Buy more Storage Space
I don't know if there is a thread about this already ... I used the search and it didn't bring up anything.
Ok everyone knows you can buy a new char slot for 10$ and many of us use them for storage.
Now each new character provides 47 slots - with full bags ( not to mention that you can also use his heroes to store a lot of runes and some weapons ).
Each page in the Xunlai Storage has 20 slots. I also assume that a character takes up a lot more server space since there are data about titles, missions, etc, etc.
So I would like to have an option to buy some storage space for, let's say, 2$ per page...
Ok everyone knows you can buy a new char slot for 10$ and many of us use them for storage.
Now each new character provides 47 slots - with full bags ( not to mention that you can also use his heroes to store a lot of runes and some weapons ).
Each page in the Xunlai Storage has 20 slots. I also assume that a character takes up a lot more server space since there are data about titles, missions, etc, etc.
So I would like to have an option to buy some storage space for, let's say, 2$ per page...
Bithor the Dog
After the storage update recently, we can only presume that it is feasible to do. I would definitely buy this if it were available.
Gimme Money Plzkthx
/notsigned for rl money. Buying more storage with large amounts of ingame gold (say, 10-50k per a tab of storage slots) would be very useful and an excellent gold sink.
Onarik Amrak
There is storage space you can pay for.
It's called additional character slots.
It's called additional character slots.
If this would be added to the online store I'd think it would be more than 2 US dollars. It's $10 for a new char slot with a backpack that holds 20 items and a storage tab is 20 slots so that'd make a storage tab ~$10. It'd be atleast $5-$6 tbh.
/signed. ABsolutely.
Fitz Rinley
I did buy more storage space - it is even movable and wears my guild colors. I have 13 character slots - two of them are dedicated storage: Ze Mule and his wife Zea Mule. What is more, for the mere price of $10.00 and 1300g I get 45 slots instead of the measely 20 per page on a storage unit.
Do I think storage stinks. Obviously, or ANet wouldnt have more of my money so I could run mules.
Do I think storage stinks. Obviously, or ANet wouldnt have more of my money so I could run mules.
Pro Master
Originally Posted by Fitz Rinley
I did buy more storage space - it is even movable and wears my guild colors. I have 13 character slots - two of them are dedicated storage: Ze Mule and his wife Zea Mule. What is more, for the mere price of $10.00 and 1300g I get 45 slots instead of the measely 20 per page on a storage unit.
Do I think storage stinks. Obviously, or ANet wouldnt have more of my money so I could run mules. |
Originally Posted by Onarik Amrak
There is storage space you can pay for.
It's called additional character slots. |
But my storage like most people is already stuffed.
I don't know why my storage is stuffed, it just is.
If ANET and NC Soft can rack in more money for like $2 per storage page, hell /signed
It's business tactics!
Sure, it's not neccessary, but I don't like using characters as mules and I'd be willing to pay for extra slots.
Sure, it's not neccessary, but I don't like using characters as mules and I'd be willing to pay for extra slots.
Sleeper Service
having to use a char to store stuff is just ridiculous. I'd MUCH rather be using it to play
having to use a char to store stuff is just ridiculous. I'd MUCH rather be using it to play
Fitz Rinley
Originally Posted by Pro Master
u have to think about this too if items in storage u can just get it right away but if is in a char u have to log/swit off and back on.. sometimes that is a pain in the ass if u trying to sell things but your char cant hold eveything u have.
idk i personally think the storage system should be based off of how many characters you have as opposed to how many campaigns you have unlocked... i mean i have 6 sets of armor for my warrior stored on my ele, rit, and ranger... wouldnt it be nice if the storage was a per char slot basis, like idk you get 20 slots of storage space per character slot? you can fit 2 groups of 20 on a tab... just need a way to figure out how to make storage less crazy looking for people with 20+ character slots

son of lulu
WOOT now i have a place to put allll those minis!
WOOT now i have a place to put allll those minis!

Shadow Kurd
I would defiantly buy it
I would defiantly buy it
Seems like there's enough people who would buy it and it wouldn't take a ton of time to code. The one thing is some people who already bought extra char slots might get annoyed since they were only buying them for storage. Perhaps Anet could allow a conversion of extra char slots to additional storage space...
Seems like there's enough people who would buy it and it wouldn't take a ton of time to code. The one thing is some people who already bought extra char slots might get annoyed since they were only buying them for storage. Perhaps Anet could allow a conversion of extra char slots to additional storage space...
