It's almost impossible to successfully /report
I notice that many people posting complaints about this system, particularly those who feel they are discriminated against because their "teammates don't like them", also have a posting history on this forum consisting of trashing other people, calling them noobs, and generally being an asshat. Somehow, I'm not surprised they act the same way in game, and can't stand that there are actually consequences for being insulting and treating other people like shit.
This issue really irritates me. In my last game of AB we had 2 leechers. I /reported them and tried to rally enough people to do the same. Only two others reported them. And that's better than most times.
So the result? The leechers got full XP and faction. Myself and the two others who /reported got dishonor points for honorably reporting the leechers!
Anet, please address this issue in some way. The /report system is COMPLETELY unusable in the AB environment.
So the result? The leechers got full XP and faction. Myself and the two others who /reported got dishonor points for honorably reporting the leechers!

Anet, please address this issue in some way. The /report system is COMPLETELY unusable in the AB environment.
How do you report leavers? Today someone leaved at Aspenwood and I couldnt report him, because player is not in the district anymore...

haven't ABed in a long while but i can see how terrible this is. People either have to learn about reporting and see that it will help or the amount of people has to get lowered. If I finally have a tool that can destroy these leechers, I'd wanna be able to use it not run around wildly asking others to help me.
As for leavers, I don't think you can report them. And that is logical because sometimes the power goes out or the person just has to go and it would be unfair to punish them for it as much as you'd punish a true leaver or leech.
As for leavers, I don't think you can report them. And that is logical because sometimes the power goes out or the person just has to go and it would be unfair to punish them for it as much as you'd punish a true leaver or leech.
I think this way is just fine because it is being abused. When i was in an AB (which im sure you know is very hectic), i got reported by a jerk because i didn't heal him... despite him rushing at the army of ele's and sins with the full "Avatar of Balthazar".
This person that reported me had a friend (equally a jerk) who reported me too simply because he was asked to. Luckily he had no more friends and i was let off. Therefore i support Anet's decision to have that report function applying to that number of players
This person that reported me had a friend (equally a jerk) who reported me too simply because he was asked to. Luckily he had no more friends and i was let off. Therefore i support Anet's decision to have that report function applying to that number of players
Originally Posted by Kissa
How do you report leavers? Today someone leaved at Aspenwood and I couldnt report him, because player is not in the district anymore...
![]() |
Frankly it works. You don't need to report leavers if they had a legit reason to leave (work, crying baby, etc). Leavers don't get any rewards. Unless you want them to be banned (which isn't fair for those legit reasons to leave).
Cale Roughstar
There is also one major problem with the report command. Not 10 minutes ago, in Kamadan, I was the victim of a petty scam (only out 20k). I attempted to message him to tell him a) what I think of him, and b) that i was going to report his ass. He was ignoring me. I attempted to report him, but he was no longer in my district, so I could not. Does anyone else see the problem here? Scammers need only switch districts immediately to render the /report command useless.
PLEASE PLEASE make it possible to report people who are not in your district.
Needless to say, I feel pretty stupid to get scammed like that >.<
PLEASE PLEASE make it possible to report people who are not in your district.
Needless to say, I feel pretty stupid to get scammed like that >.<
magi of the light
i completly agree even though i have no idea what im agreeing on
Lord Sojar
Originally Posted by Cale Roughstar
There is also one major problem with the report command. Not 10 minutes ago, in Kamadan, I was the victim of a petty scam (only out 20k). I attempted to message him to tell him a) what I think of him, and b) that i was going to report his ass. He was ignoring me. I attempted to report him, but he was no longer in my district, so I could not. Does anyone else see the problem here? Scammers need only switch districts immediately to render the /report command useless.
PLEASE PLEASE make it possible to report people who are not in your district. Needless to say, I feel pretty stupid to get scammed like that >.< |
ANET needs to make the public more aware of the /report system and how to use it. As they have said themselves, a very small percentage of the GW population actually uses the forums or the wiki.
I was wondering if Anet had any comments about this thread. I still have *never* seen anyone successfully reported in AB and I do about 10 ABs every day. The threshold is way, way too high so it's unusable.
Originally Posted by =HT=Ingram
I think the point is it has to be OBVIOUS to everyone before a report goes through... Not the typical rage report that tend to happen just cause someone does not like what a person is doing.
All that screenshot proved was that they were losing very badly. I commented at the time was he sure that the players were not just new to AB and had no idea what to do. Hell, I have only the vaguest idea what to do in AB.
