How to make GW perfect again? Your thoughts and opinions.
Right so recent updates has rattled a few cages and so have past ones . The main thing im annoyed at right now is the current state of the henchmen/hero AI and how anet ignore to fix it. I wont go into to details but I just want to make the game fun again , now alot of the stuff we have to do is much more like a chore than a game. So what could anet do for me to make it better? (These are what I would like , you will have different opinions , which is all good , dont argue about them and just post what you think.)
1.Remove the AoE restrictions->
In Normal mode AI only run when there low on life , which doesnt really accomplish much just wastes more time having to kill them . In hard mode there should be no restrictions either , just because its soo hard . When the foes can spit out 300+ damage skills and maybe your just playing around with your heros/hench you want your skills to be fully useful and not just cause them to break.
2.Remove Soul Reaping/MM Restrictions
This doesnt have to count for PvP but the MM restrictions and Soul Reaping ones have really just spoiled necro's over time . Alot of you are going to say well they were over powered , but in hard mode you want alot of allies to help you take down such hard foes and in normal mode it should be about fun , not restrictions. I miss the good old days of furnace farming with about 25+ minions which made the game fun and enjoyable , not a task.
3.Increase the henchmen/hero AI.
In normal mode its not so much a problem except in certain situations but in hard mode its more frustrating than fun. Hero eles just run around mindlessly and monk henchmen try to res you in AoE zones, why should higher level enemies be smarter than our lower level allies, you want unbalanced gameplay , dont look at AoE or MM's look there.
4.Increase the ways to earn money.
This so much isnt for myself as I have everything I need in the game but for other people I know this can be frustration. Theres very little options in how to make money , why not increase the value of the gold from quests/missions so people who just want to play through the game can enjoy it and get the rewards without having to farm for hours.
My final note is why not just seperate PvP and PvE entirley , loads of skills are fair in PvE but unfair in PvP and they get nerfed because ANET changes things to make PVP fair without looking at PvE. If there was two seperate sets of functions then there wouldnt be a skills fair and unfair.
Just my thoughts , I'd like to know what you all think .
1.Remove the AoE restrictions->
In Normal mode AI only run when there low on life , which doesnt really accomplish much just wastes more time having to kill them . In hard mode there should be no restrictions either , just because its soo hard . When the foes can spit out 300+ damage skills and maybe your just playing around with your heros/hench you want your skills to be fully useful and not just cause them to break.
2.Remove Soul Reaping/MM Restrictions
This doesnt have to count for PvP but the MM restrictions and Soul Reaping ones have really just spoiled necro's over time . Alot of you are going to say well they were over powered , but in hard mode you want alot of allies to help you take down such hard foes and in normal mode it should be about fun , not restrictions. I miss the good old days of furnace farming with about 25+ minions which made the game fun and enjoyable , not a task.
3.Increase the henchmen/hero AI.
In normal mode its not so much a problem except in certain situations but in hard mode its more frustrating than fun. Hero eles just run around mindlessly and monk henchmen try to res you in AoE zones, why should higher level enemies be smarter than our lower level allies, you want unbalanced gameplay , dont look at AoE or MM's look there.
4.Increase the ways to earn money.
This so much isnt for myself as I have everything I need in the game but for other people I know this can be frustration. Theres very little options in how to make money , why not increase the value of the gold from quests/missions so people who just want to play through the game can enjoy it and get the rewards without having to farm for hours.
My final note is why not just seperate PvP and PvE entirley , loads of skills are fair in PvE but unfair in PvP and they get nerfed because ANET changes things to make PVP fair without looking at PvE. If there was two seperate sets of functions then there wouldnt be a skills fair and unfair.
Just my thoughts , I'd like to know what you all think .
Now someone should make a thread "How to make GWG perfect" and I would say stop having people post gazillion threads on the same dead horses over and over again.
Sorry if this sounds pejorative, but seriously people got to stop posting these stuff over and over again.
Sorry if this sounds pejorative, but seriously people got to stop posting these stuff over and over again.
When was it ever perfect?
WTB lock on clever troll thread.
WTB lock on clever troll thread.
Originally Posted by Sujoy
Now someone should make a thread "How to make GWG perfect" and I would say stop having people post gazillion threads on the same dead horses over and over again.
Sorry if this sounds pejorative, but seriously people got to stop posting these stuff over and over again. |
Hi, To make GW perfect again, is to remove Loot Scaling from Normal Mode so that people can buy something in less than 100 hours of farming.. You want people to play the game normally, please give the incentive to play normally. For a year now I've played an elementalist and I used to be able to make (if I only have a few hours to spare) 10k in 2 hours, EASY just vanquishing NORMAL mode and killing bosses and opening a few chests in doing so, all the while being able to aquire Lightbringer points to my heart's content.
