Feedback Desired: The Report System
X Cytherea X
What happened to the thread Gaile Gray started about this just yesterday?
Originally Posted by X Cytherea X
What happened to the thread Gaile Gray started about this just yesterday?
Citadel Runner
The problem with this whole thing is that ANET will probably get inundated. Tough call on the benefit. We will see.
I keep seeing posts in this thread and others of people arguing for their rights to use inappropriate language. The game is rated for teens, I paid for it, there is an ignore feature, etc etc.
I don't see how you could not comprehend that all of that is completely irrelevant in the face of the fact that inappropriate language has always been against the terms of use. Regardless of how you feel about that, it's a fact.
Here's a little experiment. Find yourself a nightclub, that only adults can get into, one with a cover charge, full of people perfectly capable of ignoring you. Pay to get in. Walk around cussing people out and using racial slurs and deliberately being as profane and obscene and disrespectful to the other patrons as you possibly can. See how long it takes them to throw you out on the street. See how far your "freedom of speech" and "i paid to get in" and "we're all adults" and "no-one HAD to listen!" arguments get you.
Read the terms of use, follow the rules, and stop acting like you should have the right to break the ones you disagree with. You don't. End of story.
I don't see how you could not comprehend that all of that is completely irrelevant in the face of the fact that inappropriate language has always been against the terms of use. Regardless of how you feel about that, it's a fact.
Here's a little experiment. Find yourself a nightclub, that only adults can get into, one with a cover charge, full of people perfectly capable of ignoring you. Pay to get in. Walk around cussing people out and using racial slurs and deliberately being as profane and obscene and disrespectful to the other patrons as you possibly can. See how long it takes them to throw you out on the street. See how far your "freedom of speech" and "i paid to get in" and "we're all adults" and "no-one HAD to listen!" arguments get you.
Read the terms of use, follow the rules, and stop acting like you should have the right to break the ones you disagree with. You don't. End of story.
Originally Posted by Andrew Patrick
A report is just a report...much like reporting someone for a crime to the police....
Originally Posted by SotiCoto
The game was just fine without the report system. People played, had fun...
IMO the system works great, at least there's no leechers in AB.
If you are afraid of being reported, be polite, really
Originally Posted by Punches
I keep seeing posts in this thread and others of people arguing for their rights to use inappropriate language. The game is rated for teens, I paid for it, there is an ignore feature, etc etc.
I don't see how you could not comprehend that all of that is completely irrelevant in the face of the fact that inappropriate language has always been against the terms of use. Regardless of how you feel about that, it's a fact. Here's a little experiment. Find yourself a nightclub, that only adults can get into, one with a cover charge, full of people perfectly capable of ignoring you. Pay to get in. Walk around cussing people out and using racial slurs and deliberately being as profane and obscene and disrespectful to the other patrons as you possibly can. See how long it takes them to throw you out on the street. See how far your "freedom of speech" and "i paid to get in" and "we're all adults" and "no-one HAD to listen!" arguments get you. Read the terms of use, follow the rules, and stop acting like you should have the right to break the ones you disagree with. You don't. End of story. |
This wouldn't happen in any club, of course, unless you have Tourette Syndrome or something. You're not going to be chatting with a friend, then suddenly yell at everyone part of your conversation. Even if you apologize, or type 'MT,' it can easily be taken out of context, or used against you and Bam, you're out for something foolish that was a simple mistake.
I don't think that's fair one bit. Not that I actually talk/type like that, even with friends, but on occasion, I'm sure some of the things I've typed could be arguably offensive to some.
Patrick Smit
Originally Posted by Kashrlyyk
And this: Information how the report function works would be useful. So there's automatical filter what messages get to human support team, which then decides what kind of action is taken. What kind of bans can automatical filter give and what are the conditions?
A little tip: Don´t listen to stupid people. Normaly stupid people want harder punishments for people they don´t like. From: |
I guess that statement does not hold.
