character creation name filter
Julia-Louis Dreyfus
Over the past 2 weeks I've been suspended TWICE for the same unacceptable name. Both of these characters were 3-4 months old so a surprise ban just pisses you off. While you see other names running around that are far worse than "Wanker Skillz". Yes, that is what i got banned for when theres names going around the filter, racist, and vulgar. Thats crap, just put a character name filter on if people are gonna bitch about it, i didnt think twice about making my names that got me suspended.
The ban shouldn't be such big a surprise for you.
But I guess you forgot to read the User Agreements.
Anyway I support your idea about the name filter.
But I guess you forgot to read the User Agreements.
Anyway I support your idea about the name filter.
Sleeper Service
/not signed.
just so people can work their way round it in the search of an offensive name?
just so people can work their way round it in the search of an offensive name?
Julia-Louis Dreyfus
people already work around the filter by spelling "fuk" or "azz" and if im gonna get banned for saying "wanker" id say something needs to be changed
I'm iffy on this only because an otherwise legit name might be disallowed depending on the name filter. For example "Mass Effect", "Lord of the Cockatrices", or "Titus Andromidus" all might be disallowed.
Julia-Louis Dreyfus
lol didnt think about that, just kind of upsetting getting suspended for a name they allowed you to make in the first place
I understand that. There should be at least a pop up you can activate to give you an idea of the things you can't use and things that are borderline but acceptable.
Julia-Louis Dreyfus
yeah i hear ya, unfortunately i didnt think my name was even "borderline", oh well
Sleeper Service
Originally Posted by Julia-Louis Dreyfus
yeah i hear ya, unfortunately i didnt think my name was even "borderline", oh well
thinking a little tends to ease ones way through life you know.
You don't consider "wanker" to be vulgar?
Granted it doesn't offend or bother me, but it's far from the sort of word you'd drop into polite conversation.
Granted it doesn't offend or bother me, but it's far from the sort of word you'd drop into polite conversation.
Julia-Louis Dreyfus
well either way they unsuspended me after a short few emails but thanks to the support team at NCsoft

A little logic works...
Sleeper Service
"Wanker Skillz" is fine by Ncsoft?
Jerkoff skills? , jizzlover?, Dick head?, RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO fighter?
like seriously why on earth would the UNBAN a name like that, if thats fine then everything is.
i mean its not even remotely tongue in cheek like "pussy galore", or "octopussy" (classics in the gendre) but straight out vulgar.
oh well.
"Wanker Skillz" is fine by Ncsoft?
Jerkoff skills? , jizzlover?, Dick head?, RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO fighter?
like seriously why on earth would the UNBAN a name like that, if thats fine then everything is.
i mean its not even remotely tongue in cheek like "pussy galore", or "octopussy" (classics in the gendre) but straight out vulgar.
oh well.
Julia-Louis Dreyfus
they still made me change the name so calm down geez, it is rated teen after all, no use in being a cry baby when you hear a semi-dirty word
Wish Swiftdeath
saw somebody with the name 'Big Jizzy' , dunno if he's been banned yet.
A fairly low filter would work, on words like, "red engine gored", "red engine gored" and "red engine gored" (I decided typing it myself you be quicker). A filter on words that are offensive at any time. Then, leave the offensive name report for the words that can be offensive in context, but harmless otherwise.
Nemo the Capitalist
big jizzy lmao funny gotta give that pedo props
Julia-Louis Dreyfus
yeah thats the main reason i was mad, ive seen far worse in game and i got the axe twice on characters that were around for a few months
placebo overdose
really you do not get anything out of your name so why even do something slightly crude
better idea is dont make names that are obviously unsavory.
Julia-Louis Dreyfus
Originally Posted by placebo overdose
really you do not get anything out of your name so why even do something slightly crude
Those names aren't vulgar, they are far from original, but I don't see how one could be offended by them... Except if bad taste is shocking to you.
"Wanker" in the other hand is sexual, I doubt it offends the majority of GW players but there are also childs here. There are many ways to be funny and not vulgar...
"Wanker" in the other hand is sexual, I doubt it offends the majority of GW players but there are also childs here. There are many ways to be funny and not vulgar...
Drakken Breathes Fire
I've had games text filters' disallow 'Nightmare' because the first 3 letters were 'nig'
I think a filter is a bad idea, admins hired to police this regularily, yes. A living person can better judge if somethings inappropriate rather than AI that just scans letters for things added to the list.
I think a filter is a bad idea, admins hired to police this regularily, yes. A living person can better judge if somethings inappropriate rather than AI that just scans letters for things added to the list.
Fried Tech
Okay, sorry.
sorry again,
I just haven't seen this anywhere accept on these boards.

