly level 1 could hop outside, kill a few monsters and earn 50g in about 15 minutes. If they're too dumb to do that, I hope they tire of the game and uninstall it soon.
I also don't have much patience with jerks. I was bored a few weeks ago and I joined a Captured Son team. I figured my level 20 warrior could help them out. Halfway to the lagoon they started insulting me. They were running in the wrong direction and when i tried to correct them, they called me a noob, a moron and a few other things I won't repeat. I left. After they failed the quest, the leader PM'd me to yell at me for leaving them stranded. Oh well. Tough!
LOL, maybe I'm not nice after all.
I think I'm nice. I'm usually friendly ingame. I don't cuss out moronic players. (Instead I come here and share my experiences with others who need a laugh) I try to help out newbies. If someone joins my team with a horrible horrible build, I won't kick them, but will make suggestions on their build. If they insist on running a bad build, I will kick them.
However, I'm greedy. I don't give handouts. I can't stand the beggars in town. You know the ones, "can sum one gimme 300g for armor",
"I need 10 steel ingots FREE!!!!!!!!!" I ignore them. It makes no sense to stand around town for 2 hours spamming "Gimme 50g for my storage account" when even a lowly level 1 could hop outside, kill a few monsters and earn 50g in about 15 minutes. If they're too dumb to do that, I hope they tire of the game and uninstall it soon.
I also don't have much patience with jerks. I was bored a few weeks ago and I joined a Captured Son team. I figured my level 20 warrior could help them out. Halfway to the lagoon they started insulting me. They were running in the wrong direction and when i tried to correct them, they called me a noob, a moron and a few other things I won't repeat. I left. After they failed the quest, the leader PM'd me to yell at me for leaving them stranded. Oh well. Tough!
LOL, maybe I'm not nice after all.
I am always polite and courteous with other players, even the more moronic ones. I will not give people anything. Giving someone free money just gives them the idea that they can make it through a game like this with just spamming for hand-outs. I try to help people out, teach people tricks or methods for making money or completing quests, but giving things out for free is in my opinion counter productive.
Being nice and polite to other players is the best way to receive the same back from them.
Being nice and polite to other players is the best way to receive the same back from them.
In my opinion nothing has any worth. It's all pointless anyway.
So, can't really judge anybody.
This describes what I think:
It's not just about someone pissing in your cereals, but finding out
they passed kidney stones as well.
All in all, hey, it's typical. And also damn boring because of that very predictability.
So, can't really judge anybody.
This describes what I think:
It's not just about someone pissing in your cereals, but finding out
they passed kidney stones as well.
All in all, hey, it's typical. And also damn boring because of that very predictability.
It seems to me this person is young and is new to the game or relatively.There are times i am nice and give things away if they are taking up to much room in my vault.I will however give the good stuff to guildies and alliance members.
Mr. G
People arnt as nice as they were, acording to a recent survey (=P) only 52% of the communoty would stop a scam happening - Unlike the past days of 73%
There is a law called sowing and reaping... (aka Karma) and it has always held true in my life.
Originally Posted by TheRaven
I also don't have much patience with jerks. I was bored a few weeks ago and I joined a Captured Son team. I figured my level 20 warrior could help them out. Halfway to the lagoon they started insulting me. They were running in the wrong direction and when i tried to correct them, they called me a noob, a moron and a few other things I won't repeat. I left. After they failed the quest, the leader PM'd me to yell at me for leaving them stranded. Oh well. Tough!
LOL, maybe I'm not nice after all. |

When I first started playing GW (Prophesies), several of my 'friends' from another game had been playing GW awhile. I went from pre to post just barely a level 3. I had less than 100g, no raw materials, no real clue about how to play the game. They were too busy trying to get thru Magumma Jungle or were in the Desert trying to get ascended, to help me figure out what to do. I just played as best I could. When I finally got to Lion's Arch, I was still wearing the starter armor and using a bow (7-10 dmg) that a Charr had dropped outside Piken Square. I did have enough gold and materials to get armor in LA.
Since that time I have gotten 4 characters thru Prophesies. I have a 'Mule" with bags full of materials and around 300k in storage. I have a few max gold weapons, a couple of greens that I don't have any real need for, and several upgrades that I am just sitting on.
