A chance to acquire 1 hat through long hard quests.
I am sure some of you have thought of one holiday hat that you missed out on that you really really wish you had.
My suggestion is that on a holiday or something. There is a long master's quest that when you complete the long list of it, you get to choose 1 old holiday hat as a reward. Quest doesn't need to be repeatable and could just be 1 per account.
I know gaile and them have said that they can't give us a hat from older holidays. But this would be like giving those who really really want one a chance to complete some serious hard quests inorder to obtain it.
I missed out on a witch hat last year because my preorder got here late. Not my fault yet I still missed out. I would really like to be able to get one.
I know some people will say tough luck, but this would only get you 1 hat, not like you could repeat it 10x and get any holiday hat you ever missed. Just a chance to get 1 you really liked and missed out on.
Note I don't want this to become something like "spend 2k get a free hat". I want to give a chance for the people who loved a hat and for some reason was unable to attain it. I want them to be able to spend quite a bit of time and hard work to get 1 hat that they enjoyed and wish they had.
You could even re-name the hat and make it be a fake version or something. "Immitation witch hat" but make it look the same. This idea came from the other thread about buying them except the hat would look different (which I personally wouldn't enjoy). So I changed it to just be named differently but still look the same.
My suggestion is that on a holiday or something. There is a long master's quest that when you complete the long list of it, you get to choose 1 old holiday hat as a reward. Quest doesn't need to be repeatable and could just be 1 per account.
I know gaile and them have said that they can't give us a hat from older holidays. But this would be like giving those who really really want one a chance to complete some serious hard quests inorder to obtain it.
I missed out on a witch hat last year because my preorder got here late. Not my fault yet I still missed out. I would really like to be able to get one.
I know some people will say tough luck, but this would only get you 1 hat, not like you could repeat it 10x and get any holiday hat you ever missed. Just a chance to get 1 you really liked and missed out on.
Note I don't want this to become something like "spend 2k get a free hat". I want to give a chance for the people who loved a hat and for some reason was unable to attain it. I want them to be able to spend quite a bit of time and hard work to get 1 hat that they enjoyed and wish they had.
You could even re-name the hat and make it be a fake version or something. "Immitation witch hat" but make it look the same. This idea came from the other thread about buying them except the hat would look different (which I personally wouldn't enjoy). So I changed it to just be named differently but still look the same.
I agree on this one. As long as it is only one per account I'm fine with that.
Gaile Gray
I want to say that as a player, I disagree with this request. Whether it's "one per account" or not, it reduces the coolness factor of having "been there and done that" for the events. Some people make a lot of extraordinary effort to attend the event. Suddenly, that doesn't matter, you can do a quest, years later, and appear to have veterancy you do not, or appear to have been where you were not.
I know that this opinion may sound harsh or ungiving, and I don't want to give that impression. I'm truly sorry that not everyone was able to attend. I'm sorry that some bought the game later. But the hats are part of the experience, and making them available by other means is hardly any more reasonable than just selling them in the in-game store, which we have said we will never do. As we have said we will never sell the Collector's Edition emotes, but which we're asked to do daily.
Again, I'm very sorry that people missed getting the earlier items, and I do apprecaite that this may have happened for any number of reasons. My own opinions notwithstanding, I certainly will relay this request. Maybe the designers will implement this idea, but I rather suspect that they will not, for the reasons I've mentioned above.
I know that this opinion may sound harsh or ungiving, and I don't want to give that impression. I'm truly sorry that not everyone was able to attend. I'm sorry that some bought the game later. But the hats are part of the experience, and making them available by other means is hardly any more reasonable than just selling them in the in-game store, which we have said we will never do. As we have said we will never sell the Collector's Edition emotes, but which we're asked to do daily.
Again, I'm very sorry that people missed getting the earlier items, and I do apprecaite that this may have happened for any number of reasons. My own opinions notwithstanding, I certainly will relay this request. Maybe the designers will implement this idea, but I rather suspect that they will not, for the reasons I've mentioned above.
