Why are the good players being punished?
Couple hours ago I got my Deldrimor Title up to rank 8, at first I was happy I got myself rank 8 untill I discovered that I can't receive Dwarven Raider Blessing anymore.
Now I consider myself to be a good player, but not good enough to refuse a +7 morale boost every time I kill 25 enemies, hell that morale boost is the main DP remover in dungeons for most people.
I know the I will be able to take the blessings again in HM, but what if I want to do a dungeon in NM again, should my efforts be crippled just because I wanted to make my Dwarwen skills better?
Now I consider myself to be a good player, but not good enough to refuse a +7 morale boost every time I kill 25 enemies, hell that morale boost is the main DP remover in dungeons for most people.
I know the I will be able to take the blessings again in HM, but what if I want to do a dungeon in NM again, should my efforts be crippled just because I wanted to make my Dwarwen skills better?
being able to grind out some pve title doesn't make you good. if you truly are a "good" player, then you don't need those blessings.
Ouch. Hadn't thought about that. I guess I'll only take the blessing in the tougher dungeons from here on out. Hate to waste my free morale boosts.
edit: and someone should change the title to: "Don't Max Delver!"
edit: and someone should change the title to: "Don't Max Delver!"
There are consumables that will remove DP and/or give you morale. Just get some of those if you really need the morale.
killing snowmen makes me gud
Originally Posted by moriz
being able to grind out some pve title doesn't make you good. if you truly are a "good" player, then you don't need those blessings.
Originally Posted by Charr
Now I consider myself to be a good player, but not good enough to refuse a +7 morale boost every time I kill 25 enemies, hell that morale boost is the main DP remover in dungeons for most people.
There are consumables that will remove DP and/or give you morale. Just get some of those if you really need the morale. |
Why should I be forced to pay for something, that a person who spends less time playing the game gets for free? |
This would be better if topic didn't imply something else. Good players don't have DP problems. And the occasional wipe is quickly cleared after killing a group or two of mobs.
Originally Posted by Antheus
This would be better if topic didn't imply something else. Good players don't have DP problems. And the occasional wipe is quickly cleared after killing a group or two of mobs.
Originally Posted by Charr
Well my dear friend, if you would have been so kind to ask me how I got my title before talking out of your ass, you would have been given an answer that my title comes from doing all the dungeons twice with h/h until i reached rank Daring Delver at which point I used my books and some farming to get to rank 8.
Originally Posted by Charr
Why should I be forced to pay for something, that a person who spends less time playing the game gets for free?
If all that allowed you to do every dungeon was that morale boost, then be optimistic: consider it an opportunity to fix your builds.
Neo Nugget
Good players are patient players
Wait for hard mode

Snow Bunny
Originally Posted by Charr
Well my dear friend, if you would have been so kind to ask me how I got my title before talking out of your ass, you would have been given an answer that my title comes from doing all the dungeons twice with h/h until i reached rank Daring Delver at which point I used my books and some farming to get to rank 8.
Why should I be forced to pay for something, that a person who spends less time playing the game gets for free? |
b. HM ftw? (When it comes)
Mac Sidewinder
Originally Posted by Snow Bunny
b. HM ftw? (When it comes)
To the OP, if you're as good as you think you are then you shouldn't need the morale boost. If you still need it, then you have made enough money to buy a consumable or two.

Hard Mode is coming in 1-2 months.
So it was recorded in a Gaile chat on gwonline.
So it was recorded in a Gaile chat on gwonline.
screw HM and all those who use it.
Kotetsu Rain
Originally Posted by MirageMaster
screw HM and all those who use it.
I welcome HM with open arms! Especially since for some reason Anet decided to let non max items drop and spawn from chests in a 'level 20 content area'
cthulhu reborn
I would venture to say that your PvE skills are a lot more powerfull at level 8 to the point that you don't need to blessings anymore...maybe that's how Anet looks at it.
Originally Posted by Kotetsu Rain
Haha touchy touchy...without Hard Mode I probably wouldn't of went on with Maxing my Lightbringer title. It's already insanly easy to max the Deldrimor title (just keep doing a dungoun Secret Layer of The Snowmen or something.) Then ont e other side it's extremly messed up to try to farm Ebon points. Seige devourers FTW but very time consuming.
