Auto-Targeting, Thoughts...
A clear sign of how Anet put in things in the game without actually thinking it true.
If this is going to be the case with GW2 I'm NOT buying it.
If this is going to be the case with GW2 I'm NOT buying it.
/toggle please for the love of all that's unholy.
Just been doing the 'rescue the baby turtles' quest on my ranger and everytime she got into a fight I'm hitting barrage and oh...wait.. why can't attack? 'Cos I just picked up that damn chest for the umpteenth time!
I can see why some would like, but a toggle ...pleeeeease !!!
Just been doing the 'rescue the baby turtles' quest on my ranger and everytime she got into a fight I'm hitting barrage and oh...wait.. why can't attack? 'Cos I just picked up that damn chest for the umpteenth time!
I can see why some would like, but a toggle ...pleeeeease !!!
The close target button is just plain annoying. Makes me keep thinking I've alreadly DW them. It should be got rid of asap. I don't even know why they put it in. Couldn't you turn off enemy health bars already with the interface options anyway?
The auto target should definately be toggle or got rid of. It's fine as a warrior, I'll just charge adren up on whoever before I go find a real target, but for casters it's a PITA. Any spell with recharge, especially interrupts that have long recharges, well... We should always have full control of who we're targeting. If someone wants it automated, then let them go switch it on.
The auto target should definately be toggle or got rid of. It's fine as a warrior, I'll just charge adren up on whoever before I go find a real target, but for casters it's a PITA. Any spell with recharge, especially interrupts that have long recharges, well... We should always have full control of who we're targeting. If someone wants it automated, then let them go switch it on.
Lol. I like how Anet have completely wasted there time on this when it seems nobody actually likes it.
I don't get why they changed all Xunlai Agents to give us upgrades either... we've had ONE upgrade since GW was released and now we get a dedicated NPC for it in every outpost?!
I don't get why they changed all Xunlai Agents to give us upgrades either... we've had ONE upgrade since GW was released and now we get a dedicated NPC for it in every outpost?!
Yeah, that is pretty weird. Can't seem to remember anyone ever complaining that there weren't enough upgrade agents around, or that the xunlai agents should be chests. I mean, it made sense when they first changed it for the desolation areas, but hardly needed for the rest of the world was it?
That's not really something to fret about though is it? I can't imagine it must have taken long to implement, and it made purchasing upgrades slightly less ambigious, since the upgrade and storage agent were both named the same.
Still MrFuzzles, it does show that is slowly losing their grip on what their customers want.
I really hope Destination Games (who is also owned by NCSoft) doesn't do stuff like this with Tabula Rasa.
I really hope Destination Games (who is also owned by NCSoft) doesn't do stuff like this with Tabula Rasa.
Auto Target causes way to many problems for it's "ease of use" factor - Make it a toggle (default off), or remove it completely.
The Close Target button serves NO purpose whatsoever other than to confuse the players - remove it.
The Close Target button serves NO purpose whatsoever other than to confuse the players - remove it.
I've been perfectly able to target who I want to kill on my own since the BWEs and am still able to, Let me turn this stupid thing off!!!
Just another step in dumbing down the game,sure does tell you what they think of their players.
Can you guys toss in an auto attack after the auto targeting and I'll just go watch TV while I GvG.
Just another step in dumbing down the game,sure does tell you what they think of their players.

Can you guys toss in an auto attack after the auto targeting and I'll just go watch TV while I GvG.