Rinadan Farhunt
Er, yes, the been there, done that feel of having got X number of each hat and then sold them so people could show them to hat maker! Note that I've never actually done that, just an example... Still, I think its a good idea. I lost my pumpkin hat somehow, and I'd really like another one (before anyone says anything, it was BEFORE the hat guy arrived).And I'm hardly going to feel bad if someone who hadn't been there tonight is wandering around with one of the hats...
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
I want to say that as a player, I disagree with this request. Whether it's "one per account" or not, it reduces the coolness factor of having "been there and done that" for the events. Some people make a lot of extraordinary effort to attend the event. Suddenly, that doesn't matter, you can do a quest, years later, and appear to have veterancy you do not, or appear to have been where you were not.
I know that this opinion may sound harsh or ungiving, and I don't want to give that impression. I'm truly sorry that not everyone was able to attend. I'm sorry that some bought the game later. But the hats are part of the experience, and making them available by other means is hardly any more reasonable than just selling them in the in-game store, which we have said we will never do. As we have said we will never sell the Collector's Edition emotes, but which we're asked to do daily. Again, I'm very sorry that people missed getting the earlier items, and I do apprecaite that this may have happened for any number of reasons. My own opinions notwithstanding, I certainly will relay this request. Maybe the designers will implement this idea, but I rather suspect that they will not, for the reasons I've mentioned above. |
If everything in the world went right, many of the people who missed an event because of mail delays wouldn't be coming up with these suggestions.
It still keeps the coolness factor as you seem to put it. But it gives us the fairness factor that some if not most of us were cheated out of an opportunity.
I personally went to every event except this one. Me and my girlfriend would do quite a bit of work getting multiple hats for our chars each and every event.
We preordered nightfall the same day, and I didn't get mine until after the event. You can see how it is a bit unfair to blame us for "not showing up" to a place where I was physically unable to go. I had no other way of getting the hat unless I paid twice for another online copy of nightfall inorder to get to the town I had to go to.
It would of been different if we were able to get the same hat in lion's arch or even in kamadan for 2-3 days after the event.
I am trying to say the "coolness factor" is great and all and the hats still are special. But because some people got cheated out of a fair chance to get the hat, it does not seem to just say "neener neener" and say that the hats wouldn't be special any more.
That would be like saying, here everyone you get a free minipet if you go out on this day and buy this magazine. Well if someone bought the magazine and it shipped a day or 2 late and because of that the minipet code no longer worked, tough luck for you.
I honestly understand how most people are against the idea of giving out a special "one time only thing" but their should of been a backup plan for stuff that is out of the user's control back when the events/ way hats were given out from the beginning. Even the dragon festival let people get hats after the event was over for a week or so?
Hopefully I don't come off rude or anything I have the most respect for everyone and understand that you deal with a lot of issues.
I just feel that the players should not be punished for things that were not in their control. That it would be nice if a.net could implement a way for us to atleast just get another chance at 1 hat, that some players were cheated out of their chance.
Might I add one last thing to this.
You can't tell us that it's our own fault for not putting the effort into making it to the event, when most of us put more effort into preordering this game and all because it got here late we miss out on something. I personally believe that you should of released the game a bit early, or given maybe 2 events to kamadan considering how close the release date was with the event.
If their would of been a day say, november 5th or something where players could get the hat no extra items no nothing. That would of been a better fix to this situation.
So, very sorry that you think we were lazy and just want our free cookie. But some of us just got the short end of the stick because of some poor planning.
I don't see how letting each account be able to acquire 1 of the older hats (with a new fake name or something) will ruin the coolness factor and make the "veterans feel worse".
With making a fake imposter hat name, it would show we didn't get the original to other people if we showed in trade screen.
I just want to say if anyone here preordered Nightfall and you waited and waited for it to come and it came after a special event where you missed out on a one time shot. Wouldn't you feel like you were cheated and that you deserved a chance to get something that should of been yours in the first place?
Shiishii Momo
Mercenary, you gotta get over it, bra. I did get a witch hat last year, and in a space crunch deleted it before I knew about the festival hat bra. I am pissed about it, but oh well. As Gwen, I mean Gaile, has already said (numerous times) festival hats are a one shot deal, either you get one or you don't. Don't keep beating yourself up over it.
