Missing Miniature Moa Bird
I noticed today that my miniature moa disappeared out of my storage. Has this happened to anyone else? I know it wasn't deleted. I never delete minis and haven't deleted any characters.
EDIT: Fixed typo.
EDIT: Fixed typo.
i have it...put on some other char?
It's probably on another toon. Check them all just to be sure.
I have checked, twice. Its not there.
Bryant Again
Go /R and bring Charmed Pet. Maybe it grew up!
You can't see me
You should report this To Arenanet.
It makes me happy I decided on a Destroyer instead for my Paragon, lol.
It makes me happy I decided on a Destroyer instead for my Paragon, lol.
Skyy High
It's a little black icon, you're probably missing it somewhere (or you were playing late and deleted it instead of something else). I really don't think your mini, and only your mini, would up and disappear without it happening to anyone else if it were a bug.
Goren ate it.
Lord High Pwner
I dont think it will let you delete it youd have too physically drop it in your trash bin or on the ground and map out. I dont believe and mercant or trader will buy. I have a pair of Sunspear monk sandals that have disappeared and everyonce in awhile i see them on a char when im acquiring drops and forget them. I bet they are just hiding go to the Shiverpeaks thats the ebst way to search for dark objects in storage
Originally Posted by Big_Daddy
Goren ate it.
On topic:
I don't think items just dissapear unless Arena Net deletes them from your character, you probably got rid of your pet by accident.
Or his account's been hacked and someone's thieving.
But, if it's a dark mini it can be really hard to see. I crafted two sets of Sandals for my monk, because I couldn't see the first set.
But, if it's a dark mini it can be really hard to see. I crafted two sets of Sandals for my monk, because I couldn't see the first set.
1) Check closely. Black icons can be easy to hard to find.
2) Some textures of icons of certain items can take a while to load. Give plenty of time for all your icons to load just to make sure.
2) Some textures of icons of certain items can take a while to load. Give plenty of time for all your icons to load just to make sure.
Croco Clouds
Is it salvageable to material? never dare to tried it before
Well putting animals in storage can't be healthy.
Originally Posted by holababe
.... if it's a dark mini it can be really hard to see.
Onarik Amrak
Originally Posted by Croco Clouds
Is it salvageable to material? never dare to tried it before

I don't think you could craft a Mini Black Moa from those materials though...
I have him.
Meet me at LA district 3 this Thursday night. You give me 300k, I give you the bird..
Meet me at LA district 3 this Thursday night. You give me 300k, I give you the bird..
i still have mines
Guys he posted that because I was sure I had seen someone in a town complaining about the same thing (Missing their mini black moa.) - he was kinda hoping it was a more global issue than "He sucks at searching."
Anyways thanks to those who suggested going to a lighter area to check his characters I will see that he does so. ^_^!
Sauce if all else fails I'll get ya a new birdie XD
Anyways thanks to those who suggested going to a lighter area to check his characters I will see that he does so. ^_^!
Sauce if all else fails I'll get ya a new birdie XD
something similar to this happened to me too, when I got norn armor for my ranger I had saved up a couple of black dyes over the course of about 4 months with the intention of dying any new armor i got black. Well when I finally got my armor, I opened up storage flipped to my last storage box and O_O there was no black dyes!!
That box is completely full minus the space the black dyes occupied. So i'm thinking what the heck... did I delete them..... put them on my mule? I checked my mule and zip, no black dyes, I totally did not remember moving them so I had no idea what ever happened to those dyes. Its still a mystery to me today. I thought about whether my account got hacked, but nothing else was missing and I have some items in storage worth alot more than a couple of black dyes.
If i were u i'd report it to anet, a black moa mini is definately something that I would be worried about if it went missing, especially if u created it yourself.
That box is completely full minus the space the black dyes occupied. So i'm thinking what the heck... did I delete them..... put them on my mule? I checked my mule and zip, no black dyes, I totally did not remember moving them so I had no idea what ever happened to those dyes. Its still a mystery to me today. I thought about whether my account got hacked, but nothing else was missing and I have some items in storage worth alot more than a couple of black dyes.
If i were u i'd report it to anet, a black moa mini is definately something that I would be worried about if it went missing, especially if u created it yourself.
I have to check on mine now...
Nope, still there. I had a theory if it was gone....and still might.
Do you have Nightfall?
Nope, still there. I had a theory if it was gone....and still might.
Do you have Nightfall?
Roo Ella
NOT saying this is what happened but if it was a duped Moa
and Aanet ran there trace program "boom" no more mini moa.
just a thought about duping from reading other recent threads around here.
and Aanet ran there trace program "boom" no more mini moa.
just a thought about duping from reading other recent threads around here.
Originally Posted by Roo Ella
NOT saying this is what happened but if it was a duped Moa
and Aanet ran there trace program "boom" no more mini moa. just a thought about duping from reading other recent threads around here. |
Originally Posted by Buzzer
Didn't that duping thing happen well before the moa was available?
Ghost Recon
Originally Posted by Buzzer
Didn't that duping thing happen well before the moa was available?
12 chars
Check your mules.
You could have put another item over it, and then it swapped into the inventory of your mule.
This often happens to Urgoz Flatbow, and the Moa is a bit dark and if your monitor is dark, too, and you do not look properly this might have happened.
You could have put another item over it, and then it swapped into the inventory of your mule.
This often happens to Urgoz Flatbow, and the Moa is a bit dark and if your monitor is dark, too, and you do not look properly this might have happened.
You put the Moa Bird in your storage? Man... You are so cruel to animals. Probably ran off when it had the chance. /endjoke
Check your other characters.
Check your other characters.
Roo Ella
As i said before these are recent threads saying the Duping is still going on. 
Game and Dev tracker sub thread has a new one Gaile is looking into apparently.
I will reiterate I am NOT saying this happened in this case
you prolly just misplaced it somewhere.