When I first started playing I was recruited into a guild that called all its members in for a guild battle. They were like level 11. And they were so surprised when the opposing team was all level 20.
Some things you can only learn by doing, and if people are gonna run around screaming "leech" because you aren't killing things fast enough, then nobody is ever gonna learn anything.
One major reason people leech is because they're in a mega-faction guild that has a 10k faction per day requirement. The big guilds that own Factions towns all have requirements like this... A lot of people don't actually want to have to earn that much faction so they leech while mostly afk.
Fril Estelin
Originally Posted by cebalrai
One major reason people leech is because they're in a mega-faction guild that has a 10k faction per day requirement. The big guilds that own Factions towns all have requirements like this... A lot of people don't actually want to have to earn that much faction so they leech while mostly afk.
Until the guy realises he's in a virtual world, where there's only time, his hands moving the mouse and typing, and his feelings!
Just reported a gold seller spammer in Kamadan, hope this will help clean GW.
Originally Posted by Fril Estelin
What a sad life! I imagine myself in their shoes: "Have to get to 10,000, have to help my guild keep this town, will make a lot of money out of this... hush hush ..."
Until the guy realises he's in a virtual world, where there's only time, his hands moving the mouse and typing, and his feelings! Just reported a gold seller spammer in Kamadan, hope this will help clean GW. |
Their efforts to prevent AB leeching have 100% failed. Leeches are around in full force and never get /reported by enough people. And even if they did somehow, they can just rejoin AB again in short measure with no repercussion.
I support anti-leeching measures, but this is a joke. Total failure.
i was in ab the other day and tried to /report a leecher. It said i couldnt report for leeching because i was not in ab....?
Fril Estelin
Originally Posted by Rahja the Thief
ANET needs to make the public more aware of the /report system and how to use it. As they have said themselves, a very small percentage of the GW population actually uses the forums or the wiki.
GG Anet. Now waiting for the "GG GW community"!
Nemo the Capitalist
/repoting is lame anyways
Fril Estelin
Originally Posted by Nemo the Capitalist
/repoting is lame anyways
Seriously, one-liners are really lame.
Originally Posted by Nemo the Capitalist
/repoting is lame anyways
Originally Posted by Nemo the Capitalist
/repoting is lame anyways
Fril Estelin
Originally Posted by TheLichMonky
QFT, I mean what if my power shuts off for a min, or my computer restarts, or my grandma falls and breaks her leg and I go afk... I get reported and banned.... or dishonored If i leave... gg
It'd be great if the community would think more carefully of how it approaches this /report feature, misunderstanding can lead to fear (like above), which can lead to the feature being removed. This is exactly what these lamers want. That or that no one uses it!
A simple anwser would be if someone is declared a leacher once then they have 30 seconds the click a button saying there not leeching, then if they click it the leech report is remembered and with 3 or more (for AB) they are kicked instantley. could be interesting.
Rinadan Farhunt
Well, the idea is admirable, but it doesn't work. AreaNet ned to make it easier to report in AB's, but perhaps to counter the people who report for stupid reasons, if you report X times in an hour then you get dishonourable or a ban? But after reading Gaile's posts, it sounds like AreaNet isn't going to do anything worthwhile...
Dante the Warlord
Well i got my first report today cause i left early... while we were costume brawling and the other team was winning at 17 and we were at 4, comon it was a lost cause! Reporting has its pros and cons, but for leaving early there should be some limits... W/e its only 5 minutes
Originally Posted by Fril Estelin
It is my understanding of the system that you don't get the dishonorable hex after simply one afk, you get points and only after a certain threshold ("ten or more dishonor points" from the official wiki) is reached you get it. And if you play normal for 60 minutes (x5 for leaving penalty?), your dishonor points are removed. In other words, once or twice may be ok, but not doing that regularly (which seems not to be the case for you!).
It'd be great if the community would think more carefully of how it approaches this /report feature, misunderstanding can lead to fear (like above), which can lead to the feature being removed. This is exactly what these lamers want. That or that no one uses it! |
Fril Estelin
Originally Posted by TheLichMonky
Not true, my computer did shut off once and i got that little annoying hex
If you left just once, you get 5 points. Not enough to reach the 10 threshold.
