The "nice drop I got today" thread
Godess Charmaine
blue amor 16 R8 strength ,shadow shield, hp +28,
Gold R9 strenght shadow shield,-2 while enchanted
first time fow with just heros so me thinks cool
Gold R9 strenght shadow shield,-2 while enchanted
first time fow with just heros so me thinks cool
Bright Star Shine
Not to mention that both are completely worthless, but also, a blue shield can't be +28hp. I think the max on blue is like 25...
Enchanted Krystal
I just got 2 x Elite Rit tomes from a chest in Pongmei Valley. And retained the pick, Bazinga!

You know, not everyone cares if their drops are 'worthless'. I've gotten plenty of drops that are things not worth selling but are great for outfitting alt characters and heroes, they still count as nice drops.
yes one mans trash.....
and yes I had another dye day in pre--got silver, green and purple all in one run!
and yes I had another dye day in pre--got silver, green and purple all in one run!
Bright Star Shine
The main point of my post wasn't that they were worthless, cause if I would say that to everything posted on here 50% of the posts would be mine, my point was that +28 on a blue shield can't happen..
Just got an R9 illusion jewelled staff with an inscription slot. I actually gave it to one of my heros to use. This is actually one of the nicest drops i've gotten in a VERY long time. (I always have to save up and buy my cool gear from someone else!)
Enchanted Krystal
+9 demons +29 HP Emblazoned Defender dropped today (for me)
Clan Ta`Lis
Absolute Destiny
Req. 9 Golden Phoenix Blade in Tahnnakai Temple.
Usually I just sell the random golds I get, but damn that sword is pretty!
Usually I just sell the random golds I get, but damn that sword is pretty!
Godess Charmaine
Not to mention that both are completely worthless, but also, a blue shield can't be +28hp. I think the max on blue is like 25...
and someone did say it was worth a little bit cause its max amor and r8
my bad if not
Well, a minor keeper: q9 Icy blade axe. I kinda like the "monomolecular" blade look...
Highlander Of Alba
just gt 3 Black Dyes in Pre over last 2 days
never seem to get many in post
never seem to get many in post
Enchanted Krystal
Seeing as though a blue shield from fow would be non-insc unlike yours which is modded to be perfect yes.
umm my mistake a little its +28hp while in a stance.
and someone did say it was worth a little bit cause its max amor and r8 my bad if not cheers |
Well, a minor keeper: q9 Icy blade axe. I kinda like the "monomolecular" blade look...
hottest axe ever not even lying.
my addition:
sup vigor for some armor i got messing around in the echoval forest.
Horus Moonlight
May not be his/hers.
Bright Star Shine
@Bright Star Shine, Max is 25 for a blue eh? Non-inscribed...different story.
![]() |
And that's why inscriptions are the worst thing that ever happened to GW.. Everything can be perfect now.. Thus making every weapon worthless, since you can mod it however you want it..
Salvaged a Ruby out of a Jeweled Dagger that dropped in today's ZV.
An r9 Zodiac Longbow from Urgoz's end chest.
An r9 Zodiac Longbow from Urgoz's end chest.
Raven Wing
Farming charr in pre with a friend

I let a friend of mine open the Zaishen Chest with my 20 keys (just for the points). Got an Everlasting Automatonic:
I'll try to trade it for Mursaat or Hellhound.
I'll try to trade it for Mursaat or Hellhound.
I got a brown rabbit from one of Nicolas' gifts last night =) Took me six hours to farm the items (drops were NOT happening for me, it was ridiculous lol) so I think the game felt kind of sorry.
Hott Bill
AFK Glint farming. Have gotten 12 so far from glints

My New Name
I got a gold Q9 Shadow Blade. 14^50 mod though.... i don't know if it is worth selling.
Chaos Theory Pvp
Had a 209 Gold coin drop the other night anyone beat that?
Robyn Banks
EL Priest of Balthazar tonic from my 1st ever strongbox. 
@Chaos Theory PvP ~ Checkmate
@Chaos Theory PvP ~ Checkmate

Don't understand why some year six tonics are so valuable. Collector interest and explorable area fun makes sense, but, the novelty is going to wear thin. Must be nice to have stacks of ecto to burn to get it in while it's still new.
Got a req9 Voltaic Spear from the z-chest just now D:
Yeh, and just as End already pointed out, it was a blue shield from FoW... Of course inscr shields are a different story, but you can't get anything higher on even an inscr shield when you id it.. Try finding an inscr blue shield that drops for you with a +30hp mod on it..
And that's why inscriptions are the worst thing that ever happened to GW.. Everything can be perfect now.. Thus making every weapon worthless, since you can mod it however you want it.. |
damn you GW for having such an "unfair" fair system.
I dont think GW is the game for you, so i advise you go play Lotro or WoW and farm those raid armor sets until you turn blue. because that clearly holds more meaning than getting geared up fast, so you can spend your time on things that the game was actually designed for and around.
Gabriel of Ravn
Got a spear last night with furious and enchanting mod on it, was truly an epic drop
Our Virus
EL Automatic. Shoutout to Rh for giving me the couple free zkeys
Got a Ruby while VQing Panjiang Peninsula.
Nothing big but it was the only drop that wasn't completely worthless on an extremely dull and fruitless VQ. God I hate those double monk groups....
Nothing big but it was the only drop that wasn't completely worthless on an extremely dull and fruitless VQ. God I hate those double monk groups....
Mad Gibson