Now, in normal mode the same amount of work nets me NOT EVEN ENOUGH to buy a KEY! And in my opinion that is sad. I want Old GW back.. otherwise as for all the other issues in the game related to skills and other things.. I don't really care because it doesn't affect me.
I enjoy being able to kill monsters and getting a reward for it. I do not enjoy getting killed down to -60% DP and returned to outpost within 5 minutes for 200 gold and a purple item(based on my crap luck).
As for Bots, good job on removing 3,500 of them so far off the game. And excellent job making their days longer and harder. But I believe that because Bots usually operate alone, the chances of them getting henchmen is slim to none. I believe that if you return the game to normal, but leave the part where you have to be in a Party of 8 to get more rewards(like in Hard mode) then te game will be more enjoyable to the common casual human player.
I think I know why every event is centered at reducing the price of everything... because people can't make money any other way then to act just like a bot... Solo Farm. I have never and will never want to be a solo farmer, nor will I ever want to join PUG groups and vanquish Hard Mode . I just want to vanquish Normal mode and get rewarded at least 50% of what Hard Mode players get for their efforts.
Fair enough?
I just created a new character and I'm lvl 9, you want to know how much gold I made with this level 9 so far ? no you don't want to know. I made enough to buy only my character's necessities. nothing else. My heroes will be holding Starter Weapons until I finish Nightfall I think at this rate.
Yes eliminate bot, but don't eliminate FUN or the POINT of playing.
Diddy bow
Id personally ditch loot scaling, the pvp reward system and unerf some of the paras skills. A-net deosnt understand that somthing that isnt broken deosnt need to be fixed
Oh yea and have 1000000 red crabs raid towns and kill everyone once in a while =D.

Oh yea and have 1000000 red crabs raid towns and kill everyone once in a while =D.
Remove paragons, dervishes, assassins and ritualists.
Originally Posted by SlyClone
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, not based on what you want to read.. if you are bored of reading same thing over and over again, try posting something interesting and read it over and over again, then pat yourself on the back for a job well done. Stop trolling around and try posting on topics that actually interest you instead. Got it?

Nice "original" comeback.. very interesting.. but not worth a reply.
Remove Nightfall and Factions, problem solved
Originally Posted by Diddy bow
Id personally ditch loot scaling, the pvp reward system and unerf some of the paras skills. A-net deosnt understand that somthing that isnt broken deosnt need to be fixed
![]() Oh yea and have 1000000 red crabs raid towns and kill everyone once in a while =D. |
(I know i used the term "Random Events" and no doubt someone will compare this post to Runescape and i did borror alot of this from a thread a week or so ago)
O and this would make the game perfect before i get accused of hijacking thread

Present new rare weapons every month that skyrocket in price to about 100k-100+200e. Make them farmable somewhat, but not easy to get. So that way we can all be making big bucks again. Cause I'm sick of this small time, I know some of ya'll out there are making bucks but I and a good portion of others aren't.
Sorry for the ghettoish style sounding talk something come over me today idk.
Sorry for the ghettoish style sounding talk something come over me today idk.
Originally Posted by notskorn
Remove Nightfall and Factions, problem solved
GuildWars went straight downhill after the release of Nightfall.
Originally Posted by notskorn
Remove Nightfall and Factions, problem solved

Get rid of all the whining, nattering, spoiled little crybabies that clog the major towns and make it miserable for those of us who still enjoy the game despite the recent changes.
GW is still a great game... if you ignore the human element.
GW is still a great game... if you ignore the human element.
Originally Posted by Diddy bow
Oh yea and have 1000000 red crabs raid towns and kill everyone once in a while =D.
I hate to draw a direct comparison between games but WoW has fairly frequent server events where something particularly nasty will siege a town. This would be so incredibly awesome if it happened in GW!!!
Originally Posted by RSGashapon
GW is still a great game... if you ignore the human element. |
Allow 7 heroes in PVE.
I'd rather have Anet spend all thier time on GW2. 1 great thing is better then 3 "ok" things.
um... fix pvp because its horribly broken... add enriching content instead of encouraging people to do retarded, repetitive actions like farming, etc. Discourage and nerf skills/builds that require less skill and reward players that display a greater level of skill. Encourage team play. The reason GW went to hell after NF was the introduction of heroes. Part of encouraging team play would possibly be the introduction of a built-in VoIP that would allow players to communicate effectively and the implementation of some form of system to differentiate skill levels of pugs in pve.
