Did GW ruin all other rpg's for you too?
Kool Pajamas
Yes it has. I can't play single player RPG's anymore. Actually I have a hard time playing any single player game at all anymore.
Engel the Fallen
The main thing I miss with single player games is my guildmates. Then again, got TS, and half the time I use it I am not on GW anyway. Were times when we were prepping for GvG and only 1 or 2 out of the 8 people in the team were even on Guild Wars when we were discussing builds and crap.
Oh well, finishing up my NIS game collection, so odds are will get Gwen, wait for it to be nerfed to crap, and play it around Dec when I finish the games.
Oh well, finishing up my NIS game collection, so odds are will get Gwen, wait for it to be nerfed to crap, and play it around Dec when I finish the games.
I would say no
I took a break from Guildwars - just logging on here and there for the past couple months and have been playing Lord of the Rings Online. Guild Wars is still my favourite game just hard mode burnt out my desire to play for a bit and I decided I needed a break.
I am planing to be back full time come EotN
I took a break from Guildwars - just logging on here and there for the past couple months and have been playing Lord of the Rings Online. Guild Wars is still my favourite game just hard mode burnt out my desire to play for a bit and I decided I needed a break.
I am planing to be back full time come EotN