I like how they say a list of things they are working on would ruin it. Then they put out this awesome pile of garbage. GG anet.
Aera Lure
Please make it a toggle. Its REALLY annoying for casters since you cast spells uselessly on the next target in line.
Whispering Siren
/signed a hundred thousand times over, on both threads. we can disable mouse-walking and the like, allow us to disable this please.
Mouse walking...
It's been about two years sense I last used that - I had honestly forgotten it was even in the game
It's been about two years sense I last used that - I had honestly forgotten it was even in the game
heh I'm a mousewalker user myself. I need my left hand for the skillbar. I honestly don't see how you guys manage to use wasd, 8 keys for skills, and targeting/calling. Heck, I've even bound keys to every single button on my mx518 and I still feel I don't have enough.
Brother Andicus
/signed for toggleable auto-target(default off)
/signed for remove cancel button.
/signed for remove cancel button.
Nightmare Venom
I'm fine with the update for the Auto-Targeting when it comes to the nearest enemy. But I understand how some people might see it as a rubbish update, and how they would like to be able to toggle it on or off. Because it can become annoying sometimes
Ridiculous forced change. NEEDS a toggle option or just get rid of this useless thing already. I'm sure Anet's favorite players (i.e., those with minimal cranial capacity) can still target stuff by using the C key. Really, C is pretty close to the spacebar as well. Easy.
Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
You can actually keep playing the way you used to - all the old targeting is still there. Try this, walk near some enemies and keep an eye on your radar. Watch as you get closer and get them near or in aggro range and scroll around to look at all the nearby enemies. Without targeting, an enemy will light up and change depending on what you're looking at. All you have to do now is hit a skill that targets a foe, or spacebar, and you will auto-lock and begin the attack/skill. It does this automatically if the target you had previously dies, too, since it is no longer among selectable targets.
Also, it works on NPCs and loot! Seriously, try it out, get near a pile of gold or dropped item and center it in your view - it will automatically highlight and you can hit spacebar to snatch it up. Really cool, IMO. |
the main problem was that i always keep my eye on the radar for the foes and i always press "c" and select the target ages before we aggro. so there was nothing for the game to select for me.
while fighting - one foe went down and i pressed "c" and selected the target or pointed to it with the mouse - so also the thing didn't trigger.
once again - it took me two days to trigger it and it really isn't that much of a big deal. but since ppl have problems with it - just give us the option to toggle it.
I haven't decided yet whether I like it or not, but I'm leaning towards not liking it. I think a toggle option would be great or if it's doable instead of a toggle some checkboxes on what items/people to auto-target.
Many times during a fight, I'm auto-targeted off of my enemies and onto the shortbow that just dropped for me so that instead of finishing off the bad guys, I'm instead picking up loot. It would be nice to have the option to auto-target red dots only.
The worst was when I was fighting a mob near a collector. I got auto-targeted onto his weapon shop in the middle of the fight and it was very inconvient to try and close out of that and continue fighting. Again, an auto-target red dots only would come in handy there.
On the plus side, it did make picking up the loot quicker. Several times, I thought my henchies had picked up the gold for me until I realized what had happened.
Many times during a fight, I'm auto-targeted off of my enemies and onto the shortbow that just dropped for me so that instead of finishing off the bad guys, I'm instead picking up loot. It would be nice to have the option to auto-target red dots only.
The worst was when I was fighting a mob near a collector. I got auto-targeted onto his weapon shop in the middle of the fight and it was very inconvient to try and close out of that and continue fighting. Again, an auto-target red dots only would come in handy there.
On the plus side, it did make picking up the loot quicker. Several times, I thought my henchies had picked up the gold for me until I realized what had happened.
Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
You can actually keep playing the way you used to - all the old targeting is still there. Try this, walk near some enemies and keep an eye on your radar. Watch as you get closer and get them near or in aggro range and scroll around to look at all the nearby enemies. Without targeting, an enemy will light up and change depending on what you're looking at. All you have to do now is hit a skill that targets a foe, or spacebar, and you will auto-lock and begin the attack/skill. It does this automatically if the target you had previously dies, too, since it is no longer among selectable targets.
Originally Posted by SotiCoto
Royal pain in the arse.... that is what it is.
