Hard Mode
King Deviant
Where is all the Hard Mode players? I unlocked hard mode last night and find it great that every monster in the game drops no less than 100 gold practically and the drops are ALOT better than normal, but its hard for most to play through it by themselves and was just wondering if there is a regular group of people around here that go on hard mode on prophecies and does missions or hunting or anything?
Oh and another question i have is does HM also add better drops to chests?
Oh and another question i have is does HM also add better drops to chests?
Effendi Westland
They all completed vanguishing and getting guardian title between when HM was released and when GW:EN came out.
Because of the effort involved very few people aspire to do it on more then one character.
Because of the effort involved very few people aspire to do it on more then one character.
Most hard mode players are in the big PvE guilds. Try the PvE guild recruiting forum. Just the other day I saw big names like Servants of Fortuna [SoF] posting recruiting messages, which means that the heretofore closed guilds are opening up again.
Yes, you have the chance of elite tomes from chests, as well as gold runes and max damage(but unfortunately high) req gold weapons...i guess high req = better in Anet's eyes.
Higher level area, higher level chests, yield higher level drops all around. I'd be pissed to open a locked chest in old ascalon and find an old-ascalon level drop.
Higher level area, higher level chests, yield higher level drops all around. I'd be pissed to open a locked chest in old ascalon and find an old-ascalon level drop.
I also find it really hard to find a HM pick up group with the purpose of doing a mission or vanquishing an area. But if you find a guild focused on that, you're good to go.
Originally Posted by King Deviant
Where is all the Hard Mode players? I unlocked hard mode last night and find it great that every monster in the game drops no less than 100 gold practically and the drops are ALOT better than normal, but its hard for most to play through it by themselves and was just wondering if there is a regular group of people around here that go on hard mode on prophecies and does missions or hunting or anything?
Typically I don't look for PuGs to complete Hard Mode with because there are never any around. If I find I have difficulties with certain missions I put the call out amongst friends etc.. and see if anyone can help. Sometimes I see people advertising for a PuG for certain Hard Mode areas on this forum, and if I need the same thing, I'll often sign up.
I've gone off Hard Mode again for now. It'll probably be some time before I feel like doing much more of it. Just gets so samey.
Hard Mode generally lacks fun.
You're pigeonholed into having to take the most efficient builds possible.
The last time I remember having fun was during the first opening week of Hardmode for prophecies,and completeing the first 3 Ascalonian missions with myself and 3 other monks,two of which were smiting/protection or healing hybrids.
It was awesome.
You're pigeonholed into having to take the most efficient builds possible.
The last time I remember having fun was during the first opening week of Hardmode for prophecies,and completeing the first 3 Ascalonian missions with myself and 3 other monks,two of which were smiting/protection or healing hybrids.
It was awesome.
Originally Posted by Celestial Beaver
I did a lot of Hard Mode in the first few weeks after it was released...sort of burnt out. It got VERY boring after a little while for me. Recently I finally got around to vanquishing the remaining areas of Cantha, and thought I might go on to do Tyrian Guardian...but...I started that...and got bored again.
Typically I don't look for PuGs to complete Hard Mode with because there are never any around. If I find I have difficulties with certain missions I put the call out amongst friends etc.. and see if anyone can help. Sometimes I see people advertising for a PuG for certain Hard Mode areas on this forum, and if I need the same thing, I'll often sign up. I've gone off Hard Mode again for now. It'll probably be some time before I feel like doing much more of it. Just gets so samey. |
I only play with guildmates or heroes in HM because the standard of most pug group's is so bad, I wouldn'tbe surprised if a majority of HM players did the same.
Originally Posted by Whiskeyjack
I only play with guildmates or heroes in HM because the standard of most pug group's is so bad, I wouldn'tbe surprised if a majority of HM players did the same.
Arya Littlefinger
I do hard mode with heroes and hench.
Heroes and hench can do a lot of it, if you are persistent, have the patience to tinker with your builds, approach each area methodically, and go slow.
http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...php?t=10200851 are hero builds by Sab for hard mode that make a good place to start if you happen to have three necromancer heroes. pvxwiki also has a lot of good builds to look at for inspiration.
http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...php?t=10200851 are hero builds by Sab for hard mode that make a good place to start if you happen to have three necromancer heroes. pvxwiki also has a lot of good builds to look at for inspiration.
Heroes are ok in HM with the right builds, henchmen on the other hand are not. I have maybe 4-3 missions left to do in each chapter, just can't be bother to get it done anymore.
Hear hear. In fact I only play with guildmates, buddies or heroes in Normal Mode for the same reason. To find me in a PUG is a rare thing indeed. |
When I PuG HM, I only play the missions, don't vanquish with people that are not on friends list (or guild/alliance/friend of guildie).
People still start playing HM regular, but it's not always easy to find them.