Originally Posted by MercenaryKnight
The only thing I can say about your opinion. Is that their are people who were cheated out of their hats. I don't believe the people can be held responsible for people receiving their game a day or 2 after the event had finished.
If everything in the world went right, many of the people who missed an event because of mail delays wouldn't be coming up with these suggestions. |
I'm sorry, but sometimes you just have to step on some peoples toes.
You could have made a new witch hat instead of those ugly masks (which also not suit a female character AT ALL)!!
we've had pumpkins 2 years in a row anyway
we've had pumpkins 2 years in a row anyway
Rinadan Farhunt
Lets all accept that we won't get our pumpkins. I realise I may be the only one who wanted a pumpkin, but I feel sorry for every one who has no pumpkin. Pumpkins are the best thing in the game, with out them, life as no meaning

Only reason I bothered posting this suggestion is because they could make it a one time deal to get a single hat that you may of trashed, or not been able to get. Thus it wouldn't flood the game with every hat anyone ever missed.
In my opinion, it doesn't seem like that big of a deal if they only let you get a single hat from the past with a new fake name or something to show that it isn't from the event, but instead an imitation or copy.
I don't see how it could ruin everyone else's hats because we get a fake imitation witch hat or pumpkin hat for a lot of hard work through some quests or maybe having to collect stuff to craft it. 5-10k + xx materials or what not. Even if it was able to be craftable you'd have to decide 1 and only 1 hat to craft so it'd still balance it out.
In my opinion, it doesn't seem like that big of a deal if they only let you get a single hat from the past with a new fake name or something to show that it isn't from the event, but instead an imitation or copy.
I don't see how it could ruin everyone else's hats because we get a fake imitation witch hat or pumpkin hat for a lot of hard work through some quests or maybe having to collect stuff to craft it. 5-10k + xx materials or what not. Even if it was able to be craftable you'd have to decide 1 and only 1 hat to craft so it'd still balance it out.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
it reduces the coolness factor of having "been there and done that" for the events. Some people make a lot of extraordinary effort to attend the event
yeah,the whoel one day thing maybe be a bit annoying maybe like 3 days later max you can excange orr tokens or somthing like that.
MY comp was broken for last 3 weeks, went into and by luck logged on when the event was on, just a min before he came,wasn't sure about the timetables^^, got my scarecrow hat, then changed to kamadan and the first district i went to was still on, so i stayed there adn got my mummy mask (tought there was a 1 hat per hour cap,this was just out of hope,as i only had an hour in town), so i was pretty happy,should have comp back in a day or 2 but if i missed the event i would be angry because of limits due to no fault of my own.
so maybe a 1-3 day after event exchange maybe?
jsut a suggestion.
i do not think you should be able to get masks form quests or befoer your time playing as it is unique.
One last idea for this could also be if you added the key before or up to say a week after the event. You could get a hat. That would cut down on the people who bought nightfall months later and the people who went out and bought it/ got it mailed later than the event?
That would give the legit people who did not get a chance to get the hat still get one, and i'm fairly certain that they could tell when you added a key to your account. So their would be no way to lie and fake your way out of it.
This way, you would get a hat if it was legitly mailed late or you were unable to go out and find it in a store by the event or for whatever reason.
This could work for just about every hat. If you bought prophecies like before the event/ up to a week after the event you could still get a pumpkin hat.
Tengu hat wouldn't be available as that was a bit different in you had to of specially pre-ordered. But that could work for other special event hats.
That would give the legit people who did not get a chance to get the hat still get one, and i'm fairly certain that they could tell when you added a key to your account. So their would be no way to lie and fake your way out of it.
This way, you would get a hat if it was legitly mailed late or you were unable to go out and find it in a store by the event or for whatever reason.
This could work for just about every hat. If you bought prophecies like before the event/ up to a week after the event you could still get a pumpkin hat.
