Whats you Average Income Now?
in soviet russia, money farms you!
i make anywhere from 15-25k a hour(average)
i make anywhere from 15-25k a hour(average)
Angelic Upstart
Back in the day i used to make good money, nowadays i dont farm much at all, have everything i want/need.

I don't farm farm for money, only for holiday stuff. In some way I always have a decent amount of gold in my storage. Vanquishing helps alot.
I'm getting poorer and lazier these days, GW is getting really boring. ><
When I could be bothered I could make 100k+ in a day. :l
Now I make like...nothing. XD
[edit] I'm not really fussed anyway, I have everything I want anyway.
When I could be bothered I could make 100k+ in a day. :l
Now I make like...nothing. XD
[edit] I'm not really fussed anyway, I have everything I want anyway.
If I could find a way to make Hard Mode easier for myself (like all the other people on these forums *grumble*) then I'd probably have a lot more money.
I don't keep track of how much I make, it's suitably depressing.
I don't keep track of how much I make, it's suitably depressing.
Taken me a month to farm 100K :/
Everything I need and then some is already on my account (weapons armours etc).
I dont care about money or farming anymore, although I still do "Elite" missions with my guild for fun (and to try and beat our personal best times) ~ I guess I make around 8-10k an hour when I do 'farm', depending on rare material drops.
I dont care about money or farming anymore, although I still do "Elite" missions with my guild for fun (and to try and beat our personal best times) ~ I guess I make around 8-10k an hour when I do 'farm', depending on rare material drops.
30k a day i think
could have been more if i sold that armbrace i had but i wanted a tormented shield
could have been more if i sold that armbrace i had but i wanted a tormented shield
Alex the Great
13k an hour on my secret farm rofl
i used to make 20k
i used to make 20k
the Puppeteer
hmm - ~0g per day - and not complaining
Malice Black
Farming in GW?
That is nearly as tedious as mining in EVE.
I get w/e drops while doing missions/quests. I salvage all drops now, and sell the mats to people buying stacks for their noob juice (consumables)
That is nearly as tedious as mining in EVE.
I get w/e drops while doing missions/quests. I salvage all drops now, and sell the mats to people buying stacks for their noob juice (consumables)
around 40-150k a day depending if I'm actually working on making money (ie setting up sales on guru auctions, organizing inventory to make trading easier, etc)
only farm on holiday events and now I'm just pushing the rest of my 10 pve characters through the game. used to trade a lot in game but I just find it less of a hassle to trade through websites.
hfff has been fairly decent money. getting around 30k an hour doing that when i run 2 other people and my other account (500g per run) though its extremely boring . ..
only farm on holiday events and now I'm just pushing the rest of my 10 pve characters through the game. used to trade a lot in game but I just find it less of a hassle to trade through websites.
hfff has been fairly decent money. getting around 30k an hour doing that when i run 2 other people and my other account (500g per run) though its extremely boring . ..
Now days i get around 10-30k a day if i'm in the mood for some farming and find anything i like to get.
I used to get around 50-70k back in the old days when i had a use for the money. Now they are just stash'd away in storage (882k) waiting to be used...
Not as much fun as it used to be and not really any items left to spend it on once you have the most of the Elite Armor sets ect...
I used to get around 50-70k back in the old days when i had a use for the money. Now they are just stash'd away in storage (882k) waiting to be used...

Not as much fun as it used to be and not really any items left to spend it on once you have the most of the Elite Armor sets ect...
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by Sk8tborderx
This might come as a shock to you, so you might want to brace yourself. Some people enjoy farming, and playing solo.
The whining in this thread is utterly ridiculous. Why is it that farmers do nothing but complain, ever?
First of all it seems as if you guys think that the only way to make money farming is by finding an extremely rare item and selling it for 100K + n ectos. If that's your strategy then no, you wont make much cash, as hardly any items are worth much. What you should be doing is hardmode farming any area, collecting EVERYTHING that drops, and merchanting it. If your inventory is full, salvage and sell materials. The guy who complained about UW trips costing 1K, for instance, would find that the white/blue drops and gold drops offsets the cost of entrance, so any ectos are pure profit, and in places like CoF materials will net you several K per run.