You might check the various HM sign-up threads on forums.
Or just wait in an mission outpost till someone gets there that also wants to play HM (party search still works if you have time to wait).
When you meet a decent player, agree on adding each other to friends list and try to play more together.
The other posibility is joining a decent guild with HM focus.
However, be aware that some have limited recruitment or are demanding.
We, for example, don't recruit (except people that are on friends list) to make sure we can provide the quality we want to deliver to our members.
If you want that, check the recruitment forum for guilds that are currently recruiting.
The thing is, there is no indication of who is in hard mode or not. I mean, a lot of people around you might be in HM, but they will just be H/Hing. The fact that HM can cause "failure" by Death Penalitying out makes doing HM a lot like a mission. Normally, PUGing just to do some quest/kill some stuff isn't a problem, because even if they are terrible, you can res repeatedly and just grind it out.
Hard Mode added an another unnecessary split to players, stretching the player-base even more thin. Any 'surprise' that you see no one is no surprise at all.
Melody Cross
Most of HM (all of GWP) is H/Hable. Even in Factions. I was in the same place as the OP when i did prophecies. No guild, no friends list that wanted to PvE. I had no choice but to do it alone. That didn't stop me; it made it a challenge to figure out the best build for each mission.
Factions and NF, I did get guild help for some of the missions. Was lucky enough to finish NF before they nerfed the Mallyx farm, but that may be one you'll need help on. Vizunah is mad easy with two MMs. 3 is a walk in the park. So its not so much finding a guild in the end as finding one or two players who share your interest (and DLing ventrilo or TS server so you can coordinate faster; VOIP makes thing more fun and the runs much smoother). Thats all you need to build a full team, or sync.
Factions and NF, I did get guild help for some of the missions. Was lucky enough to finish NF before they nerfed the Mallyx farm, but that may be one you'll need help on. Vizunah is mad easy with two MMs. 3 is a walk in the park. So its not so much finding a guild in the end as finding one or two players who share your interest (and DLing ventrilo or TS server so you can coordinate faster; VOIP makes thing more fun and the runs much smoother). Thats all you need to build a full team, or sync.
I know I solo HM I find no need to split my drops with other players.
King Deviant
Thanks guys, i ended up finding a guild with over 80 members that has a good % that do HM!
See you on the field.
See you on the field.
Tahlia Tane
Originally Posted by Theus
Hard Mode generally lacks fun.
You're pigeonholed into having to take the most efficient builds possible. |
*forehead slap*
Originally Posted by Tahlia Tane
So Hard Mode is not fun because it's hard?
*forehead slap* |

Thanks Anet for the purple item from a chest on hard mode ...
I though HM was all gold items?
I though HM was all gold items?
I'll be right here in Hard Mode until I've gotten my titles. Don't know what I'll do then. Hopefully I'll be able to afford a FoW set by then from my earnings 
And HM has NEVER been all gold items.

And HM has NEVER been all gold items.
Originally Posted by ThyNecromancer
Thanks Anet for the purple item from a chest on hard mode ...
I though HM was all gold items? |
Oh well, now people will be HMing in GW:EN. So more people to do it with now.
Originally Posted by makosi
I think he meant that Hard Mode wasn't fun because you are somewhat forced to use certain skills/builds in order to be successful. Your intepretation was a tad skewed.
![]() |
True anonymous, but part of it is that you can't even run certain classes certain places. Want to get an assassin with vanquisher? Good luck surviving the 4 man areas in Ascalon. I'm not saying its impossible. But certain classes (which is different from builds, which can be changed to meet the situation) have only limited uses in certain areas in HM.
hard mode is fun but being so widespread over three chapters, and now gw:en the playerbase is spread thin.
i do two man teams with 6 heroes, with my wife, like some of the other players i cant stand pugs, and dont wish to be in a large guild at the moment, due to title hunting i regularly change our alliance from luxon to kirzick
i do two man teams with 6 heroes, with my wife, like some of the other players i cant stand pugs, and dont wish to be in a large guild at the moment, due to title hunting i regularly change our alliance from luxon to kirzick
But certain classes (which is different from builds, which can be changed to meet the situation) have only limited uses in certain areas in HM. |
It's one of the safest ways to play.
However, the tank/nuker/healer build is very defensive (though defence is centered around one player).
Even a MM is in my opinion a mostly defensive tool (meat shield) that also has the ability to do damage (specially when you add Barbs and/or Mark of Pain).
When playing with a assassin, you might change want to change the team from defensive to offensive.
Instead of balling the enemy around the tank and nuke them, forget nukers and build a team that can take out two targets at once (Ascalon area perspective).
Limited use for some classes in certain areas?
Probably more like limited use for certain classes in certain (the most common) team builds.
I expect that there will be alot of people in GWEN HM. They'll be looking for the best places to farm rep. points and stuff like Destroyer Cores.