Scenario #1. I'm fighting a group of enemies, tab twice to get to the second-nearest enemy... and end up attacking the third-nearest because it already auto-targetted the nearest. I end up using the wrong skills on the wrong enemy before I even notice (my fingers work faster than my eyes do often enough). Scenario #2. Fighting a selection of three bosses in Dejarin Estate with my Assassin... quite used to C+Spacing, but more importantly instinctively attacking whenever the next name pops up. End up auto-targeting a freakin chest. No, I don't want to open the chest in the middle of combat. Kill the next enemy. Auto-targets the chest again. No, I definitely don't want to open the stupid chest! Scenario #3. Doing the earliest few missions in Elona for the Protector of Elona title. Complete walkover... but I don't pick up the loot because it is low-level crap and not worth my time. WHAT does the auto-targeter decide it wants to target next? No... not the next enemy, but the nearest drop of a min-levelled vabbian scimitar worth about 9 gold or somesuch. I open my inventory and promptly throw it out. Next time it does it I'm ready and avoid picking it up in the first place... which isn't easy with conditioned reflexes. In a word: NO! The auto-targeting system is totally unnecessary. Everyone managed just fine before... but now it just gets in the way. It is like those bloody microsoft help wizards all over again, taking control away from the player and making it a sub-par automated process. SCRAP IT! |
It looks that Anet is making more mistakes than usual lately.
This autotarget stuff is brainless and, above all things UNREQUESTED.
IMNSHO, that update was a total waste of resources by the Devs.
In a game that praises "SKILL over time played", if a player is so poor skilled that can't even select a target by his own, there's no point in playing the game at all.
No, no and no. Bad Anet, bad Anet. Take this out ASAP.
This autotarget stuff is brainless and, above all things UNREQUESTED.
IMNSHO, that update was a total waste of resources by the Devs.
In a game that praises "SKILL over time played", if a player is so poor skilled that can't even select a target by his own, there's no point in playing the game at all.
No, no and no. Bad Anet, bad Anet. Take this out ASAP.
Aera Lure
Its AWFUL. Sorry for the caps and the bold, but seriously, please remove this "feature" or make it optional. Its horrible for casters. Horrible for melee.
When monking and trying to save a hero or player from a spike in hard mode, I might toss on RoF and/or PS, maybe SoR on them. And then they die, due to either a bit of lag or simply it was too late relative to the further amount of damage they received. So what happens? I stack that on a perfectly safe character to no benefit and the energy is all spent. Its perfectly awful.
How can this have ever been seen as an improvement? Who had problems using tab to target what they wanted or pick them directly out of the party menu? The only reason I need the "option" to deselect is because I am being forced to auto target and dont for a miniute think I can take the time during a spike save to try and figure out if my target will live or not and deselect it. It is a problem that created itself. It wasnt a problem before.
Where is Anet on this? Comment please. Do something please.
When monking and trying to save a hero or player from a spike in hard mode, I might toss on RoF and/or PS, maybe SoR on them. And then they die, due to either a bit of lag or simply it was too late relative to the further amount of damage they received. So what happens? I stack that on a perfectly safe character to no benefit and the energy is all spent. Its perfectly awful.
How can this have ever been seen as an improvement? Who had problems using tab to target what they wanted or pick them directly out of the party menu? The only reason I need the "option" to deselect is because I am being forced to auto target and dont for a miniute think I can take the time during a spike save to try and figure out if my target will live or not and deselect it. It is a problem that created itself. It wasnt a problem before.
Where is Anet on this? Comment please. Do something please.
They are trying to appeal to larger audience by simplifying the game. This is pretty common in sequals. There have been a number of games that turned into 'console' games on PC so as to make it 'easier' to play and appeal to more people. Create less effort for the player with more reward, I think is the theory.
I say it's rubbish.
I say it's rubbish.
/shrug I like it. It could use some tweaking, sure, but overall it's nice to be able to just be lazy and run up to a NPC or something and hit space to start the conversation, or to pick up that item on the ground next to you.
The only change for auto targeting that needs to be made, regardless of whether or not they make it an option in the options menu, is that it shouldn't use skills on the next available NPC/PC if the target one dies. It should just cancel the skill.
Not being able to deselect your targets is something that has been bugging since Prophecies was released. Heck, even before that in the beta. I'm glad they finally added the option. Though I would like to be able to bind it to a key.
The only change for auto targeting that needs to be made, regardless of whether or not they make it an option in the options menu, is that it shouldn't use skills on the next available NPC/PC if the target one dies. It should just cancel the skill.
Not being able to deselect your targets is something that has been bugging since Prophecies was released. Heck, even before that in the beta. I'm glad they finally added the option. Though I would like to be able to bind it to a key.
Psychic Watch
Originally Posted by agrios
This autotarget stuff is brainless and, above all things UNREQUESTED.
This. What possessed them to make such a change, instead of the years-old requests like a 50% mark on the health bar or being able to see party energy levels??
Just for the record, I like this change.
I love it! Picking up loot is easier if it's all nice n close, just mash the space bar. And when my target dies, my character moves right on to the next one. Great stuff!
I don't really care about the cancel button, it doesn't bother me.
I don't really care about the cancel button, it doesn't bother me.
Andrew Patrick
I am including this thread in this weeks community summary. I am also forwarding your request to add an option to turn auto-targeting on and off. I will have to wait to hear back from the designers, but they are being made aware of your concerns.

