your most memorable drop(s)

Dark Interception

Dark Interception

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

Not that impressive but jeah ..

dyed that colossal black and made a nice caster sword from it

Stark Dynasty

Stark Dynasty

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2007


Hard Mode Legion [HML]


Most memorable for me has to be my first gold drop.

Playing with my first char, ranger, in D'Lessio Seaboard mission. It was a req.8 15-27dmg longbow, damage mod vs hexed(can't remember value) of Deathbane +19%. I didn't care it wasn't max damage I just enjoyed using it to destroy all the undead that crossed my path in Kryta. It was the right drop in the right place.

I kept hold of that bow for so long I was using it in my first Barrage Pet run in Tombs, even with the useless mods for what I was doing.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

Grand Court of Selket/Sebelkeh

What If You Had An Outpost Named After You [slkt]


when I got a 15>50 serpent axe from the old halls chest.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

Steel Phoenix[StP]/Terror Of The Justice Salmon[FisH]

Mine would have to be when Sorrows furnace had just came out.I did a run outside in Grenths Footprint and ended up getting a Flint's Artifact-.-
Its The fact it was sooo bad for a first green,i still remember it now.

Midnight Harmony

Midnight Harmony

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2006

South East England

Everlasting Sacred Path [ESP]


When Nightfall was fairly new I got a gold, req 9 Sephis Axe from a chest in the Desolation. I foolishly sold it for 40k not realising it was actually worth around 400k. I still get annoyed when I see the screenshot I took of it.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006



My best was back in September 05, I was in the Fissure of Woe running around doing quests with guild mates, (yes we actually did quests back then lol, it was all new ) It was one of the first golds that ever dropped for my ranger.

It was a Gold, Req 8, 15% while above 50% Health, 15-28 Shadow bow with 10/10 sundering! (back then 10/10 was max for sundering lol) I quickly put a +30hp mod on it, and upgraded to 20/20 when the change happened. I've been using it ever since

I know I'll never sell it, yet I'll never customise it either, don't know why lol

Great Scoot

Great Scoot

Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006


Mirror of Reason [SNOW]


Req. 8 15^50 Murssat Hornbow hp +30 20/20
it dropped for my brother of which he gave to me.

I got a same perfect Giant Slayers Hammer req 8 15^50 hp+30 20/20
got that, not modded like that, fighting to dreadnaughts drift back before factions came out.

like 6 Sup vigors, which i have like 3 right now and held onto then, but they have been cut in half.

i have over 200 ectos again they have been cut in half.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005

In the clouds



I have ID'd a lot of golds but my problem is that I have no clue if something is worth a lot of gold or not. I just sell all my gold to the merchant. I could have sold something that was really worth a lot and I would never know it.

I think my most memorable would have to say my first Ecto. I only have 4 and have gotten them all by my self They are just sitting in my storage doing nothing at all.

I am also always please to see a green drop. But I have to say that when I finally completed my Legendary Skill Hunter Title I thought back and realized that out of all the countless bosses I had killed to get their Elite Skill that NONE of them ever dropped their green for me. The only way I ever got a green was by actively farming the boss over and over until it gave it up.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005


Got my first "expensive" drop ever the week before the dragon festival this year: superior vigor rune. Sold it for 10k and used the 10k to buy more festival tickets. It was nice that I was looking for money to buy tickets with and while doing that I finally got a drop worth a decent amount of money and I didn't even have to stand around for hours trying to sell it. Bonus.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2006


My most memorable drops actually came together, I was solo farming the beach and cave with my warrior and a dryder droped a req 8 chaos axe which ID as 15^50 cruel +29hp. I opened a chest halfway through the cave on the same run and got a shadow sheild req 9 -3 hex +30...Best run Ive ever had, 3 shards too (back when they were worth having)



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2007

pretentious latin title[PTA]


Modti's Depravation, the best curse necro staff, found with my main character (R/Mo) the day after i created a curse necro. it was also my first green.

The Missing Monk

The Missing Monk

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

The Netherlands

Souls of Glory [SoG]


My 2 most memorable drops, and probaly my most valueable ones:

Q10 Dead sword out of a ancient elonian chest when NF just came out, sold that for 100k +12E (when ecto's were about 7k)

and my Q9 Strenght Inscribable Magmas Shield, that even got me halfway getting my first set of FoW (which I have now ^^)

The Missing Monk

The Missing Monk

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

The Netherlands

Souls of Glory [SoG]


Can't Believe I forgot my other valuable drop :|

req 11 Colossal Scimitar, which I modded to a casters weapon, my guild just found out the run, so everyone had one within a week, mine however, I can't remember how many runs ive done but believe me, it was A LOT! when it finally dropped, I was kind of in shock

p.s: sorry for the 2nd post, but GWG wouldn't let me edit my other post :S



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

Glob of Ectospasm [GoE]

My most memorable would prob be today when I got a req 11 Elemental Sword whilst LB point farming in Sulphorous Wastes.

Had req 9 Dead Sword when the farm was new that I sold for 100k+40e
Req 9 Colossal that went for 100k +25e


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2007

cause we are crazy (cwc)


the 10-14 gold sunqua blade-with a perf sundering mod on it
and the perfect req 9 obsidian earth staff that dropped in realm of torment-still got that one
also remember my best uw run-3 ectos black dye and 2 gold axes

King's Spectre

King's Spectre

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

Syracuse, NY, USA

The Amazon Basin (AB)


Lol this thread to sooo D2.

I don't get real pumped about drops in GW, so I really had to think. Prolly the first Sup Absorb when they were near 100k or the first IDS on windersday 2005.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006




Hmm I'm not so lucky but I had to take screenshot when one boss dropped 1*white + UW+FoW Scrolls + Rare Req.9 Earth Scroll for me...

