What if GW required quarters?
You know, just like old times: Insert coin to play.
Every time you log on: One quarter.
Every time you want to enter a RA game: There it goes
Every time you have to use a resurrection shrine: Inert coin.And fast or the time runs out.
I think i would have spend tons.
Why do i make this tread? Because some people don't seem to realize how much gameplay they got for their money.
For a game with 15 bucks a month, it equals spending sixty coins in the arcade. And with sixty coins, you play about one day.
Every time you log on: One quarter.
Every time you want to enter a RA game: There it goes
Every time you have to use a resurrection shrine: Inert coin.And fast or the time runs out.
I think i would have spend tons.
Why do i make this tread? Because some people don't seem to realize how much gameplay they got for their money.
For a game with 15 bucks a month, it equals spending sixty coins in the arcade. And with sixty coins, you play about one day.
Bryant Again
WTB P2P gogogogogo
If it did, then no bank in the world would advance me the credit to play how much I have. hehe.
Heh, that would teach RA leavers.
Psssssssst, hey bud
can ya spare a quarter

That would be interesting... to say the least. You would prolly just do it based on deaths (like any other game) NO RES SHRINES EVER. Hmmm... I just hope A-net doesn't get any funny ideas from this thread.
Terra Xin
well I'm currently paying off lots and lots of bills, so if I would be able to count up the number of quarters I would have spent, I'd have all my stuff repo'd :P
Rushin Roulette
lol, then there would be one title which would really be worth it... Legendary Survivor = AKA the players with money left over
Jongo River
Originally Posted by EPO Bot
For a game with 15 bucks a month, it equals spending sixty coins in the arcade. And with sixty coins, you play about one day.
Buying sequals, OTOH, I almost never do until the sales and I'm usually disappointed (that means you Half-Life 2).
That said, for every game that consumes me, there's 3 or 4 that barely nibbled my attention. So even if I haven't paid Anet for daily satisfaction, I've more than reimbursed the industry.

whos gonna get the quarter if we spent it on a rezz or RA? lol
Wts Quarters
Hmmm.... Deposit.....
Pay 25k to enter PvP zone. Get 25k when match is over. No refund if you leave early....
Might make a better /report system. Like they say - a fool and his money are soon parted.
Hmmm... I just hope A-net doesn't get any funny ideas from this thread. |
Pay 25k to enter PvP zone. Get 25k when match is over. No refund if you leave early....
Might make a better /report system. Like they say - a fool and his money are soon parted.
God... I would have spent over $2000 so far.
I can safely say that i wouldn't waste quarters like that.

Just because we've gotten alot of gameplay for our money doesn't need it to be compared to P2P games. F2P is the Guild Wars business model and it needs no analysis.
And just because we've got a high-profile F2P game as opposed to the lesser known South Korean and Malaysian ones, doesn't mean we should be 'loyal' or be 'grateful' for anything; Anet could have easily charged monthly, but they chose not to. From the interviews I've read, Anet has done marvellously financially.
But as for coins; yeah thats alot of shrapnel to have ready.
And just because we've got a high-profile F2P game as opposed to the lesser known South Korean and Malaysian ones, doesn't mean we should be 'loyal' or be 'grateful' for anything; Anet could have easily charged monthly, but they chose not to. From the interviews I've read, Anet has done marvellously financially.
But as for coins; yeah thats alot of shrapnel to have ready.
Then I woulda picked up WoW lol.
Neo Nugget
lol i would be broke

It wouldn't be coins it would be plastic cards phonebooths can take plastiic now and I see buses using it down the road.It won't just be CCs it will debit cards as well.I now see the US has a 1 dollar coin out.
Originally Posted by Dallcingi
Then I woulda picked up WoW lol.
Diddy bow
i wouldnt have bought it tbh

