Being called "Runner" in PvP..
I was reading some other thread about AB where some dude said that each death should give 5 Faction to discourage runners. I'm not sure exactly what kind of runner he meant and i do not base my "oppinion" on his statement.
However, i've numerous times been whispered where some extremely hostile person has called me a noob for being a "runner". I then right away know that this person does not play GvG at all. I and probably many other GvGers are used to "kiting", to save yourself from damage and give monks a break in GvG. This habbit is something that is implemented in your backbone and you use it everywhere.
Now, what these morons in RA,AB, TA, HvH, whatever don't realise is that you are not an noob runner for kiting. A noob runner is a person who loads his bar with running skills, block skills, selfheals, whatever to stay alive or run away in RA when it's 4v1. I usually play assassin when doing "random pvping" in ra, ab etc, I can't just stand like an dumbass and take loads of damage and die, i have to be mobile.
So please, PvE paladins out there, you can serve the light and bring justice to those horrid monsters all you want but Guild Wars pvp is not about valour, heroism and standing your ground in a glorious battle. Please keep this in mind next time you feel you have to bash someone about Kiting. I hope this message is brought to the right eyes, if you know you are not one of them then have a cookie and be happy.
However, i've numerous times been whispered where some extremely hostile person has called me a noob for being a "runner". I then right away know that this person does not play GvG at all. I and probably many other GvGers are used to "kiting", to save yourself from damage and give monks a break in GvG. This habbit is something that is implemented in your backbone and you use it everywhere.
Now, what these morons in RA,AB, TA, HvH, whatever don't realise is that you are not an noob runner for kiting. A noob runner is a person who loads his bar with running skills, block skills, selfheals, whatever to stay alive or run away in RA when it's 4v1. I usually play assassin when doing "random pvping" in ra, ab etc, I can't just stand like an dumbass and take loads of damage and die, i have to be mobile.
So please, PvE paladins out there, you can serve the light and bring justice to those horrid monsters all you want but Guild Wars pvp is not about valour, heroism and standing your ground in a glorious battle. Please keep this in mind next time you feel you have to bash someone about Kiting. I hope this message is brought to the right eyes, if you know you are not one of them then have a cookie and be happy.
When you use a tactic that completely unravels someone else's and, as a result, beat them you sometimes will be blessed with insults from the embarrassed and vanquished foe. My mesmer has been called a runner before by touch rangers... or at least their corpses. I snare them with Ethereal Burden then slap Conjure Phantasm and Conjure Nightmare on them, keeping well outside of touch range.
There's a difference between running for the sake of running and running for the sake of maintaining the advantage when the situation requires it.
There's a difference between running for the sake of running and running for the sake of maintaining the advantage when the situation requires it.
Yeah people call you a 'noob runner' for kiting because they chose to take Mending instead of a speed buff or snare.
There's a distinct difference between a runner and a kiter. A kiter moves his/her positioning to mitigate as much potential damage as possible. A runner enters the battle with the intent of running around to 'grief' the other team in to quitting. The latter is an EULA offence.
Kiting is a valid tactic. Don't like it? Bring a speed buff/snare.
There's a distinct difference between a runner and a kiter. A kiter moves his/her positioning to mitigate as much potential damage as possible. A runner enters the battle with the intent of running around to 'grief' the other team in to quitting. The latter is an EULA offence.
Kiting is a valid tactic. Don't like it? Bring a speed buff/snare.
Originally Posted by makosi
Kiting is a valid tactic. Don't like it? Bring a speed buff/snare.
If they were too stupid to bring snaring/speed buffs to the fight, punish them for it. Maybe next time they won't be so stupid.
Trash-talking and common sense are rarely seen together in one sentence. Same in FA, bond the gates and stay inside, boom, you're automatically a coward and a noob.
The Last Cruzader
Hehe reminds me of a time when I was monking and executioner's strike only hit me for 9 and the warrior bashed me after the game with stupid insults, but yeah this is why I play offline or do not disturb when I RA or do any arena that involves meeting up with random people.