I cannot agree with VoIP in GW personally. I can't stand the way the majority of people behave in game on written text, I certainly wouldn't want to be forced to deal with it in live chat.
If you read this thread ANET please consider doing some sort of town sieging on a semi-regular basis!!
If you read this thread ANET please consider doing some sort of town sieging on a semi-regular basis!!
Servant of Kali
1. Fix PvP, first and foremost introduce frequent skill balances.
2. More ways to earn money; more moneys for doing quests and repeating missions.
3. Less grinding. Less grinding. And less grinding. No lifers please move on to Lineage.
2. More ways to earn money; more moneys for doing quests and repeating missions.
3. Less grinding. Less grinding. And less grinding. No lifers please move on to Lineage.
amish lifeguard
While you're at it, make Ele's overpowering again, make gold worth nothing, make our henchman smart enough to fight without us... aaaand let the game play its-self
If you can't take a challenge, don't play. It's fine the way it is. But hey, I haven't played for months.
If you can't take a challenge, don't play. It's fine the way it is. But hey, I haven't played for months.
1: Realise that the game was never perfect in the first place.
2: More skill balances.
3: Less grind. (money, levels, ranks)
4: Boost rewards for other PvP other than HA.
2: More skill balances.
3: Less grind. (money, levels, ranks)
4: Boost rewards for other PvP other than HA.
Warrior Of The Toon
1. Some real events - sieges, non-instanced areas with giant demi-gods invading every now and then, etc
2. More end-game content
3 - Ignore 1 and 2, and work on GW2.
Oh and to the OPs ideas
1 - Added to add more challenge and be more realistic...
2 - The SR changes are already temporary, MM restrictions stop Ns being overpowered, and hard mode is supposed to be hard
3 - Ok, so you think that Anet have some hidden away improved AI, but gave us what we have for fun? No. They gave us the best AI they could make at the time of the last AI update
4 - Go study economics, just adding more money doesn't help the game, it reduces the value of the gold piece, increasing the prices of items, and with a 100k cap on cash in invent demand for ectos etc would go up, which would make the price of ectos go up even more (low supply, astronomical demand)...
2. More end-game content
3 - Ignore 1 and 2, and work on GW2.
Oh and to the OPs ideas
1 - Added to add more challenge and be more realistic...
2 - The SR changes are already temporary, MM restrictions stop Ns being overpowered, and hard mode is supposed to be hard
3 - Ok, so you think that Anet have some hidden away improved AI, but gave us what we have for fun? No. They gave us the best AI they could make at the time of the last AI update
4 - Go study economics, just adding more money doesn't help the game, it reduces the value of the gold piece, increasing the prices of items, and with a 100k cap on cash in invent demand for ectos etc would go up, which would make the price of ectos go up even more (low supply, astronomical demand)...
Remove loot scaling so that I can make money by playing the game instead of getting very lucky with a rare item and then getting even luckier by finding someone to sell it to within a reasonable amount of time.
If that isn't possible, then do something so that people who farmed like hell before anti farm code and loot scaling that were able to get all the money titles (Drunkard, Sweet tooth, treasure hunter, Wisdom, Skill Hunter) aren't rewarded for this when those of us who didn't farm up a fortune can still get those titles without having to do 8 times the work that those others did.
If that isn't possible, then do something so that people who farmed like hell before anti farm code and loot scaling that were able to get all the money titles (Drunkard, Sweet tooth, treasure hunter, Wisdom, Skill Hunter) aren't rewarded for this when those of us who didn't farm up a fortune can still get those titles without having to do 8 times the work that those others did.
I agree with you all about how hard mode shouldnt be changed , but the aspects around it should be. I like the challange but somethings the Hench/AI is impossible to work with and for numerous occasions they just litreally run off , even when flagged.
I dont agree that more time should be spent in GW2 than the current games , theres been alot of investment by thousands of people in this game and they shouldnt just abadon it , that would be firsty completley stupid and secondly a complete rip off.
MM restrictions stop Ns being overpowered=======
A decent ele could wipe out 10 minions in a matter of seconds , and before update it was the same so I disagree with you on this matter.
I dont want the game to just give away money , I want people to be rewarded more with the stuff they enjoy doing. Itll make the game more enjoyable overall , even if its not gold just give us some weapons that cant be traded or something , its all about shooting ideas.
I also think there should be free chests in cantha and tryia.
Its nice to see a decent response and too those who complain dont , its not about complaining its about looking at problems and seeing solutions . Lets keep them firing
I dont agree that more time should be spent in GW2 than the current games , theres been alot of investment by thousands of people in this game and they shouldnt just abadon it , that would be firsty completley stupid and secondly a complete rip off.
