Playing One Week: Got a Black Dye!
Call me lucky but this is my first week playing GW. I even boguht Factions and Nightfall and love it!
A Charr dropped black dye, and I know enough about the game to know its worth 6 to 8k.
The question is, what should I do? I play a Warrior and have a Necro alt in Nightfall that would love the black dye. But I only have 2.5k so far and the prospects of a big payday are tempting. The black dye does look great testing it on my Warrior's Wyvern armor though.
Help! I guess a vet would keep it but what about a new player? Should I sell it?
A Charr dropped black dye, and I know enough about the game to know its worth 6 to 8k.
The question is, what should I do? I play a Warrior and have a Necro alt in Nightfall that would love the black dye. But I only have 2.5k so far and the prospects of a big payday are tempting. The black dye does look great testing it on my Warrior's Wyvern armor though.
Help! I guess a vet would keep it but what about a new player? Should I sell it?
Sell it, you need the money for your max armor. That stuff costs 1k per piece plus materials.
And, lucky you. It took me a couple months of playing to get my first black dye. Ironically though it was within a week of making my warrior, whom all of my black dyes have dropped for.
And, lucky you. It took me a couple months of playing to get my first black dye. Ironically though it was within a week of making my warrior, whom all of my black dyes have dropped for.
Yeah, definitely sell it. Everyone and his dog has black dye, so you're better off with the money.
Congrats! It took me eight months to get my first black dye.
Personally, I'd sell it for the cash to generate the funds needed to get your armor/weapons taken care of. You'll also need money for skills - especially in Nightfall & factions. Also, the better armor/weapons/skills you have, the faster you'll generate income for the vanity things like black dye. Once you use that dye, you can never recover it, so don't waste in on non-max armor!
Personally, I'd sell it for the cash to generate the funds needed to get your armor/weapons taken care of. You'll also need money for skills - especially in Nightfall & factions. Also, the better armor/weapons/skills you have, the faster you'll generate income for the vanity things like black dye. Once you use that dye, you can never recover it, so don't waste in on non-max armor!
I think this topic belongs in this thread >
- Ganni
- Ganni
Sell, at that point in the game that is fabulously rich. You can pretty much choose your skills, armor, and weapons with little other thought. By the time you will really know if you want to keep an armor or not then black dye isn't *that* expensive and you will most likely choose based on looks anyway.
It isn't enough prestige to be worth it later on and the actual game play help it would give you in the early game is significant.
It isn't enough prestige to be worth it later on and the actual game play help it would give you in the early game is significant.
I miss that old feeling when you first get a good drop.

Socomruled Xi
Originally Posted by Kook~NBK~
Congrats! It took me eight months to get my first black dye.
Personally, I'd sell it for the cash to generate the funds needed to get your armor/weapons taken care of. You'll also need money for skills - especially in Nightfall & factions. Also, the better armor/weapons/skills you have, the faster you'll generate income for the vanity things like black dye. Once you use that dye, you can never recover it, so don't waste in on non-max armor! |
I've had GW for about 29 months now and in total I've found 3 black dyes. :|
Holly Herro
Grats, it took me about 21 months to find my first black dye :\
I'd sell it if I were you.
I'd sell it if I were you.
I've had lots of dyes drop this month (more than my average which is one a day or so)....and even a black and a white this week.......maybe they have upped the % for dye to drop?
So congrats OP, and I go with the crowd and say sell it....some others think that black dye is the ONLY color for armor so there is a buyer/demand out there for it!
So congrats OP, and I go with the crowd and say sell it....some others think that black dye is the ONLY color for armor so there is a buyer/demand out there for it!
You might want to keep it if you like black dye. However, don't use it on your armor atm, waste of 6-8k. That armor will be obsolete in about 3-5 missions and then you can say goodbye to your black dye.
If you really like the colour, keep it and make money in other ways. If you really need the cash, sell it.
If you really like the colour, keep it and make money in other ways. If you really need the cash, sell it.
Approaching my second birthday..have NEVER had a black dye drop (couple of whites tho)
Sell the dye, make some money. Actually, PM me ingame (Dendra The Mighty) and I'll donate a whole bunch of other colours to you. I have heaps of them in storage because you get very little money for selling them.
Sell the dye, make some money. Actually, PM me ingame (Dendra The Mighty) and I'll donate a whole bunch of other colours to you. I have heaps of them in storage because you get very little money for selling them.
I need two more to dye my monk's Labrynthine tats. Haven't seen one drop in a couple months now(for me anyway). Got a white the other day though.
Shadow of Light
My advice? Unless you need money *right* *now*, hold on to it. Sell it when you need to cash in, not before. A lot of skills early in the game you'll learn through quests, so it's a waste to buy them. You'll always be finding better weapons as you progress, and it's not really worth buying armour until you get to Droknar's Forge (by then, so long as you haven't wasted all your gold on female elemtalists and dwarven ale, you should have enough to buy the armour without selling the dye. Collector's armour gets you the rest of the way).
Black dye is nice to have.
Keep it in reserve until you need cash or want to use it on your pretty endgame armour.
Black dye is nice to have.