Originally Posted by The Last Cruzader
I play offline or do not disturb
Recently i've come to feel sorry for these paladins that don't know better, sometime some conversations with these individuals really leads to them being retarded, for real, downs syndrome or something. Their sentences makes no sense, their arguments are just random words. My girlfriends brother has Downs Syndrome and he is one smart dude, smarter than these people on the retardweb.
Free Runner
I love being called a "Noob Runner" in pvp. Since my IGN is Runner i reply with simple words and get them even more enfuriated. Like said above its their own fault for taking something other than a speed buff or condition removel. As a Ranger i'm not exactly gonna let them get next to me.
Divinus Stella
The standing your ground heroism backfires sometimes on wammos, i was playing alliance battles yesterday and had a whole mob of the retarded C+Space wammos your taking about stuck on me, so i stopped and used GoS/meteor shower/savannah heat/tenais heat/searing heat, not a single one moved out before they died.
Almost as stupid as bringing gladiators defence and then using it against a monk in ab...
"Noob Runner" - Elite Shout. Cost 5 Adrenaline. (This skill disables all intelligence for 1-999 seconds)
See PROFESSIONAL players do this thing we like to call, KITING.
IMO a noob runner is someone in RA when its 4 v 1 and they have NO chance, and all they do is run in circles to annoy people. Running in AB is Kiting.
Rangers also get called pussies for pindown/cripple shot on melee classes and then falling back to a safe distance.'s called intelligence not cowardice and we alleged noobs will use it over and over to ambush the real noobs.
The people who shout NOOB RUNNER, in AB are a toucher ranger and trappers wet dream. Easy pickins.
Surely these people are noobs, just use throw dirt. Then the monk cant see who they heal. LOL if only.
See PROFESSIONAL players do this thing we like to call, KITING.
IMO a noob runner is someone in RA when its 4 v 1 and they have NO chance, and all they do is run in circles to annoy people. Running in AB is Kiting.
Rangers also get called pussies for pindown/cripple shot on melee classes and then falling back to a safe distance.'s called intelligence not cowardice and we alleged noobs will use it over and over to ambush the real noobs.
The people who shout NOOB RUNNER, in AB are a toucher ranger and trappers wet dream. Easy pickins.
Originally Posted by scrinner
Almost as stupid as bringing gladiators defence and then using it against a monk in ab...
Sarevok Thordin
Originally Posted by Seissor
"Noob Runner" - Elite Shout. Cost 5 Adrenaline. (This skill disables all intelligence for 1-999 seconds)
See PROFESSIONAL players do this thing we like to call, KITING. IMO a noob runner is someone in RA when its 4 v 1 and they have NO chance, and all they do is run in circles to annoy people. Running in AB is Kiting. Rangers also get called pussies for pindown/cripple shot on melee classes and then falling back to a safe distance.'s called intelligence not cowardice and we alleged noobs will use it over and over to ambush the real noobs. The people who shout NOOB RUNNER, in AB are a toucher ranger and trappers wet dream. Easy pickins. Surely these people are noobs, just use throw dirt. Then the monk cant see who they heal. LOL if only. (\__/) (='.'=) (")_(") |
Touchers are the biggest offenders for this by far....
The problem is you cant argue with idiots it just doesnt work and is a waste of effort.
Last week i played ab as a crip shot ranger was capping a shrine on my own and an enemy player on his dervish comes along.
Due to my skill set i put poison and bleeding on him and just keep him crippled while I run around for a minute while he died then cap the shrine again without taking any damage. However the guy/girl playing the dervish made it sound like it was me that didnt understand the way the game worked. He/She took my "cowardice" of using crip shot as some sort of moral victory because his/her build would beat mine if i let him/her come near me.
These sort of people should just be ignored for the tards that they are. They will ether start to understand some tactics of the game or will remain as fodder in almost all games but pepole with an IQ should just ignore them its a wast of time otherwise
Last week i played ab as a crip shot ranger was capping a shrine on my own and an enemy player on his dervish comes along.