MM restrictions stop Ns being overpowered=======
A decent ele could wipe out 10 minions in a matter of seconds , and before update it was the same so I disagree with you on this matter.
I dont want the game to just give away money , I want people to be rewarded more with the stuff they enjoy doing. Itll make the game more enjoyable overall , even if its not gold just give us some weapons that cant be traded or something , its all about shooting ideas.
I also think there should be free chests in cantha and tryia.
Its nice to see a decent response and too those who complain dont , its not about complaining its about looking at problems and seeing solutions . Lets keep them firing
Nemo the Capitalist
I would very very much like to see some sort of epic content...we are not talking a month long 30 man raid ala WoW...I mean some kind of super-mob(s) that could siege towns and would take very large groups to kill. Some of my most enjoyable experiences have been taking down exceptionally challenging single bosses...think Rotscale but the current 2 monk setup couldn't pull it off. We are talking like more than 12 people to get the job done.
Yes I realize we have these in elite zones, but more streamlined, more of them...and content that doesn't take 2+ hours with a party wipe total failure.
Yes I realize we have these in elite zones, but more streamlined, more of them...and content that doesn't take 2+ hours with a party wipe total failure.
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by icymanipulator
I hate to draw a direct comparison between games but WoW has fairly frequent server events where something particularly nasty will siege a town. This would be so incredibly awesome if it happened in GW!!!
No game is ever perfect mechanically. What makes a game perfect to players is when they really enjoy the game they like playing. So no matter what skills they nerf,change,fix or whatever you want to call it not everyone will be happy. I enjoy GW1 because its tons of fun

Toilet Oni
Originally Posted by ZenRgy
Remove paragons, dervishes, assassins and ritualists.

bah.. I have a feeling I will have to adapt to the new GW and start farming like a bot.. maybe join useless PUGs and follow "metagame" even for PVE ffs, since build creativity and being able to use Hench/Heroes to achieve most of my goals has been completely incapacitated with the introduction of Hard Mode/Loot Scaling. I really wish I hadn't complained back in November about Bots. I wish I would have just moved on and ignore them. But it's true what Anet says.. the price of things just got worse.. but at least I was making money and having fun. And it was great to know that it could take only a few days to save up for a Superior Vigor.
Sure now if I play Hard Mode, for example, I have to look a build up and play it, adapt to it.. it feels like I'm obligated to do so, just to get ahead. It doesn't allow me to use my own imagination and try to come up with something that suits my combination of heroes/hench and my own profession choices have to be altered to suit the game.
PVPers who decided that having a freekin PVE character in a GVG match was even better than just using a PVP only character. The armor choices for the GVG virtual fashion show are broadened. Because they are observed every day by wanna be's. And love to show off their LEET warez. They used PVE to farm/cap every single elite skill in the game and then join PVP guilds to play and pwn everyone, using only what.. the same 20 metagame builds that everyone then has to use also to be able to beat the top 10 GVG guilds... IMO that's pretty "one-sided" and closes the door to way too much of the functionality of the game.
I'm willing to bet if there was a complete reset of the GVG ladder that allowed JUST 1 team to get ahead using a completely different set of skills and professions, then re-opening the door to the Ladder again would change the Metagame for ever. Because then people who can't beat this new 8-person Build need to create something that will beat it. Thus, the metagame would never be what it is today.
Introducing many new PVE skills with GW:EN in the near future might alleviate my point about Hench/Hero combinations being utterly useless in Hard Mode. But until then, what? Do I have to team up with people who won't kill things in the order that i want unless I go out to the electronics store and buy a new set of Headphones and a Mic so I can yell at them how to play their game? NO THX.
I want the freedom to play the game how I want to play it without the constant professional player/farmer's input about how I should do things. I want to play Normal Mode knowing that everything I do is fun and rewarding and makes me want to do more. I want the CHOICE NOT TO play Hard Mode if I do not feel it is feasible to play with Hench/Heroes, or with the current build I took over 4 months to create to be able to kill some of the monsters in Normal Mode. I do NOT want to have to completely re-learn the game just because bots can earn 300k per day more than me.
Sure now if I play Hard Mode, for example, I have to look a build up and play it, adapt to it.. it feels like I'm obligated to do so, just to get ahead. It doesn't allow me to use my own imagination and try to come up with something that suits my combination of heroes/hench and my own profession choices have to be altered to suit the game.