When I see a low level (2-4) person with no guild tags in post-Ascalon asking for help, I am asking what help they need. When they ask the 'right' question, they are in for a surprise. I will usually give them what they need, gold & materials, for Ascalon armor. If I have a weapon for their class that is better than what they have, I give it to them. I make sure they have a storage account and at least 5k in gold also. I then help them thru several quests and as many missions as they want to do during that time. Depending on their attitude during this time, I may even run them as far as Lion's Arch and give them one of those max weapons I have in storage.
On rare occasions, they come back asking for more. Depending on the tone of the need, I will try to help.
I do this because I like to help people and because of the trouble I had in the beginning. When they say they will repay me, I tell them not to worry about it. Maybe someday down the road, when they can, they will help someone.
Since that time I have gotten 4 characters thru Prophesies. I have a 'Mule" with bags full of materials and around 300k in storage. I have a few max gold weapons, a couple of greens that I don't have any real need for, and several upgrades that I am just sitting on.
When I see a low level (2-4) person with no guild tags in post-Ascalon asking for help, I am asking what help they need. When they ask the 'right' question, they are in for a surprise. I will usually give them what they need, gold & materials, for Ascalon armor. If I have a weapon for their class that is better than what they have, I give it to them. I make sure they have a storage account and at least 5k in gold also. I then help them thru several quests and as many missions as they want to do during that time. Depending on their attitude during this time, I may even run them as far as Lion's Arch and give them one of those max weapons I have in storage.
On rare occasions, they come back asking for more. Depending on the tone of the need, I will try to help.
I do this because I like to help people and because of the trouble I had in the beginning. When they say they will repay me, I tell them not to worry about it. Maybe someday down the road, when they can, they will help someone.
Krazi Bastid
usually, like once a week, i go on a farming binge. fill up my whole inventory with golds. then i go to ascalon city, shingjea, and kamadan and jus give stuff away to lowbies, 1 per person. its nice when even tho they get like a zodiac sword they are like yeahhhh! im badass. reminds me of when i first started and how i thought i was badass with an fds.
nowadays, ppls are dumber and idiotic than ever with skillchoices and char set ups. helpin em understand the schematics of the game and builds will improve player quality and the ppl who helped by being nice and teachin the noobs will be affected by being able to group with less nonmorons. so their help wont have gone to waste.
nowadays, ppls are dumber and idiotic than ever with skillchoices and char set ups. helpin em understand the schematics of the game and builds will improve player quality and the ppl who helped by being nice and teachin the noobs will be affected by being able to group with less nonmorons. so their help wont have gone to waste.
Andrew Patrick
Personally, I think it is worth it. If you ask anyone in my guild, I am notoriously poor because I give away more than I sell or trade. To me, its a game, and helping someone have a good experience is more important to me than "ph4t l00t." And no, that isn't just because I work for Anet...I felt the same way when I was playing other games before I was even in the industry.
I have given a few things away to people only to have them sell them, or start spamming for more freebies not 5 seconds after the trade is completed. A wise person once said, kind people should never cease to be nice because of a few jerks. Be nice to everyone, and if some of them are ungrateful for that kindness, they are the ones who should change, not you. If you are out there helping others you are already a bigger person than they are, so IMO continue to be the bigger person by not letting them change who you are.

I have given a few things away to people only to have them sell them, or start spamming for more freebies not 5 seconds after the trade is completed. A wise person once said, kind people should never cease to be nice because of a few jerks. Be nice to everyone, and if some of them are ungrateful for that kindness, they are the ones who should change, not you. If you are out there helping others you are already a bigger person than they are, so IMO continue to be the bigger person by not letting them change who you are.

Turbo Wombat
My general rule for the game has always been that I'll help people as long as they're polite and it doesn't involve money or items. I earned all my stuff up from nothing without too much trouble and I think they can do the same.
Solus Spartan
Originally Posted by MSecorsky
Heck with it... giving this it's own thread.
Two days ago a level 9 warrior is in Ascalon asking for a gold sword to buy. I have a spare... a req 9 Cruel Fanged sword of Enchanting, 15^50, 20% in storage... so rather than haggle a price I just gave it to him. Seemed real appreciative, I felt good about it. Last night... I get an accidental PM from the guy. Selling Req 9 Cruel Fanged Sword of Enchanting, 15^50, very nice Nightfall skin! 70K. So... I respond to the guy... you're selling the sword I gave you? "No, I'd never do that! I'm going to keep it forever!" o.O Sometimes our species really disappoints me. |
For the most part I gave up on helping people out a long time ago. I still will from time to time but nowhere near as often as I used to.