Originally Posted by TheLichMonky
QFT, I mean what if my power shuts off for a min, or my computer restarts, or my grandma falls and breaks her leg and I go afk... I get reported and banned.... or dishonored If i leave... gg
Originally Posted by willypiggy
A simple anwser would be if someone is declared a leacher once then they have 30 seconds the click a button saying there not leeching, then if they click it the leech report is remembered and with 3 or more (for AB) they are kicked instantley. could be interesting.
If 2 or more people report you for leeching, a box appears:
" You have been accused of leeching! To avoid shame and dishonor to your name, click the button below. 3:00 remaining"
If they click the box, no harm no foul. That includes the accusers. They will gain no dishonor points, nor will you. If you fail to click the box you get 5 dishonor points. This can only be used on you (the alleged leecher) once per match.
I think the /report needs a lot of work. Just 10 minutes ago I was Costume Brawling. I had to step away from my computer cause a smoke detector was going off, I came back to let my teammates know this and left the game. I come back, after determining my house wasn't on fire, I have the Hex ban on me. Then in the middle of playing, a breaker blows and shuts down my computer. I come back, another Hex ban. WTF. Now how is this fair?
Thorondor Port
Originally Posted by korcan
doesnt the new /report feature just encourage entire teams of leechers? for ab that is. if the entire team is leeching, no one can be reported, right?
What would they leech then? Nothing?
Logic, please
Fril Estelin
Originally Posted by maximus92
I think the /report needs a lot of work. Just 10 minutes ago I was Costume Brawling. I had to step away from my computer cause a smoke detector was going off, I came back to let my teammates know this and left the game. I come back, after determining my house wasn't on fire, I have the Hex ban on me. Then in the middle of playing, a breaker blows and shuts down my computer. I come back, another Hex ban. WTF. Now how is this fair?
And about the you've-got-30s-to-click-this-window idea, it wouldn't work, leechers would simply wait, click, and the continue leeching. The DCS is a good system, but it suffers from not enough people knowing it exists and too many people not understanding it at the moment.
Dr Strangelove
Originally Posted by maximus92
I think the /report needs a lot of work. Just 10 minutes ago I was Costume Brawling. I had to step away from my computer cause a smoke detector was going off, I came back to let my teammates know this and left the game. I come back, after determining my house wasn't on fire, I have the Hex ban on me. Then in the middle of playing, a breaker blows and shuts down my computer. I come back, another Hex ban. WTF. Now how is this fair?
From the other point of view, how is it fair to all the other players you screwed over because you decided you had better things to do than play with them?
Grasping Darkness
im leeching atm. not because i'd rather leech than play but because im pissed because half my team fails to load before the battle is half way over. i hope they start banning slow loaders as well as leechers because i cant leave or not do anything or i get banned. it's really unfair that i'm forced to stay and play for someone who has inferior equipment.
Fril Estelin
Originally Posted by Grasping Darkness
banning slow loaders
i'm forced to stay and play for someone who has inferior equipment. |
/end flamebait
Originally Posted by Fril Estelin
As I said for TheLichMonky above, leaving only once is not enough to get the hex. Doing it twice is, so maybe it's simply because you didn't know how it worked? Anyway, if you're really not a leecher/bot, you'll loose this points after playing.
It should take into account the amount of time playing without a complaint.
Originally Posted by Dr Strangelove
From the other point of view, how is it fair to all the other players you screwed over because you decided you had better things to do than play with them?
Fril Estelin
Originally Posted by maximus92
The system is flawed.
Dr Strangelove
Originally Posted by maximus92
I think making sure my house wasn't on fire warrants me getting up. Once I determined that it wasn't, only took me a minute, I came back and left an explanation as to why I couldn't continue, which was to fix a faulty fire alarm, which I feel is more important than playing a game. Once I fixed it I was ready to play.
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Dr Strangelove
Stop setting your house on fire THEN play PvP please.
Rinadan Farhunt
Originally Posted by Grasping Darkness
im leeching atm. not because i'd rather leech than play but because im pissed because half my team fails to load before the battle is half way over. i hope they start banning slow loaders as well as leechers because i cant leave or not do anything or i get banned. it's really unfair that i'm forced to stay and play for someone who has inferior equipment.
Originally Posted by maximus92
I think the /report needs a lot of work. Just 10 minutes ago I was Costume Brawling. I had to step away from my computer cause a smoke detector was going off, I came back to let my teammates know this and left the game. I come back, after determining my house wasn't on fire, I have the Hex ban on me. Then in the middle of playing, a breaker blows and shuts down my computer. I come back, another Hex ban. WTF. Now how is this fair?