sorry again,
I just haven't seen this anywhere accept on these boards.
| Cleric |
I kind of agree with you but at the same time I see why the ban was handed out.
Problem with censorship is that when you start to censor words deemed offensive other words will naturally become offensive. Classical example is the f bomb because it has been deemed socially offensive other words naturally became offensive with it since they sound or are spelled similar such as . . . suck. That is because they carry the same negative meaning with them.
Now rightfully I would say you should be able to say whatever you want to say and if they find it offensive to bad. That is why there are so many euphemisms for things today because people don't want to offend other people.
Shellshock => Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Security Guard => Loss Prevention Manager
Jackass => Donkey
Menstruation => Period
Retardation => Handicapped
Midget => Physically challenged
Stupid/Dumb => Learning Disability
There is nothing wrong with these words as long as they are maintained in the context of their description. However when you use them to purposefully insult, degrade, or demean someone then you have given them a negative description which is exactly why you were banned. You did not use the word Wanker as neutral description instead you used it for the negative meaning it carries.
That is why you were banned . . . well that is at least why I think you were banned and I don't believe there should be a filter.
Problem with censorship is that when you start to censor words deemed offensive other words will naturally become offensive. Classical example is the f bomb because it has been deemed socially offensive other words naturally became offensive with it since they sound or are spelled similar such as . . . suck. That is because they carry the same negative meaning with them.
Now rightfully I would say you should be able to say whatever you want to say and if they find it offensive to bad. That is why there are so many euphemisms for things today because people don't want to offend other people.
Shellshock => Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Security Guard => Loss Prevention Manager
Jackass => Donkey
Menstruation => Period
Retardation => Handicapped
Midget => Physically challenged
Stupid/Dumb => Learning Disability
There is nothing wrong with these words as long as they are maintained in the context of their description. However when you use them to purposefully insult, degrade, or demean someone then you have given them a negative description which is exactly why you were banned. You did not use the word Wanker as neutral description instead you used it for the negative meaning it carries.
That is why you were banned . . . well that is at least why I think you were banned and I don't believe there should be a filter.
Originally Posted by Fried Tech
![]() |
Originally Posted by | Cleric |
Midget => Physically challenged

There are many words not allowed by ANet's filter. Beaver is one. I can't call a character Celestial Beaver because Americans use the word in a derogatory way.
Sometimes filters are taken too far so as to not offend too many people in my opinion, but mostly it's common sense.
Fried Tech
thanks for answering my question.
I guess i would have known that if i had just gone a cursing rant. lol
I guess i would have known that if i had just gone a cursing rant. lol
It's luck of the draw if you get banned. Just takes the right person to see it and take the time to report you. Now with the easier reporting I'm sure it happens more often. Quite often I've reported people in the past for their crude or very offensive chat in open chat more often than a character name. More often people aren't checking out everyone's names in a town, but the chat is right there visible.
i got a 72 hour suspension today because my character name was unacceptable.. i made that character probably 1.5 years ago and everything was fine, no suspensions whatsoever. all of my character names are funny, borderline offensive. I know i can change my character name once i serve this suspension, but can i change all 6 character's names to avoid future suspensions?
Originally Posted by Julia-Louis Dreyfus
uh, i do get something out of my names, a laugh? i hate names like "Super Dragon Knight" or "Grimmm Reaper" so lame and...w/e. i make names that i think are funny. i dont try to push the limit with the crude crap. i try to have fun and enjoy the game
Kraken The Mad
I have seen a few names that might offend people like Bucking Fasterd and Nucking Futs. i thought that they were funny andthey did not offend me, but i suppose they could offend someone if that person swaps the letters back into the context they refer to. i still dont think this should be a bannable offence though because that would be like banning some one for saying "lmao" because it stands for laughing my ass off.
Originally Posted by Julia-Louis Dreyfus
uh, i do get something out of my names, a laugh? i hate names like "Super Dragon Knight" or "Grimmm Reaper" so lame and...w/e. i make names that i think are funny. i dont try to push the limit with the crude crap. i try to have fun and enjoy the game
Does it still disallow the name Jewel as it has Jew in it? I seem to remember hearing about that somewhere
Funny's one thing, vulgar's another. Just stop making stupid off-color names. Wanker whatever-it-was isn't even funny. Personally I don't think it's offensive at all, but ANet's the one who ultimately decides what to allow in their game. If you keep pushing it with middle school sex/bathroom humor, you'll probably end up banned.
Funny/silly names are great, but for every genuinely funny person, there are ten assassins named Cream Of Sumyung Gai or something along those lines running around. Yeah boy, calling your female avatar Lookit Mah Hooterzz sure brings the hilarity.
I guess /signed for some sort of guideline for the terminally clueless. As it is, it just says "enter characters" and stops you if it catches a four-letter word.
Funny/silly names are great, but for every genuinely funny person, there are ten assassins named Cream Of Sumyung Gai or something along those lines running around. Yeah boy, calling your female avatar Lookit Mah Hooterzz sure brings the hilarity.
I guess /signed for some sort of guideline for the terminally clueless. As it is, it just says "enter characters" and stops you if it catches a four-letter word.
Zahr Dalsk
I tried naming a PvP character 'Blizzard Pwnt Anet' but apparently some part of it was not allowed and I couldn't even make the character