I welcome HM with open arms! Especially since for some reason Anet decided to let non max items drop and spawn from chests in a 'level 20 content area' |
Go grind the title for your other 7 characters. Grinding titles is fun!
Sparks Dawnbringer
Well, I for one being what I consider an adverage to good player who likes to enjoy the game and max titles, find it sucks that at a certain level you cannot get the blessings. I understand why they would not give you the bounties but the blessings do help. And I like the kill counts. I don't like HM all that much and use the blessings to help get through some tight spots. So your teilling me that if a player who needs the blessings to do a dungeon at a certain point he would not be able to play because he cannot do the dungeons without blessings and boosts. People who pay for a product expect to be able to use all of it. I think you should get the moral boost in normal mode. I understand them wanting you to do a bit in HM to max titles. But to a lot of us HM is just not that much fun.
Like in Factions trying to speed through missions always bored me and I just did enough to get through and said the heck with it. GW took a short cut so they could do less content and thought speed makes a better player. Now, they say HM makes the better player they were wrong in Factions they are wrong here.
I was trying to get my title tracks as high as possible as soon as possible to take advantage of some the new skill that are title track actavated. So if getting my dwarven track high means no more blessings I'm not taking them any more. The dungeons are hard enough for me as is. I really think this is another way for them to force us to PUG. Because it is easier with a goup sometimes but sometimes not. Buit it is always more fun with one or 2 other people and heros! It's like they created this amazing house, sold it to people and cannot deal with the idea that the people might want to change the carpet.
And my strongest point is that the bounties and random bonus is fun. When my character leveled out in Nightfall it took a great amout of the fun out of the game. And I see the same thing happenig here. Once I cannot get the bounties I just start to get bored. So if you must take the points away leave the boost and the random bonus . Or if you must level out of the title tracks have it switch to experience. So the bounties would be the same but instead of Norn or Sunspear have it just be Experience. You get +1 experience for killing a Charr. That way we all get to enjoy a very fun aspect of the game when ever we use it.
Like in Factions trying to speed through missions always bored me and I just did enough to get through and said the heck with it. GW took a short cut so they could do less content and thought speed makes a better player. Now, they say HM makes the better player they were wrong in Factions they are wrong here.
I was trying to get my title tracks as high as possible as soon as possible to take advantage of some the new skill that are title track actavated. So if getting my dwarven track high means no more blessings I'm not taking them any more. The dungeons are hard enough for me as is. I really think this is another way for them to force us to PUG. Because it is easier with a goup sometimes but sometimes not. Buit it is always more fun with one or 2 other people and heros! It's like they created this amazing house, sold it to people and cannot deal with the idea that the people might want to change the carpet.
And my strongest point is that the bounties and random bonus is fun. When my character leveled out in Nightfall it took a great amout of the fun out of the game. And I see the same thing happenig here. Once I cannot get the bounties I just start to get bored. So if you must take the points away leave the boost and the random bonus . Or if you must level out of the title tracks have it switch to experience. So the bounties would be the same but instead of Norn or Sunspear have it just be Experience. You get +1 experience for killing a Charr. That way we all get to enjoy a very fun aspect of the game when ever we use it.
I suspect that Anet's exuse for this is that if you're good enough to get rank 8 you shouldn't need the morale boosts.
The real reason of course being that they stop the blessings to avoid anyone getting beyond rank 8 before they bring us HM. The fact that you don't get the morale boosts is just a side effect.
The real reason of course being that they stop the blessings to avoid anyone getting beyond rank 8 before they bring us HM. The fact that you don't get the morale boosts is just a side effect.
Uber Mass
Originally Posted by MirageMaster
screw HM and all those who use it.
and for the discussion about being a "good" player... adjust to the situation makes you a "good" player.
Well, it all comes down to the definition of "good"
If a player needs constant morale boosts to be able to crawl through a dungeon even after having done it several times before, then I would argue that a better assessment of the skill level would be "barely passable". I wouldn't have done Frostmaw's with my survivor if there had been any realistic chance of getting some penalty time, and I only consider myself a "reasonably good" player.