Due to my skill set i put poison and bleeding on him and just keep him crippled while I run around for a minute while he died then cap the shrine again without taking any damage. However the guy/girl playing the dervish made it sound like it was me that didnt understand the way the game worked. He/She took my "cowardice" of using crip shot as some sort of moral victory because his/her build would beat mine if i let him/her come near me.
These sort of people should just be ignored for the tards that they are. They will ether start to understand some tactics of the game or will remain as fodder in almost all games but pepole with an IQ should just ignore them its a wast of time otherwise
kiting is to be expected, however catching a ranger with escape and every other run buff under the sun and bodyblocking him into a corner and stabbing him to death is very satisfying
Mr Emu
I remember one time I was playing BA w/pindown in RA. This
retarded warr come up and tries to solo me. He had no mending
touch of course. You can guess how it went:
DShot Healsig
"Noob runner, dont be a pussy bitch and use cripple!!!1!11!!"
retarded warr come up and tries to solo me. He had no mending
touch of course. You can guess how it went:
DShot Healsig
"Noob runner, dont be a pussy bitch and use cripple!!!1!11!!"
i dont get why people get so uppity about kiters lol
probably cause they wiki'd the build that was absofrigginlutely perfect for RA...they use it...get crippled/snared and eventually killed. so i suppose maybe some people just attach their ego to the game that much
oh wait.....nvm =)
probably cause they wiki'd the build that was absofrigginlutely perfect for RA...they use it...get crippled/snared and eventually killed. so i suppose maybe some people just attach their ego to the game that much
oh wait.....nvm =)
If they have an IQ above room temperature they'll either wait til you engange someone ELSE and run up, or wait to you use the pin skill and try and dodge it from afar. That would be a skilled tactic, not run, get pinned, then unleash verbal/textual assaults.
Stormlord Alex
I don't get called a 'noob runner' for kiting all too much...
But when I do, I can have a giggle and rest assured that I'm a far superior player
Though... It *is* fun leading a posse of wammos/dervs/'sins back to Base Defense. C-space scrubs ftw
But when I do, I can have a giggle and rest assured that I'm a far superior player

Though... It *is* fun leading a posse of wammos/dervs/'sins back to Base Defense. C-space scrubs ftw

Man you think you have it bad:
KIll someone with Burning Arrow Build Enemy:Ahhh you got me
Kill Someone ith Touch Ranger Build: Enemy:You ---- piece ---- -----with your --- build I hope you ---- -----. Il fight u 1v1 ----
Hey If my builds bad - Why are you dead?
Sighs - somedays I have to go Back to Long Ranging just to avoid the hate
KIll someone with Burning Arrow Build Enemy:Ahhh you got me
Kill Someone ith Touch Ranger Build: Enemy:You ---- piece ---- -----with your --- build I hope you ---- -----. Il fight u 1v1 ----
Hey If my builds bad - Why are you dead?
Sighs - somedays I have to go Back to Long Ranging just to avoid the hate

Sarevok Thordin
Originally Posted by TempusReborn
Man you think you have it bad:
KIll someone with Burning Arrow Build Enemy:Ahhh you got me Kill Someone ith Touch Ranger Build: Enemy:You ---- piece ---- -----with your --- build I hope you ---- -----. Il fight u 1v1 ---- Hey If my builds bad - Why are you dead? Sighs - somedays I have to go Back to Long Ranging just to avoid the hate ![]() |
T N Player
i normally do pvp with a crippling slash build. in ab wen i do not need a rez, i use deadly riposte to couter heal sig's lower armor and to use gash for a qucik deep wound. most ppl just say nice use of the skill, but most of the time, the whammo using mending and Live Vicariously, and Vigorous Spirit r the only ones are r mad that i messed up there healing. i just tell them dont attack and they reply that there only way of healing.
why is it that the builds that r cool to use in pve, not cool to use in pvp?
why is it that the builds that r cool to use in pve, not cool to use in pvp?
Sarevok Thordin
Originally Posted by T N Player
why is it that the builds that r cool to use in pve, not cool to use in pvp?
Most scrubs don't seem to get this..............AT ALL.
