thats very nice Tears.
But (again) the things that "make the grade" in GW remain in the realm of the realizable.
I have much respect for your creativity and the effort you put in presenting your proposals but somehow i think that things like churches or wedding rings just dont go with games like GW.
Dont get me wrong i would love to see a game that encompasses what everyone likes (Massively Multiplayer Online Freeroaming RPG FPS RTS Survival Horror Sffi Fantasy Action GTA style Thief Second Life Sims and all the Other Infinite Kinds of Game) but its not going to happen ....with GW at least.
People that think that "their" idea, be it good or bad, will get "picked" by Anet on some random forum are maybe deluding themselves a little, there is no way to prove that it was "your idea" in the first place and posting an idea on a forum does not make it copyrighted to you in any case.
SS type forums true utility (other than venting of course) lies in:
1. raising awareness of issues and proposing workable solutions not from a developers viewpoint but from the point of THE most capable. The gamers.
Yes those ideas may be hard to implement or program, which may result in them getting pushed back to the end of the queue *unless a dev takes a liking to it, or its essential that it be worked on.
They may on the other hand be relatively easy to put into place but the devs don’t like the idea *where it goes even FURTHER back in the queue (7 h...oh nvm) and sometimes, just sometimes the message gets through and it goes into the game (trade in chat and Party search spring to mind)
What i'm saying is in the end ANYTHING can be programmed, its just a question of time money and most importantly willpower.
Someone posting an idea like wedding rings, emotes etc or an Emo title (sure ill take a pop at me too) are not things that will be decidedly game changing, more than likely they will take up valuable Dev time that could be used for things like Auction Houses or Guild management. But proposing invalid ideas like that and evaluating the impact it has on the community can lead to Devs taking a closer look at the underlying issues that begets those very same proposals.
2. Applying pressure. No matter what the Devs may say, if a good fraction of your FANBASE is stomping on the floor (QQing as some of the less eloquent among us regularly state here) about some issue and various solutions or improvements are proposed (along with a lengthy sometimes ever so lengthy debate on pros and cons from the gamers viewpoint) they will take notice. And that can only be a good thing.
Sardelac Sanitarium Being Un Responded to By Anet
Sleeper Service
Snow Bunny
ANet doesn't listen/respond to Sardelac because 99.9% of the suggestions there are complete trash.
That's why.
That's why.
Sleeper Service
responding and listening are two very different things and they CAN be mutually exclusive. *facepalm
Nevermind fixing the bugs. Give me more storage. I want bigger bags!
Sleeper Service
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
We still appreciate suggestions, even if we are moving to a new game. A good suggestion is a good suggestion, whether it was intended to apply to GW or GW2. So please don't hesitate to continue to share your thoughts, dreams, and visions for the future of Guild Wars.
Originally Posted by Sleeper Service
Gaile has directly responded to the OP. perhaps its time to close this thread before it degenerates further.
I aggee threads can go on too long and there are always fresh threads and ideas out there.
I second the motion to close
All in favor say aye
I'm not even sure keeping this in Riverside was appropriate. It's directed toward the devs but specific about this site. Anyways, my view on Sardelac is much like the Nolani Academy and other forums on this site. It's a place to share ideas, generate feedback, stay connected to the game and dream. I mean... I'd love to see a swashbuckler class to pummel the assassins but... not going to happen. It's fun, it promotes discussion and it's an exhange of ideas.