Roshi, i know about defaming character, i know the difference between libel and slander too. i also know that the opinions and statements of subscribers to a Forum group are not those of the providers of the Forum service. If a person wants anonymity on the web, they must strive very hard for it indeed.
please, i am not by any means assaulting you. i am, however, asking you not to prejudge me.
btw, bots are not people. people use bots, though, to farm gold and items for resale in RL; and this, as a violation of a EULA that every player accepts should be publicly decried. now, if i post a pic of bots in an outpost, there is no Legal violation being committed. this is so for two reasons. one, there is a certain degree of anonymity inherently present in the use of pseudonyms. so, if i show a pic of someone named roshi, i seriously doubt that 99.9% of viewers would have any idea who that person is in RL. however, should n ANET employee see that pic and wish to investigate whether or not that particular player is a person or a bot, that is entirely up to them. as far as I know, only ANET has the ability to identify people by their IG identities.
two, it is inherent in the condition of the game that we are playing that it is a "public" forum. thus, any image taken, unless strictly prohibited by agreement, is allowable in a public viewing. ie, if I go to the park and you are there and i am taking pictures, you can not prevent it. as long as i don't assault you, i can come right up to you and take your photo. i can then post that photo on every telephone pole and website i care to without violating any laws.
now, what i can't do is make false claims or accusations or insulting statements with the intent to defame the character of known person. I haven't done these thing. bots aren't people... using bots to farm gold for resale in RL
is a EULA violation.... statements of fact.
For the Record:
Originally Posted by Legal Handbook for Photographers
The general rule in the United States
is that anyone may take photographs
of whatever they want when they are
in a public place or places where they
have permission to take photographs.
Absent a specific legal prohibition
such as a statute or ordinance, you are
legally entitled to take photographs.
Examples of places that are traditionally
considered public are streets,
sidewalks, and public parks.
Permissible Subjects
Despite misconceptions to the contrary,
the following subjects can
almost always be photographed lawfully
from public places:
accident and fire scenes
bridges and other infrastructure
residential and commercial buildings
industrial facilities and public utilities
transportation facilities (e.g., airports)
Superfund sites
criminal activities
law enforcement officers
btw, the fact that you are able to take in-game screen shots is inherent permission to do so...