Originally Posted by Tahlia Tane
During GW:EN's development, most of ArenaNet was already working on Guild Wars 2, which is why GW:EN is so underwhelming.
I paid $40 for this expansion. Emphasis on "this".
Originally Posted by Tahlia Tane
During GW:EN's development, most of ArenaNet was already working on Guild Wars 2, which is why GW:EN is so underwhelming.
Originally Posted by Sniper22
Actually its one of the worst quotes and not quite thought out. Do you know how much confusion that would cause? You just get used the the pve descriptions then you go to pvp and find out that all the skills suck and then you will have to get used the pvp descriptions and its really just a mess. Seriously, pvp nerfs didn't ruin pve at all lol. Pve is still easy even with the slightly weakened skills. But guys, wait till gw2 comes out and then decide lol, you can't have your whole video game future planned out.
Shyft the Pyro
Originally Posted by jrk247
Or they could have 2 different game types, PvE and PvP and the leave the PvE skills alone and balance (nerf/buff) only the skills on the PvP side of the game. Try using your head before attempting to flame others.
Kthx. |
Originally Posted by lyra_song
ill be buying. pftt..its a one time cheap investment
Originally Posted by Tahlia Tane
Guild Wars 2 will be extremely different from GW1.
Originally Posted by Tahlia Tane
During GW:EN's development, most of ArenaNet was already working on Guild Wars 2, which is why GW:EN is so underwhelming.
Phaern Majes
Originally Posted by glountz
Considering that:
- I've done a lot in GW1 and wont be able to transfer anything I've done to GW2 - GW2 will have the same global lore than GW1 - That GW1 became Grind Wars (PVE), Build Wars (PvP), or Lag Wars (Bad routing) as it was developped and that GW2 will be further in this direction (as shown by GWEN's release). - The classes mechanics/main spells probably won't be new I will probably not buy GW2. The fact is that I have absolutely no incentive for that. If GW2 was only a new chapter from GW1, paradoxally, I would have bought it. But as I will have to unlock/grind from the very beginning everything and that I have really no time or that, I will stay on GW1 til they close the servers then change for a completely different game. |
Originally Posted by jrk247
Or they could have 2 different game types, PvE and PvP and the leave the PvE skills alone and balance (nerf/buff) only the skills on the PvP side of the game. Try using your head before attempting to flame others.
Kthx. |
Originally Posted by Havre Fras
Probobly won't be buying. I'll most likely have Wrath of the Lich King and the (possible) next WoW expansion by then.
Why can't they just stick to GW1 instead? Honestly... |
Originally Posted by Surena
GW's engine is very outdated, it's really time for a serious upgrade, especially with options for those who use high-end hardware, plus the business model needs to survive and be more attractive versus all the other upcoming rivals.
I don't think it's bad not being able to move existing characters over. Some people, I fear, have not recognized yet that investing time into a game or characters should reward fun and not turn out into a serious emotionally-attached lifelong commitment. |
Marth Reynolds
Originally Posted by Marth Reynolds
Depends on secret world and AION and wether they'll cost money to play.
but when secret world comes out i will be playing it ^^ |
Originally Posted by Lonesamurai
And this post alone completely flies in the face of every reason ANet gave us for ditching GW1 and starting GW2 in the first place...
As they said, they can't do what they or the players wanted (Auction house, etc), so they are going back to the start and making GW2... Ok, they also said it won't have everything, but from the vision they portrayed it will have the PvP that the PvP'ers wanted and very likely UAS from the sounds of it and the persistant world, grindable PvE that the PvE'ers want and yes, the majority want grind of some form or another... Thats been stated many times that that can't feasibly happen, not without having two separate games... |
Roo Ella
Originally Posted by Zorgy
GW is my FIRST online game (I played Freelancer online but dont consider it as a mmo) and strangely I have confidence in the devs since 2005 & GW release. I will buy GW² + GW3 + GW4 + GW The Last.
I dont buy other PC game since I play GW, funny Anet makes me save my money ![]() |
Pwny Ride
Originally Posted by glountz
Listen, little fanboi.