The latency problem worries me, maybe add a check for connectivity so that problems with that do not result in a temp ban.
I haven't really had any experiences with the new anti-griefing measures yet, but as frequent Aspenwood player I'm glad that ArenaNet finally payed attention to the leeching problem.
Originally Posted by SotiCoto
The /Report system gets a resounding NO from me.
Reason: The vast majority of people are extremely prejudiced. They have their own notions on what should and should not be allowed... absolutely ZERO consideration for how others (even those they personally don't like) may choose to play for their own entertainment..... and will abuse a system like this toward those ends. One alone isn't a problem.... but when you get a lot of people agreeing on the same ridiculous bias (as will often happen).... then it tends to get decided simply by weight of the majority. They impose their will on any would-be individuals who might not be like them... and destroy the game for them. What we end up with is mob rule.... whereby the idiots with the most similarly idiotic friends control what does and does not happen in game... Leaving such power in the hands of children is ridiculous... and NO... it will not "sort itself out over time".... it will only end up with those same idiotic children in charge... and anyone with even a slightly contrary opinion on how things should be getting permabanned. Ditch the report system. Leave the leechers and the griefers to their business. Their fun will also make them enemies.... and if that bothers them then they will change their attitude. If it doesn't bother them.... then so what? Work around them. The majority of people don't do that, and if anything it just adds an unpredictable element to the game to make it more interesting. And honestly, people should be allowed to do such things, much as any given individual should be allowed to oppose them on their own terms. The people screaming for the game to be policed for them are those who are too weak to deal with life as it comes and take matters into their own hands if necessary. I mean... do I go crying to all and sundry because I live in a city where things DO get stolen and people DO get killed? Of course not. Honestly... I don't care. I make my own security measures to ensure I don't fall victim to such things... much as I'd expect anyone else to do, rather than whine to the police about it. I value my freedom more than my life or my material property. Communism doesn't work. Don't do it. Seriously. |
Why you haven't been banned for being a troll escapes me.
Report system has been a long time coming and no matter how many kinks have to be worked out .. it will improve the gaming environment. Like it or not people need rules and punishment for not following the rules. Without them you cannot and will not have civilized society. While a mob of sociopaths might sound like fun ... the fun would wear off very fast the first time YOU were the victim.
Local chat trading is almost a non issue now ... because millions were banned? NOPE. The threat of the ban helped guide normal rule following people back on track. The threat of being reported will do the same for the rest of the game.
Fril Estelin
Ideas for Anet:
- do not allow for 2 reports to be issued within less than 2 minutes (this may even give the time to people that are raging to calm down ...)
- disable for, say, 2 days the /report function for peoplewho use it 3 days in a row up to the maximum of 50 reports
- the /unreport feature to disable a report made during the last minute (already suggested here), it could also disable the /report feature for 2 minutes
GG Anet.
- do not allow for 2 reports to be issued within less than 2 minutes (this may even give the time to people that are raging to calm down ...)
- disable for, say, 2 days the /report function for peoplewho use it 3 days in a row up to the maximum of 50 reports
- the /unreport feature to disable a report made during the last minute (already suggested here), it could also disable the /report feature for 2 minutes
GG Anet.
It all started while I was forming a normal 5 Man fow group and this ele comes in group pings his skills however due to the horrible build I kicked him straight away (I was looking for experienced players) and this is what happens.......
Sure lets all ban eachother cause of this, Ban Wars!
If at each fight I report players the population would decrease alot, for that guy's luck I didn't bother report him, however if those are the kids that inhabitate PvP areas, I'm not stepping in there just to reported by 13yr olds
Sure lets all ban eachother cause of this, Ban Wars!
If at each fight I report players the population would decrease alot, for that guy's luck I didn't bother report him, however if those are the kids that inhabitate PvP areas, I'm not stepping in there just to reported by 13yr olds
So.... why didn't you use your ignore list?
