What exactly is the pointlessness? Why does someone want to farm? Do they want to farm out of a need to watch things fall down and give the death moan? If so, can farming designated areas with no drops be established where the common to rare is the fantastic animation of each and every death? (Certain bosses even having Unique deaths,
Is the only reason to farm for the masses of wealth you obtain in order to “git moh jit”? If that is the case, how does this not create an imbalance against those players who want to play for the rewards in a normal non-grindfest way? (The grind is for reproduction boys, not a substitute for it.) This is not even following the idea that “casual” players are immediately put into that extreme disadvantage. Can farming be made possible without economic incentive and still be fun?
ANet has reduced the rewards of economic farming, but replaced them with 33 character based titular reasons to grind. And as far as I am concerned All PvP is grind-slaughter for Balth, Fame, etc.

I have 10 characters to develop because I want to play all of the game. Development of character is somehow seen as something you should only accomplish when you are ready to retire the character and give up the ghost. Being able to have the appearance that entertains you must be “Grinded”/ground for or “Dude, you just don’t miss the entire point.” Really? Why is the point finishing the game in armor you don’t want, with weapon skins you don’t want, just to grind another 10 months for the hopes that you can either afford 100k plus 50 ectoes for an item (or it will finally drop since most of what I want isn't something someone would bother to sell) to enrich a persona/character that has no story left to do?

I detest farming, even tho I do it occasionally. And it would be different if playing the game didn't require farming for Millions of gold to get skills, titles, armors, weapons, etc. This is the primary reason I am opposed to farming nerfs. All they do is increase the incentive for players to purchase gold from websites in order to finally get things done. (Why I have always proposed that farming nerfs make economic sense and increase supply to lower demand.) I'm both too stuborn and too cheap to buy the gold, as it is against my principle. But the rewards for play do not meet the needs of character aspirations/goals across so wide a field of play. Hence, it seems to me the only benefit or joy from farming is in being able to get everything (or close as possible). Why should one not be able to do this as a part of normal play?
So, my questions are:
- If one wants to farm for the slaughter why does it have to have other rewards?
- If one wants to farm for rewards, why does it have to be for monetary rewards instead of for the titles?
- If one must farm for monetary rewards, why must it be allowed to injure the economy of the broader base of play?