Originally Posted by linh
I said good build, I don't say "possibly work" build. Yes, you can go that in RA, AB and actually kill. But no one uses it in TA,HA or GvG.
"then finish it with Lightning Strike or Fireball" just made my day. |
Shiro Weapons..RQ 13?? 13??
Originally Posted by WildmouseX
yes that build was posted within the first month's factions was out and people were stilllearning and playing around with the system... it's evolved since then.
or even better, lets see it now...
Originally Posted by linh
I said good build, I don't say "possibly work" build. Yes, you can go that in RA, AB and actually kill. But no one uses it in TA,HA or GvG.
"then finish it with Lightning Strike or Fireball" just made my day. |
E/A Vs A/X. Who will win?
He use [skill]Shadow Of Haste[/skill]. He can't teleport out of battle as he wants. Critical skills is much better than energy storage.
Why is Shiro's Blade the same as Shiro's Sword? Shiro's Blade == 2 Shiro's Sword, so it should be vamp 6/-2.
He use [skill]Shadow Of Haste[/skill]. He can't teleport out of battle as he wants. Critical skills is much better than energy storage.
Why is Shiro's Blade the same as Shiro's Sword? Shiro's Blade == 2 Shiro's Sword, so it should be vamp 6/-2.

Originally Posted by ichigo_panty
Why is Shiro's Blade the same as Shiro's Sword? Shiro's Blade == 2 Shiro's Sword, so it should be vamp 6/-2.
![]() |
the idea of Dual Wielding two swords, or two axes... but then they made daggers just to handed, i cried a little inside
Originally Posted by WildmouseX
top 100 GvG guild's tend play cookie cutter builds that they spec off of other GvG games, that's how they get in the top 100, and hence why you'ld never see em running creative builds ... just because you choose to believe something, doesn't make it reality. - most teams ignore the crazzy el untill the daggers are out and dropping them, it's a build that's worked aginst decent teams at many levels of PvP - that IS reality.
there are more ways to skin a cat, and as long as you are narrow minded to outside posibilities, they will always defeat you. |
Originally Posted by prism2525
Just tell me how they would be overpowered? The only different thing is the skin. Perhaps a req of 10 would be good, as they are wielded by an 'uber pro' (which gets pawned in under 3 minutes but whatever)
Originally Posted by -Loki-
Top guilds are top guilds for a reason. They know what works, and they know what doesn't work. They have done the math, have tested the shit out of everything, and use what works. They don't use elementalist primary for assassins because they know it sucks. No one is going to be taken by surprise by an elementalist with daggers - because it's not going to do enough damage to take them by surprise. They will laugh, and wipe you. The reason they use 'cookie cutter' builds is because they run what works best in the current metagame - and builds end up looking similar. True, some just ride another guilds build up the ladder, but most, unlike you, understand the game.
The topic is on req of Shiro's daggers, not how wildmouse's build is poor.
Sophitia Leafblade
I think there fine as Req 13, much more sensible than req15. there req 13 because Shiro was Leet, far superior to any of the other Green drop bosses. Most Warriors/Assassin have 13 or more in their Weapon anyways and non Sin/Wars are too "sissy" to wield the weapons

Mr. G
Originally Posted by Linh
Same with dagger : any one uses dagger with assassin as secondary profession is just bad.
[skill]Spirit's Strength[/skill] anybody?
Why are they req 13? Flavor. The game needs some of it in minor ways like this.
Originally Posted by Mr. G
I feel i must stop and defend my ritualist, better sin than most
[skill]Spirit's Strength[/skill] anybody? |
Originally Posted by Brianna
It's not Q people.. R or Req. or Requires.. please >.>.
I think the high req. might have something to do with peoples' speculation about the corellation between requirements and damage output. Factions was released a long time ago and people were still arguing about requirement vs. critical hits and if the weapons belonging to the toughest boss at the climax of the game are high req, people might change their minds.
A subtle way of telling us that reqs.7, 8 and 9 aren't better for damage.
Originally Posted by Kakumei
Why are they req 13? Flavor. The game needs some of it in minor ways like this.
Originally Posted by makosi
Amen to that. Amen.
