Im sure we are all aware of the exploit people used via the reconnect system, unfortunatly all the time this is disabled it is disencouraging for the following missions and creating a "crisis":
DOA [Domain of Anguish],
Other Elite Missions: Urgoz Warren, The Deep,
Other Quests: Vanquishing.
Okay yes teams are still forming- but if you actually plot the success rate now of the teams this has gone down massively to the point where regular players are giving up and rate these missions/quests as a waste of time - as to keep a 4 hour internet connection stable to complete the quest/mission is near impossible to ANET servers [Even if your internet connection stays up] or a players wireless kicks out [No flames about wireless pls].
Im sure the trade problem for reconnect can be fixed - and I hope it will, otherwise the player base will only drop - there is now moaning about a feature that revatalised GW and made things worth it.
This bug exploit has not only hurt the duppers (like it should do - glad they got banned [No flames about you got banned or they should have been or not] - But this BUG is punishing the REAL players.
Having attempted some of these long missions for several days, its near impossible to actually complete these now - as said team success for many missions has dropped down - not due to the skills or expertise of the team , but due to the high amount of disconnects that happen during long missions.
So , if anyone how got how long ANET need to fix this exploit (Im sure its a code change on the reconnect function, honestly shouldnt be this hard to fix and test - we know what the exploit was, checking an item has only one copy after a trade on reconnect should not be that hard to add to fix this problem) - please update, otherwise I think I'm leaving GW for a bit (and esp the long missions), until it becomes re-enabled

After speaking to many other players, we are all hurting that this functionality has been disabled - due to a small minor few players who took part in the exploit.