Ever get reported for inappropriate language?
Sparks Dawnbringer
If the language offends you use the filters. The swearing never bothers me but players attacking others is a different story.
Originally Posted by carnage-runner
I am not babysitting a few thousand kids that are under the age of 13, that's a bunch of crap and you know it.
People seem to be basing that idea around the fact that a few PG rated films use foul language. Does Hollywood dictate whats acceptable to say and how its acceptable to behave around our kids based on what they let into films?
You do realise that Hollywood brands films at lower ages to get a higher viewing rate, to increase revenue from sales!
The last I knew we had minds of our own and common sense! I would hope the vast majority of us in here would think swearing around 13-15 year olds was wrong and these people were liable to copy you.
Your all using Hollywood and MTV as a "get out of jail free" card and an excuse to say "well they use bad language around kids, so its ok for us"! Are we all sheep?
I was my local Bank in Newcastle a few weeks ago doing a transaction. There a really young dad and his son inside. The bloke was speaking to his baby son (not in a bad way) using language which most would consider completely inappropriate.
No doubt if his dad speaks like that in public, that at home its worse. Now that kid is going to grow up and think its normal to speak like that.
But because he does it, is it ok? If teachers started using foul language in highschool and speaking to the kids in that way, would that make it ok because the kids are over 13?
The point is that we shouldnt base what is "acceptable" on what Hollywood and MTV dictate. Hollywood and MTV dont care about whats "good for us". They just care what will make them more money.
We should still have some standards and self-respect and the intelligence to make good impressions!
Im not saying mild words like damn and hell are bad, but we've all seen people use far worse words in GWs and make far worse references which could offend.
So yes... people should get reported if they go too far and use words or terms which offend! Some people laughed when Prince Harry wore a Nazi outfit to a fancy dress party and said it was nothing, and yet I knew really close friends who were offended by that because their parents were Jewish and had to endure that part in history.
I find it amusing when I sac in RA and ppl whisper me offensively.
I actually tried reporting a few because some things that were said to me like *Your mom should die of Aids cos you ****ed her up* are a bit excessive, but It doesnt bother me much.
I just like how furiously worked up people get over a monk saccing in RA and keep on doing it for laughs XD.
I actually tried reporting a few because some things that were said to me like *Your mom should die of Aids cos you ****ed her up* are a bit excessive, but It doesnt bother me much.
I just like how furiously worked up people get over a monk saccing in RA and keep on doing it for laughs XD.
Originally Posted by freekedoutfish
People seem to be basing that idea around the fact that a few PG rated films use foul language. Does Hollywood dictate whats acceptable to say and how its acceptable to behave around our kids based on what they let into films?
You do realise that Hollywood brands films at lower ages to get a higher viewing rate, to increase revenue from sales! |
You do realize that the largest demographic is not in the lower age groups, don't you? Pay attention to the ads on primetime television... retirement plans, erectile dysfunction, osteoporosis... your "Hollywood" is still targeting (mostly) the babyboomers.
In the supermarket where I work we have big posters on age restrictions for games and DVD's.
Basically, were not allowed to, and I wont sell an age restricted item to a minor. The problem around this is with parents buying the games for their kids.
There shouldnt be anyone below the age of 12 playing guild wars and that is final, It doenst matter if the 12+ icon on the box is just a guideline or whether or not you choose to take it seriously or not. It is there because better people then you have reviewed the game and classed it as inapropriate material for minors under that age range.
Basically, were not allowed to, and I wont sell an age restricted item to a minor. The problem around this is with parents buying the games for their kids.
There shouldnt be anyone below the age of 12 playing guild wars and that is final, It doenst matter if the 12+ icon on the box is just a guideline or whether or not you choose to take it seriously or not. It is there because better people then you have reviewed the game and classed it as inapropriate material for minors under that age range.
Originally Posted by Rexion
I was picking on an 11 year old alliance member, just picking, not insulting or bashing.
I was saying stuff like "so can someone help me with this problem? 2x²+7x+97=0... find x." the kid tried to do it, and i was like "lol, this is geometery... i think you are a little too younge to understand what to do... give it a year." then right after I said that 4 of the alliance leaders whispered me "he is just 11, he doesn't deserve to be told that. please apologize." I responded to those leaders "this game specifically says ages 13+, if he is playing this game 2 years younger than advised, he should have to deal with what is told to him. if you have a problem with it, you are totally being unconstitutional for censoring me... that is against the first amendment." I got g-kicked. I think inappropriate language such as cussing, should be excused for reports. Anything racist should not. Like the use of the N word is an example. |
What does it matter that he hasn't been taught how to do something yet? How often do you see university graduates going up to non graduates and saying that kind of thing?