Yama Sutra
Yesterday , when i was farming destriyer cores with my ele , i got 2 black dyes and 1 white dye .......
So i guess it was my lucky day
So i guess it was my lucky day
Rothen Kithkanan
i would say definately dont use it. I'm guessing that as you've only been playing a week, you dont have max armor. Therefore if you stick your black dye on your current armor its waste. My vote would be to either sell it now, or hold onto it and sell/use later
Originally Posted by donjn
Call me lucky but this is my first week playing GW. I even boguht Factions and Nightfall and love it!
A Charr dropped black dye, and I know enough about the game to know its worth 6 to 8k. The question is, what should I do? I play a Warrior and have a Necro alt in Nightfall that would love the black dye. But I only have 2.5k so far and the prospects of a big payday are tempting. The black dye does look great testing it on my Warrior's Wyvern armor though. Help! I guess a vet would keep it but what about a new player? Should I sell it? |
Put it immediately on your 1.5k pants, especially as you only have 2.5k in your storage.
This makes total sense, it was good that you asked here. Feel free to ask again if similar difficult issues arise. *smacks head against wall*
This makes total sense, it was good that you asked here. Feel free to ask again if similar difficult issues arise. *smacks head against wall*
I used to sell dyes to a regular merchant before I knew that dye traders bought for more than 1 gold. Thankfully I kept the blacks and silvers for personal use, so I only lost maybe a few hundred by selling off some other dyes. This was WAY back so I can't remember just how much they would have been.
The Black Dye Cartel has an NPC that gives out free black dyes in the guild hall.
True story.
True story.
Jongo River
Originally Posted by donjn
The question is, what should I do? I play a Warrior and have a Necro alt in Nightfall that would love the black dye. But I only have 2.5k so far and the prospects of a big payday are tempting. The black dye does look great testing it on my Warrior's Wyvern armor though.
Anyway good find. It was a year before I got my first.
Oh and listen to "Shadow of Light" on buying skills. I've recently had a re-roll and have taken a couple of characters half way through each campaign, buying next to no skills. Whenever you think you might want to buy a skill - look it up on and see if it's available as a Prophecies skill quest or from a Nightfall hero trainer (they train you for free, as well). Get as much as you can for free, before you start buying. Saves a lot of cash, because those skills start to cost 1K each, eventually.
Man some great advice in here.
Well I am going to keep trying to sell it. I have had no buyers yet but I hope I do soon.
Well I am going to keep trying to sell it. I have had no buyers yet but I hope I do soon.
I got two Black Dyes in a single day last Saturday... farming with my Monk. One she got from Gates of Kryta farm... and the other from Corsairs in Zehlon Reach.
It was a crazylucky day for dye.
It was a crazylucky day for dye.
Gratsi, good spot to start making some nice pile of gold there.
There's something magical about getting a black dye, I still go over-aggro everytime I get one.
There's something magical about getting a black dye, I still go over-aggro everytime I get one.
I got my first black dye drop after 27 months and 1050 hours of gameplay. I'm the R10 legendary unlucky grand master. Sell it and buy yourself a nice shiny new armor.
Government Flu
I got a black dye my second day playing Guild Wars. I sold it.
To the merchant.
For 1 gold.

