Some things to consider when thinking about all elites in general:
*Comparability of elite skills to normal skills. Are the profession's skills really that much shining better than normal skills? Elementalists provide great examples of how elite skills should compare to normal skills, but what about skills like Balthazar's Pendulum or Shared Burden?
*Usefulness. Sure it's elite, but does that make it any good? There are two things to consider here; how good the skill actually is, and how well the skill fits into builds. Is the skill able to work into almost any build, or do you have to have a very organized and structured build to work around the skill? Take for example Searing Flames; it's a great elite, but if you don't have that one specific build you'll find yourself with very little energy very fast. Compare it to a skill like "It's Just a Flesh Wound." While "IJaFW" is comparatively a poor elite, consider in contrary to Searing Flames. The elite can fit into almost any build and be usable while Searing Flames must be kept with its pal Glowing Gaze or you'll be drained in no time. But then, consider also how they may balance out. Sure you need a build for Searing Flames, but is it not one that is very easy to come by? Consider the comparisons.
*Overall Effectiveness versus potential. Is the elite skill worth it? Is there something about the elites that make them great, or could there be so much more to make them useful? There are, in my opinion, many Ranger elites that are comparatively weak or underpowered that could have so much potential. Consider how the skill is versus what it could be. Take Scavenger's Focus; it's a preparation that deals little damage, but what of it's potential? A stance that deals much higher damage, perhaps?
*PvE versus PvP. (Thanks to Martin Alvito for giving me the idea for this one with his post.) Compare the elites to the overall usefulness in two totally different modes of play. While some elites may make for mob destroying wonders in PvE, perhaps they're not so effective in the PvP world where a Warrior knows how to move away from your Savannah Heat. The long short of this idea is, when considering elites consider their full game potential. Don't toss out a skill like Escape because it's great for PvE but sees no use in PvP, but at the same time consider how having effectiveness in only one half the game influences how much potential the skill really has. Likewise look for the potential of and praise skills that reward players in all aspects of the game. The Paragon's Defensive Anthem makes a great example, being able to find its way into both PvE and PvP universes effectively.
*Satisfaction. Though dealing less with your impression of elite skills, consider how much you like the elites or how much fun it is to use them. I personally believe that the aesthetics should not overly influence your decision of what makes elites "Good," but you should always consider them to a minor degree. Just because a skill is horrible doesn't mean you can't have reasons to like it. Who doesn't love to quote Captain Planet or Monty Python with various shouts, or enjoy the cool icons provided by skills. I for one love the name and icon of Healer's Covenant even though it sees little use. So while this may be the option to consider least, always keep in mind that if you're looking for some fun there's probably a seldom used elite that will satisfy your need for a little humor, whether in the skill's name or simply the effect it has.
Some other things to think about: While it may be easy to just say "So and so has the worst elites because this," put some thought into it. Just because a profession has some blazingly good skills, does that make up for the fact that they may have abundant horrible ones? I know there's more yet to say and honestly my argument to get your thoughts going has much to be desired, but for now I'll leave you with this. So go ahead and voice your opinion, let me know what you think. Don't limit yourself to just what you think has the overall worst elites. Think a class may have bad elites, but compared to a single elite from another profession they appear godly? Say it so. This is a fun topic for sharing ideas and voicing opinions about what could be.