Originally Posted by Kakumei
Selling a game is vastly different from running a contest.
They're just doing it to piss off their fans, that must be it. It certainly couldn't be because there are a million different rules and regulations in place in each country, making running one global contest nearly impossible, that's definitely not it.
Nice to see you ignore the point about Haloween. That just blows your argument out the water so you chose to ignore that point.
Lets have a quote form the entery rules from Brand a Boss 2007
"Entries will be accepted from residents of North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau. (US Exceptions: the State of Rhode Island, Guam, Puerto Rico, U.S. territories, military installations and commonwealths. Canadian Exceptions: Quebec.) (Canadian residents will be required to answer an additional mathematical question in order to claim their prize.)"
Now lets see this is virtually the exact same competition other than that this needs you to do something the mini one doesn't.
These competitions are not via magazines or media partners they are in game, and the Brand a boss was available in most of the terretories that the game has been sold to.
Why don't you explain why this miniture competition isn't as widespread rather than coming off with the same lame argument that its regional laws?
Or could it possibly be you don't have a rational argument?
It is also perfectly obvious that these competitions that segregate the gaming population and give prizes to certain areas and no others piss off the players not included. There have been many giveaways/competitions and each one has brought a section of the games population onto forums who are extremely annoyed. Anet knows this, yet they have went ahead with these anyway, First the release of the Grawl a short whiel ago, then the Destroyer, then the European mag give away, and now this north american only competition.
Most of these mini's have been given out to Asia already, which annoyed westerners,
then with the haphazaerd distribution both sides of the Atlantic have been annoyed,
And in all cases Australia and New Zealand have been totally shafted and ignored.
No anet isn't trying to piss off the fanbase, really they thought these promotions would make everyone extatic. If they can't offer the damn things fairly across the board in the same way they handle these other competitions then they shouldn't offer them at all