"Officer, why'd you pull me over?"
"You were doing 70 in a 55."
"But everyone else was doing it too!"
Welcome to the real world.
Consider it a gentle education for youngsters about to enter into driving age. Man up and take your medicine if you're caught trying to be clever or work an angle. Want to get cranky? Go report those other offensive names which, magically, you recognize as being offensive names even if yours wasn't.
"You were doing 70 in a 55."
"But everyone else was doing it too!"
Welcome to the real world.
Consider it a gentle education for youngsters about to enter into driving age. Man up and take your medicine if you're caught trying to be clever or work an angle. Want to get cranky? Go report those other offensive names which, magically, you recognize as being offensive names even if yours wasn't.
A buddy had the name "S U C K I T" and got all pissy cause he got banned. But then again hes 14 (former guildy) There are alot of stupid names in game, many can be taken as crude. While I do love free speech, just because you can say something stupid doesnt mean you should. I know you had your hear set on being a Wanker, and trust me to all of us here you will always be a Wanker, Anet just isnt ready for the players around the world to know that you are a Wanker.
happy wanking
~the rat~
happy wanking
~the rat~
Ok i never understood this. This game is rated T, so you should be the age of 13 to play this game, which we all know isnt true. You are playing a game about KILLING things, people, etc. Why would any "vulgar" language be banned from use. I AM KILLING THINGS, so killing is better than swearing....SOUNDS GOOD

Originally Posted by dicecube
i got a 72 hour suspension today because my character name was unacceptable.. i made that character probably 1.5 years ago and everything was fine, no suspensions whatsoever. all of my character names are funny, borderline offensive. I know i can change my character name once i serve this suspension, but can i change all 6 character's names to avoid future suspensions?
/not signed
wow. just wow.
People who make stuipd ass names like that what are they like 10 years old?
If you know something like this is "Wrong" or "bad" and might go over the Rules why the hell would you put it down as a name that every person sees in game?
Getting Banned should teach you a lesson and you should never do it again.
So why would you bitch and yell at Anet to change something you know is going aginast the "Rules" and you choose to do it out of your own free will.
From reading a few posts above mine that we are all "old" enough here to not be "restricted" on what we say basicly. An answer to that well there are people who play this game that dont find it respectful to be looking at a vugar or just stuipd name when they play so I dont see why they have to put up with it and why people with stuipd names should be rewarded for their idiotness.
wow. just wow.
People who make stuipd ass names like that what are they like 10 years old?
If you know something like this is "Wrong" or "bad" and might go over the Rules why the hell would you put it down as a name that every person sees in game?
Getting Banned should teach you a lesson and you should never do it again.
So why would you bitch and yell at Anet to change something you know is going aginast the "Rules" and you choose to do it out of your own free will.
From reading a few posts above mine that we are all "old" enough here to not be "restricted" on what we say basicly. An answer to that well there are people who play this game that dont find it respectful to be looking at a vugar or just stuipd name when they play so I dont see why they have to put up with it and why people with stuipd names should be rewarded for their idiotness.