* I'm saying that they will please Grinders, and I'm not one of them. * I'm saying that they won't implement top wanted things like Auction house, which would seriously ameliorate the economy, and I would prefer a game with it. * You're saying that they will put UAX for PvP, and that's not even remotevely resembling a far far rumor, as they didn't release it for GW, or at incredible prices. * I'm saying that I want a casual-friendly game, with skill which matters more than time played, as I have few free time for this, but learning fast and easily, and GW2 won't be this game. So, in short, I'm no more their kind of customer. They changed themselves their initial premise. They want to attract now no-life WoW-like PVE carebears. I'm not a no-life PVE carebear. What attracted myself to GW was actually not the no-monthly fee, but the skill>time credo. I have a job and money. Paying monthly fees is not an issue. What we are sure is that GWE:N was the bridge between GW1 and GW2. I don't like this bridge. I won't cross it. However I will buy GW2 if they follow this: - Auction house - PvP UAX. Only fancy weapons are unlockable. - Ultra balanced PvP. Few select skills, rest are PVE only, races are only aesthetics. - No-grind PvE. Every max armor/weapon can be obtained easily. Titles have no effects on skills. Titles have now effect on drops/money/whatever thing that have a statistical impact on the game (like treasure chests). Skills are linked to attributes and are not a gold sink. - No PvP titles inducing farming behavior. - PVE competitive missions. Strong AI. As you see, that's not a definitive "no". That's just GW2 is not as appealing as GW1, that's all. |
Originally Posted by Celestial Beaver
...so I was wondering how people seem so certain that GW:2 will not be the "game for them"? I mean, ANet change their mind about things ALL the time...Anything could happen in the next 1-2 years.
Originally Posted by jrk247
So what I know so far GW2 isn't all that great it's just starting over again having to get your chars up to par again so you can play and if there's no level cap it's just going to be less like GW and the whole idea of Skill > Time is down the drain.
Originally Posted by glountz
Listen, little fanboi.
* I'm saying that they will please Grinders, and I'm not one of them. * I'm saying that they won't implement top wanted things like Auction house, which would seriously ameliorate the economy, and I would prefer a game with it. * You're saying that they will put UAX for PvP, and that's not even remotevely resembling a far far rumor, as they didn't release it for GW, or at incredible prices. * I'm saying that I want a casual-friendly game, with skill which matters more than time played, as I have few free time for this, but learning fast and easily, and GW2 won't be this game. So, in short, I'm no more their kind of customer. They changed themselves their initial premise. They want to attract now no-life WoW-like PVE carebears. I'm not a no-life PVE carebear. What attracted myself to GW was actually not the no-monthly fee, but the skill>time credo. I have a job and money. Paying monthly fees is not an issue. What we are sure is that GWE:N was the bridge between GW1 and GW2. I don't like this bridge. I won't cross it. However I will buy GW2 if they follow this: - Auction house - PvP UAX. Only fancy weapons are unlockable. - Ultra balanced PvP. Few select skills, rest are PVE only, races are only aesthetics. - No-grind PvE. Every max armor/weapon can be obtained easily. Titles have no effects on skills. Titles have now effect on drops/money/whatever thing that have a statistical impact on the game (like treasure chests). Skills are linked to attributes and are not a gold sink. - No PvP titles inducing farming behavior. - PVE competitive missions. Strong AI. As you see, that's not a definitive "no". That's just GW2 is not as appealing as GW1, that's all. |
Originally Posted by glountz
So, in short, I'm no more their kind of customer. They changed themselves their initial premise. They want to attract now no-life WoW-like PVE carebears. I'm not a no-life PVE carebear. What attracted myself to GW was actually not the no-monthly fee, but the skill>time credo. I have a job and money. Paying monthly fees is not an issue.
(...) What we are sure is that GWE:N was the bridge between GW1 and GW2. I don't like this bridge. I won't cross it. (...) As you see, that's not a definitive "no". That's just GW2 is not as appealing as GW1, that's all. |
Originally Posted by Longasc
Summed up very well. I was playing GW because it did not overly reward playing all day and night and not punish you for taking a break.
Now with the no longer so "optional" grind they introduced, the focus on titles, to "give people something to do" they really anger me. TBH, if they follow this formula they need to admit that they simply lack the content and polish of World of Warcraft. On the other hand they wanted to do "something different, their own thing" if you listened to Jeff Strain's speech on the GC. |
GW:EN raised high hopes and let me down, thanks god for them they do not have that many competitors at the moment. But I doubt the stakes are lower in 2008, there are Warhammer, Hellgate London, Conan and other MMOs that might be successful. |
Still: GW2 is still something I will definitely try out. We know GW1 and can compare their vision with the reality, so let us wait and see if GW2 is worth it. They have to be really good, then people might stay longer than a month. |
I also dare to say, many GW veterans will not stay as long as they did in GW1 despite the game taking an unwanted direction. You cannot show people over and over great appetizers and then deliver something like GW:EN or change too much of the original gamedesign, people hopefully remember such things. |
But well, they seem to be after the casual gamer, which usually does not remember such things. ![]() |