Game and Dev tracker sub thread has a new one Gaile is looking into apparently.
I will reiterate I am NOT saying this happened in this case
you prolly just misplaced it somewhere.
dont feel no pain
Originally Posted by Croco Clouds
Is it salvageable to material? never dare to tried it before
Salvage = 20 feathers, 12 bones and 1 monsterous claw +1 consumable chicken wing

if you are 100% sure you haven't deleted it, I think the most likely explanation is that someone got access to your account and stole it. I'd change your password if I were you.
Do you have any preorder items?
I'm asking because I have the pre-order factions/nightfall/EotN/1mln upgrade. That gives me 13-14 weapons in the inventory when I type /bonus. I caught myself deleting normal drops because I was busy deleting all the bopnus items. Maybe that happened (although the green text would probably have stopped me).
I'm asking because I have the pre-order factions/nightfall/EotN/1mln upgrade. That gives me 13-14 weapons in the inventory when I type /bonus. I caught myself deleting normal drops because I was busy deleting all the bopnus items. Maybe that happened (although the green text would probably have stopped me).
Mork from Ork
Originally Posted by Bale_Shadowscar
I think the most likely explanation is that someone got access to your account and stole it. I'd change your password if I were you.
It may be the texture for the icon got messed up and is not loading properly. Try running your mouse over every inventory slot in your storage and on your characters. If the icon did not show up and you moved something from a character to storage into the slot where the "invisible" chick was it would switch it to your toon without you realizing it.
Something similar happened when I first got the chick. I was in FS and the incubator disappeared but no chick showed up. I thought there had been a glitch and I had wasted all my work. A day or so later, there it was in my pack. The icon had simply not downloaded when it was supposed to and so it had not shown up even though it was really there.
Chik N Nuggets
that happend with a necrid horseman a while ago..
I checked mine....yep still there....will check my mini-mule and see if all of the other minis are still there (though if they do go awol I wont cry since they are all whites).
if u ever find me ill give you mine

Fhlamin Scythe
Originally Posted by Croco Clouds
Is it salvageable to material? never dare to tried it before
It's happened to my black bandanna. It's almost impossible to see in the inventory and found it on a mule character.
Have you ever tossed a bulk number of items in the trash or dropped in an explorable area? I accidently trashed a bow along with a bunch of /bonus weapons by doing that.
Have you ever tossed a bulk number of items in the trash or dropped in an explorable area? I accidently trashed a bow along with a bunch of /bonus weapons by doing that.
You might simply be overlooking it.. I know I have had black armor pieces "disappear" and appear sundenly when I would be selling stuff to merchant.
IM guessing its lost or misplaced, stop saying he was hacked lol, im sure they'd take something better then a single minipet...
Fitz Rinley
I had a perfect fiery dragon sword disappear on my original monk, maybe a year and a half ago. I think I even inquired about it, but I got the same old stuff of "We can't do anything about lost items in scams, etc." Except it vanished off my character, and I had placed it behind my kits so I wouldn't sell it. The sword was the first I ever had drop of that type and it came from a wurm in Lornar's Pass so it was highly notable to me. I gave it up as a loss. But it disappeared for no reason, and was replaced by some worthless rune (or something). My biggest concern at the time was that GW was being hacked - but no one cared about it except me.
edit: Not sure it was a rune, may have been some other prefix or suffix. It was a year and a half or so ago.
edit: Not sure it was a rune, may have been some other prefix or suffix. It was a year and a half or so ago.