Originally Posted by Longasc
Yep. The price of GW gold has risen, too.
Are not the buyers the problem? More so than the bots? Fact: There are more bots than ever, despite all attempts to stop them and the mentioned 300+ bans per day. Fighting bots is a necessary thing, but it is also a fight that cannot be won. You also cannot stop people from buying GW gold. And as long as enough people buy ingame money with real cash, professional bot-farming won't die. |
New set of Bots (necros):Chebek Village
Or... do the mafia style thing - follow the little peons around for long enough to find out who they hand their take off to. Then follow that money til you get to the top and do one massive "ban" on the entire organization.

Originally Posted by savagehenry
Indeed. Instead of banning 300 bots per day, ban 300 gold purchasers per day. When the demand goes away, the bots will as well.
which one is impossible for Anet to prove without an outright confession? Gold Buyers.
How can they prove someone paid real money for their virtual money?
They can't...that cannot prove it unless they get someone saying they bought gold off ebay or from one of the major gold sellers. That's about the only way to prove someone bought gold...and without that proof...they can't ban. They don't control both sides of the transaction...so what would they do? Think about the problem a bit more and you'll realize that it's a lot more difficult to prove people are buying Gold than people are running bots. Follow them all you want...you still can't prove they paid money to that person for the in game gold....not without a confession.
They go with the obviously easy side of the equation...people generating the gold to sell.
From a business standpoint it's best to ban the botters and try to keep them in check...and leave the gold buyers alone. Botters will buy more accounts when banned...it's a business to them...and getting banned occasionally is a business expense. A player will probably move onto another game...which means the company loses business (while getting rid of a gold buyer is good for the game...it's not good for the company to lose that customer).
Originally Posted by Thunder79
which one is easier to detect? Bots...you can detect bot like behavior pretty easily...with gold buyers all it is, is one person giving another person a large amount of in game money. You don't have any evidence other than the large sum that it was a gold for money transaction. How would they know it's not just two players transferring money...perhaps a person transferring money between accounts.
which one is impossible for Anet to prove without an outright confession? Gold Buyers. |
An anet representative buys some gold on the open market, and meets up with somebody in-game to take delivery. From that point forward, follow that gold seller and see who else they give large amounts of gold to. Those people (and the gold seller) are in violation of the TOS and can be safely banned. Does anet lose a customer? Yes. Is that customer's business worth keeping if it's driving all of the undesirable side effects of the real-money gold market (botting, account theft, etc)? I don't think so.
It's more labor-intensive than the mass-banning of bots, but more effective as well. Treat the cause, not the symptom.
Originally Posted by Thunder79
They go with the obviously easy side of the equation...people generating the gold to sell.
Originally Posted by savagehenry
Detecting purchasers is more difficult than detecting bots. Not impossible, but more difficult (or labor intensive, anyway). How could it be done?
An anet representative buys some gold on the open market, and meets up with somebody in-game to take delivery. From that point forward, follow that gold seller and see who else they give large amounts of gold to. Those people (and the gold seller) are in violation of the TOS and can be safely banned. Does anet lose a customer? Yes. Is that customer's business worth keeping if it's driving all of the undesirable side effects of the real-money gold market (botting, account theft, etc)? I don't think so. It's more labor-intensive than the mass-banning of bots, but more effective as well. Treat the cause, not the symptom. Like many things, the easiest solution isn't necessarily the most effective. |
Why is it not proof? How can you prove that the person broke the TOS...all you can prove is that they got a large amount of gold from a known gold seller.
Here's a hypothetical situation about how a legitimate player can be banned going with that system.
Player A generates a large amount of money...let's say 1000k. He puts up an auction for half of it on Ebay. He then decides to help out a guild mate or someone he became friends with (Player B) by giving them some money to get a few sets of armor for several characters...say 300k (yeah generous...but who says it doesn't happen). Anet buys up the 500k off of ebay then follows the gold seller and witnesses him giving 300k to his friend...they can't prove that the person paid money for it...but under your system his account would be banned due to guilt by association. Should Player A be banned? absolutely...Gold Seller...easy to prove. Should Player B be banned? No...they simply got a gift from a friend.
Guilt by asscociation...which is what your system is...is a slippery slope...do you seriously want them to go down that path?
should gold buyers and sellers be banned? yes....but personally I want Anet to have proper proof that someone is buying and selling gold before taking out the ban stick. Otherwise we'll see more "My account got banned for no reason" posts on the boards. I don't want to be one of those people who gets accused of something I didn't do just because Anet didn't have the proof to back it up and hit the ban button a bit too readily.