Good times! I really don't mind looking back though. Stuff like that just made the game experience more exciting and genuine...the whole exploration aspect. (For instance, I didn't know the merchant ripped you off on dyes.) As for the OP, congrats on a grade-A drop. You can keep it...depending on the amount of quests and what you do with items such as imperial commendations, you should have more than enough gold for armor and keep the dye too.
To the merchant.
For 1 gold.

Good times! I really don't mind looking back though. Stuff like that just made the game experience more exciting and genuine...the whole exploration aspect. (For instance, I didn't know the merchant ripped you off on dyes.) As for the OP, congrats on a grade-A drop. You can keep it...depending on the amount of quests and what you do with items such as imperial commendations, you should have more than enough gold for armor and keep the dye too.
I gave my 1st black dye away b/c it was clogging up my bag in Pre. >.< I got it my 1st day playing and thinking back I wonder why I didn't just use it on my armor.
Originally Posted by donjn
Man some great advice in here.
Well I am going to keep trying to sell it. I have had no buyers yet but I hope I do soon. |
Time = money, and you should ask yourself if that extra time used to sell to other players is really worth the time you will put in to it.
I recently got a black and white dye on one run farming Elementals on HM. :P
Sell it. You'll be selling that armor soon enough when you can buy some new stuff, so the dye would be a waste on that armor anyways.
I've never had a black dye drop.
I go with the others who say sell it. It could fund max armor on 2 - 3 characters.
Necromancer armor is already mostly black, so its wasted on them. It would be wasted on just about character at this point in your game experience.
I go with the others who say sell it. It could fund max armor on 2 - 3 characters.
Necromancer armor is already mostly black, so its wasted on them. It would be wasted on just about character at this point in your game experience.
Originally Posted by Avarre
The Black Dye Cartel has an NPC that gives out free black dyes in the guild hall.
True story. |

Congratulations on your first black dye drop! 
Personally, I would sell it to a dye trader. The extra cash will come in handy; as you progress through the game, costs start to increase quite a bit so having an extra injection of raw cash now will help set you up for later.
I also don't particularly like black dye on armor. Black dye is very dark and unless you mix it with a lighter colour, it can end up blacking out a lot of detail on your armor. In my opinion, that ruins the visual effect.
Personally, I would sell it to a dye trader. The extra cash will come in handy; as you progress through the game, costs start to increase quite a bit so having an extra injection of raw cash now will help set you up for later.
I also don't particularly like black dye on armor. Black dye is very dark and unless you mix it with a lighter colour, it can end up blacking out a lot of detail on your armor. In my opinion, that ruins the visual effect.
I've been playing for about 5 months now and I got my first (and sofar, only) black dye last month when my account was about 500hrs old. I've yet to pick up a white dye o_0
A fellow guildie was level 5 n00b, just started the game, and picked up 3 black dyes in a matter of minutes... How does this work? lol
A fellow guildie was level 5 n00b, just started the game, and picked up 3 black dyes in a matter of minutes... How does this work? lol
I got my first black dye at level 7 in Pre-Searing. Sold it, and that was my main cash for most of Prophecies. Got another one a year later.
Been farming UW duo, and have gotten 5 in the past 4 days. Go figure.
Been farming UW duo, and have gotten 5 in the past 4 days. Go figure.
My guildy got 2 today whilst farming Foundry. Was much more thrilling than getting Titan gems despite the latter being worth more.
I got one too, in my first day or two of playing GW. I promptly used it on my starter necro gloves. lol
Hey, the merch said it was only worth 1g! *doh*
I got one too, in my first day or two of playing GW. I promptly used it on my starter necro gloves. lol
Hey, the merch said it was only worth 1g! *doh*
Tender Wolf
Congrats! Something similar happened to me. Before I got my own account I played on my (now ex) boyfriend's, and within a couple of days a black, white, or silver (can't remember which one) dye dropped for me. hehe
Dante the Warlord
lol i got my first black dye somewhere during the first month i played on my war. My opinion, sell it!