I'm usually nice to people who you can tell for sure need it. Though I normally do my own thing sometimes when I'm in the mood (most of the time not from life) I'll help that one noob do a mission or help direct them through the story and even buy them their armor.
Those who may want to be nice but don't trust the strangers, start out asking a question that either a pro would know the answer to or what noob would say in response. When you take that small step to quiz them, it would weed out someone who is just trying to scam someone.
Finding someone who spends alot of time asking for help without anyone coming forward (like for a mission) are a good choice to approach if you ask me. Heck, I did the Lyssa mirror mission for someone with them just following my few commands as to where to stand and fight nearby enemies, and they did great. Plus, the guy was so happy from it he wanted to be friends, and hes in my guild now. Nice guy and had the capability to LEARN the game unlike the random fools you see talk in local chat.
Ohh I remember this one time this noob saw me talking in local and was answering some stupid but normal noob questions for some people. This noob whispered me to help him find out if a trade was equal worth (some gold perfect sword for something else expensive-i forget) I was able to explain to him what some of the worths were and if he was getting scammed or not. It worked out well, but fact is I could have said whatever I wanted and got him to trade me whatever expensive thing it was for whatever I wanted lol... but I'm not like that.
i'll admit, i'm generally an asshole because i hate whoever reads this and everyone else in the world. Oh well I guess! Generally speaking, I think people should treat others as they want to be treated in addition to "an eye for an eye". People get what they deserve and treat everyone else how you'd want it for you. I ignore most people because too many people ask for help before using their brains. Figure it out yourself most of the time, and when your feeling it and someone really wants to figure something out but NEEDS that help, GIVE them it, they probably tried and can't get it right on their own so they are trying the last outlet. Ya know?
Those who may want to be nice but don't trust the strangers, start out asking a question that either a pro would know the answer to or what noob would say in response. When you take that small step to quiz them, it would weed out someone who is just trying to scam someone.
Finding someone who spends alot of time asking for help without anyone coming forward (like for a mission) are a good choice to approach if you ask me. Heck, I did the Lyssa mirror mission for someone with them just following my few commands as to where to stand and fight nearby enemies, and they did great. Plus, the guy was so happy from it he wanted to be friends, and hes in my guild now. Nice guy and had the capability to LEARN the game unlike the random fools you see talk in local chat.
Ohh I remember this one time this noob saw me talking in local and was answering some stupid but normal noob questions for some people. This noob whispered me to help him find out if a trade was equal worth (some gold perfect sword for something else expensive-i forget) I was able to explain to him what some of the worths were and if he was getting scammed or not. It worked out well, but fact is I could have said whatever I wanted and got him to trade me whatever expensive thing it was for whatever I wanted lol... but I'm not like that.
i'll admit, i'm generally an asshole because i hate whoever reads this and everyone else in the world. Oh well I guess! Generally speaking, I think people should treat others as they want to be treated in addition to "an eye for an eye". People get what they deserve and treat everyone else how you'd want it for you. I ignore most people because too many people ask for help before using their brains. Figure it out yourself most of the time, and when your feeling it and someone really wants to figure something out but NEEDS that help, GIVE them it, they probably tried and can't get it right on their own so they are trying the last outlet. Ya know?

recently in shing jea a guy was asking for 50g for storage, offering to pay 100g back. I gave him the 50g and told him not to worry about paying me back. He pmed me later and asked what prof I was and I told him ranger and he gave me a nice bow, wouldn't take no for an answer. So yes there are nice people out there

Being nice will ultimately pay dividends, if you're smart about it - people LIKE nice people, they are desirable companions and friends, and if you're not a total pushover you get respect for it, too. But jerks and their ilk just alienate everyone and end up isolated and disgruntled...unless they're really precocious.
Think of it like a long term investment. Eventually you'll end up well-liked and respected by a group of people who value ethical behavior. Victory in our time.
My in-game anecdote: the first guild I joined, I got scammed by one of the members - he sold me a crappy gold item that had the mods stripped off of it for way too much money (it was only 2-3k, but the thing was merch food). I was too much of a noob to figure it out immediately, but it didn't take long before I realized. I left the guild, found another one full of people who are nice, and stayed in it. So the scammer dude made 2k, which is really nothing, and his guild's paltry membership remained low. He sacrificed a long term gain for a short term one; and eventually, that kind of strategy leaves you SOL.