I agree that something needs to be done to educate the gold buyers. I truly think that most of the gold buyers don't realize that it's against the rules and could get them banned. Yes, I know it's clearly stated in the EULA, but honestly, how many of you actually read that thing. You click "i agree" and start playing that really cool awesome game you just installed 2 minutes ago and can't wait to see.
This weekend I was on TS chatting with some guys in my guild when a little kid in the guild (about 11-12 years old, I'd guess) joined us and started whining non-stop about how little gold he had. He said he had only 14g in storage and really wanted a key. He begged and whined for 2 hours that he didn't know how to earn money ingame.
We tried to help him, short of giving him handouts. He had made it to Thunderhead Keep (thru runs) and really did not know how to play the game at all. He went from begging for 500g for a key to begging for 10k for lockpicks when someone in our group got a nice Sephis Axe drop.
He let up when he saw a goldbot advertising 100k for $8 in a town. He immediately jumped on the deal. Ooooh, only $8. Wow!!! Cool!! I get $10 in allowance each week, I can get 100k EACH WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M RICH!!!!!!!!!
We set him straight on that idea right quick, but I think he still went ahead and bought. He said since we weren't giving him handouts the goldseller was the only way to earn cash.
This is your typical goldseller customer. Kids that don't know any better, or players that just plain stink at the game and figure the only way to earn cash is to buy it. After all, they reason that everyone else does it.
I think a nice big announcement on the login screen stating that buying ingame gold for real cash is against TOS and will get you banned would go a long ways towards helping the problem.
This weekend I was on TS chatting with some guys in my guild when a little kid in the guild (about 11-12 years old, I'd guess) joined us and started whining non-stop about how little gold he had. He said he had only 14g in storage and really wanted a key. He begged and whined for 2 hours that he didn't know how to earn money ingame.
We tried to help him, short of giving him handouts. He had made it to Thunderhead Keep (thru runs) and really did not know how to play the game at all. He went from begging for 500g for a key to begging for 10k for lockpicks when someone in our group got a nice Sephis Axe drop.
He let up when he saw a goldbot advertising 100k for $8 in a town. He immediately jumped on the deal. Ooooh, only $8. Wow!!! Cool!! I get $10 in allowance each week, I can get 100k EACH WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M RICH!!!!!!!!!
We set him straight on that idea right quick, but I think he still went ahead and bought. He said since we weren't giving him handouts the goldseller was the only way to earn cash.
This is your typical goldseller customer. Kids that don't know any better, or players that just plain stink at the game and figure the only way to earn cash is to buy it. After all, they reason that everyone else does it.
I think a nice big announcement on the login screen stating that buying ingame gold for real cash is against TOS and will get you banned would go a long ways towards helping the problem.
Originally Posted by TheRaven
I think a nice big announcement on the login screen stating that buying ingame gold for real cash is against TOS and will get you banned would go a long ways towards helping the problem.
Originally Posted by Longasc
Fighting bots is a necessary thing, but it is also a fight that cannot be won. You also cannot stop people from buying GW gold. And as long as enough people buy ingame money with real cash, professional bot-farming won't die.
Unless someone can correct me as far as I know ANET make a profit from the account purchases each time they ban a bot and the seller has to buy a new account?
So banning hundreds of these bots daily is in the interests of ANET to keep the game balanced and they still make a profit on all the accounts banned.
Originally Posted by Thunder79
guilt by association? That's how you prove someone paid outside cash for in game gold? That's not proof at all.
Why is it not proof? How can you prove that the person broke the TOS...all you can prove is that they got a large amount of gold from a known gold seller. Here's a hypothetical situation about how a legitimate player can be banned going with that system. Player A generates a large amount of money...let's say 1000k. He puts up an auction for half of it on Ebay. He then decides to help out a guild mate or someone he became friends with (Player B) by giving them some money to get a few sets of armor for several characters...say 300k (yeah generous...but who says it doesn't happen). Anet buys up the 500k off of ebay then follows the gold seller and witnesses him giving 300k to his friend...they can't prove that the person paid money for it...but under your system his account would be banned due to guilt by association. Should Player A be banned? absolutely...Gold Seller...easy to prove. Should Player B be banned? No...they simply got a gift from a friend. |
Besides, there's already a mechanism in place for people who feel they've been falsely banned. This shows two things: the current system of bot-banning Whack-a-mole also suffers from false positives, and a 'permanent' ban isn't necessarily permanent if you've been falsely banned.
Originally Posted by Thunder79
Guilt by asscociation...which is what your system is...is a slippery slope...do you seriously want them to go down that path?
