Originally Posted by Master Ketsu
Bolded where you debunked yourself.
Vanity is not mandatory grind. Mandatory grind would be grind that disables you from playing the game
I'm sorry, have you even read my post? Do I need to re-type everything?
ps: Vanity is ego thing. I'm talking about Style. Yes, I like style and a sense of fashion so to speak. That does not make me vain. Style is when I want my character to look good because it increases my enjoyment factor. Vanity is when I don't care how my character looks like, but whether it has expensive equipment I can boast with.
But as the saying goes.. to the pure all things are pure. Opposite goes too. So I perfectly understand that people full of vanity will see vanity everywhere.
and provides no additional benefit or advantage
...and.... why then is GW not made in 256 colors, with far less animations?
How much less people would buy the game if that were so?
I wanted it because I was willing to work for it
So you prove my point.
If you want to work in a game, that's all okay, I have even suggested a Title just for you:
http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Talk:...title_pl s.3F
Just don't force people to work in a game because you like work. Also, just because you have no sense of style or fashion, don't assume no one else does. Just because you're satisfied with little things, don't assume that someone doesn't have healthier stance.
If you want something, its not mandatory. Its only mandatory if you need it.
Exactly. And I need all weapon/armor skins, my sense of style demands it. I didn't pay 150$ so that I have to work. I payed 150$ so that I can relax and have fun AFTER work. Obviously something that you and others fail to grasp.
For me, it's mandatory, just as skill balances are. Using your logic I can also say "oh, GvG should have 1 map, and there should be no other PvP arenas. Beause you see, you can still PvP with 1 GvG map, the others are not mandatory". Hey, it makes as much sense. Sounds drastic this way, but that's the only way people will realize it.