Originally Posted by Spazzer
As for ingame, PvP players are a lot more sociopathic than PvE players. Maybe you should try some cooperative play.
Personally.... I don't tend to bother with e-friends in Guild Wars.
I help people on a semi-regular basis.
I'll team up with less-experienced people to do missions I've already been through, just because they need help.
I'll give random odds and ends to folks if I don't need them (quite regularly if I get things that others might collect and I don't want to collect them myself, I'll go to an appropriate outpost and just give them away at random).
I give any Fiery Dragon Swords I find to new warriors in low-level areas.
I've had various newbs signed up to my Guild for all of a day and given them the 1k they were desperate to "borrow" knowing full well that they'd quit the next day and I'd never get it back.
I've taught people how to FFF with heroes, letting them leech off my efforts, only to have them abuse me and put me on their ignore list.
I've performed countless ferrying and taxi services for no charge whatsoever while others around me were asking Platinum in exchange for the same.
On the whole.... Guild Wars can be a cruel and utterly thankless world of leechers, thieves and exploiters who care about nothing more than taking all they need from the hard work of others without adding any themselves....... But what hope is there of it ever changing if we don't try to set an example and do things the way they should be? When you can genuinely give without expecting anything in return... it starts not to matter so much how others react or respond to it.... and can become a more pleasant surprise when someone DOES actually appreciate it.
If you want E-friends.... I'd recommend looking over the PvE and in-game related areas of these boards and get to know folks there. The PvPers, on the other hand, tend to be aggressive and confrontational for the most part (i.e. I'd recommend avoiding them). But then I suppose when their entertainment demands viewing everyone as the enemy, it is hardly surprising they end up that way.