Star Gazer
all i say is that anet has gotten free labor from its players. having us police the community? what a joke. where are the anet "staff" that has seen activity before? maybe they are doing support.........oh wait, they arent doing that either
The /report command work good on Fort Aspenwood.Don't see those all time leechers more than twice.But I there are still people mistaken betweeen those who got disconnected and leechers.
/report abuse = another good reason why I won't PvP or join PvE pugs. And there WILL be people abusing the system for their personal amusement, like a chip on their shoulder and hoping someone will say/do anything that would knock it off.
From my experiences this weekend, I believe that the /report command should only be authorized for leeching or absolutely non-responsive/abusive play.
I found a few examples where people were threatening to report people because they didn't like what people were saying, because people were drawing body parts on the compass, etc. IMO, that adds too much subjectivity to the use of the function, and really doesn't target what it is meant to do - punish those who are attempting to actively ruin other people's group experience through their gameplay (and not their immature communications).
I found a few examples where people were threatening to report people because they didn't like what people were saying, because people were drawing body parts on the compass, etc. IMO, that adds too much subjectivity to the use of the function, and really doesn't target what it is meant to do - punish those who are attempting to actively ruin other people's group experience through their gameplay (and not their immature communications).
Originally Posted by Jetdoc
From my experiences this weekend, I believe that the /report command should only be authorized for leeching or absolutely non-responsive/abusive play.
I found a few examples where people were threatening to report people because they didn't like what people were saying, because people were drawing body parts on the compass, etc. IMO, that adds too much subjectivity to the use of the function, and really doesn't target what it is meant to do - punish those who are attempting to actively ruin other people's group experience through their gameplay (and not their immature communications). |
Just because everybody does it and its become the norm does not make violent, sexually explict, or threatening language acceptable in a game.
Its in the rules already. People who aren't supporting /report are probablly also supporters of underage drinking and drug use. After all, its "vicitmless." Who cares if its illegal right?
Rocky Raccoon
Originally Posted by Burst Cancel
I'm fairly sure this is going to draw flames, but I'm going to stick my neck out because I honestly can't stand it anymore:
Don't you guys ever get tired of being PC? I get the feeling that some of you people who post on this forum are so deathly afraid that someone, somewhere, is having their feelings hurt, that you have to censor every damn thing that even has a chance of being offensive. "Yuk Foo" forced a name change? Do you honestly consider that to be reasonable? Hurt feelings is something little kids worry about. If adults can't shrug it off, or else gird their loins and take it, I'm honestly not sure what to think. It's bad enough that you can barely even fart loudly on TV without drawing government fines. |
All I can say is the report/anti-leeching features worked wonders in Aspenwood! Of the 2 dozen matches I played this weekend I did not have a single leech and only had one person leave prematurely. The opposing side was experiencing similiar results. This led to some of the best matches I have had in Aspenwood ever. Players seemed to be more friendly and I was amazed at how much in game tactics were being discussed in team chat.
The only downside is that with the limit to the number of simultaneous matches and the matches now taking longer because of each battle being more competitive, it was taking a little longer to get into a match. Small price to pay though for ensuring that each battle was leech free.
I hope they make these measures permanent as the quality of the random PVP battles went up considerably this weekend.
The only downside is that with the limit to the number of simultaneous matches and the matches now taking longer because of each battle being more competitive, it was taking a little longer to get into a match. Small price to pay though for ensuring that each battle was leech free.
I hope they make these measures permanent as the quality of the random PVP battles went up considerably this weekend.
This thread remind me of an Anime called "Jigoku Shoujo".Story about a girl who offer you a straw doll with red string tied on it.When you untied the red string.The person you have grudge with will go to hell.But you have to pay the price by going to hell when you died.
On Eplisode 24 call "chain"
People in the Entire city dissapper because they all sent to Hell for whatever reason they did.Because every body know about this straw doll.They just thought "its you or me".
Pretty sure that so many fear of it but still temped to use it.
