I am playing GW since may 2005 & am a Defender of the Luxons, I was happy for the new update which concerns AB untill today....
I play on american servers & this happened on international district.
I have been invited by a group of 3 leechers (a ranger + a warrior + an ele) who leeched all along the battle. The weird thing is that they all have pets which means they collect points. Yup !!!! their pets are "playing" & dying. So as usual (when i am the witness) I advertised against them for a while in the main channel. Some ppl know them already & all confirm what happened to me. They work together & do it on purpose.
How is it possible to win when 3 organised leechers among 12 players (-25% of whole fighting power) are spoiling the game. No way......
At least before the specific update, the losers were earning the DOUBLE amount of pts collected during the battle. This means that I was forgeting the leechers (if any...not always ) & was tryin to do my best to increase the final result.
Now u earn the SAME amount of pts collected during the battle & this is the FIRST TIME that I notice an organised gang of leechers. Usualy they act alone.
To sum up : according to me, the number of LEECHERS is gonna INCREASE more & more. Why? just because now when u lose u get NOTHING ===> fairplay players like me will not try to do THEIR BEST anymore to reduce the defeat. This does not mean that I will leech too

This is sad, I am upset & as I am only 300k away from Champion title i really think that after reachin my GOAL, I will AB the MINIMUM.....only to support my guild/alliance. Or we will make a sync team of 12 mates.
FAIRPLAY........what does it mean? ......sorry I cant remember

I already sent a message to Anet explaining my little story....hope they can do something....
I made a search into the forum & saw few topics about AB leeching & how to exterminate those EVIL players

Do you think Anet will be able to find a solution, a REAL & EFFICIENT one?
Your comments & ideas to solve this PLAGUE will be appreciated.
Have fun.....