Tengu hat wouldn't be available as that was a bit different in you had to of specially pre-ordered. But that could work for other special event hats.
I've missed lots of hats I'd love to have, (I wasn't even aware of the hat give away and quested right through it on the first Wintersday, was out of town for Halloween last year) but I have to agree that it should be a one shot deal. Now, some unique (new) hat being available through long and difficult questing, that idea has some merit.
princess of teddys
aww well if u didnt get a hat then wait till next yr to brag. Im srry but all my ToT bags are for prizes for gh

I would also like to note that anet changed the amount of hats that were in the game. By adding the festival hat maker so any character on your account could have the hat as long as you unlocked it.
Meanwhile I had to do a lot of work to get hats for the few main chars I liked.(back before the hat maker) So it is possible to argue that you gave everyone a hat as long as they got one. Meanwhile the few of us who attended multiple timings to get the multiple hats didn't go around complaining. You could say that the other characters didn't attend the event so why should they of gotten hats?
I mean I appreciated it, but this doesn't seem too far off from the fact that you "ruined the coolness" by giving 8-10 more hats just for 1 hat that you got.
I don't see how letting everyone get 1 hat they really wanted can ruin everything. It isn't like your giving every single player every hat ever and the possibility to always get it even if you miss events. Your just giving them one chance to get a hat they missed out on. Thus it doesn't ruin the "limited quantity/ coolness" Especially if you name them "cheap wicket hat" or "Imitation wicked hat" or whatever.
Meanwhile I had to do a lot of work to get hats for the few main chars I liked.(back before the hat maker) So it is possible to argue that you gave everyone a hat as long as they got one. Meanwhile the few of us who attended multiple timings to get the multiple hats didn't go around complaining. You could say that the other characters didn't attend the event so why should they of gotten hats?
I mean I appreciated it, but this doesn't seem too far off from the fact that you "ruined the coolness" by giving 8-10 more hats just for 1 hat that you got.
I don't see how letting everyone get 1 hat they really wanted can ruin everything. It isn't like your giving every single player every hat ever and the possibility to always get it even if you miss events. Your just giving them one chance to get a hat they missed out on. Thus it doesn't ruin the "limited quantity/ coolness" Especially if you name them "cheap wicket hat" or "Imitation wicked hat" or whatever.
I Phoenix I
It's simple, once people get one hat, they'll be whining for more.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
I want to say that as a player, I disagree with this request. Whether it's "one per account" or not, it reduces the coolness factor of having "been there and done that" for the events. Some people make a lot of extraordinary effort to attend the event. Suddenly, that doesn't matter, you can do a quest, years later, and appear to have veterancy you do not, or appear to have been where you were not.
I know that this opinion may sound harsh or ungiving, and I don't want to give that impression. I'm truly sorry that not everyone was able to attend. I'm sorry that some bought the game later. But the hats are part of the experience, and making them available by other means is hardly any more reasonable than just selling them in the in-game store, which we have said we will never do. As we have said we will never sell the Collector's Edition emotes, but which we're asked to do daily. Again, I'm very sorry that people missed getting the earlier items, and I do apprecaite that this may have happened for any number of reasons. My own opinions notwithstanding, I certainly will relay this request. Maybe the designers will implement this idea, but I rather suspect that they will not, for the reasons I've mentioned above. |
it would be nice if they could have an option to get it but your account had to be created on or before that event took place to be able to get a hat. that way for most the coolness factor is still there but they deleted to save room since there wasn't as much inventory room as there is now :/
I Phoenix I
It's not ANet's fault that your preorder came late...
You could've just gone to a store or buy the game from the online GW Store...
ANet provided an alternative, and it's just your fault that you decided to take a different path.
You could've just gone to a store or buy the game from the online GW Store...
ANet provided an alternative, and it's just your fault that you decided to take a different path.
i dont think i like the idea. i've been in guild wars since a week after it all began. i have spent hours of no sleep to earn my hats of prior years and taken days off days from work to make events. so far i have all but one hat to say. it would deflate the value of them if some new person could get them by doing a quest even though it was for only one quest and a long one
Originally Posted by I Phoenix I
It's not ANet's fault that your preorder came late...