I think the high req. might have something to do with peoples' speculation about the corellation between requirements and damage output. Factions was released a long time ago and people were still arguing about requirement vs. critical hits and if the weapons belonging to the toughest boss at the climax of the game are high req, people might change their minds. A subtle way of telling us that reqs.7, 8 and 9 aren't better for damage. |
I always liked the fact that people though that low Q weapons are statistically better than high Q ones.
It allowed to sell stuff high and buy trully usefull stuff low.
I miss old days of selling r8 15^50 zodiac daggers to rebuy r12 version for tiny fraction of their price (and getting fow chest piece with rest of money, then doing same with Q 8 hammer to get FoW legins ;p)
The misuse of 'Q' is making me Q_Q.
Am i the only person that didnt get the memo?
Since when have we started using the letter Q for req?
Since when have we started using the letter Q for req?
Asraiel Deathraiser
since we got a 31 character limit in the trade panel and people wanted to save space
Jongo River
How does Q save space over R?
This is one of those IdIOt fashions thought up by 11 yr olds.
This is one of those IdIOt fashions thought up by 11 yr olds.
Soul of the Scythe
Q or R or Req whatever! Who cares! You all clearly know what it means so why does it matter?
On topic, Shiro's Blades and Shiro's Sword are fine the way they are. They were made that way to have an elite feel to them because they come from an end game boss. If your not an assassin primary, you probably shouldn't be using daggers anyways. If you are really struggling with energy on the sin, try taking zealous daggers and bumping up your critical strikes.
The E/A build utilizing the energy pool of the Ele has been used for EVERY profession. At least the core ones. Back when the game first came out people were running around as E/whatevers(E/Mo mostly) claiming to be monks, or mesmers or necros or whatever. I know, I used to act like a Monk when a Monk was hard to come by back in the day. The point is, all those ideas were and still are horrible...
On topic, Shiro's Blades and Shiro's Sword are fine the way they are. They were made that way to have an elite feel to them because they come from an end game boss. If your not an assassin primary, you probably shouldn't be using daggers anyways. If you are really struggling with energy on the sin, try taking zealous daggers and bumping up your critical strikes.
The E/A build utilizing the energy pool of the Ele has been used for EVERY profession. At least the core ones. Back when the game first came out people were running around as E/whatevers(E/Mo mostly) claiming to be monks, or mesmers or necros or whatever. I know, I used to act like a Monk when a Monk was hard to come by back in the day. The point is, all those ideas were and still are horrible...
Originally Posted by Jongo River
How does Q save space over R?
This is one of those IdIOt fashions thought up by 11 yr olds. |
Guess that hollier-than-you cant get any hollier.
The E/A build utilizing the energy pool of the Ele has been used for EVERY profession. At least the core ones. Back when the game first came out people were running around as E/whatevers(E/Mo mostly) claiming to be monks, or mesmers or necros or whatever. I know, I used to act like a Monk when a Monk was hard to come by back in the day. The point is, all those ideas were and still are horrible... |
It is only that way for lore reasons. Most sins run high dagger mastery (if they go hit and run) so I don't understand what is the problem.
I'm waiting for someone to give a good reason as to why your using vampiric sword/daggers without having more than 13/14 in your weapon mastery...
Until then... quit whining. It means nothing.
Until then... quit whining. It means nothing.
Originally Posted by -Loki-
Top guilds are top guilds for a reason. They know what works, and they know what doesn't work. They have done the math, have tested the shit out of everything, and use what works. They don't use elementalist primary for assassins because they know it sucks. No one is going to be taken by surprise by an elementalist with daggers - because it's not going to do enough damage to take them by surprise. They will laugh, and wipe you. The reason they use 'cookie cutter' builds is because they run what works best in the current metagame - and builds end up looking similar. True, some just ride another guilds build up the ladder, but most, unlike you, understand the game.
if you're too narrow minded to see that any damage given up by haveing 12 daggers instead of 13 - can be made up for by carrying an el spell - then you deserve to live your life stareing at walls and drooling all over yourself. they don't laugh and then wipe me out - they don't even see the daggers untill they start attacking other people in my group and i switch off my staff - and then they just die....
this character is over a year old - i have 8 characters in total, have beaten the game at every level, includeing PvP - i would not still have the character if she got smoked at the start of every fight and wasn't effective. - you can't even see past "13 daggers gives me 3 more dmg then 12 does, so you must suck", so sry i don't accept that anyone that narrowminded understands how to tie their own shoe, let alone the game's mechanics better then i do.
