Originally Posted by TedTheShred
I REALLY like the idea of user generated content. However, that's an idea you really have to take the risk and let it run a lot more free than in the condition you were suggesting.
A lot of what holds back G-Dub from being truly innovative and all that it can be is the depth of which ideas like yours are explored. If user generated content were something to be touched on, it would need to be all out. Limiting the ability to personally build upon the world to simple stories and mission-packs would do more harm than good.
Look at Factions. The idea of Alliances was, though a central part of the game, only really explored to a minimal level. There were no real consequences or gains from the system. The world did not change in any significant way. As a result, the system felt thoroughly lacking and the chapter was considered considerably weaker in comparison by the community.
This is and has been the fundamental flaw of G-Dub in my mind. Many risky and innovative ideas that GW brings to the table are only explored to a superficial level. It puzzles me that the company responsible for a subscription-free MMO in a sea of companies wanting to cash in like WOW would lack either the courage or ability to throw themselves fully into the bold ideas they themselves have discussed.
I'm guessing there had been a limit to what A-Net's financial resources could bare--GW2 will likely have a much larger bankroll. It seems that many features that were not well received back "then", are actually much more fully featured "now"--A Net now having had time to add-to and unravel/rebuild non-functional game mechanics. As well, Factions could only extend as far as it's own campaign; in GW2, different factions will likely encompass the entire game universe. Expansions will simply add to the World, rather than creating a completely new one.
I completely agree with
"Many risky and innovative ideas that GW brings to the table are only explored to a superficial level." As I had discussed in a previous post regarding
Instance Layering. Arena Net has already "touched" upon this concept to some degree, but the potential of this sort of World Structure is limitless. How to save resources, while fully developing an Idea? As a professional who uses CAD I know what it takes to build even the simplest 3D model. Re-skinning and the use of modular elements is the only way this genre can function, WoW has mastered redundant content, creating the illusion of "new content". But consider how often A-Net reuses one of the most difficult to construct, important, beautiful element in GWs -- Levels/Maps/Instances. An instance gets reused maybe once, twice at most. All that hard work building beautiful environments only to have players run right through to the next outpost. . .
With a Persistent World comprising of seamless Zones/areas, there is the potential to create instances of these Zones then re-tool with global events, entirely different set of objectives, entirely different creature set; different in every way: day/night, winter/summer, past/present, player-character/NPC . . .
A beautifully constructed Persistent World with zones/areas can use these zones/areas for dozens and dozens of
instanced layers, (various reflections of the same, persistent area) that keep reaching deeper and deeper into lore;
Instanced Layers that add new, deeper meaning, behold new even larger instances (leading to Persistent World Unlocks). All of this could give re-usability a whole new meaning. Many of these Layered Areas could be set up dynamically, to provide a completely different random experience for players. They could also be used as a
Base Canvas for User Created Content.
If A Net gets the Technology and World design right, there is absolutely no reason a GW2 player should ever see a loading screen between these instances; Zoning-in could be virtually
"Seamless". A simple example: Enter a house and accept a quest from an NPC, and as you leave the house and pass through the door, the world outside has completely changed, presto--the five seconds you were descending the flight of stairs and walking through the kitchen to the back door the new Instance elements replace the old ones (unobserved by you). If you are in a party and accept a quest that requires seamless zoning, but your party members are spread over the zone .. . again many many ways to handle seamless zoning: require the party to meet at quest giver, or just have one instance fade to another. For those standing in the Persistent Zone entering the new instance--critters, non-party players fade-out, new critters and conditions fade in . . .. etc. etc. Just work with/explore a simple program such as Flash for endless ideas on instance and layer dynamics.
Evolution of Instancing is intuitively obvious, lets just hope the resources are there to make it happen, and not just "Touched upon superficially".
Arena Net has only hinted at many new, inovative ideas . Lets all hope they get a chance to fully explore them with GW2.