Second of all it's annoying when farmers try to sound like they're poor. If people complain that they can not make money, it is implied they've got something to spend it on. Which simply isn't the case, now is it. Money in guild wars is for either showing off, or for buying vanity items.
Finally it sounds like you're all "speed blind". If making 10K an hour isn't enough to be worth your while, then that's basically just another way of saying that you've already got too much money.
i make bout 3-4k/day.. From quests and miss
Squishy ftw
10-20k a day if I just play normally(no farming).
Willow O Whisper
5-7k a day used to make 30k a day back before ls set in....
Depends if I feel like farming or not... these days I haven't been farming as much so I make around 5-10k/day. But if I feel like farming, can go around 20k-100k. I'd need to farm more 
And yes, I actually enjoy solo farming. Mindless killing ftw.
And yes, I actually enjoy solo farming. Mindless killing ftw.
Depends on what I do
can be 10K-250K a week
either way I spend as fast as I make now-a-days
can be 10K-250K a week
either way I spend as fast as I make now-a-days
I don't farm platinum. I have all the gear I want, and I'm not a title seeker, so I don't need to fund signets of capture or lockpicks.
Like 10k/2 days. lol (not farming, just general pve and sometimes fow/uw HM)
I don't have stable income, but when i play a lot pve, it's like ~15k a day. (Not farming)
HuntMaster Avatar
Well I am far from an uber farmer, I farm desolation as a wurm, 5 man party (heroes+me+1 henchie) on hardmode, I get about 1.5k per run. takes about 11 minutes. I sell everything that drops unless I find something special to add to my collection of "never used item skins".
But I have short attention span, I watch tv while I farm, so I tend to lag in between runs. If for some reason I am focused I can make about 9-10k an hour. I keep margonite masks and mummy trophies til i have a full stack, then sell them for about 3k a stack to a merchant.
If for some amazing reason I "power farm" for an entire day, i can make 100k but i get worn out on gw fast when I play that much.
My definition of power farming is playing 8-12 hours straight doing nothing but farming. I wont green farm anymore because I'm sick of doing 100+ runs for 1 green item. I'd rather buy greens.
The way I farm, If its a slow week, I make about 100k-120k a week. If I stay focused and dont watch tv, i can make upwards of 200k per week.
I really want to build an actual farm character so i can make 500k a week and buy all the skills and build my other characters. i think I could make a lot in fow ecto farming and just selling the ectos to merchants. But for now HM desolation farming with my warrior is working fine. I need to make a ecto farmer so i can start saving to buy the high cost mini's. Kanaxai is calling me!
But I have short attention span, I watch tv while I farm, so I tend to lag in between runs. If for some reason I am focused I can make about 9-10k an hour. I keep margonite masks and mummy trophies til i have a full stack, then sell them for about 3k a stack to a merchant.
If for some amazing reason I "power farm" for an entire day, i can make 100k but i get worn out on gw fast when I play that much.
My definition of power farming is playing 8-12 hours straight doing nothing but farming. I wont green farm anymore because I'm sick of doing 100+ runs for 1 green item. I'd rather buy greens.
The way I farm, If its a slow week, I make about 100k-120k a week. If I stay focused and dont watch tv, i can make upwards of 200k per week.
I really want to build an actual farm character so i can make 500k a week and buy all the skills and build my other characters. i think I could make a lot in fow ecto farming and just selling the ectos to merchants. But for now HM desolation farming with my warrior is working fine. I need to make a ecto farmer so i can start saving to buy the high cost mini's. Kanaxai is calling me!