Originally Posted by lonesamurai
Well, as thats 14 months old now, why post it now?
or even better, lets see it now... |
currently the build is
[skill]Teinai's prison[/skill][skill]Black mantis thrust[/skill][skill]wild strike[/skill][skill]repeating strike[/skill][skill]death blossom[/skill][skill]lightning touch[/skill][skill]recall[/skill][skill]shadow refuge[/skill]
daggers - 12: ES 11 (7+1+3): A 8 (7+1): w 2 (1+1): shadow 5
again, whatever dmg i give up on the daggers is made up for with the touch. the touch and blossom gives a nice 100 aoe dmg to help out my group with their targets as well.
Originally Posted by skuld
Spirit's Strength blows, you're a 60 AL melee character with no defense what-so-ever, no energy management..
and to whoever brought up firestorm - you got that from the el build for this character, not the sin build.. i haven't used her as an el for a long time.
fact of the matter to all of you, is that sin secondaries do play just as well as sin primaries with several of the other classes - the sin has caster level health and caster level armor; what you give up in crit strikes, and that 1 extra level in dagger mastery can and is made up for with the stuff the other classes have to offer. - you just have to understand the games mechanics to be able to comprehend it.
Deep wound > lightning touch.
I don't think that build is going to convince anyone. Might as well go Shadow Prison.
I don't think that build is going to convince anyone. Might as well go Shadow Prison.
Ok, lets do maths for your (cough) assassin.
lead - +18 damage
off1 - +30 damage
off2 - +26 damage
dual - 2x40
touch - +37 + 26
dagger attacks + 60
277 damage - that is HARDLY killing power.
on aoe: + 2x40 + 37 + 26
total of 143, from which 1/2 is armor dependant.
You seem to do sucky damage. recall out there (was it random? skill put on skillbar?), do what, nothing?
This chain takes, what, 7 seconds? Your snare and trigger for AOE is 30 second recharge and has 2 second casting time. 35 energy cost is only decent thing about it (NOT).
Prohenix + Inferno does exactly same but faster (and with same recharge as your combo), you use only two skillots for that, can have actuall enamagement for attunement, and dont have to spread attributes.
(and btw, if you use repeating strike to get DPS, you kinda fail and should see what moebius+deaths blossom can do.).
Your stories about people taken by sursprise are very WTF. you had at least some team support, people can simply run away from 2/3 of your spike attempts. You simply were supported by damage comming from your group. Problem is, no assassin should need that.
If we do math again pro primary sin (since you used sup rune, so will this):
lead - 21
off1 - 37
off2 - 31
dual - 2x47
follow with moebius + 37
300 damage (base damage + at least one crit inluded) already better, most of it armor ignoring, and all that goodness.
from now on, you can SPAM 94 armor ignoring AOE damage every 3 seconds and 131 on target (once target is under 50 its every 2 seconds).
granted your other attibutes are 13 crit strikes and you take critical eye/zealouos dagges, you never run out of energy, ever, even without crit eye/zealous daggers you will drain your energy slow enough.
and there goes last reason why you are E/A.
your build simply cant do aoe damage on that level of awesomenes. both pure assassin and pure elementalist surpases it.
Also, you can never fit IAS skill in your build, unlike pure assassin who can use any secondary ias he chooses.
Do us favor, run Dummy test on your build. make video, prove yourselves when math failed.
lead - +18 damage
off1 - +30 damage
off2 - +26 damage
dual - 2x40
touch - +37 + 26
dagger attacks + 60
277 damage - that is HARDLY killing power.
on aoe: + 2x40 + 37 + 26
total of 143, from which 1/2 is armor dependant.
You seem to do sucky damage. recall out there (was it random? skill put on skillbar?), do what, nothing?
This chain takes, what, 7 seconds? Your snare and trigger for AOE is 30 second recharge and has 2 second casting time. 35 energy cost is only decent thing about it (NOT).
Prohenix + Inferno does exactly same but faster (and with same recharge as your combo), you use only two skillots for that, can have actuall enamagement for attunement, and dont have to spread attributes.
