You play 15 hours a day and you don't get enough gold for some STAFF MODS?!
Where do you play on, exactly? Shing Jea? (I'd still say you should have enough gold even from Shing Jea. How much does the +30hp mod cost anyway? 6k?)
I don’t think you were paying attention. There was no discussion concerning any staff mods. I was working Echovald Forest and specifically targeting all Gaki and Gaki relatives for Skull Jujus to be able to get a collector weapon. No Skull Jujus ever dropped. Because they were not dropping, in disgust, I took up the loathsome and detestable grunge of repeatedly murdering the same gaki spawn point. I took one hero, Tahlkora, because I am an Ele period. I do not have an assassin far enough along to swing together the farming build and I do not have the equipment (and cannot afford the equipment) for that detestable obstacle to playing the game anyway. (Fact: If you are farming you are not playing - you are working for a paycheck.)
Curse You:
Fitz Rinley:
If you make what they do worthless then they will not Bot. If people do not need to go to them to get what they are after they will not have a market. Destroy the foundation of their market and you will eliminate the bots. It is not a pea shooter, it is an Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile. If no one has a reason to buy from them they will have no reason to destroy our gaming and in the meantime we will be able to get things we want.
And you purpose doing this by doing what? Make things not drop anything?
The exact opposite.
Fitz Rinley:
And if you support the restrictions you support the sweat shop.
Eh, what? That's like saying that because you support gun control, you support bank robberies.
Your correlation is inaccurate. Prohibition proved that removing alcohol from the public only increased their interest in obtaining it through illicit means, as they could not get what they wanted through legal means. Prohibition of drops only provides incentive for players to seek them through illicit means because they cannot obtain them through their own effort as individuals whose effort is of worth to themselves. Eliminating the prohibition on drops will eliminate the reason players seek alternative means to obtain them.
In the case of gun control you are correct. Prohibition of guns on law abiding citizens only increases the ratio of guns among the criminal elements of society intent on doing harm to the law abiding citizens. Violent crimes against persons goes down where concealed carry is passed and maintained, with the greatest benefit being to women – rape goes down the most. Crime does however increase. Studies in the SW states of criminals bereft of the ability to use violence against the unarmed seem to manifest a high level of expression in grafitti.
Fitz Rinley:
Buy them with what? To buy things one has to have money.
It's very hard to believe that you could play for 15 hours and get hardly any gold. I can play for an hour and get myself more than 1k, without farming.
With as many gold sinks as there are in this game? Everything you get requires gold. Your heroes are always dead if you don’t put runes on them. You have to bribe officials to protect Tengu nests, pay priests every time you walk out a door so you can gain faction, buy skills and cap sigs, and I refuse to purchase ale for my warrior. I have a mule that does nothing but Shing Jea quests for Monastery Credits then he dies and starts over – although
Fitz Rinley:
What is the point in grinding if after three days in the area there is not a single drop? What is the point in grinding if you camp on the spawn point right outside The Eternal Grove and repeatedly walk out the door to kill the one thing that spawns it so often that you level and go 71% to getting another skill point and there is still no drop. Further, there is not even a gold drop. Anything of value drops so rarely as to be negligible.
You've gotten 71%? That's 1 hour of farming, tops, unless you're very slow. Don't expect all the drops after 1 hour of farming.
I went from well below a level, noticed leveling, and started keeping track. The pattern was walk out of The Eternal Grove into Drazach Thicket, look through the cliff to see if the Gaki spawned, if spawned go kill it, if not go in, once dead and no Skull Juju drop – repeat. Every few repeats map from The Eternal Grove to other two sites around Drazach Thicket and ask if anyone had some Skull Jujus they had not marched. Then map back and murder the gaki again.
The chance of most good drops is 5% or less. In 1 hour, a fast person can get maybe 1 run ever 10 minutes. That's 6 runs in 1 hour. So in order for you to have a 100% chance of getting a good drop, you need to farm for almost 17 hours. That, however, is if you want to guarantee a drop. They usually will drop before then.
And that is absolute crap. There is no reason for this kind of lunacy. That is not playing that is going to work at an assembly line job for virtual crap. It is an obstacle in the way of playing and it is what makes the Bot industry a 7 billion dollar a year industry.
Fitz Rinley:
I am my guild and I will Never allow you or anyone else to make me destroy my colors, my coat of arms, or my individuality. I am quite aware that with the creation of Factions it was ANets intention to coerce the destruction of all non-Zerg guilds and obliterate all PvE players. I will never submit to either.
You mean one with no indivudality, creativity, or personal expression? I see plenty of such "decent guilds." You are not big enough to make me. You may kill me but you will never defeat me.
Um yea, I just had to quote all of this. Do you think that by joining a guild with other people, they'll be able to probe your brain? Seriously, stop being so paranoid. [QUOTE]So by joining another guild I will keep my coat of arms and my designation? By joining another guild what I created as my own personal expression will be maintained for me and will display for me? Your red herring does not detract from these facts. There is no expectation of some science-fictional brain probe. My observations have not changed, and ANet has not returned to having things they way they were Pre-view weekend or as discussed in the forums before release of Factions.