Think of it like a long term investment. Eventually you'll end up well-liked and respected by a group of people who value ethical behavior. Victory in our time.
My in-game anecdote: the first guild I joined, I got scammed by one of the members - he sold me a crappy gold item that had the mods stripped off of it for way too much money (it was only 2-3k, but the thing was merch food). I was too much of a noob to figure it out immediately, but it didn't take long before I realized. I left the guild, found another one full of people who are nice, and stayed in it. So the scammer dude made 2k, which is really nothing, and his guild's paltry membership remained low. He sacrificed a long term gain for a short term one; and eventually, that kind of strategy leaves you SOL.
The Legg
No-one ever gave me anything when first starting up and that is by far the best way. AM sure many players the played from the start appriciate the wonders of earning your first 100k and then the choices made in investing that cash to make your first million. You only ever truely value items you earn yourself. I have very little patience with beggers that sit in towns spamming for free stuff, quite frankly its pathetic.
Now helping new people out with a certain mission or quest is completely the opposite, especially if they have one of the less desirable pve classes for groups.
So in simple terms financial help is not worth it at all, but gameplay help and niceness is the best way.
Now helping new people out with a certain mission or quest is completely the opposite, especially if they have one of the less desirable pve classes for groups.
So in simple terms financial help is not worth it at all, but gameplay help and niceness is the best way.
When I see someone begging for money/items I say, 'You paid real money for a game so you can beg for fake money? LOL'
And if I see someone asking for 50g so they can open storage, I show them how to get a quest that will earn them 50g in under 5 minutes.
But I try to answer every reasonable question I see in chat to the best of my ability.
And if I see someone asking for 50g so they can open storage, I show them how to get a quest that will earn them 50g in under 5 minutes.
But I try to answer every reasonable question I see in chat to the best of my ability.
My simple responce is....
...people ingame are just as bad (if not worse) as they are in the real world. Ingame they can get away with murder and never have to face you!
Tt the end of the day, its just a game. Dont take things so personally and NEVER give away a perfect weapon to a stranger. Did you honestly not expect him to sell it on for an inflated price?
Giving away an average weapon to get a newbie started is one thing. But to give away a low req, perfect stat sword is questionable.
That might not have even been his main character, and he was just trying the warrior out. So you basically gave him a perfect weapon that he can flog cos he doesnt really need it.
Just dont give stuff away free, especially not stuff that a person can get themselves if they just put enough effort in.
...people ingame are just as bad (if not worse) as they are in the real world. Ingame they can get away with murder and never have to face you!
Tt the end of the day, its just a game. Dont take things so personally and NEVER give away a perfect weapon to a stranger. Did you honestly not expect him to sell it on for an inflated price?
Giving away an average weapon to get a newbie started is one thing. But to give away a low req, perfect stat sword is questionable.
That might not have even been his main character, and he was just trying the warrior out. So you basically gave him a perfect weapon that he can flog cos he doesnt really need it.
Just dont give stuff away free, especially not stuff that a person can get themselves if they just put enough effort in.
I usually only help out people who can use proper spelling and ask for help (not those who demand it like "Sum1 help meh plx!!1").
By helping I don't mean giving free stuffs, well unless it's the few GP to unlock a Storage or something, but more like tips and advice on how to do stuff. If you just give a newb everything they need, they'll (probably) never learn to save their money for armour/weapons.
By helping I don't mean giving free stuffs, well unless it's the few GP to unlock a Storage or something, but more like tips and advice on how to do stuff. If you just give a newb everything they need, they'll (probably) never learn to save their money for armour/weapons.
I'm pretty much a loner on here after a number of terrible experiences with individuals, guilds, etc. I play PVE with my wife and do AB and RA, try to avoid the nasty folk.
One memorabel occassion was when i was capturing the elites in factions, I was running in and out of the towns every few minutes, somone was in a town wanting to do a mission and because i was rejected their calls to form a team several times, they went round for 3 hours slagging me in whispers and towns, simple because they wanted to do a mission while i was not.