WTT Aussie Dollars for Quarters!
@Age - The Atlanta mass transit (bus/train) uses a swipe card that is reloaded at station dispensers using debit/credit/cash.
I'd start walking around with my head looking at the ground, need quarters!
Originally Posted by Pickletron
WTT Aussie Dollars for Quarters!
Unkillable Cat
I would be screwed, I havent seen a quarter since I was last in the US a few years ago, and I sure as hell wouldnt want to go back there to get more
Have you ever seen Real Genius, where Val Kilmer cuts a rod of liquid nitrogen to make a coin to get his coffee? Working in a chem lab, I would do something like that. But it wouldn't be with liquid nitrogen. Liquid nitrogen is...well, a liquid

Divinitys Creature
And what kind of nubcake would PAY to go to presearing? What will you ask next? What if you had to pay a quarter each time you use your hammer to bang a nail in? What if you had to pay Microsoft each time you saved something on your Windows PC? We (I for one) didn't pay for a time killer but a fun game actually.
Two April Mornings
Great way to take out the negativity that's been building up lately.
definitely got my money's worth.
definitely got my money's worth.
Lord Sojar
I would smash the arcade machine and get all my money back, then proceed to the next machine and repeat the process.
Kerwyn Nasilan
'omfg Youz Got Legendary Defender Of Ascalon You R Uber Rich!!!!!!!!!
Considering the US$ is dramatically dropping in value against the pound, I wouldn't mind! After all, there's no way they could collect the coins I'd put into the machine is there, as I wouldn't allow them into the house!
Crom The Pale
I'd smell really awful.....2years with out ever doing laundry.....YUCK!!
Hehe, that would be funny.
When you die the words 'insert coin to continue' keep flashing on the screen.
When you are rezed you get a sound effect similar to inserting coins in 80s arcade machines.
When you die the words 'insert coin to continue' keep flashing on the screen.
When you are rezed you get a sound effect similar to inserting coins in 80s arcade machines.
Out of Credits [RaGe]
With my 5000 or so deaths, thats over 1000 bucks 0.0
Eh I'll just d/l an emulator
Eh I'll just d/l an emulator
Originally Posted by EPO Bot
For a game with 15 bucks a month, it equals spending sixty coins in the arcade. And with sixty coins, you play about one day.
Epic FAIL.
Originally Posted by Cacheelma
What is your point here, exactly? To show that 30-day worth of gameplay = 1-day worth of gameplay? How?
Epic FAIL. |
People pay $15 and then scream about how they are getting ripped off, how they own the company, how they are above the publisher, and other godly stuff.
The same amount of money wouldn't last a single day at the arcade. So you're paying 30 times less for GW, than you would for Pacman at the arcade.
Truly, many don't realize what $15 buys.
It would be funny to see MMO crowd use the same complaints against Arcade operators. "OMG THE RED ENGINE MACHINE STOLE MY QUARTER I WANT TO SEE THE MANAGER". Aye, it would be a sight to behold, as the bouncer would respond to these just claims. Not with a ban or nerf stick, but baseball bat.
I think some people pay WAY MORE than 15$ to play some other games, all the while being able to "scream about how they are getting ripped off, how they own the company, how they are above the publisher, and other godly stuff" and demand what they want, and EVENTUALLY GET IT. No "We can't do this" or "We can't do that, we don't have the resource blah blah" excuses either.
With that said, for a game like GW where those excuses exist, I'm not gonna pay a penny after my initial purchase. For some other games, maybe.
I think some people pay WAY MORE than 15$ to play some other games, all the while being able to "scream about how they are getting ripped off, how they own the company, how they are above the publisher, and other godly stuff" and demand what they want, and EVENTUALLY GET IT. No "We can't do this" or "We can't do that, we don't have the resource blah blah" excuses either.
With that said, for a game like GW where those excuses exist, I'm not gonna pay a penny after my initial purchase. For some other games, maybe.
Can I just slide my debit card?

Crom The Pale
10 PS2 games at $59 each = about 1000 hours of play time for $600
All 3 chapters of GW + Expantion = under $200 for 4500 hours played.
Now thats big bang for my bucks.
All 3 chapters of GW + Expantion = under $200 for 4500 hours played.
Now thats big bang for my bucks.
Hmm now how many quarters did i spend on naphui quarter?