You could've just gone to a store or buy the game from the online GW Store... ANet provided an alternative, and it's just your fault that you decided to take a different path. |
Originally Posted by rick1027
i dont think i like the idea. i've been in guild wars since a week after it all began. i have spent hours of no sleep to earn my hats of prior years and taken days off days from work to make events. so far i have all but one hat to say. it would deflate the value of them if some new person could get them by doing a quest even though it was for only one quest and a long one
I don't see how it can devalue an item. This is only for a one time thing. Like I said the option could be changed so it looks at when you activated your nightfall account.
If you activated a nightfall account within say 2-3 days or up to a week after a major event you could have access to that hat. Something simple.
I am not saying every hat was like this, but especially the fact that nightfall release date was so close to the event that gave most people practically no time to get it. And at the time they could of added a hat trader for even a few days after the event to be a bit more fair. But instead they left it as it was.
Which they have done for the dragon festival (which required some farming but still let them have the ability to get a hat for I believe up to a week after the event).
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
I want to say that as a player, I disagree with this request. Whether it's "one per account" or not, it reduces the coolness factor of having "been there and done that" for the events. Some people make a lot of extraordinary effort to attend the event. Suddenly, that doesn't matter, you can do a quest, years later, and appear to have veterancy you do not, or appear to have been where you were not.
I know that this opinion may sound harsh or ungiving, and I don't want to give that impression. I'm truly sorry that not everyone was able to attend. I'm sorry that some bought the game later. But the hats are part of the experience, and making them available by other means is hardly any more reasonable than just selling them in the in-game store, which we have said we will never do. As we have said we will never sell the Collector's Edition emotes, but which we're asked to do daily. Again, I'm very sorry that people missed getting the earlier items, and I do apprecaite that this may have happened for any number of reasons. My own opinions notwithstanding, I certainly will relay this request. Maybe the designers will implement this idea, but I rather suspect that they will not, for the reasons I've mentioned above. |
Originally Posted by IslandHermet
The woman is right You missed it not Anets fault.
I was really hoping for a witchs hat this year.

Edit: and to set the record straight I'm not one to complain about what anet does, (except this dim feature,LOL i hate it!) I love gw and they made a really awesome game. It's somethin me and my hubby enjoy doing together. And i actually bought my stepdaughter the game because she has shown interest in playin gw. And i commend gaile for puttin up with all the complaints, lord knows she has enough of them. But that still doesn't change my opinion that they failed on the part of releasing nightfall the day after the start of halloween event.
One last idea that I had. Is if you got the pumpkin hat from lion's arch (thus you attended the event). You could get a pumpkin hat from the trader and turn it in to the hat guy to change it for the wicked hat. Basically you attended the event just fine (the one you were allowed to). So the whole "coolness you didn't attend" is no big deal.
So my opinion is if you attended and got the other hat you can use that hat to change it at the hat trader for a wicked hat because you did indeed attend the event, just for the people who were unable to attend the other one due to bad mailing.
So my opinion is if you attended and got the other hat you can use that hat to change it at the hat trader for a wicked hat because you did indeed attend the event, just for the people who were unable to attend the other one due to bad mailing.
its an item..therefore if its gained through a quest...the quest will be run by people in the services forum for money so lazy people can get their hat without effort...just my opinion
Solo quests problem solved for the above?
flat out incorrect as they are always shipped to the stores with loads of time to spare and depending on your method of shipping arive 1-3 days before the release.
this is from personal experience since early beta with multiple accounts.
if you choose the us postal service to save a dollar or so check the stated delivery time which can be up to a week longer than 2nd day UPS (gamestop figures).
dont blame Anet for the postal service screw up mine are installed and waiting for activation days early
so you chose the slow delivery
they did release early you chose the slowest available delivery option as compared to most everybody else who got it on time
they do ship it out before release or how else could UPS always have it for me without exception each and every time 1-3 days early?
they shipped yours out early with all the others but you chose the slowest delivery method available which i think is 7-10 business days in most cases.