(and btw, if you use repeating strike to get DPS, you kinda fail and should see what moebius+deaths blossom can do.).
Your stories about people taken by sursprise are very WTF. you had at least some team support, people can simply run away from 2/3 of your spike attempts. You simply were supported by damage comming from your group. Problem is, no assassin should need that.
If we do math again pro primary sin (since you used sup rune, so will this):
lead - 21
off1 - 37
off2 - 31
dual - 2x47
follow with moebius + 37
300 damage (base damage + at least one crit inluded) already better, most of it armor ignoring, and all that goodness.
from now on, you can SPAM 94 armor ignoring AOE damage every 3 seconds and 131 on target (once target is under 50 its every 2 seconds).
granted your other attibutes are 13 crit strikes and you take critical eye/zealouos dagges, you never run out of energy, ever, even without crit eye/zealous daggers you will drain your energy slow enough.
and there goes last reason why you are E/A.
your build simply cant do aoe damage on that level of awesomenes. both pure assassin and pure elementalist surpases it.
Also, you can never fit IAS skill in your build, unlike pure assassin who can use any secondary ias he chooses.
Do us favor, run Dummy test on your build. make video, prove yourselves when math failed.
Phantom Gun
My 2 gold pieces is that you should be able to choose a weapon for either your main, or secondary profession. If the reqs were at least level 12 that would work or me. I have several characters but at the moment I spend most of my time playing a minion bomber on my Rt/N. Since most of my spawning powers last longer then the recharge I don't need a spawning staff. I'd rather take the death one.
Now I know there are plenty of death staffs out there, but if somebody takes the time to beat the game they might as well be allowed to choose a reward from either proffesion.
Before anybody says "just farm for a different staff", well i'm not that lucky. I've gotten 2 gold drops in the past 3 months. Both of them were merc trash.
Buying one isn't really an option at the moment either unless I want to chance buy unids.
Anyway before I get to far off topic, I agree. *Nuff Said*
Now I know there are plenty of death staffs out there, but if somebody takes the time to beat the game they might as well be allowed to choose a reward from either proffesion.
Before anybody says "just farm for a different staff", well i'm not that lucky. I've gotten 2 gold drops in the past 3 months. Both of them were merc trash.

Anyway before I get to far off topic, I agree. *Nuff Said*
Andrew Almond
yeah guys... try to stay on the topic please...
Originally Posted by WildmouseX
people use to KNOW the earth was flat, till they learned better. people use to KNOW the earth was the center of the universe untill they learned better. - people use to ignore the necro in PvP for nearly after 2 years, untill they figured out how to exploit it and then every top 100 guild used them almost exclusively...
Originally Posted by WildmouseX
if you're too narrow minded to see that any damage given up by haveing 12 daggers instead of 13 - can be made up for by carrying an el spell - then you deserve to live your life stareing at walls and drooling all over yourself. they don't laugh and then wipe me out - they don't even see the daggers untill they start attacking other people in my group and i switch off my staff - and then they just die....
Originally Posted by WildmouseX
this character is over a year old - i have 8 characters in total, have beaten the game at every level, includeing PvP - i would not still have the character if she got smoked at the start of every fight and wasn't effective. - you can't even see past "13 daggers gives me 3 more dmg then 12 does, so you must suck", so sry i don't accept that anyone that narrowminded understands how to tie their own shoe, let alone the game's mechanics better then i do.
Lothlorian Sassun
This thread seems to have become a pissing match. The OP wanted to know why Shiro's Weapons that you trade for an Amulet of the Mists in the Divine Path are Q (Or R as this thread has become an English Class too) 13 and not Q/R/Req 9 like all the other greens in the game. Everyone should be smart enough to know that the Higher your attributes are in a skill the higher you damage will be. Lets say you bring 16 Dagger Mastery and you have a Q/R/Req9 7-17 Pair of Daggers. Are you going to do more Damage to your Foe if your Daggers were Q/R/Req 13 with the same 16 Attributes? As far as am aware of the answer is no. A Q/R/Req 9 set of daggers will do the same amount of damage as a Q/R/Req 13 at 16 Dagger Mastery. Thus a Q/R/Req 9 set of Max daggers would be more sought after due to the fact that it is more flexible with more build setups. Lets say you wanted to put more attributes in Critical Strikes and wanted to bring Dagger Mastery down to 12 and bring CS up with a certain build. Shiro Weapons should be Q/R/Req 9 to ad flexibility to the weapon. That is why Lower Q/R/Req is more valuable than Higher simply because lower Q/R/Req at Max Damage is more Flexible and the weapon can be used in more situations.
it is 100% bs that shiro daggers are r13, it is completely irrational and pointless to do that. meh, but w/e im content with using my r9 slashing vamp weps > shiros neways.