Without access to anet's end of the game, I don't know exactly what other signs differentiate a gold buyer from somebody who merely benefits from another's generosity, but I suspect that they exist. Hell, some buyers probably immediately go onto guild chat and say something like 'I JUST BOUGHT GOLD LOL!'.
Originally Posted by Thunder79
should gold buyers and sellers be banned? yes....but personally I want Anet to have proper proof that someone is buying and selling gold before taking out the ban stick. Otherwise we'll see more "My account got banned for no reason" posts on the boards. I don't want to be one of those people who gets accused of something I didn't do just because Anet didn't have the proof to back it up and hit the ban button a bit too readily.
Originally Posted by Aphraelyn
ANet should re-enable bodyblocking in towns...QQ
Probably won't happen but if it did...would be pretty interesting with what you could do to screw up bots, huh? |
*evil laugh*
What fun could be had!

yeah if they had a better system to get your account unbanned when falsely accused then I probably wouldn't mind a guilt by association system...because it would be an inconvenience but at least there's a known way to get your account back. Right now we have no idea if there is truly any hope of getting your account back once you've been falsely accused of something.
Personally when it comes to people's accounts I think we should be running a innocent until proven guilty system.
Its easy to prove botting and the ban guilty accounts in question.
As someone said before... There is no way to prove conclusively that someone purchased gold.
Its easy to prove botting and the ban guilty accounts in question.
As someone said before... There is no way to prove conclusively that someone purchased gold.
just a suggestion though it may never work it could still be a great idea.
why not employ a few people in the GW community with the ol' ban hammer and allow them to take a whack at a few of these botters? of course give them some form of moderation so they cant just go in and rage ban an entire guild cause they hold HoH too long or something. im fairly certain a large chunk of people in the forums would do it and more than likely for free (i sure as hell would). it would easilly double, triple, or increase the ban power of these bots exponentially (depending how many "support" people are "popping their heads in" and banning "300 bots a day") but again it shall probably never happen =(
why not employ a few people in the GW community with the ol' ban hammer and allow them to take a whack at a few of these botters? of course give them some form of moderation so they cant just go in and rage ban an entire guild cause they hold HoH too long or something. im fairly certain a large chunk of people in the forums would do it and more than likely for free (i sure as hell would). it would easilly double, triple, or increase the ban power of these bots exponentially (depending how many "support" people are "popping their heads in" and banning "300 bots a day") but again it shall probably never happen =(
There are a lot of MMO's that simply tag a whole bunch of people.. then after a month they issue a massive ban. Some games have reached 30 000 accounts banned. That is something bot users can't ignore...
Anyway, the problem is bothering me more now because the bots are in the American districts instead of only being in the international district.
Anyway, the problem is bothering me more now because the bots are in the American districts instead of only being in the international district.
Originally Posted by assassin_of_ni
just a suggestion though it may never work it could still be a great idea.
why not employ a few people in the GW community with the ol' ban hammer and allow them to take a whack at a few of these botters? of course give them some form of moderation so they cant just go in and rage ban an entire guild cause they hold HoH too long or something. im fairly certain a large chunk of people in the forums would do it and more than likely for free (i sure as hell would). it would easilly double, triple, or increase the ban power of these bots exponentially (depending how many "support" people are "popping their heads in" and banning "300 bots a day") but again it shall probably never happen =( |
In short. Its never gonna happen.
[sarcasm]With the infinite amount of time we all know ANet has[/sarcasm], they can set up a sting by creating a mock web-page, selling gold, and then ban anyone who buys some. (returning the money, of course)
That would be awesome.
That would be awesome.
