Originally Posted by Keithark
/sick of people who can't see the point. "gold farmers" are those who want to get stacks of gold to sell or to say hey look everyone I got lots of gold. Most posting here that they don't like loot scale are people who want to have armor, skills, etc to use on their character so they get more enjoyment out of the game.
exactly. gold farmers are the people who see guild wars as a reason to show off to random people and make themselves feel better about not having lives. NORMAL players on the other hand, actually play the game to have fun, not to be bothered and bragged at by the gold farmers. no, i dont care how much gold you have. no, i dont want a screenshot of your storage. no, i dont care how much your armor cost. i just want to spend what little time i have online PLAYING and HAVING FUN. how fun can a game be when you spend 70% of your time farming and 30% of your time showing off?
Originally Posted by Zeek Aran
well, forgive me for that.[/sarcasm] i meant that not everyone who needs the money for signet of capture uses it for the title. now can we stop flaming each other and stay on topic before we get this thread closed?