I have had some greens with henchmen while exploring (bonus).

And once black dye dropped in UW in first stairs while fighting Aataxes. Bonus in this was that I was able to get it before our crappy PUG died



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005


I was exploring Mineral Springs for the first time when the Icy Dragon Swords began to drop; was kickin' around with henchmen, snagged a perfect one, still have it in storage somewhere.

Went to cap Avatar of Grenth my first time through Nightfall; boss dropped Grenth's Grasp as well, used that to beat the crap out of many a Morganite and daemond through the rest of the campaign.




Join Date: Oct 2006

Crystal Overlook!



My Elemental Sword no doubt

Burning Blade

Burning Blade

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2007


-1st: req8 15^50 storm bow. IT was long time ago before Factions. It dropped from a chest in Tomb that quickly earned me over 600K. I was a very poor guy who never had more than 10K so you should know how happy and shocked I was.
-2nd: Req8 Chaos axe req8 15^50. It dropped from a chest near Wailing Lord in FOW. 100K+25e was how much I got from the axe when ectoes were still like 8-9K each
-3rd: req9 inscribable Magmas Shield which dropped from a Earth titan in Domain of Fear. The shield earned me 100K+100e which was the most valuable item I have found




Join Date: Oct 2005

Ogmios Graybeards


My most memorable drops? Probably the 395 gold, 11 wood planks and 6 Iron Ingots I ended up with on my first Vermin run when loot scaling was introduced. I don't visit Shreader much anymore.





Join Date: Oct 2005

Ogmios Graybeards


Stupid laggy double post crap.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2006




Colossal Scimiatr req 10 GOLD....perfect stats 20/20 Sundering Health +30

I dindn't even know what i had at the time

Sold it for about 1.5 million though


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006


100g from my henchies when they died.

its was a lol moment as I picked it up and zoned!



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005


Req. 8 Chaos Axe 15% above at time this wort something 300k i think...
from a casual run in fow.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2006


The Black Parades [死人死]


Ok my most memorable was when I sold an unid req 10 fellblade 15^50 +7 vs phys and 20/20 sunder for 12k... which was prob worth at least 100k+ back in the day. I was shocked that it came out that way after I asked him to show me what he found, maybe it was a dupe but I doubt it. My memerable because it came out of a troll when I was farming the cave... I don't really mind losing so much of a profit, I'm just glad I got a drop like that... that's just how I am =)



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2007

Screw guilds.


Two gold stormbows from the same mob of smite crawlers in a 55/SS run of UW, sometime before Nightfall came out. One was a req 13 which I gave to someone else, the other is a req 8 I still carry around today.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

The Netherlands

Limburgse Jagers [LJ]


A req 8 15^50 Shadow Bow that dropped from a Shadow Ranger in FoW at 3 or 4 AM September 2005. We had finished our Forgemaster run for a guildmate, and wanted to call it quits. I just wanted to kill that one last mob for the heck of it. Still using that bow as my primary weapon



Join Date: Mar 2007

Faction of War [ARES]

Last night I had a half decent one drop for me, Req 9 Dead sword 20/19 and +29 and 15^50... So close I thought, hehehehe...

My first ecto is prolly my most memorable, it dropped from the first smite group in the cave, I spammed guild chat like mad when that happened!!!

Alex Morningstar

Alex Morningstar

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

Team Asshat [Hat] leader - [GR] Alliance


When an Ecto dropped for me in the Fissure of Woe from the forest.



Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006



most memorable, but not the best has to be my first FDS, back during the first week of gw... good ol' days indeed, it was req.9 14 vs. hexed. i remember it's stats well because that sword got me thru my first play through the game, i still have it now, just to remind me of a better time



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Wales, UK

Expect Extreme Violence [EEV]

Best drop for me would be either the req8 15^50 Oni blade from a chest in rasu palace or the 2sup vigors I got in one run while farming ettins, back in the days when vigors where actually worth something.


Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2006



max req 8 inscribable smithe, and air magic offhands, yes they are blue but...
and when i 1st entered uw first dead blataxe to me ever droped me ecto...



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

The Edge

Tormented Weapons [emo]

Victo's Bulwark back in the early days when it was still worth something. Let's just say that I sould it for enough to keep me comfortable in GW for a very long time.

Stupid Shizno

Stupid Shizno


Join Date: Jan 2006

Madison, Wisconsin, USA



the gold crystalline from HoH is already a good memory, but i actually was more surprised to get a +5 energy chaos axe from a drop in fow. those things are awsome =]



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005


Kirins of Holy Light


It was actually a friend's drop. It was their first ecto and I could hear their squeal of happiness through my husband's headset (he sits about 6 feet away from me).


Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Factions drops have always been good to me, but when I started playing Urgoz I had a pretty memorable one. It wasn't really 1 drop, but 2 within one minute of eachother. I picked up a req 9, 15^50 Zodiac axe from a kill and the chest we opened after that battle gave me a req 9, 15^50 Zodiac longbow. This was back in the day these weapons were worth serious cash. My ranger is using the bow to this day, and gave the axe to a guildie who insisted to pay me 100k for it.

bad person

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

For me, it was a Req. 10 Elemental Sword that dropped from a Graven Monolith. This was when pretty much everyone was saying they could only be found in chests. My son was in the room with me and thought I was joking because of how I reacted - I almost never get excited about anything like a drop in a game.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2006


Black Widows of Death


I was on a green run in the furnace when I killed a dwarf in front of a chest. He dropped Gold Superior Vigor Rune Armor which I salvaged and the chest next to him dropped a Gold Superior Vigor Rune Armor as well.