the only other "real" solution to the bots would probably require lots and lots of work from the dev team and whoever works with a-net in their programming. and even more so im not even sure if its possible to be done or whether or not it is being done im not a programmer and wont assume to know the first thing about it =P
of course i mean some form of 3rd party detection system. now correct me if im wrong but i think there is some form of a 3rd party program detection system since using 3rd party programs is against the eula im sure theyde have some sorta way to back this up (if not it'd be like kidnapping someone with a candy bar). but what im suggesting would hafta be an improved 3rd party detection system that reports or even temp bans any accounts or IP addresses using one that directly effects GW in terms of macro's or other things of that nature. and something that was suggested earlier was making instance areas signs unclickable.....readable on scroll over sure but not able to be selected and auto targeted. im sure that wont hurt the player base nearly as much as loot scaling and trying to cut bots off by the testicles that way =P
of course i mean some form of 3rd party detection system. now correct me if im wrong but i think there is some form of a 3rd party program detection system since using 3rd party programs is against the eula im sure theyde have some sorta way to back this up (if not it'd be like kidnapping someone with a candy bar). but what im suggesting would hafta be an improved 3rd party detection system that reports or even temp bans any accounts or IP addresses using one that directly effects GW in terms of macro's or other things of that nature. and something that was suggested earlier was making instance areas signs unclickable.....readable on scroll over sure but not able to be selected and auto targeted. im sure that wont hurt the player base nearly as much as loot scaling and trying to cut bots off by the testicles that way =P
From memory with some of the various FPS I've competed in, the problem for 3rd party detection software is that it becomes an ongoing arms race between the two sides with the majority of players left screaming in the middle. If you want to play, you have to be running the latest "good side" software. Sure the streaming content of GW might go a long way to removing the hassle of always upgrading to be right... but then you have to realize that any developer/designer/support time spent on this 3rd party detection software comes at the expense of bug fixing, game development, and all the other Good stuff.
We all know about "account marks". It should be a simple task for A-Net to flag an account that makes a one-sided trade of 100k. (Trade 100k to a player for nothing in return). Once that account makes X number of these trades, it goes onto a report that an Anet employee reviews for possible ban.
Who knows? Perhaps they already have such a report.
Who knows? Perhaps they already have such a report.
Diddy bow
Originally Posted by TheRaven
I think a nice big announcement on the login screen stating that buying ingame gold for real cash is against TOS and will get you banned would go a long ways towards helping the problem. |
If they were being made and deleted so much... you have to remember that they have to pay a small storage fee to get access. Farming 50g every minute won't do much good. I doubt it's so simple.
so i just did this whole thing and zinger is wrong because when i finished the thing that they all do, i had 225 gold to insert into my storage, so this was definitely not fixed. zinger, please go back to answering questions in game rather than posting on these forums acting like you are the smartest person here and that you're always right
Originally Posted by Plague
If they were being made and deleted so much... you have to remember that they have to pay a small storage fee to get access. Farming 50g every minute won't do much good. I doubt it's so simple.
super strokey
I was in cantha the other day and saw a tonne of bots, and i do mean a tonne, at altruum ruins all running into arborstone. THere is litterly dozens of them. Its insane. All monk mesmers. What the hell are they farming there?
Stoneys Rock
Originally Posted by super strokey
I was in cantha the other day and saw a tonne of bots, and i do mean a tonne, at altruum ruins all running into arborstone. THere is litterly dozens of them. Its insane. All monk mesmers. What the hell are they farming there?
Originally Posted by Lucien Beaumont
Why is there no in game moderation of this sort of thing? I really doubt there would be as much of a bot problem if an Anet employee would pop their head into some of the trouble zones every now and then and observe bot behavior first hand. They could then take 5 minutes or so to hand out a round of bans right then and there, and the rest of us could go on happy knowing that they are doing something about it. I guess they are taking the "hands off" approach to enforcing their game rules.
Sorry, but the only conclusion that I can draw is that there's a reason they're not being banned, probably a financial reason that will obviously never be revealed. What else can one think when the solution is so simple? Prove me wrong, Anet. Have a GM take 10 minutes of their time once or twice per day to clear out known botting towns.
Originally Posted by GodofAcid
This is a question that I've asked so many times that I can't even bring myself to type it anymore. In this game and others like it when there is a known cheating problem, 90% of the time the cheaters are all going to the exact same place, using the exact same tactics, doing the exact same thing. Common sense says a GM could sit there and pick them off very easily. In this case, there are some 50-100 bots in Altrumm at any given time just waiting to be banned. Hell, it would probably take all of 10 minutes for someone to clear them all out with a banstick. It's not like they're doing anything to hide what's going on - they're all programmed to walk the same paths! They're all the same character types! Common sense folks, common freakin sense.
Sorry, but the only conclusion that I can draw is that there's a reason they're not being banned, probably a financial reason that will obviously never be revealed. What else can one think when the solution is so simple? Prove me wrong, Anet. Have a GM take 10 minutes of their time once or twice per day to clear out known botting towns. |
A ban hammer would be awesome.. but they simply want to make sure they aren't banning honest players............

Gaile Gray
As Molock said, we really are acting on the bots. Here's a post I just made on the same subject, different district.
Rocky Raccoon
If people didn't buy gold there would be no bots. I know many might disagree with what I am about to suggest, maybe ANET should sell gold for less than the gold sellers are offering. They could do it through their store and everyone would have the option to legally purchase. You would then have a legal way to obtain gold and it would be your choice to do so or not. Please let us know why or why not this would or wouldn't work.