Another was when a guild member asked for help then started to complain becuase I was going too fast for them, and then complained to the leader that i wasn;t wantign to play withthem because I went fast through a couple of mission with them. This is despite them being timed missions and helping them get Masters on it. This player then proceeded to circulate around all the other members that i hated playing with them, simply because I would go through missions in an efficent manner.
Whenever i have helped anyone I have never got any appreciation from them, and half the time I have suffered some form of verbal abuse. For this reason I carry out most of the game on my own,
It's one thing to give help and not expect anything in return, but quite another to either have it flung in your face and be abused, or to have abuse if you don't give it.
One memorabel occassion was when i was capturing the elites in factions, I was running in and out of the towns every few minutes, somone was in a town wanting to do a mission and because i was rejected their calls to form a team several times, they went round for 3 hours slagging me in whispers and towns, simple because they wanted to do a mission while i was not.
Another was when a guild member asked for help then started to complain becuase I was going too fast for them, and then complained to the leader that i wasn;t wantign to play withthem because I went fast through a couple of mission with them. This is despite them being timed missions and helping them get Masters on it. This player then proceeded to circulate around all the other members that i hated playing with them, simply because I would go through missions in an efficent manner.
Whenever i have helped anyone I have never got any appreciation from them, and half the time I have suffered some form of verbal abuse. For this reason I carry out most of the game on my own,
It's one thing to give help and not expect anything in return, but quite another to either have it flung in your face and be abused, or to have abuse if you don't give it.
The leader of my guild has helped me get Protector of all 3 and has never wanted anything back and another guildy gave me a Scar Eater for my Survivor Monk 
but in my last guild we were a new starting guild right from scrap and i paid for a sigil at the trader for a GH and one of the guildys that had been in the guild longer than me said to give it to him and he'll give it leader, i traded and
we said "So when getting a chance to give him it?"
-no answer-
"Will it be soon?"
-no answer-
so i open guild window and he's not at the top under active members and i check status and he'd left . . . run with a 6-7k sigil (can't remember how much back then but i was new so it was ALOT to me)
Point is there ARE nice people and complete evil people. Lucky for me my current guild is full of nice people and i don't need to interact with random people much. I could be missing out on nice people or i could be avoiding getting scammed and i'm happy to stay within the guild for groups as i don't like the risk
another E.G. I was in Deep (first time, yes more noobs in the deep for all you l33ts) i was tanking and had died. Then a Q9 Zodiac Sword drops assigned to me
. Half the team start saying "Leave that noob dead till it unbinds"
I haven't been in another elite area since as this wasn't a good first impression, Good news is i do have some hope in elite areas as someone did ress me to collect my drop even if it ment they got abuse off the others. They pm'ed me saying not to listen to all these and just have fun which was nice
but in my last guild we were a new starting guild right from scrap and i paid for a sigil at the trader for a GH and one of the guildys that had been in the guild longer than me said to give it to him and he'll give it leader, i traded and
we said "So when getting a chance to give him it?"
-no answer-
"Will it be soon?"
-no answer-
so i open guild window and he's not at the top under active members and i check status and he'd left . . . run with a 6-7k sigil (can't remember how much back then but i was new so it was ALOT to me)
Point is there ARE nice people and complete evil people. Lucky for me my current guild is full of nice people and i don't need to interact with random people much. I could be missing out on nice people or i could be avoiding getting scammed and i'm happy to stay within the guild for groups as i don't like the risk
another E.G. I was in Deep (first time, yes more noobs in the deep for all you l33ts) i was tanking and had died. Then a Q9 Zodiac Sword drops assigned to me
I haven't been in another elite area since as this wasn't a good first impression, Good news is i do have some hope in elite areas as someone did ress me to collect my drop even if it ment they got abuse off the others. They pm'ed me saying not to listen to all these and just have fun which was nice
The Herbalizer
There are only a few people I really trust in GW. I dont loan or give away gold, items etc now. I havnt done for a very very long time. Im nice to guildies, friends and when trading but other than that I dont really bother.
Originally Posted by william1975
I'm pretty much a loner on here after a number of terrible experiences with individuals, guilds, etc. I play PVE with my wife and do AB and RA, try to avoid the nasty folk.
