GW's graphics are just fine, better than almost any other game I've seen, and remarkable in how good they look for minimal system requirements. As a 3D programmer myself, I'm impressed by what ANet's programmers have accomplished.
My only wish for GW2 is that they avoid the most horrible graphical error of all time: Oblivion's mammal-breasted lizards. I could not finish Oblivion because my iguana kept sRED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing behind my back.
Edit: Oh that's downright silly! I put in the word s-n-i-c-k-e-r-i-n-g, and the stupid site change it to the "GO RED ENGINE" stuff. Since when is "nicker" a dirty word? Lord, what times we live in...
Difference of Graphics Discussion
Phoenix Tears
If now ornate, ceremonial or absolutel common and normal looking is somewhat of regardless, the point is, weapons in a fantasy game should look more fantasy like, like stuff from L2, so more powerful the weapons become, until they reach max damage, what doesn't mean, that there shouldn#t exist like in the GW system also absolute common weapons, which look borign and like absolute real weapon,s with the same strength, like the uber mighty lookinganimated white/red/ whatever color glowing (call up effect you want) light. But in the end it would be ever , like ever the player, which has the pain of choice, if he'she prefers more looking like somethign total realistic, or if you like it more, looking like an mighty hero with speacial looking cool animated hero weapons, ehich such siomilar light efffects, like those weapons in L2
I would find it awesome, when there would exist in GW2 a Weapon refine System, like in L2, with the exception that there should not exists such a dumb freaking senseless chance for weapon breaking, what makes out of the whole thing only a dumb grind fest.
Refining from level to level should be 100% chance, but for higher levels, the player would have to pay for example more money or has to fullfill certain special quests and so on, anything, but please hell no weapon break chance with chances far under 10% to reach max level for your item, just for having a perfect glow light effect, resulting in senselees mass item farming and waste of money for refining.
This was also one big failure still for example in the weapon refine system of Ragnarok Online ... there you could refine your stuff 10 times, but the chance for a successful +10 best weapon is so extreme low on normal official servers, that it is near impossible to get there a +10 Lvl 4 weapon, resulting only in much wasting of time and ingame money making out of the refine system onkly ONE big grind fest for equipments. that system implemente in GW2 with an improved concept behind it, inspired by awesome weapon effects that make not the weapon more strogne,r but just let them look cooler would be awesome for GW2.
players which prefer then simple realistic looking stuff, simple don#t refine their weapons, and people, which want to look really mighty with their equipments with weapons and armors, that have a much strogner touch of fantasy, they refine then their stuff. The result is then:
wanting to look like an mighty hero gets prestige, but prestige, that forces no one to follow, prestige, thats only followed by the taste of everyone themself what you prefer more...realism or fantasy ...
Yeah, as I said, every game has its exceptions and exceptions confirm the rules. Thats one of the less shields in GW, which show imo really some form of Detail. This one for example really shows the improvement of graphics from the old 3 Campaigns to EotN...
My thread started as a simple comparison of detail grades between two different games, nothign other. I never said exactly, that GW2 should become something like a L2 Clone in kind of graphics...
it would be only nice, when Anet would get a bit inspired by the Equipment(Weapons&Armors)- and Character-Design of L2 and so giving the game more a touch of a fantasy game, what GW2 will be in the end still and no realism simulation. The player in GW2 should simple have more choices in decision, how their characters should look and this choice of decision should have imo only an increased bandwith from "evil villain" " further to "realism fan" up to "good hero".
Thats one point, much players of GW have ever complained about, that you have in GW absolutely no choices, you get enforced to look ever like a good guy...even evil classes, like necromancers are engraved with this invisible stamp of looking like good guys and not beign evil...
Who cares, if someone skips it, only because someone didn't likes GW2, Hundreds of thousands up to several millions of players will do, so why should Anet care, if they lose 1 player... Anet has ever stated, that they don't care, if people will stop playing their game, when people do it, cause they don't like changes, Anet made. they don't can create a game, that EVERYONE will love, there will be ever people, which will stop playing something, cause they dislike certain game changes ... and ? thats life, thats normal, get over it
i never said, that the design of GW's warriors is "childish", but I say, it looks silly. it lets look male warriors not realistic imo. They look only like armored cupboards !!
i miss in GW the option for Warriors, to decide, if i want look more like a cupboard, or more agile and more like a light warrior, then a heavy warrior, thats a DIFFERENCE...and in GW, male warriors look all ONLY EVER like heavy warriors.
Compare the appearance of a L2 warrior with a GW warrior, and you will understand, what i mean.
signed XD i agree with you. GW2 should have something in its Equipment Design and in the System around al that something, that has something for everyones taste, for the ones, that prefer realism, and for the ones, which are more old school and prefer to look mighty with a big touch of fantasy ^^
Would be really nice, hope that too.
I find the graphic settings in GW imo very odd, we should have more choices, which grades of detail we want to use, and how much the G-Card should work to increase the quality of the details shown ingame with constant FPS flow
Originally Posted by lyra_song
Phoenix have you actually handled any real weapons?
.-. Ornate weapons are only for ornamental or ceremonial purposes. In fact, to me, the fancier looking a weapon, the weaker it seems. If you have ornate adornments, and fancy non-functional garbage on a sword, it begins to weigh more. It throws the balance off. This sword's guard would require either casting or stamping, resulting in a weaker shape and I would bet, fracture easily. |
I would find it awesome, when there would exist in GW2 a Weapon refine System, like in L2, with the exception that there should not exists such a dumb freaking senseless chance for weapon breaking, what makes out of the whole thing only a dumb grind fest.