Originally Posted by Sarevok Thordin
Because touch ranger is the most nooby build in the game. You just mindlessly spam those 2 skills, with the odd running/evasion stance if need be.
granted it basically utilizes all the key necessities to a self reliant builds. decent damage/self heal/defense/etc its nubby for the sake that it takes no brains to run properly. c+1+2+1+2+1+2 the occasional OoB or whatever and thats it. at least the typical whammo builds takes a lil moderation in spamming their skills and healing due to their limited energy pool and regen. assassins are fairly no-brainer unless your using a non-cookie cutter build. rangers (in the sense of using a bow) take a lil bit of thinking since the only thing they can really stand up agaisnt for long enough to finish an attack and run is ele aoe. vs wars or sins or what have you theyre still pretty much squishee. monks....take patience...between following the over extending suicide sins and the wars who use frenzy+heal sig and being blamed for god knows what reason if someone on the team dies, and not least of which the second you enter a battle you know your name has just been pinged 500 times. monks are fun though =D. rits are semi no brained with the typical spirit just hafta remember to space everything out or 1 ele just wrecks you.
so essentially touchies are really the only class that you can be completely stoned till your stupid and still play the build effectively.
so essentially touchies are really the only class that you can be completely stoned till your stupid and still play the build effectively.
The people who call others "noob runner" or similar just show that they have no idea what the concept of kiting is, or pvp in general for that matter.
Warrior putting on Dolyak signet, then calling the other team noob runners for ignoring him and going for a shrine instead (in ab) does give me a good laugh though.
As for touchers, personally I hate the build, and think it's silly to play it when you have so many other skills to choose from. However, it doesn't seem like it's going to stop being used. I'll just deny its existance even if it comes up and bites me in the rear.
Warrior putting on Dolyak signet, then calling the other team noob runners for ignoring him and going for a shrine instead (in ab) does give me a good laugh though.
As for touchers, personally I hate the build, and think it's silly to play it when you have so many other skills to choose from. However, it doesn't seem like it's going to stop being used. I'll just deny its existance even if it comes up and bites me in the rear.
This thread would be soo much cooler if it didn't sound like a rant thread, u got called a runner by some fool in AB, I often type in local "stop running face your death like a man!", its just really smack talking.
But did you really need to go posting on a forum sounding like a cry baby? You not only complain about fools (noobs) calling you a runner, while insisting to teach the entire forum about GvG tatics, but then you go and generally bash PvE.
Are you that fragile that you can't laugh off a "Running N00b" whisper?
I'll spare my comments about your mentioning playing and Assassin for AB and stuff... it compairs them to touch rangers :d
Your right, they should get over someone running to save their life; But you should also get over the fact that in game your gonna experience some immature people. The good news is when you click that x they go away.
But did you really need to go posting on a forum sounding like a cry baby? You not only complain about fools (noobs) calling you a runner, while insisting to teach the entire forum about GvG tatics, but then you go and generally bash PvE.
Are you that fragile that you can't laugh off a "Running N00b" whisper?
I'll spare my comments about your mentioning playing and Assassin for AB and stuff... it compairs them to touch rangers :d
Your right, they should get over someone running to save their life; But you should also get over the fact that in game your gonna experience some immature people. The good news is when you click that x they go away.
I think even funnier was when I got serenaded by a warrior with a lovely chorus of "noooooooob mesmer! noooooooob mesmer!".
Hey, it's not my fault he was using Frenzy while swinging through Ineptitude and Clumsiness.
Hey, it's not my fault he was using Frenzy while swinging through Ineptitude and Clumsiness.
i always run lol!
Arguments for kicks ftw.
just act really serious, and spell proper, u win every time lol.
Arguments for kicks ftw.
just act really serious, and spell proper, u win every time lol.
Originally Posted by Sarevok Thordin
Because there is a titanic difference between fighting the AI and fighting a human player.
Most scrubs don't seem to get this..............AT ALL. |
Also, their is a difference between good touch rangers and bad touch rangers. Good touch rangers STOP spamming vamp touch/bite when hexed with diversion.