On Eplisode 24 call "chain"
People in the Entire city dissapper because they all sent to Hell for whatever reason they did.Because every body know about this straw doll.They just thought "its you or me".
Pretty sure that so many fear of it but still temped to use it.
I don't know about the other random arenas, but Fort Aspenwood is fun to play again, no leechers.
Having players police each other is fine, that is what happens in other games, except that it is done through personal reputation. Since personal reputation or guild reputation does not exist in GW, this has to do instead.
Having players police each other is fine, that is what happens in other games, except that it is done through personal reputation. Since personal reputation or guild reputation does not exist in GW, this has to do instead.
People in the Entire city dissapper because they all sent to Hell for whatever reason they did.Because every body know about this straw doll.They just thought "its you or me". |
Since personal reputation or guild reputation does not exist in GW, this has to do instead. |
Make enemies in other MMOs, and you'll have really hard time playing. You'll find people won't trade you, PUGs will not accept you, allies will not support you in combat.
Karma basically.
I think the reporting system is great and it's a step in the right direction, but in order to judge it we'll first have to wait and see what happens to the reports when they are received by Arena Net. I'm sure we'll have little kids reporting everyone in town just because they hate the color their armor is dyed, but I also believe those little kids will be ignored or penalized by A-net staff.
The report of offensive names is a tricky area because it's so subjective. There's probably a document floating around A-net headquarters somewhere that outlines what should be banned and what shouldn't, but it will still come down to a judgment call on the part of the staff. Sexual innunedo is a tough call and possibly will depend on who gets the report. Here are 2 names I saw yesterday in AB (Slightly changed to hide the owners identity)
"Hot Necro Babe"
"Waxed and Lickable Titties"
Are those names bannable? I don't know. I didn't report either one. Both are sexual in nature and both were probably created by 15 year old boys. I don't think there is anything offensive about the necro babe. We see similiar names each day ingame and barely give them a 2nd thought. However, in my opinion the other one crossed the line. My opinion doesn't matter though, it's A-net's opinion that does and hopefully their employees with the bansticks have been given guidelines to follow.
Ask yourself this question. If you are an adult and you walked into the room and saw your 13 year old teen having a conversation with either character, what would you do? If you are still a teen and you were having the conversation and your mom walked up to the computer, would you hide screen?
Change of subject.....Leeching. I have 1 concern. If you actually pause to watch the tutorial video outlining the map and cap points before the AB matches, can you be reported for leeching. Does your character zone into the map while you are still watching? I did several AB matches this weekend and I saw many folks reporting players if they did not immediately move off the spawn point and onto the warp circles. It would be best if you do not load into the match until after you finish the video.
The report of offensive names is a tricky area because it's so subjective. There's probably a document floating around A-net headquarters somewhere that outlines what should be banned and what shouldn't, but it will still come down to a judgment call on the part of the staff. Sexual innunedo is a tough call and possibly will depend on who gets the report. Here are 2 names I saw yesterday in AB (Slightly changed to hide the owners identity)
"Hot Necro Babe"
"Waxed and Lickable Titties"
Are those names bannable? I don't know. I didn't report either one. Both are sexual in nature and both were probably created by 15 year old boys. I don't think there is anything offensive about the necro babe. We see similiar names each day ingame and barely give them a 2nd thought. However, in my opinion the other one crossed the line. My opinion doesn't matter though, it's A-net's opinion that does and hopefully their employees with the bansticks have been given guidelines to follow.
Ask yourself this question. If you are an adult and you walked into the room and saw your 13 year old teen having a conversation with either character, what would you do? If you are still a teen and you were having the conversation and your mom walked up to the computer, would you hide screen?
Change of subject.....Leeching. I have 1 concern. If you actually pause to watch the tutorial video outlining the map and cap points before the AB matches, can you be reported for leeching. Does your character zone into the map while you are still watching? I did several AB matches this weekend and I saw many folks reporting players if they did not immediately move off the spawn point and onto the warp circles. It would be best if you do not load into the match until after you finish the video.
