Post how many hours you've played so far!
Arwen Granger
Across all accounts, 5506 hours in 29 months. (I am in the top 10 longest in the threads so far and most of them are real time)
Now, let's petition anet to give us a title
Now, let's petition anet to give us a title
Originally Posted by Arwen Granger
Across all accounts, 5506 hours in 29 months. (I am in the top 10 longest in the threads so far and most of them are real time)
Now, let's petition anet to give us a title |
Would be funny though. I'd have: "I need medical assistance!"
I'd also like to see a death title... but I know that'd lead to abuse lol
474 Over 11 Months
Bored Of It Now Done Everything.
Bored Of It Now Done Everything.
Caged Fury
10 or so months of that was inactive when I left to play another game.
Most of my time is spent on PvP characters that don't have a very long lifespan. Have spent probably 5 days where I did little else than play GW, mainly the release of Factions (played straight through till the end ) and for the GWWC and other tournaments.
Maybe around 100 hours are AFK but more than triple that will be from Observer mode (either actually watching it or just leaving it play in the background). Obs mode becomes a lot more interesting when you don't have TV!
Fried Tech
3k in 15 months on account
Joe Hostile
0% AFK except to grab food or something real fast!
I'm now at 2999 hours over 30 months. which means I've played almost 900 hours in the past 4 months. Some is afk... but still... that is awful
4025 hours 33 minutes over the past 33 months...not as bad as some people xD
Malice Black
Under 1700 hours in 31 months.
Originally Posted by Brianna
I'll quote myself to remind Rahja that I've been the winner so far. xD
To make this a legit post I have been playing for 2,686 Hours over the past 34 months
1,083 hours 49 minutes over the past 9 months. >___<
But if I really wanna know how long a person has played GW, I ask them what the XP on their main toon is lol, as hours don't really give an indication (all the afk'ing). If I have to be AFK for more than 5mins, I always log out.
So the above amount you see is real play time! Hehe yeah I know...
Scorps = 8-|
But if I really wanna know how long a person has played GW, I ask them what the XP on their main toon is lol, as hours don't really give an indication (all the afk'ing). If I have to be AFK for more than 5mins, I always log out.
So the above amount you see is real play time! Hehe yeah I know...
Scorps = 8-|
1739 hours and 39 minutes over the last 7 months. about 140 ish hours afk for drunkard title
Maybe 100-200 hours afk (9Rings, etc)
Can't wait for the birthday presents
Will be getting 2 presents on the first day and then another one 5 weeks later^^
Malice Black
Originally Posted by MMSDome
you have been on Guild Wars more then you have done anything else in real life.
JESUS CHRIST. To make this a legit post I have been playing for 2,686 Hours over the past 34 months |
My current main account = 4987 hours. I dont do afk ~ unless i fall asleep at the keyboard...
??? L??wLi????????? ???
<.< Thats for my pre character from deathlvling
1750 hours in 33 months.
I've been here and there ...
I've been here and there ...
over the past 30 months I have logged 4,900 hours---I dont do afk so thats mostly PLAYED hours.
6465 hours over 32 months
2500 of that is on my Ranger.
2500 of that is on my Ranger.
Macks Mistress
Across two accounts 4k, rounded up.
Most of my recent hours are me logging on to chat more than anything.
Most of my recent hours are me logging on to chat more than anything.
1752... mostly pvp though
over 24 months
over 24 months
Phaedra Firesoul
two accounts: about 3,000 total over 26 months. 600 of which are on my main character Phae. I'm rarely afk.
freaky naughty
1.5k hours (rounded, unrounded it's like 1.48k) in 20 months. To those of you who claim that out of their 10k + hours 9/10ths are afk. Right.....................................
El Presidente
6356 hrs over 31 months...
Alex the Great
1k hours in 21 months.
casual much
6 months i was grounded though
casual much
6 months i was grounded though
Didn't play for months 2-3 on that account.
~30 hours afk
Can't access my original account anymore.. but I think there was maybe ~200hrs on it.
I Is Special
Way too F*cking many
~3300 in the past 34 months... coming close to bday 3 woo
723 hours over 3 months.
Lots of Dire pet death leveling over night, when my computer is on Guild Wars is usually up. Lots of AFK, I probably AFK more than I play, but whatever :-p I should break that habit to have a good idea of how much I play ^^.
Lots of Dire pet death leveling over night, when my computer is on Guild Wars is usually up. Lots of AFK, I probably AFK more than I play, but whatever :-p I should break that habit to have a good idea of how much I play ^^.
Today I had:
1919 hours and 19 minutes over 19 months =]
1922 hours and 13 minutes now.
1919 hours and 19 minutes over 19 months =]
1922 hours and 13 minutes now.
Main account is 4753 hours 30 minutes over 34 months, second account is 1050 hour 55 minutes over 27 months. Wow...thats 5803 hours 25 minutes! Some of it was afk festival stuff though.
927 hours in 24 months.
You have played this character for 444 hours 52 minutes over the past 6 months. Across all characters, you have played for 1,358 hours 27 minutes of the past 10 months.
I kinda thought it would have ended up being more than that, but meh.
I kinda thought it would have ended up being more than that, but meh.
about 1800 hours in 27 months.
not too bad
not too bad
3700 hours over 25 months i think.
1600 on my main and all of that time spent with my best friend
1600 on my main and all of that time spent with my best friend
Originally Posted by mr_groovy
2.5K in 22 months Not to much :P
i have maybe, at the most, 300 hours a month. and thats a lot for me.
i play 3-4 hours once a weekend, and sometimes a miss a week. and my parents still get mad!!!
oh yeah, and about 2.99 of those 3 hours is FREEZE, LAG, FROZEN, DEAD, SHUT DOWN COMPUTER, START UP COMPUTER
yes, i have a dell that is, literally, my grandads. 1980s. antique. worth billions of dollars to collectors