Originally Posted by bhavv
I find it amusing when I sac in RA and ppl whisper me offensively.
I actually tried reporting a few because some things that were said to me like *Your mom should die of Aids cos you ****ed her up* are a bit excessive, but It doesnt bother me much. I just like how furiously worked up people get over a monk saccing in RA and keep on doing it for laughs XD. |

Originally Posted by lakatz
You might be interested to know that at one point (and maybe still) they were considering applying the same ratings system created by the Code and Rating Administration (CARA) of the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) to the internet.
The film industry (of which hardly any is located in Hollywood anymore) gets more revenue from films with a rating that incorporates the largest demographic. You do realize that the largest demographic is not in the lower age groups, don't you? Pay attention to the ads on primetime television... retirement plans, erectile dysfunction, osteoporosis... your "Hollywood" is still targeting (mostly) the babyboomers. |
Originally Posted by bhavv
In the supermarket where I work we have big posters on age restrictions for games and DVD's.
Basically, were not allowed to, and I wont sell an age restricted item to a minor. The problem around this is with parents buying the games for their kids. There shouldnt be anyone below the age of 12 playing guild wars and that is final, It doenst matter if the 12+ icon on the box is just a guideline or whether or not you choose to take it seriously or not. It is there because better people then you have reviewed the game and classed it as inapropriate material for minors under that age range. |
People are under a missconception that the rating of 12+ on GWs includes the social interaction aspect. It doesnt!!!
There are MMO games on the market which are aimed at far young audiences. Is it ok to swear and talk about offence material in them too, and to use the rational that "well it was rated 5+ so its ok to swear to anyone over 4."? Ofcourse not!
It all come down to common sense and to realise that you just shouldnt use certain language in a community where people of a young are are and can pick it up. If GWs was rated 18+ I would argue otherwse because all players would and should be adults, but their not.
It is not ok to use bad language around people of ages 13+. They are still kids and just because films allow bad language in PG films is no excuse.
Does Hollywood dictate whats acceptable to say and how its acceptable to behave around our kids based on what they let into films? |
You do realise that Hollywood brands films at lower ages to get a higher viewing rate, to increase revenue from sales! |
The last I knew we had minds of our own and common sense! |
Are we all sheep? |
Now that kid is going to grow up and think its normal to speak like that. |
It's my responsibility to maintain an appropriate decorum as mandated by Anet. I bear absolutely no responsibility for maintaining a decorum appropriate for other people's households if those households demand stricter behavior than that of ANET.
Your kid isn't my problem.
We should still have some standards and self-respect and the intelligence to make good impressions! |
Yet i expect it still had some bad language in it. |
It doesnt!!! |
Originally Posted by freekedoutfish
The material in the game itself, such as missions, quests and storyline and death and killing and war may not be appropriate for anyone under 13. But that doesnt mean its ok to expose anyone from 13+ to language they shouldnt be reading.
People are under a missconception that the rating of 12+ on GWs includes the social interaction aspect. It doesnt!!! |
However, I would wholeheartedly agree for the age rating on GW to be raised to 15+, becuase from my experience it seriously is a 15+ game because of the language. If I had kids I wouldnt let them play GW untill they were in their late teens at least, whether or not I supervised them or not.
Currently on my second dishonour for the day. I got bored of farming Gwen HM and wanted to do arenas. I started RA normally, kept losing. I went to TA to make an organised ranked group with vent, we had 2 people for 20 minutes and no one else would join. So I thought F it, its sac monk time.
crazy diamond
Originally Posted by bhavv
I find it amusing when I sac in RA and ppl whisper me offensively.
I actually tried reporting a few because some things that were said to me like *Your mom should die of Aids cos you ****ed her up* are a bit excessive, but It doesnt bother me much. I just like how furiously worked up people get over a monk saccing in RA and keep on doing it for laughs XD. |
Originally Posted by Ctb
Irrelevant. We should, but we don't, and it doesn't matter anyway because we only have to act as "good" as Anet mandates. Anet sets the standard, I'm responsible only to that standard..
You live purely by what Anet sets as the standard ingame?
What about in real life?
Do you go around using bad language around children 13 and older in real life?
You live purely by what Anet sets as the standard ingame? |
Do you go around using bad language around children 13 and older in real life? |
Infuriated by such a ridiculous law, I snapped back something to the effect of "Who the hell is popping contacts to get high? That's the stupidest ****ing thing I've ever heard!"
Nobody dropped dead or had any other apparent ill effects, so I'm forced to conclude it probably didn't hurt anyone.
Originally Posted by Ctb
Not commonly, but on occasion it happens. I was told once that I couldn't buy contact lenses (which were desperately needed so my teacher wife could see at work the following day) because I didn't have a paper prescription since they're "just like pills".