I think paying real money for storage space is a bad idea. Mule or not. I really don't like the idea that rich people in real life get extra benefits in the game.
5€ for 20 slots it's not 'rich people'.
People can already buy more slots.
People can already buy more slots.
/not signed. As said above, if you're desperate to pay for storage, buy a character slot or two and create a mule.
Any upgrades to the game's basic mechanics should be provided free of charge (or at least for in game gold).
Any upgrades to the game's basic mechanics should be provided free of charge (or at least for in game gold).
Storage is not a game mechanic.
Is a luxury players get by paying Xunlai Agents.
For me, it would be just enough a bit more space to store Miniatures and Customized items.
Storing many customized items will never affect market other than creating gold sinks for those who like to store various sets of armor.
Is a luxury players get by paying Xunlai Agents.
For me, it would be just enough a bit more space to store Miniatures and Customized items.
Storing many customized items will never affect market other than creating gold sinks for those who like to store various sets of armor.
Wol Fenrook
For ANet to do it they would have to charge something for it. Storage space = server resources and these have to be payed for somehow. I would happily pay £2.50 GBP for more storage space if it was an option, not least because I tend to act as the guild vault for my guild, so more storage would make this easier for me, as it stands I have 1 mule already and I am starting to need to create a second 1. Characters should be for playing, not storage unless you want to use them for this.
Wol Fenrook
For ANet to do it they would have to charge something for it. Storage space = server resources and these have to be payed for somehow. I would happily pay £2.50 GBP for more storage space if it was an option, not least because I tend to act as the guild vault for my guild, so more storage would make this easier for me, as it stands I have 1 mule already and I am starting to need to create a second 1. Characters should be for playing, not storage unless you want to use them for this.
Wol Fenrook
I can still remember the nagging for more storage when we only had 1 tab and the materials tab.
Back then the nagging was justified because 1 tab of 20 items over 8 characters was a bit shabby.
Now we got 4 + materials and still you're whining for more storage.
I've got a good tip you can use. Hang on to less junk and you won't have storage problems
/notsigned x 1000
Back then the nagging was justified because 1 tab of 20 items over 8 characters was a bit shabby.
Now we got 4 + materials and still you're whining for more storage.
I've got a good tip you can use. Hang on to less junk and you won't have storage problems
/notsigned x 1000
imo extra storage should be free. (as it is)
If this was done, I would think ppl will want "add more item slots in bags" next. (which I would think would be better than buying extra storage w/ real money) (ie WoW has almost endless space for items, but even there it's never enough. lol)
imo extra storage should be free. (as it is)
If this was done, I would think ppl will want "add more item slots in bags" next. (which I would think would be better than buying extra storage w/ real money) (ie WoW has almost endless space for items, but even there it's never enough. lol)
Originally Posted by Emik
I can still remember the nagging for more storage when we only had 1 tab and the materials tab.
Back then the nagging was justified because 1 tab of 20 items over 8 characters was a bit shabby. Now we got 4 + materials and still you're whining for more storage. I've got a good tip you can use. Hang on to less junk and you won't have storage problems /notsigned x 1000 |
Are you against the GW servers running more effectively?
/signed but i doubt Anet would be so generous about this idea. But hey getting it with real money that would end up in Anet's pockets, u never know.
Implemented in this way:
Instead of buying a 'character slot' you buy a 'slot'. In next option you can choose to OR add a character slot OR increase your storage box with the same amount of storage that one character with all/full bags has.
This makes it much easier to manage storage than when you buy characters for storage 'mules' because you don't have to log in/out all the time.
Instead of buying a 'character slot' you buy a 'slot'. In next option you can choose to OR add a character slot OR increase your storage box with the same amount of storage that one character with all/full bags has.
This makes it much easier to manage storage than when you buy characters for storage 'mules' because you don't have to log in/out all the time.
mazey vorstagg
Definatly needed and would be very useful
Definatly needed and would be very useful

I absolutely support this. With the addition of available character slots to buy, there should also be storage to correspond. Personally I think it ought to be proportional as to how many characters you have, as was mentoined earlier, but it's more realistic I think to say that I would support it if storage were offered for a price on the online store.