One memorabel occassion was when i was capturing the elites in factions, I was running in and out of the towns every few minutes, somone was in a town wanting to do a mission and because i was rejected their calls to form a team several times, they went round for 3 hours slagging me in whispers and towns, simple because they wanted to do a mission while i was not. Another was when a guild member asked for help then started to complain becuase I was going too fast for them, and then complained to the leader that i wasn;t wantign to play withthem because I went fast through a couple of mission with them. This is despite them being timed missions and helping them get Masters on it. This player then proceeded to circulate around all the other members that i hated playing with them, simply because I would go through missions in an efficent manner. Whenever i have helped anyone I have never got any appreciation from them, and half the time I have suffered some form of verbal abuse. For this reason I carry out most of the game on my own, It's one thing to give help and not expect anything in return, but quite another to either have it flung in your face and be abused, or to have abuse if you don't give it. |
ok imma blind post...i read the OP and a couple comments but im somewhat busy today at work sooo i dont wanna try and keep up with 60+ comments lol.
Its worth it in the sense of good karma/bad karma where as if you help someone then someone may help you when the time comes. Its more of a matter how its going to be used. In essence helping in an MMO is like teaching a one legged person hopscotch or something. Theyll tell you they wanna learn because they never have been able to do it and they feel left out....a week later theyre on opera being the only one legged person playing hopscotch and capatilizing on your help when they gave you a pity story. I like to help people because a lotta people helped me when i started. Ive payed for an entire group to get a run to droks just because i was feeling nice and i had all the armor i really wanted for my char. Ive given people 15k+mats cause they really wanted a peice of 15k armor...i knew they were gonna get it and i didnt care....they gave me a run through the desert so i gave a 15k tip =D in other instances ive givin away my extra mini pigs and noob weapons to people who just started so theyre not left out. bought armor+runes for people who werent even guildies. on top of which ive made a post in the giveaway section of the forums... i asked people to take them because they need them and not because they wanted to make a quick couple of plat. i know full and well they prolly sold those in half a second but cant really expect much otherwise. but anyrate i digress back to the original point. Helping in an MMO is only worth it if you think its worth it, some people are just asses and thats how its gonna be.
Its worth it in the sense of good karma/bad karma where as if you help someone then someone may help you when the time comes. Its more of a matter how its going to be used. In essence helping in an MMO is like teaching a one legged person hopscotch or something. Theyll tell you they wanna learn because they never have been able to do it and they feel left out....a week later theyre on opera being the only one legged person playing hopscotch and capatilizing on your help when they gave you a pity story. I like to help people because a lotta people helped me when i started. Ive payed for an entire group to get a run to droks just because i was feeling nice and i had all the armor i really wanted for my char. Ive given people 15k+mats cause they really wanted a peice of 15k armor...i knew they were gonna get it and i didnt care....they gave me a run through the desert so i gave a 15k tip =D in other instances ive givin away my extra mini pigs and noob weapons to people who just started so theyre not left out. bought armor+runes for people who werent even guildies. on top of which ive made a post in the giveaway section of the forums... i asked people to take them because they need them and not because they wanted to make a quick couple of plat. i know full and well they prolly sold those in half a second but cant really expect much otherwise. but anyrate i digress back to the original point. Helping in an MMO is only worth it if you think its worth it, some people are just asses and thats how its gonna be.
Being nice when it comes to purely immaterial things, such as language, behaviour, etc, the answer would be "YES! Definately! Even if they reply back in an unpleasant manner, you will at least send off the signal that you are, in fact, a better person"
However, when it comes to being nice to anyone, except your friends, with regards to material things (not limited to items and gold, but also including your time, ie helping with missions) I believe the answer is, sadly "No, no, NO! A majority of the general MMO population are utter scum. People with so low morals that it could keep psychiatrics entertained for years to come. These people who would sell their own grandma to buy online gold for GW are even less worth than the dirt under your shoes."
However, when it comes to being nice to anyone, except your friends, with regards to material things (not limited to items and gold, but also including your time, ie helping with missions) I believe the answer is, sadly "No, no, NO! A majority of the general MMO population are utter scum. People with so low morals that it could keep psychiatrics entertained for years to come. These people who would sell their own grandma to buy online gold for GW are even less worth than the dirt under your shoes."
Yeah, I never give anything for free...unless it's to my other account ^_^
The only thing I give for free, is information & advice based on my experiences in the game. Someone asks a question, I'll be glad to answer...i love to help people in that respect.
