Save yourselves?
Originally Posted by Eviltwin
Sadly it is true...
What im talking about is Watch Yourself much more better skill than SY now.
Thats a bug and SY should be fixed somehow. You can't just make these claims without backing them up somehow, it makes you look like a troll...
What im talking about is Watch Yourself much more better skill than SY now.
Thats a bug and SY should be fixed somehow. You can't just make these claims without backing them up somehow, it makes you look like a troll...
Dr Strangelove
Eviltwin doesn't know what he's talking about, ignore him.
SY! is godmode.
SY! is godmode.
Luckily save yourselves is not able to be used in pvp, because it would probably be nerfed as an enrg skill with super long incoming...
Blonde Warrior
Save yourself is godly makes H/H vanquishing much easier.
Does enduring harmony extend SY? on P/W? cause it's not targetting a specific ally?
Originally Posted by hurric
Does enduring harmony extend SY?
yes but only for the one under the effect of Enduring Harmony
Marty Silverblade
Originally Posted by hurric
Does enduring harmony extend SY? on P/W? cause it's not targetting a specific ally?
SY will only be extended on the EH target, and 3 seconds + 50% only makes it 4.5 seconds. It's much more useful to just use it on yourself and get another 10 seconds out of FGJ.
Originally Posted by iridescentfyre
Very few people seem to even realize that those Kurzick/Luxon and Sunspear skills exist for some reason. I remember there being explicit update notes mentioning them, so I don't understand the reason why they're so poorly utilized
I think its because of the requierments to get them, I donot PvP and I finished Factions with my 6 characters long before Nightfall came out, so I had done all quests and spent my faction on amber/jade etc...
I held on to getting some of the Kurzick skills untill a month ago when they had double faction from AB battles, I got me the Mesmer, Warrior and Necro skills.
So maybe that is the reason.
As to the OP, I see "save yourselves" used a lot in my guild, its a nice skill. I used it a couple of times but my Kurzick rank is not high to warrant it taking a spot in my skill bar.
That might be another reason.
I held on to getting some of the Kurzick skills untill a month ago when they had double faction from AB battles, I got me the Mesmer, Warrior and Necro skills.
So maybe that is the reason.
As to the OP, I see "save yourselves" used a lot in my guild, its a nice skill. I used it a couple of times but my Kurzick rank is not high to warrant it taking a spot in my skill bar.
That might be another reason.
Even a 3 second SY! is long enough.
King's Spectre
Giving a necro or /necro hero mark of fury is fun too..
i dont go anywhere with SY these days xD even an assassin can "tank" (which is not even needed with passive defense) with the armor buff.. SY Paragon is a must-have in most areas ^^
Marty Silverblade
Originally Posted by Akolo
i dont go anywhere with SY these days xD even an assassin can "tank" (which is not even needed with passive defense) with the armor buff.. SY Paragon is a must-have in most areas ^^
GG on bumping an old thread.
And nothing is required in PvE, hence we have Wammos running Mending and Healing Breeze.
And nothing is required in PvE, hence we have Wammos running Mending and Healing Breeze.
Originally Posted by Age
It's SO MUCH nicer to have to 'grind rep' by mindless.. endless.. redundant.. farming, instead of having an auction system, professions, and strictly rep items you can buy/turn in for rep that don't cost an arm and a leg.
Crom The Pale
To be fair, SS and LB titles are the only real grind.
Faction can be made with AB, and that shouldn't be thought of as a grind.
GWEN points can be amassed from the Hero books/Dungeon books.
The other titles are meaningless unless you personally wish to have them.
ON topic, SY is a great skill, though it seams other classes get just as much use out of it as wars do, maybe more for paragons.
Faction can be made with AB, and that shouldn't be thought of as a grind.
GWEN points can be amassed from the Hero books/Dungeon books.
The other titles are meaningless unless you personally wish to have them.
ON topic, SY is a great skill, though it seams other classes get just as much use out of it as wars do, maybe more for paragons.