Originally Posted by Delta_24
We have running skills in GW1, but who is to say we will in GW2?
Remember, this is a discussion about GW2 
Well im praying that GW2 isnt gong to be a completely open world, because if it is, it will cost a monthly fee. Something I dont want or can pay.
If they keep the instant teleporting feature, I dont see why we need mounts unless instances are HUGE!
If the mounting things does go off, then they will need a wide veriaty of animals to use and NOT copy any WoWness. It would have to be original and maintain that simplistic Anet approach.
Mouting in other games such as WoW relys on favour and training and ALOT of gold. If we were to have mounts, it has to be a simple case of buying one and then using it.
Maybe have it cost 15k (or what ever max armor will cost in GW2), but not stupidly expensive. I love GWs because its simple to play and not overly complex.