not Anets fault
Originally Posted by BabyJ
I'm sorry, but i disagree with you. They released a game a day after the start of an event without even a thought as to mail times.
this is from personal experience since early beta with multiple accounts.
if you choose the us postal service to save a dollar or so check the stated delivery time which can be up to a week longer than 2nd day UPS (gamestop figures).
dont blame Anet for the postal service screw up mine are installed and waiting for activation days early
Gaile also stated that people bought their games late which i did not. |
I preordered my game the day it was available for pre order. Now had they released the game a few days ahead of time people would have had the game and would have been able to attend. |
Or maybe if the store would have sent it out before release i would have got it in time. |
they shipped yours out early with all the others but you chose the slowest delivery method available which i think is 7-10 business days in most cases.
not Anets fault
We didn't choose the slowest method or else we wouldn't of gotten ours a day or 2 after the event (thus 2-3 day shipping). Most stores are oblivious to in game events, but anet should of taken notice to that and atleast put out a hat trader or something for a few days after the event.
My new idea that i want to change it to is.
If you attended the lion's arch event and got the other pumpkin crown, then added nightfall say up to a week after the event you can buy a pumpkin crown from the hat trader and then exchange it for a wicked hat. Because you DID attend the one event that you could go to. Thus their would be no worries about "people getting them that didn't try to attend" and instead would give the people who actually did try to attend but didn't get their nf on time.
I would also like to say that me and my gf preordered it the same day, same shipping options and she got it on time, I got it a day later. So don't say we just tried to save a few bucks and that it was our fault.
My new idea that i want to change it to is.
If you attended the lion's arch event and got the other pumpkin crown, then added nightfall say up to a week after the event you can buy a pumpkin crown from the hat trader and then exchange it for a wicked hat. Because you DID attend the one event that you could go to. Thus their would be no worries about "people getting them that didn't try to attend" and instead would give the people who actually did try to attend but didn't get their nf on time.
I would also like to say that me and my gf preordered it the same day, same shipping options and she got it on time, I got it a day later. So don't say we just tried to save a few bucks and that it was our fault.
Putting an event so close to a release date is briliant. It basically rewards the in-game store shoppers (which I have not done). They knew what they were doing, whether anybody likes it or not. They are in the business of making money, and if you want something bad enough, get it quickest by buying straight from them.
I'm sorry, but i disagree with you. They released a game a day after the start of an event without even a thought as to mail times. |
As far as i can recall the only thing that has ever had availability issues was the Collector's Edition of Factions, which is why people were given the minipet Kuunavang by way of a 'sorry it didn't turn up on time' for those that were affected.
On topic - I can't say as I'm bothered either way about the hats. I missed the Wicked Hats but I can live without it, on the other hand I wouldn't begrudge people who have don't have pumpkin helms to earn one some other way.
MercenaryKnight: http://youtube.com/watch?v=0Pq8PwHFhy8
I would like all the ectos that could have dropped for me, but i wasnt in UW at the time because of time constraints. So please let me have a chance to get something i wasnt there to get.
I will agree to you, if you will agree with me.
I would like all the ectos that could have dropped for me, but i wasnt in UW at the time because of time constraints. So please let me have a chance to get something i wasnt there to get.
I will agree to you, if you will agree with me.
nightfall had a 6 month after factions release date of end of oct.
halloween is also the end of october.
no big marketing conspiracy
Originally Posted by MercenaryKnight
Solo quests problem solved for the above?
heh well Gaile may not agree with it, but at least she is goign to put it to the team, which is more than some would do.