Originally Posted by Andrew Almond
Lothlorian,MoldyRice,,I'm glad you two read this article.. finally a couple people who arent retarded.
From your post count I can tell your new here, so please, either stump up who you actually are (as i'd put money on you being banned before) or just shut up...
there are actually PvP'ers in this thread defending one little bit of roleplay that ANet put into the game... not to mention the HUGE benefit that 13 Dagger mastery gives over 9 Dagger mastery to your skills... and yes, i would run a vamp weapon if it was Shiro's Blades (or sword for that matter) as my damage output from the dagger combo would be much higher from 13 than from the 9 of a normal set of daggers (or Swordsmanship if your using the Shiro Blade on a Warrior of course...
now I try to be helpful here, i try so desperatly hard not to flame people, because i know that Swampgirl and inde would boot my butt out the door for a week for doing it, but you and some of the others in this thread are idiots
Whine more please, and maybe one day you'll be on par with the PvP group complaining about skill balance ^^
Andrew Almond
LoneSamurai... i wasnt flaming Lothlorian and moldyrice... i was just stating they knew what they were talking about. and of course 13 dagger mastery will give you an advantage over 9 dagger mastery.. but 13 dagger mastery with a 13 req weapon will not give you an advantage over 13 dagger mastery with a 9 req weapon.
Originally Posted by Andrew Almond
no one said i couldnt.
10. Do Not Double Post In these forums, a double post consists of any two consecutive posts from the same user. It does not matter whether or not the contents differ -- if no one else's words or opinions come between two posts from the same person, it's a double post. Since the forums are growing extremely fast, and the moderators have limited time, those who ignore the edit button and repeatedly double/triple/quadruple post can have their second, third, fourth, etc, posts deleted without notice, and without having their contents pasted onto the first post as per usual. Use the EDIT Button As the EDIT button will never disappear, you can always go back to edit your last post and add new thoughts. The practice of "bumping" is highly discouraged in these forums. If people wish to respond to your thread, they will add their opinions without the need of repeated spammed "bumps." Repeated "bumping" of a thread will most likely lead to the thread's deletion, instead. |
Originally Posted by Kakumei
Hey what's this oh it's the forum rules
Lothlorian Sassun
Double Posting is very Taboo in most Forums including this one. I agree that it is very silly for Shiro Weapons to be Req 13. I guess it is just a RPG thing to make sure the weapons are only used by a Primary. The OP should understand that Double Posting only makes him look childish and invites others to further flame his topic and make him look bad in the community. It also does little to get his point across.
Shiro's weapons USED to have a requirement of 15, so stop complaining. Weapon requirement DOES not affect damage so long as you meet it. You should meet that requirement all the time as a sin or warrior anyway (unless you want to use your shiro's blade on your leet R/W server artery tasher)
Andrew Almond
Lothorian may have a point and maybe I have had to many posts. I will delete my old posts that have nothing to do with the argument over this topic. I apologize to everyone as well.. I was just trying to defend my argument that secondary professions should be able to use Shiro weapons. The last thing I want is to look childish.. people might get the idea that I play video games.. anyway.. the facts are that if the req was dropped all it would effect is giving primary warriors/sins who use the weapons the flexiblity of allocating attribute points towards another attribute.. it wouldnt effect game play in any other way except that secondary warrior/sin professions would be able to use them and be happy with the weapons.
Kale Ironfist
Stop stating opinions as facts. No decent Warrior or Assassin using their sword/daggers has less than 13 in their weapon mastery, generally 14 (12+headgear+minor rune). This changes things, how? They need the high weapon mastery to deal base and skill damage, else they're just subpar.