I'd be willing to pay $5 or even as much as $10 for additional storage pages just for their ease of use over the hassle of mule characters. I mean, the idea of having to make mule characters in itself annoys me greatly -- especially when I'll mostly be using them to store armor for other characters. Please ANet, take our damn money for something we really want here.
I think we can have a total of 26 or 34 slots...
I only need 10 slots.
Each character counts with 20+5+10+10+equipment slots+hero equipment slots.
That makes over 100 slots per character.
So, instead f filling one of those 26 extra slots with a character that I'm not going to use, I'd rather fill it with a real mule which storage can be accessed from the Xunlai Storage panel.
Anyways, I will always thing that is better to add a way to prevent the need of storage (armor, weapon and miniature unlock instead of saving it) than adding more storage.
I only need 10 slots.
Each character counts with 20+5+10+10+equipment slots+hero equipment slots.
That makes over 100 slots per character.
So, instead f filling one of those 26 extra slots with a character that I'm not going to use, I'd rather fill it with a real mule which storage can be accessed from the Xunlai Storage panel.
Anyways, I will always thing that is better to add a way to prevent the need of storage (armor, weapon and miniature unlock instead of saving it) than adding more storage.
HuntMaster Avatar
I am tired of these E-games trying to milks players of every penny we have, I think we should get more storage space for free, at most, requiring a quest or mission, Not money. They don't even give an additional storage slot for gwen. So no way would i pay for more space.
/notsigned. sorry. good idea but Enough is enough, fight the greed.
/notsigned. sorry. good idea but Enough is enough, fight the greed.
Creating new accounts works, but I personally would rather add on extra storage units to have a nice reserve for all my accounts because it makes it easier to find a particular item. For example, I currently use one of the pages for additional salvaged items (like tanned hide etc) so all my characters have access to it.
And to JRK247, a new character has much more than 20 because of additional bags and such, that gives you 45. But still, you're paying for being able to have another character so 10 would be too high, perhaps 3 but no more than that.
And to JRK247, a new character has much more than 20 because of additional bags and such, that gives you 45. But still, you're paying for being able to have another character so 10 would be too high, perhaps 3 but no more than that.
If you go through your storage/ mule characters you will find so much rubbish you don't need or ever used so deleted some of it
If you go through your storage/ mule characters you will find so much rubbish you don't need or ever used so deleted some of it
~ Dan ~
Obvious solution to all the storage whining.
Obvious solution to all the storage whining.
/signed if 1 slot costs 100k and 250 armbraces
IMO, we should be able to buy it with in-game gold. Maybe 10k-20k gold per new storage box. Max it out at 10 pages (as opposed to current 4 pages)... Also add more runes of holdings... 5->10 for belts and 10->20 for bags.
pumpkin pie
/not signed to buying more storage with real life money because:
if I can buy extra characters to use as storage, why would I want to buy just the storage? it does not make sense, since when I get an extra character I get the character slots and the storage, so, why would anyonw want to buy just the storage without the character? Logically, when a new character slot is purchase, it will increase the use of storage, it is good to give extra storage to characters slots purchased because, it will increase the use of the online store. and encourages players to buys more slots and play more.
/signed for extra storage whenever a player purchase a new character slots, and implement it to people who have already bought extra characters slots.
/signed for getting extra storage from doing elite dungeon.
/signed for buying with in-game gold
if I can buy extra characters to use as storage, why would I want to buy just the storage? it does not make sense, since when I get an extra character I get the character slots and the storage, so, why would anyonw want to buy just the storage without the character? Logically, when a new character slot is purchase, it will increase the use of storage, it is good to give extra storage to characters slots purchased because, it will increase the use of the online store. and encourages players to buys more slots and play more.
/signed for extra storage whenever a player purchase a new character slots, and implement it to people who have already bought extra characters slots.
/signed for getting extra storage from doing elite dungeon.
/signed for buying with in-game gold
Stop being packrats. /notsigned
Now, a kind of Guild storage? /signed
Now, a kind of Guild storage? /signed

they can just do it like in most mmos ( wow as an example) u can buy more storage for ingame gold and they can add an option to buy for real money but like 6 tabs for 9.99 or something similar
lol i think thats too much mate , it can be like increasing price like 1k->2.5k->5k->10k->25k->50k->100k
Originally Posted by yum
/signed if 1 slot costs 100k and 250 armbraces
maybe you should earn extra storage per character birthdays. Rewards people that way.