Patrick Smit
I like to both run and kite in AB, the space is humongous, and there are quite some safe havens. Quite often u get people to act like AI and run into an enemy shrine, most of them are aware of the base defender unfortunately. I like to lure players preferably to the ele shrines as they give good damage, when i'm around a shrine or bigger group i tend to kite, or fall back a bit.
Why do I do it, simply because I don't like t o give away points for free.
Why do I do it, simply because I don't like t o give away points for free.
I've been called a runner before. I just taunt him for not bringing snares. Then again, how can they bring a snare when they need the extra space for mending? :-\
...cause we all know RA and AB are the pinnacles of pvp
Phantom Gun
Originally Posted by DFrost
Trash-talking and common sense are rarely seen together in one sentence.
Anyway to the OP, I wouldn't worry about it. It's obvious that you are playing in a tactical way, and not just running around the arena for the duration of the match just to annoy the other team. It's the other persons fault for not bringing something for this kind of thing. I mean I know we only have 8 skill slots, but I imagine that if you find yourself in battle with the same people over and over again one might adjust their skills. I guess some people just won't do that.
I only FA, and rarely AB, or RA, so i'm deffinetly no expert on pvp. But I think the main reason I avoid the more hardcore scene is because of people like that.
Originally Posted by ShadowsRequiem
...cause we all know RA and AB are the pinnacles of pvp
Kool Pajamas
Originally Posted by ShadowsRequiem
...cause we all know RA and AB are the pinnacles of pvp
I think people that complain about touchers need to grow up. A build is a build. Its simple but effective in certain areas against people who aren't prepared for it, and most people in AB and other casual pvp areas aren't prepared for it. You make a build for the area you are playing. If you get beat by someone any build don't scream noob build, just shut up and move on.
AB requires alot of moving aka running to cap shrines however there's one of those players that keeps following when you're running at low health and start calling you noob and runner, I think they are the noobs for following instead of helping their teammates cap shrines, all I can say in the end is don't mind those kids, play how it suits YOU best.
- Ganni.
- Ganni.
Sarevok Thordin
Originally Posted by ShadowsRequiem
...cause we all know RA and AB are the pinnacles of pvp
Nemo the Capitalist
............sighs/ what man has become
Hehe, the high point of my kiting ability had to be this one time in RA.. It was on The Crag, 2 members of my team and one member of the other team left, my teammate died almost instantly and left, and I still came back to win. (Using a deadly arts spiker) It's always fun when there are just 2 people left, and instead of charging right up to an enemy with higher health and adrenaline charged, you kite until you're on equal ground, then finish it.
Her Goofy Laugh
Theres a difference between kiting strategically and running just for the sake of running. Of course GVG running is different, you have a goal, which is to get the flag.
1. you run back to lure the opponent; maybe to an aoe spell, like meteorshower or ward.
2. you run back to get you closer to the monk; maybe he can directly mend touch you instead of using draw, especially if the battle is breakneck and energy management is getting challenging.
3. you have too many hexes(i.e. pof,reapers, sof, reckless, SS) which you know will wear off b4 you die(and you monk has too much on his hands), so you run back to a relatively safe distance and watch and wait.
* Ive fought a LOT of runners; some run when its like 4vs1 and some run and 'kite' in the middle of the battle and let their teammates die. Sometimes i 'kite' back especially in RA when say, i have troll ungent. i use it, then go back asap.
1. you run back to lure the opponent; maybe to an aoe spell, like meteorshower or ward.
2. you run back to get you closer to the monk; maybe he can directly mend touch you instead of using draw, especially if the battle is breakneck and energy management is getting challenging.
3. you have too many hexes(i.e. pof,reapers, sof, reckless, SS) which you know will wear off b4 you die(and you monk has too much on his hands), so you run back to a relatively safe distance and watch and wait.
* Ive fought a LOT of runners; some run when its like 4vs1 and some run and 'kite' in the middle of the battle and let their teammates die. Sometimes i 'kite' back especially in RA when say, i have troll ungent. i use it, then go back asap.