This is what Andrew Patrick asked in the thread about the feedback. He was trying to defend the system with that:
What would be your answer?
This is what Andrew Patrick asked in the thread about the feedback. He was trying to defend the system with that:
Originally Posted by Andrew Patrick
... Do people breaching our rules of conduct honestly need protection from being held accountable to that? ...
Originally Posted by Kashrlyyk
The mob's?
There are always cases where the rules / guidelines initially given just aren't specific enough on certain scenarios.... and if A-Net don't actually make some sort of formal decision on that matter, then the mob basically take over.... and when that happens, it can only mean trouble. The mob don't know the difference between the game and what evolution had their heads programmed with from birth. The whole situation becomes Lord of the Flies.
Frankly.... I'd sooner defend the current system where the mob have less power than the newer situation where it is served up to them nice and easy.... Overall, A-Net are trying to save themselves work... and fair enough on that part... but in doing so they are losing control of their own creation.
And to Antheus:
Once again.... I'm not trolling.
I'm just very VERY opinionated.... and lack the capacity for standard empathy or tact.
Originally Posted by Andrew [email protected]
I don't imagine there are very many people out there who would risk having their account shut-down just to be funny, or be a jerk, and if there are, they are the ones who are going to be burned by it, not the people they are reporting.
Sometimes different sorts of people end up in the same environment.... and though they might not like it, they need to put aside their differences and tolerate each other. |
- We keep on playing with imperfect teams
- We tolerate such foul language that people could be imprisoned for it
- We tolerate griefers in every pvp arena
- We tolerate non-elite, noobs, idiots, unranked or simply unskilled and inexperienced
- We tolerate intolerance
Now it's your turn
please keep holocaust references off this thread
Sli Ander
I read through as much of this as I could, so I don't believe this has been mentioned. One thought I had was that if you're banned from PvP, you can't run to play another PvP match, even GvG. There's no place to hide from a ban until it goes away.
But what about PvE? Now I know banning an account completely from PvE isn't reasonable, it would certainly make you lose customers. But what if for certain offences (griefing, leeching) a scaled down version of dishonor points could be applied? What if dishonor points affected PvE'ers in the form of non-removable death penalty (that decayed at a different rate)? It would have to be confined to certain offences (being hit with points for having an obnoxious name wouldn't be a fit 'punishment')
I know that PvE reportable offences are all handled by a much slower system of reports (someone, somewhere has to decide whether a name was offensive enough to warrant changing), most likely due to the higher number of people in any given city, but should someone griefing or leeching in a PvP arena be able to do the same to a PvE team while he waits for his ban to end?
I haven't gotten a chance to test the system, but this was one issue I wanted to discuss. I am simply waiting on the abuse issue, waiting for the trigger happies to get bored and for real results to show. I'm optimistic.
But that's just my two cents
/edit: ah, bryant beat me to it! Making the debuff obvious to your teammates (perhaps when you join) would be necessary, otherwise it would just punish the people that didn't know or would make griefing easier. If it's obvious you've been debuffed, however, it might ostracize them a bit, i.e. a social timeout because only henchies will take you. Sorry I missed thinking about that part, I'm a little tired...
But what about PvE? Now I know banning an account completely from PvE isn't reasonable, it would certainly make you lose customers. But what if for certain offences (griefing, leeching) a scaled down version of dishonor points could be applied? What if dishonor points affected PvE'ers in the form of non-removable death penalty (that decayed at a different rate)? It would have to be confined to certain offences (being hit with points for having an obnoxious name wouldn't be a fit 'punishment')
I know that PvE reportable offences are all handled by a much slower system of reports (someone, somewhere has to decide whether a name was offensive enough to warrant changing), most likely due to the higher number of people in any given city, but should someone griefing or leeching in a PvP arena be able to do the same to a PvE team while he waits for his ban to end?