I have a service here so depends on people but usualy 100k+ a day!!!!!!!!!
i have enough cash for playing with drops from VQ/Dungeons etc in HM
i'll do some farming when i go below 100k in storage
made 750+k since last week from farm+selling crap, tomes and stuff
i'll do some farming when i go below 100k in storage
made 750+k since last week from farm+selling crap, tomes and stuff
Bryant Again
Due to inactivity, I'd say I make about 5g/hour.
50k an hour when I feel like it. Otherwise zero.
Prof Of Black
Like 40ecto/week (just random trading, being lucky rofl), thats like 25k a day.
Can make much more though, just dont feel like trading every day.
Can make much more though, just dont feel like trading every day.
Dr Strangelove
5k balthazar faction/hour when I'm playing.
Lord Sojar
30-40k per day for me, via Full DoA Ursan runs with Consets. Other then that, UW and FoW.
Burning Blade
2k-5k per day with 2 to 5 hours playing NORMALLY. So much for casual play.
Snow Bunny
8k a day from 1-2 Vanquishes a day.
Otherwise, nothing.
Otherwise, nothing.
The Arching Healer
0k-1000k an hour, depends on how many times I win HoH And get mini ghostly
3-5k a day, i usually play for about 5 hours a day.
Lord High Pwner
I couldnt break it down too how much per hour or day i make but i run chests and the usuall dungeons with guildies till my mules and storage are full and im tired of looking at stuff, then i camp out in Kamadan for a couple days and churn out a million or so. Id say i do that once a month or less.Im a lazy seller i enjoy treasure hunting.
My main source of money is the Treasure Chests.
Other than that, I just run around doing quests and selling random items/runes/whatever to merchants/traders.
I'd say I make 1k a day or so. I would probably make more if I wasn't as lazy as sin. ._.;
Other than that, I just run around doing quests and selling random items/runes/whatever to merchants/traders.
I'd say I make 1k a day or so. I would probably make more if I wasn't as lazy as sin. ._.;
money??? I thought we just played the game to have fun 
welll let me put it this way:
my ele wants to get the rest of the 15k set she has one piece of. She started working her way thru eye about wintersday time.....to date she only has enough for 2 more pieces! (and its been what 3+ months??).
My other characters are pretty much in the same boat---none have gotten enough money to buy the new armors ---more than one piece since they got to eye (most have been there since december).
so if I play a few hours every day....and have yet to make 45plat since january----you do the math.

welll let me put it this way:
my ele wants to get the rest of the 15k set she has one piece of. She started working her way thru eye about wintersday time.....to date she only has enough for 2 more pieces! (and its been what 3+ months??).
My other characters are pretty much in the same boat---none have gotten enough money to buy the new armors ---more than one piece since they got to eye (most have been there since december).
so if I play a few hours every day....and have yet to make 45plat since january----you do the math.
I have no daily consistent income... one day its hfff the next day is zkeys and the other days maybe be powertrading...
we do not have contracts to play the game lol
we do not have contracts to play the game lol
I don't farm, I rarely do HFF (even though I'm horrible at it) or FFF, and I tend to replay missions often just to collect drops (helping others when I get bored).
Currently, I have 335k gold in my storage. On average, playing around 3-4 hours a day, I make an average 300-450 gold from drops per location I'm in or around. To keep it simple:
I can make around 3k a day. With the fact I'm capping elites via paying 1k for Signet of Captures, I'll be able to maintain around 285k+ for the remaining 164 elites I have left to obtain.
My personal goal is to hold at least 300k+, but right now, even being above 200k+ is the worse case scenerio if drops really don't sell for much.
Currently, I have 335k gold in my storage. On average, playing around 3-4 hours a day, I make an average 300-450 gold from drops per location I'm in or around. To keep it simple:
I can make around 3k a day. With the fact I'm capping elites via paying 1k for Signet of Captures, I'll be able to maintain around 285k+ for the remaining 164 elites I have left to obtain.
My personal goal is to hold at least 300k+, but right now, even being above 200k+ is the worse case scenerio if drops really don't sell for much.