HM groups are hard to come by outside of places like Remains, the elite missions, and FoW/UW. I got into 1 in DoA the day I unlocked it but none since then. I'm just going to farm DoA alone or with heroes. I suspect I'm just going to have to ask friends to help me vanquish once they get HM in all the games. I've done a bit already but the small party size in the early areas makes it hard.
HM groups are hard to come by outside of places like Remains, the elite missions, and FoW/UW. I got into 1 in DoA the day I unlocked it but none since then. I'm just going to farm DoA alone or with heroes. I suspect I'm just going to have to ask friends to help me vanquish once they get HM in all the games. I've done a bit already but the small party size in the early areas makes it hard.
Originally Posted by the_jos
Most people know how to play tank/nuker/healer and use some kind of variant to vanquish.
It's one of the safest ways to play. However, the tank/nuker/healer build is very defensive (though defence is centered around one player). Even a MM is in my opinion a mostly defensive tool (meat shield) that also has the ability to do damage (specially when you add Barbs and/or Mark of Pain). When playing with a assassin, you might change want to change the team from defensive to offensive. Instead of balling the enemy around the tank and nuke them, forget nukers and build a team that can take out two targets at once (Ascalon area perspective). Limited use for some classes in certain areas? Probably more like limited use for certain classes in certain (the most common) team builds. |
With enough variation it is possible. Nuking is worthless compared to curses necros thanks to the increase in attack spead in HM. Still, it makes PUGing that much harder. Try explaining to some people in Moddok Caverns that 2 water eles and a crippling shot ranger to deal with the runners for the HM bonus is a good idea. Some people just don't listen and will insist on running SFs.
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
Try explaining to some people in Moddok Caverns that 2 water eles and a crippling shot ranger to deal with the runners for the HM bonus is a good idea. Some people just don't listen and will insist on running SFs.
Try explaining to some people in Moddok Caverns that 2 water eles and a crippling shot ranger to deal with the runners for the HM bonus is a good idea. Some people just don't listen and will insist on running SFs. |
Besides that, PuG and vanquish is a no-go combination for me, except when taking a pug to fill in a spot that can be replaced or even be empty.
PuG and HM, only the easier/shorter missions.
The rest are with guild/alliance/friends.
Count to Potato
You basically have to go with people you understand and like if u want success, unlike HA in which u can get 1-6 fame easily with a PUG, u cant suceed overall with a PUG
Join a 100 man pve guild. Best option. They are usually large, skilled and experienced, because entrance is so difficult. I got lucky, I joined 2 years ago when the guild was only 50 people and pve didn't require such teamwork.
Croco Clouds
HM Snowman Lair is so awesome, lots of monk tome dropping, 4 chest rewards (2 of them as snowman summoner), good for farming alcohol!
Originally Posted by Croco Clouds
HM Snowman Lair is so awesome, lots of monk tome dropping, 4 chest rewards (2 of them as snowman summoner), good for farming alcohol!
There is generally room for mixing it up in Hard Mode. I like to experiment with different builds, but as a primary monk my options are limited.
I'm currently trying to take it easy and get 1 eotn area a day or so now. There's no pressure to doing it fast. Also, after vanquishing Dalada and Grothmar, I can tell you that Charr > Me.
I'm currently trying to take it easy and get 1 eotn area a day or so now. There's no pressure to doing it fast. Also, after vanquishing Dalada and Grothmar, I can tell you that Charr > Me.
Well I did Slavers Exile in HM this weekend and its pretty tough, got unlucky first time when mob spawned on top of us and it was GG, anyway got to Duncan and there were double the popups, double spirits spawning, but NOT double the loot, after beating Duncan I got a r9 Foehammer, 2 onyx gems and a Armor Ramnent, thats 1 more lousy gem than NM, to be honest I feel cheated, I've done Duncan several times and gotten similar loot, so I will never go back, the time is not worth the reward, screw wishing for the Voltaic Spear, Paragons suck anyway, cracked armor on AR... sif.
Originally Posted by snikerz
Well I did Slavers Exile in HM this weekend and its pretty tough, got unlucky first time when mob spawned on top of us and it was GG, anyway got to Duncan and there were double the popups, double spirits spawning, but NOT double the loot, after beating Duncan I got a r9 Foehammer, 2 onyx gems and a Armor Ramnent, thats 1 more lousy gem than NM, to be honest I feel cheated, I've done Duncan several times and gotten similar loot, so I will never go back, the time is not worth the reward, screw wishing for the Voltaic Spear, Paragons suck anyway, cracked armor on AR... sif.
Lawl what? That just means they have similar armour to rangers. How does that make them suck?
Originally Posted by blue.rellik
Lawl what? That just means they have similar armour to rangers. How does that make them suck? |