When it comes to items, I will always sell, unless someone is being nice to me and giving me something for free, i'll want to give them something in return. So it isnt a giving of free stuff or a moocher/moochee deal...but rather an exchange of gifts
Because giving free stuff to someone "in Need" is impossible to gauge. If this Player is a Level 4 Warrior looking like he needs dont know that he has 11 level 20 characters in HM doing FoW/UW/DoA/Vanquish runs etc.
Oddly enough for me, when I get given gifts of items and i've been given multiple K just because of my character name and this guild revolved around her name and green items....I was on a level 20 character in 15k armor all dyed black...not like I was hiding the fact that I'm not a noob looking for a handout hehe. I find it funny when I was on a brand new warrior and someone tried to offer me some sword upgrade and I simply said no thank you as My warrior was wearing green items and i didn't need something like that + i have all those items from the pre-release packages so every beginner character has a max weapon to use.
I really don't deal much with my guild as they have everything and then some. Impossible to sell to people who have it all.
With my best friend (in real life) - when we play together and sell to each other. We take the base price offered from Guru Price Check, and take a 30% discount off of that. So if X Item sells for 10-15k. We take the base price (10k) then subtract 30% (3k) to = 7k for the item (70% of Base Price Range). So we still make money, but we get that "Friends Discount".
The only thing I give for free, is information & advice based on my experiences in the game. Someone asks a question, I'll be glad to answer...i love to help people in that respect.
When it comes to items, I will always sell, unless someone is being nice to me and giving me something for free, i'll want to give them something in return. So it isnt a giving of free stuff or a moocher/moochee deal...but rather an exchange of gifts

Oddly enough for me, when I get given gifts of items and i've been given multiple K just because of my character name and this guild revolved around her name and green items....I was on a level 20 character in 15k armor all dyed black...not like I was hiding the fact that I'm not a noob looking for a handout hehe. I find it funny when I was on a brand new warrior and someone tried to offer me some sword upgrade and I simply said no thank you as My warrior was wearing green items and i didn't need something like that + i have all those items from the pre-release packages so every beginner character has a max weapon to use.
I really don't deal much with my guild as they have everything and then some. Impossible to sell to people who have it all.
With my best friend (in real life) - when we play together and sell to each other. We take the base price offered from Guru Price Check, and take a 30% discount off of that. So if X Item sells for 10-15k. We take the base price (10k) then subtract 30% (3k) to = 7k for the item (70% of Base Price Range). So we still make money, but we get that "Friends Discount".
too true...too true
It is good to be nice, but I think a few people are abit clueless when it come to handing out free items. They're easily fooled by those fake people.
It's common for some idiot to beg constantly in a town for free gold/items while making up some bs excuse about how they lost their armor, etc. So they're begging and even SPAMMING the local chat.....then someone falls for it......"oh poor guy, he must be bummed that he can't afford his armor".....when you give out free items, you should remember that there's tons of rude people in the game so don't expect a "thanks" or some sorta reward for helping them out. Another thing is, it's just a video game. You might feel sorry for the person when they try and act all depressed or sad about a little item when they probably don't even care. I don't think it's ok to give out free items to any rude person or spammer. You're only showing them that it's ok to beg. If this was real life where you could actually see the person's emotions then sure, do what you can to help....but please remember this is the internet
Anyone can take off their virtual armor in an attempt to look like a poor friendless person who is in fact a somewhat rich person who's just too lazy to get their own stuff. I've literally seen people spam and beg for gold for a long time, then some random guy finally gives it to them then uses local chat to say that "hey im a nice guy!". That just makes you look completely stupid, and I've seen it a few times. Again, you might feel sorry for those lvl4 players in ascalon wearing starter armor but keep in mind that there's a possibility that they have other rich characters that they just didn't mention.