Infuriated by such a ridiculous law, I snapped back something to the effect of "Who the hell is popping contacts to get high? That's the stupidest ****ing thing I've ever heard!" Nobody dropped dead or had any other apparent ill effects, so I'm forced to conclude it probably didn't hurt anyone. |
crazy diamond
Originally Posted by Halmyr
No, but to put it nicely, I'm pretty all of them wern't thinking the best of you at that moment
Originally Posted by crazy diamond
Actualy he probably said what they've all been wanting to say since such a stupid rule got put in place.
Originally Posted by Ctb
As far as the lowest level of "immoral" behavior I'll sink to goes, yes. It's not an all or nothing thing. Sometimes I'm helpful to people, sometimes I don't feel like it. Sometimes I have patience for dumb questions and "1337" speak in chat, sometimes I don't and I mock the people who use it.
Not commonly, but on occasion it happens. I was told once that I couldn't buy contact lenses (which were desperately needed so my teacher wife could see at work the following day) because I didn't have a paper prescription since they're "just like pills". Infuriated by such a ridiculous law, I snapped back something to the effect of "Who the hell is popping contacts to get high? That's the stupidest ****ing thing I've ever heard!" Nobody dropped dead or had any other apparent ill effects, so I'm forced to conclude it probably didn't hurt anyone. |
I used to have to endure rude customers for hours on end, usually by myself!
I can assure that the person in that optomisms wont have appreciated that comment and it will have just added to how crap she/he felt at work!
People never appreciate that another 5 or 10 people have probably been really rude to that poor receptionist, checkout person or deli assistant long before you came along and started letting your mouth go.
They just think "oh its just one comment, they'l be fine". What you didnt see was the other 10 people who came before you, giving you lip and being rude.
It builds up and up and up all day, and you take crap from one person or another until you really do feel completely drained by the end of the day. Ofcourse the person taking the abuse has to smile and be polite and show no responce.
Its actually alot more rare for customers to be polite and I know that from experience. 90% of people you talk to in a face-to-face job like that are rude.
They honestly think "they are right" regardless of whether their not and regardless of whether their rude and actually upset you.
You might learn to suck-it-up in a job like that, but it still gets to you. I had a bloke come to the deli once, who as twice my size and started giving me agro. Me being me, I just gave it back and I got "im gonna wait for you outside" and all this stuff!
I had to actually go sit down and calm myself down because my blood was boiling! I had customers waiting after him and they could all see I could hardly breath!
Ive been there and had it all and thats why Im so strong minded about this! Its never ok to just dish out crap to people and think "ahh its nothing". You have NO idea how much crap they have already taken from 10-50 people before you!
You have NO idea how much crap they have already taken from 10-50 people before you! |
I worked for years in department stores, call centers, and even in door to door sales. Don't lecture me on how customers treat service people.
Regardless, you're off topic. The point is that lots of people heard a "profane word" that evening, and not one of them seemed to suffer for it.
Profanity can't hurt you unless you use it to offend someone who then chooses to wring your neck.
Actualy he probably said what they've all been wanting to say since such a stupid rule got put in place. |
People claim the replacement medicine works just as well, but I've tried it a couple times in different types and it doesn't do a bloody thing for me.
Hooray for knee-jerk "save the children" politics... we can't have clear nasal passages or contact lenses or else the ebul drug dealers will blow up a bus full of children and puppies while funding turrists and undermining 'murca
/ sorry... bit off topic there
Originally Posted by Ctb
You really need a lesson in the difference between facts and wild speculation. Quit making up assumptions in your head and treating them as facts.
I worked for years in department stores, call centers, and even in door to door sales. Don't lecture me on how customers treat service people.... |
2) If you've been there and experienced it yourself, then how can you treat others the way you've been treat yourself? Thats just hypercritcal and it makes you worse then them.
Ok so you didnt like the way the system works, but is that the fault of the poor person behind the counter? Ofcours not! Im sure you've been in plenty of situatons in retail where you had a situation you couldnt fix or had no control over, and the customer wasnt happy and took it out on you.
I bet that didnt make you feel great and then I expect you had another 5 or 10 people do the same again thaat day! Yet you turn around and do it to someone else!
This is why I make a habbit of being polite to people in shops regardless of whether I like the situation or not, because i know what its like. Although if it was the fault of the person then thats different!
But what you did was no better then someone kicking off because they dont have ID for alcohol and dont get served. Is that the fault of the checkout girl? no! She has to check or she gets fired or fined!
This is why im saying it just take common sense and decency to not use foul language if you dont have to. Just because your in a bad mood is no excuse to take out on someone who cant help it! The same goes for using such language in a game when you dont need to and young people might read it. Its just childish.