PVPers who decided that having a freekin PVE character in a GVG match was even better than just using a PVP only character. The armor choices for the GVG virtual fashion show are broadened. Because they are observed every day by wanna be's. And love to show off their LEET warez. They used PVE to farm/cap every single elite skill in the game and then join PVP guilds to play and pwn everyone, using only what.. the same 20 metagame builds that everyone then has to use also to be able to beat the top 10 GVG guilds... IMO that's pretty "one-sided" and closes the door to way too much of the functionality of the game.
I'm willing to bet if there was a complete reset of the GVG ladder that allowed JUST 1 team to get ahead using a completely different set of skills and professions, then re-opening the door to the Ladder again would change the Metagame for ever. Because then people who can't beat this new 8-person Build need to create something that will beat it. Thus, the metagame would never be what it is today.
Introducing many new PVE skills with GW:EN in the near future might alleviate my point about Hench/Hero combinations being utterly useless in Hard Mode. But until then, what? Do I have to team up with people who won't kill things in the order that i want unless I go out to the electronics store and buy a new set of Headphones and a Mic so I can yell at them how to play their game? NO THX.
I want the freedom to play the game how I want to play it without the constant professional player/farmer's input about how I should do things. I want to play Normal Mode knowing that everything I do is fun and rewarding and makes me want to do more. I want the CHOICE NOT TO play Hard Mode if I do not feel it is feasible to play with Hench/Heroes, or with the current build I took over 4 months to create to be able to kill some of the monsters in Normal Mode. I do NOT want to have to completely re-learn the game just because bots can earn 300k per day more than me.
Give us several good community reps who answer direct questions with direct answers and don't gloss things over when they don't know or can't tell.
- Introduce offline mode before GW2 arrives.
- Increase loot drop quantity and quality, get rid of exceptions in loot scaling.
- Remove player trading, everything must go through NPC traders.
- Buff counters to skills instead of nerfing skills
- Make a PvE counterpart of the ATS skin unlock system.
- Increase loot drop quantity and quality, get rid of exceptions in loot scaling.
- Remove player trading, everything must go through NPC traders.
- Buff counters to skills instead of nerfing skills
- Make a PvE counterpart of the ATS skin unlock system.
Monkty Monk
.....wait.....wait for it.....i said wait for it.....ok wait for Gw2 isnt it supposed to be super awesome with a lot of the stuff we want?
by we i mean what we voted so 51% of us. at least.
by we i mean what we voted so 51% of us. at least.
pork soldier
To make GW perfect the people who skill balance and design it actually have to play it. Since Izzy got himself WoW addicted a few months ago PVP has gone to crap, it's pretty clear that Izzy was the one person who understood PVP skill balance at Arenanet.
Sol Deathgard
Here's the simplest solution, all the people that are crying about loot scaling but are too lazy to play HM, all the people crying about SR nerf, All the people that cry that HM is too hard because you are too lazy to change your build, all the people that cry that such & such build in pvp is overpowered because you are too dumb to think of a counter, all the people that complain that Rits, Sins, Paras, & Rits have ruined the game, Uninstall the freaking game and play something else.
I don't remember GW ever being perfect. Every game has flaws, none are perfect. Honestly, the only game I would ever consider close to perfect would be Tetris.
I like GW, and I've always liked it, but mainly because there's not a better alternative out there, IMO. What I would consider a better game would be a far cry different than how GW, or any other options we have. Now, I must say, Sword of the New World is looking decent...
I like GW, and I've always liked it, but mainly because there's not a better alternative out there, IMO. What I would consider a better game would be a far cry different than how GW, or any other options we have. Now, I must say, Sword of the New World is looking decent...
i'm agree with the improve ai of henches and heroes
some monk henches don't heal , instead they fight
some warrior henches went leeroy jenkins , aggro all mobs in the area
its kinda frustrating to use henches
some monk henches don't heal , instead they fight
some warrior henches went leeroy jenkins , aggro all mobs in the area
its kinda frustrating to use henches
Here's the simplest solution, all the people that are crying about loot scaling but are too lazy to play HM, all the people crying about SR nerf, All the people that cry that HM is too hard because you are too lazy to change your build, all the people that cry that such & such build in pvp is overpowered because you are too dumb to think of a counter, all the people that complain that Rits, Sins, Paras, & Rits have ruined the game, Uninstall the freaking game and play something else. |
This isnt a crying thread , well its not intended to be . I just want to see what people want from the game and main ones right now are :
-Sort out the Henchmen/Hero AI quick time.
-More ways to earn money , possibly by what people enjoy doing , not what they have to do because they need something.
-Try to slow down the grind
-PvP balancing monthly
Originally Posted by notskorn
Remove Nightfall and Factions, problem solved
12 chars