Refining from level to level should be 100% chance, but for higher levels, the player would have to pay for example more money or has to fullfill certain special quests and so on, anything, but please hell no weapon break chance with chances far under 10% to reach max level for your item, just for having a perfect glow light effect, resulting in senselees mass item farming and waste of money for refining.
This was also one big failure still for example in the weapon refine system of Ragnarok Online ... there you could refine your stuff 10 times, but the chance for a successful +10 best weapon is so extreme low on normal official servers, that it is near impossible to get there a +10 Lvl 4 weapon, resulting only in much wasting of time and ingame money making out of the refine system onkly ONE big grind fest for equipments. that system implemente in GW2 with an improved concept behind it, inspired by awesome weapon effects that make not the weapon more strogne,r but just let them look cooler would be awesome for GW2.
players which prefer then simple realistic looking stuff, simple don#t refine their weapons, and people, which want to look really mighty with their equipments with weapons and armors, that have a much strogner touch of fantasy, they refine then their stuff. The result is then:
wanting to look like an mighty hero gets prestige, but prestige, that forces no one to follow, prestige, thats only followed by the taste of everyone themself what you prefer more...realism or fantasy ...
Originally Posted by Bryant Again
The only thing I wish GW graphics had is the same awesome shading they put on the rest of the weapons, most being the destroyer set.
And you want detail? Look at THIS bad boy! This too has some really kick-ass shading effects to it: |
Originally Posted by Sleeper Service
This thread started off as a "look GW graphics suck compared to L2 (i hope GW2 graphics are like L2 undercurrent)."
Case in point L2. it LOOKS awesome. if you see it from screenshot. |
it would be only nice, when Anet would get a bit inspired by the Equipment(Weapons&Armors)- and Character-Design of L2 and so giving the game more a touch of a fantasy game, what GW2 will be in the end still and no realism simulation. The player in GW2 should simple have more choices in decision, how their characters should look and this choice of decision should have imo only an increased bandwith from "evil villain" " further to "realism fan" up to "good hero".
Thats one point, much players of GW have ever complained about, that you have in GW absolutely no choices, you get enforced to look ever like a good guy...even evil classes, like necromancers are engraved with this invisible stamp of looking like good guys and not beign evil...
Originally Posted by N E D M
This is absurd - If weapons are this cartoonish and dumb in GW2 im skipping it!
Ummmm Guild Wars warriors are childish in design? This warrior looks like it was designed by a seven year old. I prefer a weapon that is capable of actually being lifted off the ground without a crane. |
i never said, that the design of GW's warriors is "childish", but I say, it looks silly. it lets look male warriors not realistic imo. They look only like armored cupboards !!
i miss in GW the option for Warriors, to decide, if i want look more like a cupboard, or more agile and more like a light warrior, then a heavy warrior, thats a DIFFERENCE...and in GW, male warriors look all ONLY EVER like heavy warriors.
Compare the appearance of a L2 warrior with a GW warrior, and you will understand, what i mean.
Originally Posted by Crom The Pale
While I do love the look of GW, when it comes to weapons and armor I was hoping for somthing BIGGER....
Lets hope that GW2 will have something to keep all of us happy, practical armor and giant weapons ![]() |
Originally Posted by Karyuu
Guild Wars characters have around 2,500 polygons, and that's a pretty good number for an MMO. The game also makes use of adaptive distance, so things far off start to lose some geometry for you to run the application better: trees become billboards, character features shrink down a bit, etc. It's a very smart choice.
Perhaps what we should be hoping for are more options for graphical settings - still allow fairly lag-free and smooth gameplay, but also offer the choice to truly increase your settings and make your machine huff and puff if you so desire. |
I find the graphic settings in GW imo very odd, we should have more choices, which grades of detail we want to use, and how much the G-Card should work to increase the quality of the details shown ingame with constant FPS flow
Less political crap about who invaded who.
To avoid politics I didn't say anything more than that they happened. Which is no different from saying "the US Civil War was from 1861 to 1865 and the North won," or "Germany was on the side of the aggressor in both 20th-century world wars." Not the politics, just the history part. There is no dispute in Asia over the parts I stated - that the events happened. That part is a-political.
Note on GW warriors: All that heavy armor some of the males have is very unreal. Its the kind of armor you wear when mounted or fighting stationary, and you pray you don't get stuck off mount for long. The way warriors work in GW, they should all be in leather and chain, and not the San Francisco kind... :P
By contrast, the bikinis of female warriors are unreal on the opposite end of the spectrum.
Oddly, gladiator armor might actually be fitting for at least the arenas - Rome used to force people to wear such impractical armor just because it looked better...
To avoid politics I didn't say anything more than that they happened. Which is no different from saying "the US Civil War was from 1861 to 1865 and the North won," or "Germany was on the side of the aggressor in both 20th-century world wars." Not the politics, just the history part. There is no dispute in Asia over the parts I stated - that the events happened. That part is a-political.
Note on GW warriors: All that heavy armor some of the males have is very unreal. Its the kind of armor you wear when mounted or fighting stationary, and you pray you don't get stuck off mount for long. The way warriors work in GW, they should all be in leather and chain, and not the San Francisco kind... :P
By contrast, the bikinis of female warriors are unreal on the opposite end of the spectrum.
Oddly, gladiator armor might actually be fitting for at least the arenas - Rome used to force people to wear such impractical armor just because it looked better...