Gaile Gray
Originally Posted by savagehenry
Indeed. Instead of banning 300 bots per day, ban 300 gold purchasers per day. When the demand goes away, the bots will as well.
Another solution to those "bots" in the village would to make a limit on how many times a day you can make and delete a character. That would solve alot of that problem.
Kool Pajamas
Another thing they could do is fix the game so people won't feel the need to buy gold. Like earning money(or things just as good) by doing normal things like quests and missions instead of farming like a mad man.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
As Molock said, we really are acting on the bots. Here's a post I just made on the same subject, different district.
An easier way would be to kill the 55 builds outright.
Change it from:
For 5...19 seconds, target ally cannot lose more than 10% max Health due to damage from a single attack or Spell.
For 5...19 seconds, target other ally cannot lose more than 10% max Health due to damage from a single attack or Spell.
And that should throw a wrench in the bots for a little while at least.
Change it from:
For 5...19 seconds, target ally cannot lose more than 10% max Health due to damage from a single attack or Spell.
For 5...19 seconds, target other ally cannot lose more than 10% max Health due to damage from a single attack or Spell.
And that should throw a wrench in the bots for a little while at least.
Gaile -
Why not just change the ways the bot's primary farming skills work or give exploited monsters skills that stop it?
Make Prot Spirit say "Target Ally cannot loose more than (50...35) health from a single attack or spell for (5...19) seconds." Buff for players, nurf for bots. That would STOP all 55 farming and the effect issue would be minimal.
People will wine for a while. Then they will suck it up and learn to trap UW.
Why not just change the ways the bot's primary farming skills work or give exploited monsters skills that stop it?
Make Prot Spirit say "Target Ally cannot loose more than (50...35) health from a single attack or spell for (5...19) seconds." Buff for players, nurf for bots. That would STOP all 55 farming and the effect issue would be minimal.
People will wine for a while. Then they will suck it up and learn to trap UW.
ok its ok to trap farm in UW but not 55 farm as a monk? how do u figure? to me its the same thing....farming=farming wether it be on a ranger/elementalis/ritualist/warrior/ whatever you want your character to be...why should u totally screw over players that use a 55 monk to farm ...if u do that then you need to nerf all of the farming builds....take a look in the farming section and you will see that its not only 55hp builds.
Originally Posted by Kool Pajamas
Another thing they could do is fix the game so people won't feel the need to buy gold. Like earning money(or things just as good) by doing normal things like quests and missions instead of farming like a mad man.
Criminals in modern society can earn money by getting a job and doing it. They don't. They go around robbing people who earn an honest living. Same way as the bots are robbing honest players in a myriad of ways you never thought of.
People will always feel the need to have gold. Their means of getting it will always differ.
Master Sword Keeper
It's SIMPLE to desicate a 55/bot. NERF PROT SPIRIT!
NERF IT so bad that bots will cease to exist...make the 55 build extinct...
I know thats harsh..but we can use warriors and new professions to make our daily quota's. ANET it's time to destroy the threats once and for all. Kill off the -50hp cesta and nerf prot spirit. NUFF Said.
NERF IT so bad that bots will cease to exist...make the 55 build extinct...
I know thats harsh..but we can use warriors and new professions to make our daily quota's. ANET it's time to destroy the threats once and for all. Kill off the -50hp cesta and nerf prot spirit. NUFF Said.
Originally Posted by Master Sword Keeper
It's SIMPLE to desicate a 55/bot. NERF PROT SPIRIT!
NERF IT so bad that bots will cease to exist...make the 55 build extinct... I know thats harsh..but we can use warriors and new professions to make our daily quota's. ANET it's time to destroy the threats once and for all. Kill off the -50hp cesta and nerf prot spirit. NUFF Said. |
Funny how this thread has gone from a prblem with bots getting money by creating new chars and cashing in on the games first moments of gold, to yet another anti 55 thread.... HAHAHAHAHA
IF ANET has not nerfed the 55 yet, they not gonna, so go cry the river in one of the other 5 anti 55 threads... :P
As for this problem, it's interesting to see them doing this... My first thought was that they were leveling the necro's to do the Rhilon Spider farm (yes, bots there too now). To kill this one, all ANET should do is make that initial 225 gold come to you a littl further in...
Originally Posted by Kool Pajamas
Another thing they could do is fix the game so people won't feel the need to buy gold. Like earning money(or things just as good) by doing normal things like quests and missions instead of farming like a mad man.
This is what needs to be fixed.