Moving on. I'm sure what the person meant was that you should consider altering your play style, since your current method is obviously not working out.
One either benefits from playing or they do not. Style is a matter of artistic expression and it is not something which one can alter in GW without huge sums of gold, which we have discussed I do not have.
I should not have to alter anything to fit to the Bots. It is ANet’s reponsiblity to protect play and ensure I am able to have an enjoyable and rewarding experience without their game being hacked, my account being hacked (which their store evidently doesn’t bother to do), or things like bots/ebayers destroying the value of play. If as you say, a drop can only be guaranteed at about 17 hours of play, then it is about three and a half weeks for an employed player (at five 3 hour sessions/week) to potentially get three Skull Jujus.
Like everyone else says, if you can't get gold playing 15 hours a day you're not doing it right. I can easily get 1-2 Dwayna's grace within a hour with a ritualist spirit spammer and flag henchmen away and 1 green is already a easy 25k. If you don't find anything of value (farming Raisu Palace or whatever, farming Cantha sucks in general, but there are some worthwhile greens like Razajan's fervor) then you're farming in the wrong place. simple as that.
No, all farming sucks, period. But tell me which of these greens is worth 25k: Tahkayun’s Pincers or Modoss’ Focus?
If farming a obscure trophy (skull juju) is hard and unprofitable there are other options, buy a green or a inscribable gold with the tons of money you get farming greens or whatever. If you absolutely want the collector's item then you're making your life hard for no reason.
I went looking for the Skull Juju because I do not get decent drops. I do not get decent money. I do not buy e-bay gold. With the collector staves I can at least have something worth looking at while I play until I can attempt to afford to by the mods I need to make it worth using. Because the fact is, I will never see something like Nightbringer drop for me. That kind of thing does not happen for regular players of the game. I can not even get a damned body part to drop, why would I ever, expect a decent usable item to drop. (I have had two usable greens drop in the 21 months I have owned the game: Bludgeoner and Kepkhet’s Refuge. I purchased Rockmoulder, and I was given Shadestone. As of 3 am this morning I bested Shiro (with only heroes and henchies) and I obtained Tac shield for my Dervish. However, I do not count that last as a dropped Green.
Lets say you get your wish and drop rates are drastically inscreased. Item values will go down and there will be a huge supply of unsellable weapons(who would buy anything if its so easy to get). Finding a buyer would take forever and earn you little gold, so you are left with farming gold(coin/merch fodder). If you need gold to buy something that you can't get as a drop(armor; skills), you just have to farm till you make enough. So, now hardcore farmers are still making their gold(even more now) and casual players find it harder to break even. This situation does nothing to fix the "ebay problem".
Wrong. It will not change the amount of gold casual players make, and they can still purchase their goods and supplies from the merchants at regular prices. What it does not do is leave them at the mercy of hard mode farmers to get everything that has any value to being effective in the game. The current situation leaves the general GW public completely at the mercy of a few elite Hard Mode farmers while obliterating the opertunity for casual players to take care of themselves. It ensures casual players must be economically dependent upon the supplies from hard mode farmers. This in turn ensures that players that cannot have the time to farm or have other responsibilities or interests besides robotic assembly-line virtual loot production will turn to other means of acquisition because of the restrictions preventing them from being self-sufficient. What would happen as a negative is farmers would no longer have a reason to farm after all their accounts were maxed out. Then they might give up their psychosis of assembly line substitutionary labor and instead actually play the game and perhaps, OMG – role playing or PvPing.
...if you cant farm the weapon you want, then BUY it from someone INGAME!
…if you can’t buy the weapon you want then what? No one sells it. It’s a collector weapon.
Dont go blaming the loot system and starting the "everyones using ebay" argument just because you cant get decent drops.
Hence, it can only be gotten from loot. And I have every right to blame ebayers for destroying the game economy and ANet for never dealing with it correctly.
Its only a small % which do that though. I dont get why people think ebay is an epidemic within GWs, because I've never met anyone who uses it for the game.
Maybe it is because of the hundreds of Monk/Mesmers that were running in and out of Altrumm Ruins today? Just maybe? I have reported it on more than one occasion to ANet and they have done very little or nothing.
The only way to destroy the botting is to provide people what they want. Eliminate the interest in the botting by destroying the interest in their services: Open up the drops. Eliminate rare, uncommon, and common ranks and go straight out max on prefixes, inscriptions, and suffixes. Players will still be able to trade for things they have not found and currency will be sufficient to buy things they have advanced to through game play. The South gate of Beacon’s Perch can be closed if any party contains a level 19 or lower in it – if that is an issue. Most people are level 20 by the time they reach LA anyway so there would still be running to Droks under this condition.