I fail to see it as a punishment, either. Would you claim that good players are punished because post-searing Ascalon is a much more dangerous place than pre, and now that you're graduated you cannot continue frolicking around the hills without getting nasty DP?

I fail to see it as a punishment, either. Would you claim that good players are punished because post-searing Ascalon is a much more dangerous place than pre, and now that you're graduated you cannot continue frolicking around the hills without getting nasty DP?
Originally Posted by Snow Bunny
a. Doing dungeons doesn't make you a good player. I did the exact same thing you did. Doesn't make me good. GG.
b. HM ftw? (When it comes) |
Originally Posted by tmakinen
I wouldn't have done Frostmaw's with my survivor if there had been any realistic chance of getting some penalty time, and I only consider myself a "reasonably good" player.
Originally Posted by Mac Sidewinder
To the OP, if you're as good as you think you are then you shouldn't need the morale boost. If you still need it, then you have made enough money to buy a consumable or two.
There should be a special blessing on R8, giving you only the Morale Boosts and nothing else... but it's Anet we're talking about

Folken ~oOo~
Prices are going beyond sanity because of some people buying GW Gold with real money.
Poor students and children ... is it alright to get your ass into farming while people are enjoying normally the game because they got really quickly their items ? Death to stupid prices ... it makes everybody "working" like robots (arabian word meaning slave, by the way ...).
Poor students and children ... is it alright to get your ass into farming while people are enjoying normally the game because they got really quickly their items ? Death to stupid prices ... it makes everybody "working" like robots (arabian word meaning slave, by the way ...).
Originally Posted by Charr
Oh yes, because there is no way that Frostmaw Spawn will appear out of nowhere and cast Wurm Bile on your tightly packed h/h team folowed by FoC, and there is no chance that the NPC following you will RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO up your argo.

And the word 'robot' comes from Czech.
And my strongest point is that the bounties and random bonus is fun. When my character leveled out in Nightfall it took a great amout of the fun out of the game. And I see the same thing happenig here. Once I cannot get the bounties I just start to get bored. So if you must take the points away leave the boost and the random bonus . Or if you must level out of the title tracks have it switch to experience. So the bounties would be the same but instead of Norn or Sunspear have it just be Experience. You get +1 experience for killing a Charr. That way we all get to enjoy a very fun aspect of the game when ever we use it. |
This is the nonsense that comes with grind. After you're done, you realize you've wasted your entire playtime, and that the game is empty and has no real content.
But people mock those who say that grind shouldn't be in GW, that the game was better before grind was there, before mindless killing was the only content.
You've just summed up what GW:EN is about - grind. Nothing more, nothing less. Of course, plenty knew that from the day preview was open.
These titles are a time sink to hide the fact that there's nothing else to do.
ITT we post why Good Players should have handicaps imposed on them so that morale boosts are actually desirable.
Seriously, just wait until Hard Mode, and never touch Normal Mode again. You aren't being crippled by the lack of a crutch you shouldn't need. The crutch is what cripples you in the first place.
Certainly not this kind of thing:
Seriously, just wait until Hard Mode, and never touch Normal Mode again. You aren't being crippled by the lack of a crutch you shouldn't need. The crutch is what cripples you in the first place.
Originally Posted by Charr
Then what makes you a good PvE player
Originally Posted by Charr
Oh yes, because there is no way that Frostmaw Spawn will appear out of nowhere and cast Wurm Bile on your tightly packed h/h team folowed by FoC, and there is no chance that the NPC following you will RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO up your argo.
I went through all the dungeons and then maxed the title out in the secret lair of the snowmen. I kind of like the fact there's a cap right. I've been a little too title obsessed so having caps and having to wait on hm is giving me time to bring other chars through GWEN.
Originally Posted by Charr
Well my dear friend, if you would have been so kind to ask me how I got my title before talking out of your ass, you would have been given an answer that my title comes from doing all the dungeons twice with h/h until i reached rank Daring Delver at which point I used my books and some farming to get to rank 8.
You're not being penalised and losing something that people who play less get for free. Consider it a meal, just because you ate fast and finished doesn't mean the meal should be taken away from the slower eating guy.