Don't give out free items like an idiot. Save them, give them to people you know or people who deserve it. A majority of beggars are rude and lazy. I love being nice, but to people who deserve it of course. I'm a very rich person to give out items but I help guildies with missions often. Sorry if I sounded abit rude myself in this post, but I really think people need to be more careful when what they give out =/
It's common for some idiot to beg constantly in a town for free gold/items while making up some bs excuse about how they lost their armor, etc. So they're begging and even SPAMMING the local chat.....then someone falls for it......"oh poor guy, he must be bummed that he can't afford his armor".....when you give out free items, you should remember that there's tons of rude people in the game so don't expect a "thanks" or some sorta reward for helping them out. Another thing is, it's just a video game. You might feel sorry for the person when they try and act all depressed or sad about a little item when they probably don't even care. I don't think it's ok to give out free items to any rude person or spammer. You're only showing them that it's ok to beg. If this was real life where you could actually see the person's emotions then sure, do what you can to help....but please remember this is the internet

Don't give out free items like an idiot. Save them, give them to people you know or people who deserve it. A majority of beggars are rude and lazy. I love being nice, but to people who deserve it of course. I'm a very rich person to give out items but I help guildies with missions often. Sorry if I sounded abit rude myself in this post, but I really think people need to be more careful when what they give out =/
A long while back I posted this:
At that point the in-game community was beginning to become more like it is today with a noticeable balance of players shifting towards the dark side & negativity and trolling were beginning to emerge in what had been up to that point a relatively positive and supportive forum community. Though nobody seemed to have gotten the point then, I still believe it holds true. Maybe now that we’ve all ‘been there done that’, it might make more sense.
And incase anyone isn’t sure, yes, I was trying to be silly & serious at the same time.
If I come off as a babbling sap, so be it.
I’m pretty much one in real life too.
At that point the in-game community was beginning to become more like it is today with a noticeable balance of players shifting towards the dark side & negativity and trolling were beginning to emerge in what had been up to that point a relatively positive and supportive forum community. Though nobody seemed to have gotten the point then, I still believe it holds true. Maybe now that we’ve all ‘been there done that’, it might make more sense.
And incase anyone isn’t sure, yes, I was trying to be silly & serious at the same time.
If I come off as a babbling sap, so be it.
I’m pretty much one in real life too.
Volunteer your time, not your weapons.
I'll help someone with missions and stuff, especially if they're a new friend. But I won't give you that pretty weapon.
I'll help someone with missions and stuff, especially if they're a new friend. But I won't give you that pretty weapon.
mikez himself
theres ~2 people i trust in guild wars with items, one who ive known from other games for approx ~2 years, the other doesnt play anymore, but helped me so much that even if he did scam me i'd of still been better of thanks to him lol
i give the occasional random thing away, but other than that... only give it to people you trust lol
i give the occasional random thing away, but other than that... only give it to people you trust lol
Personally I think to be nice you need to take money and items out of the picture. Helping out someone on a quest/mission/skill cap or teaching someone where and how to farm something for them self is of more value anyway IMO.
I have a weird story. Quite funny to me.
One day in akinang i was selling my stuff to the mearchant. Then some guy adds me. i say why he added me. I go check out his character and find out hes naxt to me and he also looks the exact same as my assassin. then we called each other sin sis. then one day she wanted some things for some cash. I give her elite tomes and i also give some gd bows. Then he gives me juggernaut. I got really excited and asked him really 10 times. then i gave in and took it. after that i got to marhans grotto and see the new armor set for monks. i really wanted it but no cash
then i ask my m8 if i can sell his juggernaut so i can get the armor. i thought she would say no but to my amazement she said yes. so then i got the new monk armor and i was sooo happy. i gave her loads of pressies after that. so there is kindness frm both sides.
One day in akinang i was selling my stuff to the mearchant. Then some guy adds me. i say why he added me. I go check out his character and find out hes naxt to me and he also looks the exact same as my assassin. then we called each other sin sis. then one day she wanted some things for some cash. I give her elite tomes and i also give some gd bows. Then he gives me juggernaut. I got really excited and asked him really 10 times. then i gave in and took it. after that i got to marhans grotto and see the new armor set for monks. i really wanted it but no cash

then i ask my m8 if i can sell his juggernaut so i can get the armor. i thought she would say no but to my amazement she said yes. so then i got the new monk armor and i was sooo happy. i gave her loads of pressies after that. so there is kindness frm both sides.
Secorsky, I'm glad you aren't going to let this event change you, but in the future I'd suggest "giving away" a max inscribable skin no one wants, perferably a blue one. IMO a level nine asking for a gold skin should have tipped you off that something was afoul.
Personally I don't give away things in general. If you want to, that's fine but when I'm giving stuff away I'd like to know that the person who's getting it really needs it.
Personally I don't give away things in general. If you want to, that's fine but when I'm giving stuff away I'd like to know that the person who's getting it really needs it.