I haven't gotten a chance to test the system, but this was one issue I wanted to discuss. I am simply waiting on the abuse issue, waiting for the trigger happies to get bored and for real results to show. I'm optimistic.
But that's just my two cents

/edit: ah, bryant beat me to it! Making the debuff obvious to your teammates (perhaps when you join) would be necessary, otherwise it would just punish the people that didn't know or would make griefing easier. If it's obvious you've been debuffed, however, it might ostracize them a bit, i.e. a social timeout because only henchies will take you. Sorry I missed thinking about that part, I'm a little tired...
Bryant Again
In terms of a way to help PvE, it'd be cool if you can see this dishonerable debuff when you click on them, or if it could be something that appears above their heads.
...or does something like that already exist? I haven't had the time to check, PC is down.
...or does something like that already exist? I haven't had the time to check, PC is down.
Originally Posted by Sli Ander
I read through as much of this as I could, so I don't believe this has been mentioned. One thought I had was that if you're banned from PvP, you can't run to play another PvP match, even GvG. There's no place to hide from a ban until it goes away.
But what about PvE? Now I know banning an account completely from PvE isn't reasonable, it would certainly make you lose customers. But what if for certain offences (griefing, leeching) a scaled down version of dishonor points could be applied? What if dishonor points affected PvE'ers in the form of non-removable death penalty (that decayed at a different rate)? It would have to be confined to certain offences (being hit with points for having an obnoxious name wouldn't be a fit 'punishment') I know that PvE reportable offences are all handled by a much slower system of reports (someone, somewhere has to decide whether a name was offensive enough to warrant changing), most likely due to the higher number of people in any given city, but should someone griefing or leeching in a PvP arena be able to do the same to a PvE team while he waits for his ban to end? I haven't gotten a chance to test the system, but this was one issue I wanted to discuss. I am simply waiting on the abuse issue, waiting for the trigger happies to get bored and for real results to show. I'm optimistic. But that's just my two cents ![]() |
Now, you can still report people for leeching/griefing in a PvE mission if I am not mistaken, but there is no solid disciplinary action there as it only applies dishonor points and an eventual removal of PvP priveleges, pointless to a PvE gamer.
I move that the dishonor system apply to all instanced maps. The amount of time you are banned from playing is relatively short and it would be further deterrant from people doing these things in PvE areas did so at the risk of not being able to leave a town/outpost for 10 minutes or more.
Originally Posted by Government Flu
And I occasionally let loose a curse word here and there because it's part of my vocabulary, and in a non-formal social arena, I don't tend to watch my tongue. With the report command, my sense of freedom in speaking feels very censored.
Diddy bow
One change id like to see is if the same person got multiple /repots (from diffrent people ofc) in diffrent games for leeching that could also result in the hex, that means that even if the whole team deosnt report you can still make an impact.
Originally Posted by eazz
..../report followed by a player's name will open a new report dialog panel. From this panel, you can report a chosen player for leeching, botting, spamming, using abusive language, or having an inappropriate character name. Reports will then be relayed and reviewed by the Guild Wars Support team.
1) the first review is done by an idiot.
2) the first review is done by an overworked and underpayed GM
3) the first review is done by someone that hates players, and wants them to suffer
4) the first review is not done by a human person, but by a automatic script, that bans the player
5) the logs are inprecise and full of flaws, but then they should never permanently ban anyone
6) "your explaination"????
They make mistakes when it comes to the most harsh punishment, that is the punishment, where they should check and doublecheck before uttering it. But they don´t. Why do you think they are going to review all the /report incidents????
b) Do you believe that they would mention on their website, that they ban people permanently with a script and with no human person involved?
Originally Posted by Kashrlyyk
a) Then explain to me, please, how it is possible to ban an innocent person? If the very first review of the logs is done by a human person, how can it be that a second review of the very same logs, somehow results in a different conclusion?..
