Whats you Average Income Now?
I can't hold gold.
100-150k a month.... predictions...
Finally broke down and bought FoW, had 40k left last week and now I'm at ~100k. I don't farm much, just bought/sold items yesterday to reach 100k. Busy with Kurz faction.
I have no idea how to farm ... so ... 1k a day? Haha.
The Meth
I'm perfectly happy with my 0g a week income (lockpick uses balance out drops).
Well I work from 9 to 5 at 35k/hour, so I make 280k a day. 5 days a week, so 1400k a week.
I mean I don't really have a clue. I make whatever I make when I play, I don't have an "average income".
I mean I don't really have a clue. I make whatever I make when I play, I don't have an "average income".
+/- 5k/day .. ... ...
Lord Sojar
QFT. I sell my ZKEYS to fund my consumables. I enjoy turning on godmode in GW with them, and getting that evil vanquisher title track done quickly. Did 9 zones in factions in under 4 hours on that double vanquish weekend using massive amounts of various consumables. Went from r0 Kurzick to r3 as a result, and from r0 Luxon to r1 almost 2 as well. 
Oh, and also to pay for materials to craft summoning stones (Juggernaut is SO useful with his 5 second KD + SH Eles... lol)
So, in summary, about 350 divided by the number of days in a month, so...
~11-12k/day if averaged to a whole thousand.
Factoring in expenses at ~225k/month, that makes my net per month ~125k.

Oh, and also to pay for materials to craft summoning stones (Juggernaut is SO useful with his 5 second KD + SH Eles... lol)
So, in summary, about 350 divided by the number of days in a month, so...
~11-12k/day if averaged to a whole thousand.
Factoring in expenses at ~225k/month, that makes my net per month ~125k.
Maybe around a 1k a day if I don't farm , then it goes up by a thousand or two. Not factoring in the predictions though, I always forget about them

For me its likely -100k/day because I've been spending the cash lately and not trading much lol
Between 30 and 40k per day at the moment because I'm not actively seeking wealth. It's a by-product of dungeon running, merching loot, selling mods and vanquishes.
200-300k a month of predictions on two accounts.
Then whatever i get in the way of keys in between, which varies a lot ^^.
Then whatever i get in the way of keys in between, which varies a lot ^^.
5k-15k a day if I do JQ, 10k ish a day if I do pve, and 100k-200k a month from predictions :P
Eragon Zarroc
my income consists of z-key predictions...how sad eh?
Same. Since like 3-4 months, z-keys only. And I missed them twice, afaik.
income...not really an accurate description of my aquiring gold, depends on what I do that day and what drops I get. So if I'm out and about doing crap maybe 10k or so? otherwise /age farming in the GH dosen't exactly reward lots of gold.
Tar Ionwe
100K a month + how ever many Z-Keys I get a day (which is around 2 or so). I don't farm anymore since i don't play PvE anymore really.
maybe 2k/hour or how ever much i get from a vq + predictions from 8 accounts
(unless i use the keys)
80-120k an hour when i'm trying. otherwise i just play and get around 10k an hour.
Bowstring Badass
5k per zkey. Varies depending on how much I don't afk in gh's. Around 200k a month if I actually play. (damn mesmer who likes eating my money on armor >.>)
pumpkin pie
spun ducky
1.5 million a month without farming too much since I got 9 accounts with predictions and each one I go and get all the treasure chests in nightfall. I suppose UW SC and urgoz count as farming a little bit but those are alliance runs only.
about 50k a month, since i don't play anymore and only make random xunlai predictions
300k - 600k a month
Four accounts, MAT predictions only - depends on how good/crap my predictions are each month.
Four accounts, MAT predictions only - depends on how good/crap my predictions are each month.
Cale Roughstar
Ummmmmm, probably 250-350k a month from Zkeys (PvP and predictions).
Then add however much I gain from PvE, which is really hit or miss.
So I would say ~300-400k a month.
Then add however much I gain from PvE, which is really hit or miss.
So I would say ~300-400k a month.
Pssh like 2k an hour or something lol.
l Rainy l
200k per month
Sakura Az
for me it just depends on how motivated i am, i've done 300-400k in a week of heavy CoF runs, but usualy anymore its just about 40-50k a week from just playing the game.
Xunlai predictions net me roughly 400~700k each month, which I'm saving up for titles (sweet/drunk/party).
From playing I make enough gold to buy skills, lockpicks and such, or to help guildmates.
Once in a while I farm the Elite Zaishen challenge with my girlfriend for 6k balth, which I trade for z-keys, which I sell @5k each.
Sometimes when there's nothing else to do (and there always is lol) I take my A/E and permafarm the first level of Tombs for ecto or Vaettirs for golds/dyes/upgrades.
So as long as Anet keeps their hands off of SF, I'm not worried. The Xunlai House is unpredictable nowadays with all the smurf guilds though, so my income is more like 400k a month rather than 700k+. But that's still enough I guess. :P
From playing I make enough gold to buy skills, lockpicks and such, or to help guildmates.
Once in a while I farm the Elite Zaishen challenge with my girlfriend for 6k balth, which I trade for z-keys, which I sell @5k each.
Sometimes when there's nothing else to do (and there always is lol) I take my A/E and permafarm the first level of Tombs for ecto or Vaettirs for golds/dyes/upgrades.
So as long as Anet keeps their hands off of SF, I'm not worried. The Xunlai House is unpredictable nowadays with all the smurf guilds though, so my income is more like 400k a month rather than 700k+. But that's still enough I guess. :P
Xunlai predictions net me roughly 400~700k each month, which I'm saving up for titles (sweet/drunk/party).
From playing I make enough gold to buy skills, lockpicks and such, or to help guildmates. Once in a while I farm the Elite Zaishen challenge with my girlfriend for 6k balth, which I trade for z-keys, which I sell @5k each. Sometimes when there's nothing else to do (and there always is lol) I take my A/E and permafarm the first level of Tombs for ecto or Vaettirs for golds/dyes/upgrades. So as long as Anet keeps their hands off of SF, I'm not worried. The Xunlai House is unpredictable nowadays with all the smurf guilds though, so my income is more like 400k a month rather than 700k+. But that's still enough I guess. :P |
400 - 700k ??
explain plz?
if you get all predictions right it will net you 500 points-->100 keys @ 5k each it will grant you 500k thats the max you can do...i believe no1 gets them all right...so do you open chests and get that lucky to make 700k?
unless you have multiple accounts....
Multiple accounts.