Guild Wars - Terrible Customer Relations?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


Karr's Castle


Originally Posted by MistressYichi
Simple. Go to and find the guild ladder. take the number of active competitive american guilds and add them to the number of active competitive asian guilds. then multiply these numbers by 3. youll get roughly the number of active competitive european guilds....

Its a known fact to anyone in the higher end PVP community that a lot of the good american and korean guilds/players in those guilds have quit due to the lack of skill balances/gameplay updates/stale meta/no championchips.
It's a known fact? The only fact I've known is that ever since it was released/started up in Europe there have always been way more European guilds than American. Since very early on Europe has dominated favor (sheer #s being one of the reasons)

The # of guilds in the world is not evidence that the # of US/Asian Guilds is declining. You need to show before/after.

Originally Posted by Chthon
It reflects the sad psychological conditioning of someone so used to being treated like crap by large corporations that you've become accustomed to it and expect it as the norm because you are too young, or too poorly traveled, or both, to understand that it is neither "normal" nor is it right. Gaile, just like every other person at a-net, from Strain and O'Brien on down, ultimately collects her pay from her customers. She, just like every other person at a-net, is ultimately answerable to us.
While that sounds all mature and such, I think you're missing the point that Gaile can be told what to do by who she works for. ANET may make it's money off of us, but it can tell Gaile what to do, weather it makes them $$ or not. Yeah yeah, the consumers own the co. because we pay the bills. That thought process can be good for some things (as you said, clean environments & safe products) But it also produces crappy, run-of-the-mill, unimaginative garbage.(blockbuster sequel #8, Boy bands, Mcdonalds) It's all just "give em what they want. Not what's quality". If ANET was swept by every whim of this forum, the game would be a pile of steaming turd. They try to balance things, and that includes listening to the fans and at the same time saying "Hey, this is OUR game, & OUR co." Many of the people working there are much more talented & perceptive than the fans, and because of that may have more insight on how things should look, sound, play, feel. (of course it's all subjective; it's art)
If you think your wallet should be the sole arbiter of how the game should develop, just know that there will always be people out there who's ideas you hate a LOT MORE then the current ones, that have wallets too. Why shouldn't they use those ideas instead of yours?

Originally Posted by Chthon
This is true. It is perhaps the greatest truth that can come from these forums.
Maybe. Maybe the truth is: people want what they want. Weather it's fair, challenging or plausible... I'm not quite sure why the assumption is that the fans like the game more than the developers.



Doctor of Philosophy

Join Date: May 2005

Pacific Northwest

Team Love [kiSu]

Andrew has started thread about this topic here:

So I am going to close this one.