Sure i woudl like to get hats i missed on, but i wasn't here for them. I suppose what would be more reasonable would be to allow those that may have accidently deleted their the ability to regain them at the hat maker, even if they didnt show them theirs
Sure i woudl like to get hats i missed on, but i wasn't here for them. I suppose what would be more reasonable would be to allow those that may have accidently deleted their the ability to regain them at the hat maker, even if they didnt show them theirs
Originally Posted by lyra_song
MercenaryKnight: http://youtube.com/watch?v=0Pq8PwHFhy8
--------------- I would like all the ectos that could have dropped for me, but i wasnt in UW at the time because of time constraints. So please let me have a chance to get something i wasnt there to get. I will agree to you, if you will agree with me. |
Secondly I did attend the halloween event. It was just that I was only able to attend the Lion's Arch event. So I could say that my character attended the event and thus should be able to get the hat. If they would of done something to think about mailing delays (such as a few days after ability to get a hat). Or make it so if you attended one festival and added a key a few days after the event their was a possibility to get the other hat you missed for unfair reasons.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
I want to say that as a player, I disagree with this request. Whether it's "one per account" or not, it reduces the coolness factor of having "been there and done that" for the events. Some people make a lot of extraordinary effort to attend the event. Suddenly, that doesn't matter, you can do a quest, years later, and appear to have veterancy you do not, or appear to have been where you were not.
I know that this opinion may sound harsh or ungiving, and I don't want to give that impression. I'm truly sorry that not everyone was able to attend. I'm sorry that some bought the game later. But the hats are part of the experience, and making them available by other means is hardly any more reasonable than just selling them in the in-game store, which we have said we will never do. As we have said we will never sell the Collector's Edition emotes, but which we're asked to do daily. Again, I'm very sorry that people missed getting the earlier items, and I do apprecaite that this may have happened for any number of reasons. My own opinions notwithstanding, I certainly will relay this request. Maybe the designers will implement this idea, but I rather suspect that they will not, for the reasons I've mentioned above. |
Originally Posted by Loviatar
so you chose the slow delivery
they shipped yours out early with all the others but you chose the slowest delivery method available which i think is 7-10 business days in most cases. not Anets fault |

I agree. I have had the same problem. My NF copy was lost by mail service, and I had to ask for another. I could not buy a copy in the ingame shop or from a retail store, because I had already payed my preordered copy and it was not refundable. So I could attend only the LA event, and I havent got the wicked hat. If they would just enable the kamadan hat maker to exchange a wicked hat for a pumpkin hat, it would be great.
Operative 14
I want to say that as a player, I disagree with this request. Whether it's "one per account" or not, it reduces the coolness factor of having "been there and done that" for the events. Some people make a lot of extraordinary effort to attend the event. |

(Hopefully the sarcasm of the above paragraph is apperant.)
Just ask my friend as well, he was out of town and had me attend using his account in his stead so he could get a demon mask. Quite an extraordinary effort on his part, having faith that someone from the other side of the planet, that he has never even seen face to face for that matter, wouldn't steal his account. All so he could get a simple hat.
Luckily those people who were unable to attend that event were able to come back a month later for Dragon Festival Reduex! My friend had a blast acctually attending in person.

Some might argue that this reduced the "Coolness" factor of my own demon mask, but... I don't care. I have seen a lot of people arguing against the idea of being able to get hats from past festivals, and I can honestly say that their logic is very sound and persuasive. However, I have to ask, exactly what will be lost if an anonymous populous suddenly sprouts more witches hats?
Last question: When did festivals stop being about fun, and become about attendance? I have my hats becuase they are fun reminders of a great festival, not becuse they are some sort of mission patch for being in attendance at a meeting. And, I have to say, it's a lot of fun to see people running around in festival hats becuase it brings back memories of the event itself, and, possibly, just a tiny bit of the community spirit exhibited during these events. I for one wouldn't mind mind seeing more of them in circulation.
/Signed for the original Idea BTW, it's a great mix of work ethic and play ethic.

I have to agree with Gaile on not giving hats as other reward. The hats are a nice way of telling you were at certain festivals. There are enough nice hats already and there will be even more. The value of the old hats is that it's a nice way to show you were at the old events. Giving away hats as quest reward will make it lose that value.
So, my vote is /notsigned, even tho I would like to own a dragon mask. (I'm only playing GW for a year so I was not there at the first DF)
So, my vote is /notsigned, even tho I would like to own a dragon mask. (I'm only playing GW for a year so I was not there at the first DF)