Possibilities: 1) the first review is done by an idiot. 2) the first review is done by an overworked and underpayed GM 3) the first review is done by someone that hates players, and wants them to suffer 4) the first review is not done by a human person, but by a automatic script, that bans the player 5) the logs are inprecise and full of flaws, but then they should never permanently ban anyone 6) "your explaination"???? They make mistakes when it comes to the most harsh punishment, that is the punishment, where they should check and doublecheck before uttering it. But they don´t. Why do you think they are going to review all the /report incidents???? b) Do you believe that they would mention on their website, that they ban people permanently with a script and with no human person involved? |
Why do i think they are going to review all the reports.. because an un-reviewed report does nothing.. its a report system.. its for reporting.. TO someone.. that's what they said they built. Yes. They didn't build a /ban system. They built something to help their GM's help players.. if you think about it.. it's something GMs would logically want.... an 'alert' system for the community to point out trouble makers to investigate.. rather than whatever searching they were doing before.
Answer to b) Yes, if they built an automated system, I think they'd say it was automated.. they told us about loot scaling, they told us about automated tournies, they tell us about auto things. .. If you're just going to assume the first info they told us about the /report system was a lie.. there's no point discussing because you're arguing guesses.
I said this in another post about this issue...
...its better to be doing something then nothing! it mayb not be perfect, but atleast their trying.
Not to mention, if you've done nothing wrong then what are you worried about.
...its better to be doing something then nothing! it mayb not be perfect, but atleast their trying.
Not to mention, if you've done nothing wrong then what are you worried about.
Originally Posted by freekedoutfish
I said this in another post about this issue...
...its better to be doing something then nothing! it mayb not be perfect, but atleast their trying. Not to mention, if you've done nothing wrong then what are you worried about. |
No... they cannot.
Can they do anything to permanently alter another person's game experience against their will?
NO! They cannot.
So where is the need for any such policing system at all?
Originally Posted by SotiCoto
Can characters permanently murder or steal from other characters?
No... they cannot. Can they do anything to permanently alter another person's game experience against their will? NO! They cannot. So where is the need for any such policing system at all? |
As far as the rest I wouldn't know. I don't turn on all chat or go around looking at character names unless I am trying to put a team together.
Originally Posted by kmburton
If you play Fort Aspenwood, AB, or RA you already know the answer to that. It is something that we have asked for for over a year. Leeching and leaving does affect other players. This is the system they came up with and as far as I have experienced it is working. I have had better experiences in both areas since Friday than I have had since Factions came out.
I've played 5v5 in Aspenwood before because both sides had leechers / leavers.
And I didn't find it lowered my ability to enjoy the match at all. It just added an element of uncertainty to it. Sometimes a leecher is better to have than an idiot with an absolutely dysfunctional build running around.
As such... while you might prefer to be without them, I honestly can't see what the problem is myself. I mean if it turns out to be 8v1 and you're the 1.... I can understand how you would feel a bit peeved.... but that just happens sometimes. I've been there too. The other team were all jeering at me to give up, but I refused to... even when everyone else had left.
Likewise I've been on the flipside. I've been on a full team against just ONE remaining Luxon.... and usually commend them for hanging around against the odds.
I've never leeched myself, and "leaving" has only occurred twice due to disconnect and an inability to reconnect.
"Griefing" I'm not so sure about, but I'm fairly sure I've done that though.... My girlfriend and I end up in fits of laughter when I play my "Really a Kurzick" rit on the Luxon side and run around consuming allied spirits and minions, or maintaining Life Attunement at 0 Prot on warriors (not to mention whispering the Kurzick side to let them know whom I serve)... People complained about that, so I told them that if they have issues with my playing the game creatively, that they're more than welcome to do the same right back at me. I'm nothing if not fair in that respect.
Apparently doing that will get me banned now.... o_0;
Guess I'll find some other way to gain the necessary Luxon faction without abandoning my underlying Kurzick support. I am a roleplayer though, and maintaining my alliegance is more important to me than whether people think I'm playing "fairly" or not.