Thank you, Andrew !
It's surprising how much this has been bothering me. I do use tab space, but prefer to control it myself, and as I play a caster 99.9 % of the time I choose my AOE victims based on clump formation and profession... never just because they're closest.

It's surprising how much this has been bothering me. I do use tab space, but prefer to control it myself, and as I play a caster 99.9 % of the time I choose my AOE victims based on clump formation and profession... never just because they're closest.
Originally Posted by Aera Lure
Its AWFUL. Sorry for the caps and the bold, but seriously, please remove this "feature" or make it optional. Its horrible for casters. Horrible for melee.
When monking and trying to save a hero or player from a spike in hard mode, I might toss on RoF and/or PS, maybe SoR on them. And then they die, due to either a bit of lag or simply it was too late relative to the further amount of damage they received. So what happens? I stack that on a perfectly safe character to no benefit and the energy is all spent. Its perfectly awful. How can this have ever been seen as an improvement? Who had problems using tab to target what they wanted or pick them directly out of the party menu? The only reason I need the "option" to deselect is because I am being forced to auto target and dont for a miniute think I can take the time during a spike save to try and figure out if my target will live or not and deselect it. It is a problem that created itself. It wasnt a problem before. Where is Anet on this? Comment please. Do something please. |
The biggest change for this is offensive casters IMO. I try to shatter on a spike and the target dies, BAM, I have to wait for the recharge before using it again. either way I waste the energy, but at least the old way I could've immediately used it again if I wanted to. Warrior attack skills are also similar, but usually you can stop running before you reach the nearest target (unless the enemy is bunched).
Mark me down as not-too-impressed, it could be ok I guess, but I don't want to use it; so, toggle-able please. 
EDIT: that goes for both the auto-target, and especially the target close button, or whatever it's called; I hate that thing.

EDIT: that goes for both the auto-target, and especially the target close button, or whatever it's called; I hate that thing.
Aera Lure
Originally Posted by TheOneMephisto
You do know that if you had reacted to a spike too late before the auto-targeting you would have self-casted it? Or if it was a other-only spell it would've stopped and you still would've used the energy? So basically, your reason is worthless, as there's no change. Self-casting vs casting nearest ally, meh.
Doesnt change the fact that I dont like the auto target and wish to turn it off. If its not affecting my case fine, its affecting others.
meh its a decent change. It works well for my ele and ranger with certian builds, but otherwise its meh.....
I don't know what all the commotion is about, Evilsod. I was halfway through an LB run before the guy I was with pointed it out to me - until then I didn't even notice anything because I was either directly targeting things or using C (or mouse4) & Space the whole time anyway.
As near as I can tell, it works like this. If you don't have a target, it will automatically target the nearest enemy, within your weapon's range. Basically it works much the same as hitting C-spacebar, except C-space will target enemies anywhere on the compass. It doesn't auto-target anything until you attack or use a spell, and it doesn't override any target you already have, or make. So you can still use whatever targeting method you want.
I've never seen it target a chest, so I don't know if that's even possible. If it does, you weren't going to use auto-targeting anyway, so just don't attack it, and use whatever else you were going to anyway. (If you do use AT, just hit C
As near as I can tell, it works like this. If you don't have a target, it will automatically target the nearest enemy, within your weapon's range. Basically it works much the same as hitting C-spacebar, except C-space will target enemies anywhere on the compass. It doesn't auto-target anything until you attack or use a spell, and it doesn't override any target you already have, or make. So you can still use whatever targeting method you want.
I've never seen it target a chest, so I don't know if that's even possible. If it does, you weren't going to use auto-targeting anyway, so just don't attack it, and use whatever else you were going to anyway. (If you do use AT, just hit C

Gimme Money Plzkthx
I haven't even noticed what it is yet, so I guess it's not really bothering me (although I haven't played very much). I don't understand what they're saying about talking to NPCs without targeting them, because to me it seems like I am. Also, according to guild wiki, you can now auto-target nearest loot with a keystroke, GO GO BOTS!
Originally Posted by Andrew Patrick
I am including this thread in this weeks community summary. I am also forwarding your request to add an option to turn auto-targeting on and off. I will have to wait to hear back from the designers, but they are being made aware of your concerns.
![]() |
No sir, I don't like it

Its turning bodyblocking into a trial.

Its turning bodyblocking into a trial.
Bryant Again
Pretty dandy for Warriors, I must say. Haven't tried it with much else.
Originally Posted by Bryant Again
Pretty dandy for Warriors, I must say. Haven't tried it with much else.