You talk about being a good player, yet what is the deal with needing all this DP removal?
You talk about being a good player, yet what is the deal with needing all this DP removal?
Maybe a-net figures anyone who had time to grind up to rank 8 now has more than enough gold to pay for consumables to do that job?....
I may not agree with everything that the OP said, but i agree that, not been able to get the blessings before reaching dwarven rank8 sucks a little...
I don't consider myself a real hardcore player, and i don't how hard it is to reach r8, but i think that even me, after long time playing dungeons, will reach r8 someday, and for players as me, the lack of blessings(and morale boost) will really hurt the gameplay.
I think that, as somebody said before, we should be able to get the blessings without earning reputation points after reaching r8.
I may not agree with everything that the OP said, but i agree that, not been able to get the blessings before reaching dwarven rank8 sucks a little...
I don't consider myself a real hardcore player, and i don't how hard it is to reach r8, but i think that even me, after long time playing dungeons, will reach r8 someday, and for players as me, the lack of blessings(and morale boost) will really hurt the gameplay.
I think that, as somebody said before, we should be able to get the blessings without earning reputation points after reaching r8.
Let's not forget that this is GW:EN, full of bugs and other crap that pisses off the populace.
Either Anet simply forgot to add the moral boosts, it's a feature of HM (parallel to only getting SS/LB points in HM after getting to a certain rank) or too bad, we won't get the morals at all.
Whining and complaining doesn't do anything, and doesn't get anything done other than get your ass flamed. Keep your idea of "I'm a good player I want my morals back" fit to yourself, and not us. We don't want to hear it anymore.
If you're a "good player" then you must be challenged in order to become better.
Either Anet simply forgot to add the moral boosts, it's a feature of HM (parallel to only getting SS/LB points in HM after getting to a certain rank) or too bad, we won't get the morals at all.
Whining and complaining doesn't do anything, and doesn't get anything done other than get your ass flamed. Keep your idea of "I'm a good player I want my morals back" fit to yourself, and not us. We don't want to hear it anymore.
If you're a "good player" then you must be challenged in order to become better.
Originally Posted by Tarja
Let's not forget that this is GW:EN, full of bugs and other crap that pisses off the populace.
Originally Posted by iridescentfyre
Do you really think this is a bug? This is the exact same game mechanic from Nightfall; reach a certain title and you can't get bounties from certain areas. Get the title high enough, and you can't get them anywhere in Normal Mode. Not only is this clearly intended, but I think its proof that Hard Mode is really coming. Because if its not, titles are broken in such a way that I don't believe Anet would've overlooked.
It's a possibility that it could be a bug, and it's also a more likely possibility that this is a pre-HM feature. I'm better on the latter rather than the former.
Effendi Westland
good =/= title grinding
However let's assume it is. In that case the game tries to make it more a challenge for you now, as you are that good.
However let's assume it is. In that case the game tries to make it more a challenge for you now, as you are that good.
Originally Posted by Charr
Then what makes you a good PvE player, going over to Wiki and doing DoA with a premade build?
Wow, the flaming in this topic is absurd....
Lets assume that "good" means, "reasonably experienced". It doesn't require a massive amount of skill to get the title. Its a lot of grinding, but this topic is not about whether grinding = skill or not. Its about the fact that once you get a high level title, it makes the game significantly harder. Ok, maybe not in your Raven's Point or Doomlore Shrine, but I know that I certainly would NOT like to be going through Shards of Orr without those life bringing morale boosts.
So yeah, I'd agree with Charr. It would be nice to see a special rez shrine bonus for those with rank 8.
Lets assume that "good" means, "reasonably experienced". It doesn't require a massive amount of skill to get the title. Its a lot of grinding, but this topic is not about whether grinding = skill or not. Its about the fact that once you get a high level title, it makes the game significantly harder. Ok, maybe not in your Raven's Point or Doomlore Shrine, but I know that I certainly would NOT like to be going through Shards of Orr without those life bringing morale boosts.
So yeah, I'd agree with Charr. It would be nice to see a special rez shrine bonus for those with rank 8.